public void MetadataOutOfOrderShouldBeIgnored_OptIn()
            const string GpxText = @"
<gpx version='1.1' creator='HarelM' n0:schemaLocation='' xmlns='' n1:xsi='' n1:gpx1='' n1:ogt10='' xmlns:n0='xsi' xmlns:n1='xmlns'>
      <trkpt lat='32.737328' lon='35.65718'>
    <link href='' />

            Assert.ThrowsAny <XmlException>(() => GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, null));

            var gpx = GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, new GpxReaderSettings {
                IgnoreUnexpectedChildrenOfTopLevelElement = true

            Assert.Equal("HarelM", gpx.Metadata.Creator);
            Assert.True(gpx.Metadata.IsTrivial); // metadata element came too late
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void DefaultInstanceShouldBeValid()
            var file = new GpxFile();

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                var writerSettings = new XmlWriterSettings {
                    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, CloseOutput = false
                using (var wr = XmlWriter.Create(ms, writerSettings))
                    file.WriteTo(wr, null);

                ms.Position = 0;
                file        = GpxFile.ReadFrom(XmlReader.Create(ms), null);
                Assert.Equal("NetTopologySuite.IO.GPX", file.Metadata.Creator);
        public void ChildElementWithUnexpectedNameShouldBeIgnored_OptIn()
            const string GpxText = @"
<gpx version='1.1' creator='S Health_0.2' n0:schemaLocation='' xmlns='' n1:xsi='' n1:gpx1='' n1:ogt10='' xmlns:n0='xsi' xmlns:n1='xmlns'>
      <trkpt lat='32.737328' lon='35.65718'>

            Assert.ThrowsAny <XmlException>(() => GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, null));

            var gpx = GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, new GpxReaderSettings {
                IgnoreUnexpectedChildrenOfTopLevelElement = true
            var trk    = Assert.Single(gpx.Tracks);
            var trkseg = Assert.Single(trk.Segments);
            var trkpt  = Assert.Single(trkseg.Waypoints);

            Assert.Equal(new GpxLatitude(32.737328), trkpt.Latitude);
            Assert.Equal(new GpxLongitude(35.65718), trkpt.Longitude);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void RoundTripTest(string path)
            var file = GpxFile.ReadFrom(XmlReader.Create(path), null);

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                var writerSettings = new XmlWriterSettings {
                    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, CloseOutput = false
                using (var wr = XmlWriter.Create(ms, writerSettings))
                    file.WriteTo(wr, null);

                ms.Position = 0;
                byte[] expected = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
                var    diff     = DiffBuilder.Compare(expected)

                // note that this is not a guarantee in the general case.  the inputs here have all been
                // slightly tweaked such that it should succeed for our purposes.
                Assert.False(diff.HasDifferences(), string.Join(Environment.NewLine, diff.Differences));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TimestampsShouldBeWrittenInGivenTimeZone()
            const string GpxText        = @"
<gpx xmlns='' version='1.1' creator='airbreather'>
    <wpt lat='0.1' lon='2.3'>
            var          outputTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.CreateCustomTimeZone("meh", TimeSpan.FromHours(3.5), "meh", "meh");
            var          settings       = new GpxWriterSettings {
                TimeZoneInfo = outputTimeZone
            string text = GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, null).BuildString(settings);

            // we read in times assuming UTC, and then asked it to write them out in a time zone
            // that's at +3.5 hours from UTC, so we should see +3.5 from what's written, *AND* with
            // an offset (at least at the time of writing, we always write out the most unambiguous
            // times that it seems like the framework allows).
            Assert.Contains("1234-05-06T10:38:09+03:30", text);
            Assert.Contains("5432-10-10T14:52:33+03:30", text);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void RoundTripTestStartingFromModelObjects()
            var file1 = new GpxFile();

            file1.Metadata = DataObjectBuilders.RandomGpxMetadata(this.random);
            for (int i = 0, cnt = this.random.Next(5, 10); i < cnt; i++)

            for (int i = 0, cnt = this.random.Next(5, 10); i < cnt; i++)

            for (int i = 0, cnt = this.random.Next(5, 10); i < cnt; i++)

            file1.Extensions = DataObjectBuilders.RandomExtensions(this.random);

            var file2 = GpxFile.Parse(file1.BuildString(null), null);

