Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void StartCompare(int tableNo)
            using (var db = new NAV_FIELDS_DBEntities())
                // Display all Data from the database
                var query = from b in db.NavFields09vs18
                            where (b.TableNo == tableNo)
                            orderby b.TableNo, b.FieldNo
                select b
                string TableName = "";
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("All Columns in the Table:");
                foreach (var item in query)
                    TableName = DataClass.ReplaceChar(item.TableName2018);
                DataTable dt18 = DataClass.GetSQLTableSchema(Settings.ConnStringNav2018, "[" + Settings.TargetDBName + "].[dbo].[" + Settings.TargetCompany + "$" + TableName + "]");
                DataTable dt09 = DataClass.GetSQLTableSchema(Settings.ConnStringNav2009, "[" + Settings.SourceDBName + "].[dbo].[" + Settings.SourceCompany + "$" + TableName + "]");

                foreach (DataRow field in dt18.Rows)
                    foreach (DataColumn property in dt18.Columns)
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Columnname  is " + property);
                        if (property.ColumnName == "ColumnName")
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ColumName is Columnname  and has Value " + field[property]);
                        if (property.ColumnName == "ColumnSize")
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ColumSize for " + field[0] + " is " + field[property]);
                            CompareColumnSizeWith2009(dt09, field, property);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void ListTableDifferences(int tableNo)
            using (var db = new NAV_FIELDS_DBEntities())
                // Check for Suspicious Tables
                var susptables = from entryadata in db.NavFields09vs18
                                 where (entryadata.TableNo == tableNo)
                                 orderby entryadata.TableNo
                                 group entryadata by entryadata.TableNo into newGroup
                                 select newGroup;
                foreach (var nameGroup in susptables)
                    string compare = "";
                    //Console.WriteLine($"Key: {nameGroup.Key}");
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("--Compare Table No.:" + nameGroup.Key);

                    foreach (var navf in nameGroup)
                        if (
                            (navf.TableChangedNameIn2018 == 1) ||
                            (navf.TableDeletedIn2018 == 1) ||
                            (navf.FieldName2009ChangedIn2018 == 1) ||
                            (navf.FieldNameLengthChanged == 1) ||
                            (navf.FieldTypeChanged == 1)
                            compare = "--Compare Table No.:" + tableNo + "(" + navf.TableName2018 + ")";

                // Display all Data from the database
                var query = from b in db.NavFields09vs18
                            where (b.TableNo == tableNo)
                            orderby b.TableNo, b.FieldNo
                select b
                string TableName = "";

                //Foreach Entry in Table NAV09vs2018
                foreach (var item in query)
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("--?????.:" + item.FieldName2018);

                    TableName = DataClass.ReplaceChar(item.TableName2018);

                    if ((item.FieldName2009ChangedIn2018 == 1))
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("FieldName Changed: Fieldname NAV2009: " + item.FieldName2009 + " ->  Fieldname NAV2018: " + item.FieldName2018 + " FieldNo[" + item.FieldNo + "]");
                    if ((item.Length2009 != item.Length2018) & (item.FieldName2009 != null))
                        //Only if in 2018 is smaller than in 2009
                        if (item.Length2009 > item.Length2018)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("FieldLength Changed: NAV2009: " + item.FieldName2009 + "(" + item.Length2009 + ")   -> in NAV2018: " + item.FieldName2018 + "(" + item.Length2018 + ")" + " FieldNo[" + item.FieldNo + "]");
                    if ((item.Type2009 != item.Type2018) & (item.FieldName2009 != null))
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("FieldType Changed: NAV2009: " + item.FieldName2009 + "(" + item.Type2009 + ") -> in NAV2018: " + item.FieldName2018 + "(" + item.Type2018 + ")" + " FieldNo[" + item.FieldNo + "]");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static void RunCreateCreateTSqlS(int tableNo)
            using (var db = new NAV_FIELDS_DBEntities())
                // Display all Data from the database
                var query = from b in db.NavFields09vs18
                            where (b.TableNo == tableNo && b.Class2018 != "FlowField" && b.Class2018 != "FlowFilter" && b.Enabled2018 == "Ja")
                            orderby b.TableNo, b.FieldNo
                select b
                string Columns2018 = "";
                string TableName   = "";
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("All Columns in the Table:");
                foreach (var item in query)
                    Columns2018 = Columns2018 + '[' + DataClass.ReplaceChar(item.FieldName2018) + ']' + ',';
                    TableName   = DataClass.ReplaceChar(item.TableName2018);
                Columns2018 = Columns2018.Remove(Columns2018.Length - 1);
                string sqlcmd       = "";
                string sqlcmddelete = "";
                if (Settings.WithDeleteStatements == true)
                    sqlcmddelete = sqlcmddelete + "DELETE FROM [" + Settings.TargetDBName + "].[dbo].[" + Settings.TargetCompany + "$" + TableName + "]";
                sqlcmd = sqlcmd + "INSERT INTO [" + Settings.TargetDBName + "].[dbo].[" + Settings.TargetCompany + "$" + TableName + "] (";

