public virtual object BuildGenericMapInstance(MapObjectInfo mapObjectInfo, Type t)
     System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<AbstractObjectInfo, AbstractObjectInfo> map = mapObjectInfo.GetMap();
     Type genericType = t.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
     object newMap = null;
         newMap = System.Activator.CreateInstance(t);
     catch (System.Exception e)
         throw new ODBRuntimeException(NeoDatisError.MapInstanciationError.AddParameter(map.GetType().FullName), e);
     int i = 0;
     System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<AbstractObjectInfo> iterator = map.Keys.GetEnumerator();
     AbstractObjectInfo key = null;
     MethodInfo method = t.GetMethod("Add", t.GetGenericArguments());
     while (iterator.MoveNext())
         key = iterator.Current;
         object realKey = BuildOneInstance(key);
         object realValue = BuildOneInstance(map[key]);
         method.Invoke(newMap, new object[] { realKey, realValue });
     return newMap;
		/// <summary>Checks if something in the Map has changed, if yes, stores the change</summary>
		/// <param name="nnoi1">
		/// The first Object meta representation (nnoi =
		/// NonNativeObjectInfo)
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="nnoi2">The second object meta representation</param>
		/// <param name="fieldIndex">The field index that this map represents</param>
		/// <param name="moi1">The Meta representation of the map 1 (moi = MapObjectInfo)</param>
		/// <param name="moi2">The Meta representation of the map 2</param>
		/// <param name="objectRecursionLevel"></param>
		/// <returns>true if the 2 map representations are different</returns>
		private bool ManageMapChanges(NonNativeObjectInfo
			 nnoi1, NonNativeObjectInfo nnoi2, int fieldId
			, MapObjectInfo moi1, MapObjectInfo
			 moi2, int objectRecursionLevel)
            if (true)
                return true;
				, AbstractObjectInfo> map1 = moi1.GetMap();
				, AbstractObjectInfo> map2 = moi2.GetMap();
			if (map1.Count != map2.Count)
				System.Text.StringBuilder buffer = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
				buffer.Append("Map size has changed oldsize=").Append(map1.Count).Append("/newsize="
				StoreChangedObject(nnoi1, nnoi2, fieldId, moi1, moi2, buffer.ToString(), objectRecursionLevel
				return true;
				> keys1 = map1.Keys.GetEnumerator();
				> keys2 = map2.Keys.GetEnumerator();
			AbstractObjectInfo key1 = null;
			AbstractObjectInfo key2 = null;
			AbstractObjectInfo value1 = null;
			AbstractObjectInfo value2 = null;
			int index = 0;
			while (keys1.MoveNext())
				key1 = keys1.Current;
				key2 = keys2.Current;
				bool keysHaveChanged = this.HasChanged(key1, key2, objectRecursionLevel);
				if (keysHaveChanged)
					StoreChangedObject(nnoi1, nnoi2, fieldId, key1, key2, "Map key index " + index + 
						" has changed", objectRecursionLevel);
					return true;
				value1 = map1[key1];
				value2 = map2[key2];
				bool valuesHaveChanged = this.HasChanged(value1, value2, objectRecursionLevel);
				if (valuesHaveChanged)
					StoreChangedObject(nnoi1, nnoi2, fieldId, value1, value2, "Map value index " + index
						 + " has changed", objectRecursionLevel);
					return true;
			return false;
		public virtual IDictionary BuildNonGenericMapInstance(MapObjectInfo mapObjectInfo, Type t)
			System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<AbstractObjectInfo,AbstractObjectInfo> map = mapObjectInfo.GetMap();
			IDictionary newMap;
				newMap = (IDictionary) System.Activator.CreateInstance(t);
			catch (System.Exception e)
				throw new ODBRuntimeException(NeoDatisError.MapInstanciationError.AddParameter(map.GetType().FullName),e);
			int i = 0;
			System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<AbstractObjectInfo> iterator = map.Keys.GetEnumerator();
			AbstractObjectInfo key = null;
			while (iterator.MoveNext())
				key = iterator.Current;
				object realKey = BuildOneInstance(key);
				object realValue = BuildOneInstance(map[key]);
                newMap[realKey] = realValue;
			return newMap;