            Assert.Equal(file1.Metadata, file2.Metadata);
            Assert.Equal(file1.Waypoints.AsEnumerable(), file2.Waypoints.AsEnumerable());
            Assert.Equal(file1.Routes.AsEnumerable(), file2.Routes.AsEnumerable());
            Assert.Equal(file1.Tracks.AsEnumerable(), file2.Tracks.AsEnumerable());
            Assert.StrictEqual(file1.Extensions, file2.Extensions);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private string GetHighwayType(GpxFile gpx)
            var waypointsGroups = new List <GpxWaypoint[]>();

            waypointsGroups.AddRange((gpx.Routes ?? new List <GpxRoute>()).Select(route => route.Waypoints.ToArray()).Where(ps => ps.All(p => p.TimestampUtc.HasValue)).ToArray());
            waypointsGroups.AddRange((gpx.Tracks ?? new List <GpxTrack>()).Where(t => t.Segments != null).Select(track => track.Segments.SelectMany(s => s.Waypoints).ToArray()).Where(ps => ps.All(p => p.TimestampUtc.HasValue)));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private List <ILineString> GpxToItmLineStrings(GpxFile gpx)
     return((gpx.Routes ?? new List <GpxRoute>())
            .Select(route => ToItmLineString(route.Waypoints))
            .Concat((gpx.Tracks ?? new List <GpxTrack>())
                    .Select(track => track.Segments.SelectMany(s => s.Waypoints))
            .Where(l => l.Coordinates.Any())
        public void InvalidShortUrisShouldBeRejected()
            const string GpxText = @"
<gpx xmlns='' version='1.1' creator='airbreather'>
        <link href='\\' />

            Assert.ThrowsAny <XmlException>(() => GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, null));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void ExtensionsElementInGpxNamespaceShouldNotRepeatNamespaceSpecByDefault()
            const string GpxText = @"
<gpx xmlns='' version='1.1' creator='airbreather'>
    <extensions><myTest someData='4' /></extensions>
            string       text    = GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, null).BuildString(null);

            // be careful when using regex to match XML.
            var namespaceWasRepeatedRegex = new Regex("<extensions>.*topografix.*</extensions>", RegexOptions.Singleline);

            Assert.DoesNotMatch(namespaceWasRepeatedRegex, text);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void RoundTripForValuesVeryNearZeroShouldSucceed()
            var expectedWaypoint = new GpxWaypoint(new GpxLongitude(0.00001), new GpxLatitude(double.Epsilon), -double.Epsilon);
            var file             = new GpxFile
                Waypoints = { expectedWaypoint },

            file = GpxFile.Parse(file.BuildString(null), null);

            var actualWaypoint = Assert.Single(file.Waypoints);

            Assert.Equal(expectedWaypoint, actualWaypoint);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void DifferentVersionShouldBeValid_OptIn()
            const string GpxText = @"
<gpx xmlns='' version='1.2' creator='someone' />

            Assert.ThrowsAny <XmlException>(() => GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, null));

            var settings = new GpxReaderSettings {
                IgnoreVersionAttribute = true
            var file = GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, settings);

            Assert.Equal("someone", file.Metadata.Creator);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void MissingCreatorShouldFillInDefault_OptIn()
            const string GpxText = @"
<gpx xmlns='' version='1.1' />

            Assert.ThrowsAny <XmlException>(() => GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, null));

            var settings = new GpxReaderSettings {
                DefaultCreatorIfMissing = "Legacy IHM"
            var file = GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, settings);

            Assert.Equal("Legacy IHM", file.Metadata.Creator);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void RoundTripTestUsingText(string path)
            string expected = File.ReadAllText(path);
            var    file     = GpxFile.Parse(expected, null);
            string actual   = file.BuildString(null);
            var    diff     = DiffBuilder.Compare(expected)