                sqlcmd = sqlcmd + Columns2018 + ") ";

                DataTable dt18 = DataClass.GetSQLTableSchema(Settings.ConnStringNav2018, "[" + Settings.TargetDBName + "].[dbo].[" + Settings.TargetCompany + "$" + TableName + "]");
                DataTable dt09 = DataClass.GetSQLTableSchema(Settings.ConnStringNav2009, "[" + Settings.SourceDBName + "].[dbo].[" + Settings.SourceCompany + "$" + TableName + "]");

                sqlcmd = sqlcmd + " SELECT ";
                if (Settings.SelectNRowsToInsert > 0)
                    sqlcmd = sqlcmd + " TOP (" + Settings.SelectNRowsToInsert.ToString() + ") ";
                string Columns2009 = "";
                foreach (var item in query)
                    if (item.FieldName2009 != null)
                        if (item.FieldName2009ChangedIn2018 == 1)
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("FNo: "+ item.FieldNo +" Field2009: " + item.FieldName2009 + " F18: " + item.FieldName2018 + " Type" + item.Type2018);
                            Columns2009 = Columns2009 + TableCompare.GetFieldTypeIn2018(TableName, DataClass.ReplaceCharPoint(item.FieldName2018)) + ",";
                        else if (CheckTypeIn2009Equivalent(item.FieldName2009, dt09) != "")
                            Columns2009 = Columns2009 + CheckTypeIn2009Equivalent(item.FieldName2009, dt09) + ',';
                            Columns2009 = Columns2009 + '[' + DataClass.ReplaceCharPoint(item.FieldName2009) + ']' + ',';
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("FNo: " + item.FieldNo + " Field2009: " + item.FieldName2009 + " F18: " + item.FieldName2018 + " Type" + item.Type2018);
                        // TODO: Check which Default value must put here if Field exist in 2018 and not in 2009, and Field are not NULL Allowed
                        switch (item.Type2018)
                        case "GUID":
                            Columns2009 = Columns2009 + "NEWID() ,";

                        case "Media":
                            Columns2009 = Columns2009 + "NEWID() ,";

                        case "DateTime":
                            Columns2009 = Columns2009 + "SYSDATETIME() ,";

                        case "Decimal":
                            Columns2009 = Columns2009 + "0 ,";

                        case "RecordID":
                            Columns2009 = Columns2009 + "cast('' as varbinary(50)) ,";

                            Columns2009 = Columns2009 + " '',";
                if (Columns2009.EndsWith(","))
                    Columns2009 = Columns2009.Remove(Columns2009.Length - 1);

                sqlcmd = sqlcmd + Columns2009 + " ";

                sqlcmd = sqlcmd + " FROM [SQLTEST].[" + Settings.SourceDBName + "].[dbo].[" + Settings.SourceCompany + "$" + TableName + "] t1 ";

