Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Overload this method to implement an external command within Revit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// The result indicates if the execution fails, succeeds, or was canceled by user. If it does not
        /// succeed, Revit will undo any changes made by the external command.
        /// </returns>
        int Execute(ref string message, params string[] parameters)
            // FIXME: somehow fetch back message after script execution...
            var executor = new ScriptExecutor(NavisPythonShellApplication.GetConfig());

            string source;

            using (var reader = File.OpenText(_scriptSource))
                source = reader.ReadToEnd();

            var result = executor.ExecuteScript(source, _scriptSource);

            message = executor.Message;

        /// <summary>
        /// Read in the commands from the XML file and display them in the
        /// list.
        /// </summary>
        private void ConfigureCommandsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _commands = NavisPythonShellApplication.GetCommands(
            lstCommands.DataSource = _commands;

            _searchPaths = NavisPythonShellApplication.GetConfig().GetSearchPaths().ToList();
            lstSearchPaths.DataSource = _searchPaths;

            _variables = NavisPythonShellApplication.GetConfig().GetVariables().AsEnumerable().ToList();
            lstVariables.DataSource    = _variables;
            lstVariables.DisplayMember = "Key";

            string initScriptPath = NavisPythonShellApplication.GetInitScriptPath();

            txtInitScript.Text = initScriptPath;

            string startupScriptPath = NavisPythonShellApplication.GetStartupScriptPath();

            txtStartupScript.Text = startupScriptPath;
        /// <summary>
        /// Open a window to let the user enter python code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override int Execute(params string[] parameters)
            //load the application
            if (!NavisPythonShellApplication.applicationLoaded)

            var gui = new IronPythonConsole();

            gui.consoleControl.WithConsoleHost((host) =>
                // now that the console is created and initialized, the script scope should
                // be accessible...
                new ScriptExecutor(NavisPythonShellApplication.GetConfig())
                .SetupEnvironment(host.Engine, host.Console.ScriptScope);

                host.Console.ScriptScope.SetVariable("__window__", gui);

                // run the initscript
                var initScript = NavisPythonShellApplication.GetInitScript();
                if (initScript != null)
                        var scriptSource = host.Engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(initScript, SourceCodeKind.Statements);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Something went horribly wrong!");

            var dispatcher = Dispatcher.FromThread(Thread.CurrentThread);

            gui.consoleControl.WithConsoleHost((host) =>
                host.Console.SetCommandDispatcher((command) =>
                    if (command != null)
                        // Slightly involved form to enable keyboard interrupt to work.
                        var executing = true;
                        var operation = dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, command);
                        while (executing)
                            if (operation.Status != DispatcherOperationStatus.Completed)
                            if (operation.Status == DispatcherOperationStatus.Completed)
                                executing = false;
                host.Editor.SetCompletionDispatcher((command) =>
                    var executing = true;
                    var operation = dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, command);
                    while (executing)
                        if (operation.Status != DispatcherOperationStatus.Completed)
                        if (operation.Status == DispatcherOperationStatus.Completed)
                            executing = false;