            // note that this is not a guarantee in the general case.  the inputs here have all been
            // slightly tweaked such that it should succeed for our purposes.
            Assert.False(diff.HasDifferences(), string.Join(Environment.NewLine, diff.Differences));
        public void BarelyOverlongDataUrisShouldBeRejectedByDefault()
            string uriText = "data:," + new string('a', 65514);

            Debug.Assert(uriText.Length == 65520);

            string gpxText = $@"
<gpx xmlns='' version='1.1' creator='airbreather'>
        <link href='{uriText}' />

            Assert.ThrowsAny <XmlException>(() => GpxFile.Parse(gpxText, null));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void BadMetadataCreationTimeShouldBeValid_OptIn()
            const string GpxText = @"
<gpx xmlns='' version='1.1' creator='airbreather'>

            Assert.ThrowsAny <XmlException>(() => GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, null));

            var settings = new GpxReaderSettings {
                IgnoreBadDateTime = true
            var file = GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, settings);

        public void ExtraMetadataOrExtensionsShouldBeIgnored_OptIn()
            const string GpxText = @"
<gpx xmlns='' version='1.1' creator='airbreather'>
    <extensions xmlns=''>
        <element1 />
        <element2 />
    <wpt lat='0.1' lon='2.3' />
    <rte><rtept lat='4.5' lon='6.7' /></rte>
    <trk><trkseg><trkpt lat='8.9' lon='10.11' /></trkseg></trk>
    <extensions xmlns=''>
        <element2 />
        <element3 />

            Assert.ThrowsAny <XmlException>(() => GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, null));

            var gpx = GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, new GpxReaderSettings {
                IgnoreUnexpectedChildrenOfTopLevelElement = true

            Assert.Equal("airbreather", gpx.Metadata.Creator);
            Assert.Equal("desc1", gpx.Metadata.Description);
            Assert.Equal("name1", gpx.Metadata.Name);
            var extensions = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <IEnumerable <XElement> >(gpx.Extensions).ToArray();

            Assert.Contains(extensions, e => e.Name == XName.Get("element1", ""));
            Assert.Contains(extensions, e => e.Name == XName.Get("element2", ""));
            Assert.DoesNotContain(extensions, e => e.Name == XName.Get("element3", ""));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void BadWaypointTimestampShouldBeValid_OptIn()
            const string GpxText = @"
<gpx xmlns='' version='1.1' creator='airbreather'>
    <metadata />
    <wpt lat='0.1' lon='2.3'>

            Assert.ThrowsAny <XmlException>(() => GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, null));

            var settings = new GpxReaderSettings {
                IgnoreBadDateTime = true
            var file = GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, settings);

Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void TestParseUsingInlineText()
            const string GpxText = @"
<gpx xmlns='' version='1.1' creator='airbreather'>
    <metadata />
    <wpt lat='0.1' lon='2.3' />
    <rte><rtept lat='4.5' lon='6.7' /></rte>
    <trk><trkseg><trkpt lat='8.9' lon='10.11' /></trkseg></trk>
    <extensions><someArbitraryElement xmlns='' data='x' /></extensions>
            var          file    = GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, null);

            Assert.Equal("airbreather", file.Metadata.Creator);
            Assert.True(file.Metadata.IsTrivial, "Metadata should be considered trivial, even if it's specified as blank.");

            var actualWaypoint = Assert.Single(file.Waypoints);

            Assert.Equal(0.1, actualWaypoint.Latitude);
            Assert.Equal(2.3, actualWaypoint.Longitude);

            var actualRoute      = Assert.Single(file.Routes);
            var actualRoutePoint = Assert.Single(actualRoute.Waypoints);

            Assert.Equal(4.5, actualRoutePoint.Latitude);
            Assert.Equal(6.7, actualRoutePoint.Longitude);

            var actualTrack        = Assert.Single(file.Tracks);
            var actualTrackSegment = Assert.Single(actualTrack.Segments);
            var actualTrackPoint   = Assert.Single(actualTrackSegment.Waypoints);