                string strKeyFields   = "";
                string strIdentityON  = "";
                string strIdentityOFF = "";
                foreach (DataRow field in dt18.Rows)
                    foreach (DataColumn property in dt18.Columns)
                        if (property.ColumnName == "IsKey")
                            if (field[property].ToString() == "True")
                                strKeyFields = strKeyFields + "[" + field[0] + "],";
                                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(field[0] + " " + property.ColumnName + " " + field[property].ToString());
                        if (property.ColumnName == "IsIdentity")
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(field[0] + " " + property.ColumnName + " " + field[property].ToString());
                            if (field[property].ToString() == "True")
                                strIdentityON  = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT [" + Settings.TargetDBName + "].[dbo].[" + Settings.TargetCompany + "$" + TableName + "] ON";
                                strIdentityOFF = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT [" + Settings.TargetDBName + "].[dbo].[" + Settings.TargetCompany + "$" + TableName + "] OFF";

                if (strKeyFields.Count() > 1)
                    strKeyFields = strKeyFields.Remove(strKeyFields.Length - 1);
                string   checkKeys = "";
                string[] s         = strKeyFields.Split(',');
                foreach (string w in s)
                    checkKeys = checkKeys + "t2." + w + "=t1." + w + " " + CheckFieldForCollate(w, TableName, dt18) + " AND ";
                checkKeys = checkKeys.Remove(checkKeys.Length - 4);

                //sqlcmd = sqlcmd + " WHERE NOT " + strKeyFields + " COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CS_AS IN (SELECT " + strKeyFields + " FROM ["+Settings.TargetDBName+"].[dbo].["+ TargetCompany + "$" + TableName + "]) ";
                sqlcmd = sqlcmd + " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT " + strKeyFields + " FROM [" + Settings.TargetDBName + "].[dbo].[" + Settings.TargetCompany + "$" + TableName + "] t2 WHERE " + checkKeys + ")";

                foreach (DataRow field in dt09.Rows)
                    //sqlcmd = sqlcmd + "["+ DataClass.ReplaceChar(field[0].ToString())+"],";

                if (TableName == "Payment Terms")
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("DELETE FROM["+Settings.TargetDBName+"].[dbo].[" + Settings.TargetCompany + "$Payment Terms]  WHERE[Last Modified Date Time] >= Convert(datetime, '2018-04-01')");

                if (TableName == "Country_Region")
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("DELETE FROM ["+Settings.TargetDBName+"].[dbo].[" + Settings.TargetCompany + "$Country_Region] WHERE Id <> CAST('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)");
                    //sqlcmd = sqlcmd.Replace("[" + Settings.SourceCompany + "$Country_Region]", "[Country_Region]");

                //if (TableName == "Shipment Method")
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("DELETE FROM ["+Settings.TargetDBName+"].[dbo].[" + Settings.TargetCompany + "$Shipment Method] WHERE Id <> CAST('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)");

                //if (TableName == "Customer")
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("DELETE FROM ["+Settings.TargetDBName+"].[dbo].[" + Settings.TargetCompany + "$Customer] WHERE Image <> CAST('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)");

                if (strIdentityOFF != "")
                if (strIdentityON != "")


            string CheckTypeIn2009Equivalent(string fieldname, DataTable dt09)
                string s = "";

                foreach (DataRow field in dt09.Rows)
                    foreach (DataColumn property in dt09.Columns)
                        if (property.ColumnName == "IsKey")
                        if (fieldname == field[0].ToString())
                            if (property.ColumnName == "DataType")
                                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Fieldname in CheckTypeIn2009Equivalent Check is " + field[0]);
                                //.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(field[0] + " " + property.ColumnName + " " + field[property].ToString());
                                if (field[property].ToString() == "System.Byte[]")
                                    if (field[0].ToString() == "Picture")
                                        s = "0x";
                                        s = "NEWID() ";

            string CheckFieldForCollate(string fieldname, string tablename, DataTable dt18)
                fieldname = fieldname.Replace("[", "");
                fieldname = fieldname.Replace("]", "");
                string colstr = "";

                foreach (DataRow field in dt18.Rows)
                    foreach (DataColumn property in dt18.Columns)
                        if (property.ColumnName == "IsKey")
                        if (fieldname == field[0].ToString())
                            if (property.ColumnName == "DataType")
                                if (field[property].ToString() == "System.String")
                                    colstr = "COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CS_AS ";