Executes IUndoCommands without any additional handling.
Inheritance: ICommandExecutor
        public static TemporaryFile Download([NotNull] this DownloadRetrievalMethod retrievalMethod, [NotNull] ITaskHandler handler, [CanBeNull] ICommandExecutor executor = null)
            #region Sanity checks
            if (retrievalMethod == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("retrievalMethod");
            if (handler == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");

            if (executor == null) executor = new SimpleCommandExecutor();
            if (retrievalMethod.Href == null) throw new ArgumentException(Resources.HrefMissing, "retrievalMethod");
            new PerTypeDispatcher<DownloadRetrievalMethod>(ignoreMissing: false)
                // ReSharper disable AccessToDisposedClosure
                (Archive archive) =>
                    // Guess MIME types now because the file ending is not known later
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(archive.MimeType))
                        string mimeType = Archive.GuessMimeType(archive.Href.OriginalString);
                        executor.Execute(new SetValueCommand<string>(() => archive.MimeType, value => archive.MimeType = value, mimeType));
                (SingleFile file) =>
                    // Guess file name based on URL
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.Destination))
                        string destination = file.Href.GetLocalFileName();
                        executor.Execute(new SetValueCommand<string>(() => file.Destination, value => file.Destination = value, destination));
                // ReSharper restore AccessToDisposedClosure

            // Download the file
            var href = ModelUtils.GetAbsoluteHref(retrievalMethod.Href, string.IsNullOrEmpty(executor.Path) ? null : new FeedUri(executor.Path));
            var downloadedFile = new TemporaryFile("0publish");
            handler.RunTask(new DownloadFile(href, downloadedFile)); // Defer task to handler

            // Set downloaded file size
            long newSize = new FileInfo(downloadedFile).Length;
            if (retrievalMethod.Size != newSize)
                executor.Execute(new SetValueCommand<long>(() => retrievalMethod.Size, value => retrievalMethod.Size = value, newSize));

            return downloadedFile;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds missing data (by downloading and infering) to an <see cref="Implementation"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="implementation">The <see cref="Implementation"/> to add data to.</param>
        /// <param name="handler">A callback object used when the the user is to be informed about progress.</param>
        /// <param name="executor">Used to apply properties in an undoable fashion.</param>
        /// <param name="keepDownloads"><see langword="true"/> to store the directory as an implementation in the default <see cref="IStore"/>.</param>
        /// <exception cref="OperationCanceledException">The user canceled the task.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="WebException">A file could not be downloaded from the internet.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">There is a problem access a temporary file.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="UnauthorizedAccessException">Read or write access to a temporary file is not permitted.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="DigestMismatchException">An existing digest does not match the newly calculated one.</exception>
        public static void AddMissing([NotNull] this Implementation implementation, [NotNull] ITaskHandler handler, [CanBeNull] ICommandExecutor executor = null, bool keepDownloads = false)
            #region Sanity checks
            if (implementation == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("implementation");
            if (handler == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");

            if (executor == null) executor = new SimpleCommandExecutor();

            ConvertSha256ToSha256New(implementation, executor);

            foreach (var retrievalMethod in implementation.RetrievalMethods)
                if (implementation.IsManifestDigestMissing() || retrievalMethod.IsDownloadSizeMissing())
                    using (var tempDir = retrievalMethod.DownloadAndApply(handler, executor))
                        implementation.UpdateDigest(tempDir, handler, executor, keepDownloads);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(implementation.ID)) implementation.ID = @"sha1new=" + implementation.ManifestDigest.Sha1New;
        public static TemporaryDirectory LocalApply([NotNull] this DownloadRetrievalMethod retrievalMethod, string localPath, [NotNull] ITaskHandler handler, [CanBeNull] ICommandExecutor executor = null)
            #region Sanity checks
            if (retrievalMethod == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("retrievalMethod");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(localPath)) throw new ArgumentNullException("localPath");
            if (handler == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");

            if (executor == null) executor = new SimpleCommandExecutor();

            // Set local file size
            long newSize = new FileInfo(localPath).Length;
            if (retrievalMethod.Size != newSize)
                executor.Execute(new SetValueCommand<long>(() => retrievalMethod.Size, value => retrievalMethod.Size = value, newSize));

            var extractionDir = new TemporaryDirectory("0publish");
                new PerTypeDispatcher<DownloadRetrievalMethod>(ignoreMissing: true)
                    // ReSharper disable AccessToDisposedClosure
                    (Archive archive) =>
                        // Guess MIME types now because the file ending is not known later
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(archive.MimeType))
                            string mimeType = Archive.GuessMimeType(localPath);
                            executor.Execute(new SetValueCommand<string>(() => archive.MimeType, value => archive.MimeType = value, mimeType));

                        archive.Apply(localPath, extractionDir, handler);
                    (SingleFile file) =>
                        // Guess file name based on local path
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.Destination))
                            string destination = Path.GetFileName(localPath);
                            executor.Execute(new SetValueCommand<string>(() => file.Destination, value => file.Destination = value, destination));

                        file.Apply(localPath, extractionDir, handler);
                    // ReSharper restore AccessToDisposedClosure
                #region Error handling

            return extractionDir;