            Assert.Equal(8.9, actualTrackPoint.Latitude);
            Assert.Equal(10.11, actualTrackPoint.Longitude);

            var actualExtensionElements = Assert.IsType <ImmutableXElementContainer>(file.Extensions);
            var actualExtensionElement  = Assert.Single(actualExtensionElements);

            Assert.Equal(XName.Get("someArbitraryElement", ""), actualExtensionElement.Name);
            Assert.Equal("x", actualExtensionElement.Attribute("data")?.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void TimestampsShouldPreserveFractionalSecondsWithinDefinedPrecision()
            const string GpxText = @"
<gpx xmlns='' version='1.1' creator='airbreather'>
    <wpt lat='0.1' lon='2.3'>
    <wpt lat='4.5' lon='6.7'>
            string       text    = GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, null).BuildString(null);

            Assert.Contains("1234-05-06T07:08:09.7654321Z", text);
            Assert.Contains("5432-10-10T11:22:33.8765432Z", text); // DateTime resolution is 100ns, so the value gets rounded to 7 digits
            Assert.Contains("1111-11-11T11:11:11.12345Z", text);   // don't output extra zeroes
        public void OverlongDataUrisShouldBeAccepted_OptIn(int totalUriLength)
            var sb = new StringBuilder(totalUriLength, totalUriLength);

            if ((sb.Capacity - sb.Length) % 4 != 0)
                // it wouldn't be valid base64, so try again.

            sb.Append('A', sb.Capacity - sb.Length);

            string uriText = sb.ToString();

            Debug.Assert(uriText.Length == totalUriLength);

            string gpxText  = $@"
<gpx xmlns='' version='1.1' creator='airbreather'>
        <link href='{uriText}' />
            var    settings = new GpxReaderSettings {
                BuildWebLinksForVeryLongUriValues = true
            var file = GpxFile.Parse(gpxText, settings);

            Assert.Equal(uriText, file.Metadata.Links[0].HrefString);

            // don't assert this: we *want* it to be non-null, and a later version of .NET Core may
            // or may not relax this restriction (dotnet/runtime#1857).

            string text = file.BuildString(null);

            Assert.Contains(uriText, text);
        public void BarelyLegalDataUrisShouldBeAccepted()
            string uriText = "data:," + new string('a', 65513);

            Debug.Assert(uriText.Length == 65519);

            string gpxText = $@"
<gpx xmlns='' version='1.1' creator='airbreather'>
        <link href='{uriText}' />
            var    file    = GpxFile.Parse(gpxText, null);

            Assert.Equal(uriText, file.Metadata.Links[0].Href.OriginalString);
            Assert.Equal(uriText, file.Metadata.Links[0].HrefString);

            string text = file.BuildString(null);

            Assert.Contains(uriText, text);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void TimestampsShouldBeInterpretedInGivenTimeZone()
            const string GpxText       = @"
<gpx xmlns='' version='1.1' creator='airbreather'>
    <wpt lat='0.1' lon='2.3'>
            var          inputTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.CreateCustomTimeZone("meh", TimeSpan.FromHours(3.5), "meh", "meh");
            var          settings      = new GpxReaderSettings {
                TimeZoneInfo = inputTimeZone
            var file = GpxFile.Parse(GpxText, settings);

            // we told it that our times are in a time zone that's at +3.5 hours from UTC, and the
            // data is stored UTC, so we should see -3.5 from what's written.
            Assert.Equal(new DateTime(1234, 05, 06, 03, 38, 09), file.Metadata.CreationTimeUtc.GetValueOrDefault());
            Assert.Equal(new DateTime(5432, 10, 10, 07, 52, 33), file.Waypoints[0].TimestampUtc.GetValueOrDefault());
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public void ParseWithInfiniteWaypointElevationShouldFail(string inner)
     Assert.ThrowsAny <XmlException>(() => GpxFile.Parse($"<gpx xmlns='' version='1.1' creator='airbreather'>{inner}</gpx>", null));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public void RequiredGpxAttributesMustBePresentByDefault(string gpx)
     Assert.ThrowsAny <XmlException>(() => GpxFile.Parse(gpx, null));