Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ParentMeshInSpace_GetRenderSceneDataAddToFrameData(Component_MeshInSpace sender, ViewportRenderingContext context, GetRenderSceneDataMode mode, ref Component_RenderingPipeline.RenderSceneData.MeshItem item)
            if (!CalculateOnCPU)
                Component_Skeleton skeleton = ReplaceSkeleton;
                if (skeleton == null)
                    skeleton = ParentMeshInSpace?.Mesh.Value?.Skeleton;

                if (skeleton != null)
                    var animation = PlayAnimation.Value;
                    if (animation != null)

                        //settings.animationStates = new AnimationStateItem[ 1 ];
                        //settings.animationStates[ 0 ] = new AnimationStateItem( animation, currentLocalTime, 1 );

                        var skeletonAnimation = animation as Component_SkeletonAnimation;
                        var track             = skeletonAnimation?.Track.Value;

                        if (track != null || CalculateBoneTransforms != null)
                            Update(skeleton, track, currentAnimationTime);

                            if (transformMatrixRelativeToSkin != null && transformMatrixRelativeToSkin.Length != 0)
                                item.AnimationData = new Component_RenderingPipeline.RenderSceneData.MeshItem.AnimationDataClass();

                                bool dualQuaternion = false;                                // GetSkinningMode( skeleton ) == Component_Skeleton.SkinningModeEnum.DualQuaternion;
                                if (dualQuaternion)
                                    item.AnimationData.Mode = 2;
                                    item.AnimationData.Mode = 1;

                                //create dynamic texture
                                var size         = new Vector2I(4, MathEx.NextPowerOfTwo(transformMatrixRelativeToSkin.Length));
                                var bonesTexture = context.DynamicTexture_Alloc(ViewportRenderingContext.DynamicTextureType.DynamicTexture, Component_Image.TypeEnum._2D, size, PixelFormat.Float32RGBA, 0, false);

                                //try get array from texture to minimize memory allocations
                                var surfaces = bonesTexture.Result.GetData();
                                if (surfaces == null)
                                    surfaces = new GpuTexture.SurfaceData[] { new GpuTexture.SurfaceData(0, 0, new byte[size.X * size.Y * 16]) }
                                var data = surfaces[0].data;

                                //copy data to the texture
                                    fixed(byte *pData2 = data)
                                        Matrix4F *pData = (Matrix4F *)pData2;

                                        for (int n = 0; n < transformMatrixRelativeToSkin.Length; n++)
                                            pData[n] = transformMatrixRelativeToSkin[n];
                                bonesTexture.Result.SetData(new GpuTexture.SurfaceData[] { new GpuTexture.SurfaceData(0, 0, data) });

                                item.AnimationData.BonesTexture = bonesTexture;

        void RenderSkeleton(Viewport viewport)
            // ParentMeshInSpace.Transform is automaticaly applyed to ParentMeshInSpace.Mesh, skeleton must be transformed manually
            var transformMatrix = ParentMeshInSpace?.Transform.Value?.ToMatrix4() ?? Matrix4.Identity;

            var skeletonArrows = GetCurrentAnimatedSkeletonArrows();

            if (skeletonArrows != null)
                var color = new ColorValue(0, 0.5, 1, 0.7);                   //ToDo : Вынести в другое место.
                viewport.Simple3DRenderer.SetColor(color, color * ProjectSettings.Get.HiddenByOtherObjectsColorMultiplier);

                foreach (var arrow in skeletonArrows)
                    viewport.Simple3DRenderer.AddArrow(transformMatrix * arrow.Start, transformMatrix * arrow.End);

        bool CheckNeedModifiableMesh()
            if (CalculateOnCPU)
                if (ReplaceSkeleton.ReferenceSpecified)
                var mesh = ParentMeshInSpace?.Mesh.Value;
                if (mesh != null && mesh.Skeleton.ReferenceSpecified)

                if (PlayAnimation.ReferenceSpecified)


        void UpdateModifiableMesh(ViewportRenderingContext context)
            var originalMesh   = ParentMeshInSpace.Mesh.Value;
            var modifiableMesh = ParentMeshInSpace.ModifiableMesh;

            Component_Skeleton skeleton = ReplaceSkeleton;

            if (skeleton == null)
                skeleton = originalMesh.Skeleton;
            if (skeleton != null)

                var animation = PlayAnimation.Value;
                if (animation != null)

                    //settings.animationStates = new AnimationStateItem[ 1 ];
                    //settings.animationStates[ 0 ] = new AnimationStateItem( animation, currentLocalTime, 1 );

                    var skeletonAnimation = animation as Component_SkeletonAnimation;
                    var track             = skeletonAnimation?.Track.Value;

                    if (track != null || CalculateBoneTransforms != null)
                        Update(skeleton, track, currentAnimationTime);
                        CalculateCPU(skeleton, originalMesh, modifiableMesh);

                if (needResetToOriginalMesh)
                    needResetToOriginalMesh = false;
                    if (CalculateOnCPU)
                        ResetToOriginalMesh(originalMesh, modifiableMesh);


        void ResetTime(bool needResetToOriginalMesh)
            if (needResetToOriginalMesh)
                this.needResetToOriginalMesh = true;
            currentEngineTime    = EngineApp.EngineTime;
            currentAnimationTime = (PlayAnimation.Value as Component_SkeletonAnimation)?.TrackStartTime ?? 0;

        void UpdateAnimationTime()
            double t         = EngineApp.EngineTime;
            double increment = t - currentEngineTime;

            currentEngineTime     = t;
            currentAnimationTime += increment * Speed;

            var animation = PlayAnimation.Value as Component_SkeletonAnimation;

            if (animation != null)
                double animationStartTime = animation.TrackStartTime;
                double animationLength    = animation.Length;
                if (animationLength > 0)
                    if (AutoRewind)
                        while (currentAnimationTime > animationStartTime + animationLength)
                            currentAnimationTime -= animationLength;
                        while (currentAnimationTime < animationStartTime)
                            currentAnimationTime += animationLength;
                        MathEx.Clamp(ref currentAnimationTime, animationStartTime, animationStartTime + animationLength);
                    currentAnimationTime = animationStartTime;
                currentAnimationTime = 0;