Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override bool Load(TestPackage package)
            log.Info("Loading " + package.Name);

            runtimeFramework = package.Settings["RuntimeFramework"] as RuntimeFramework;
            if ( runtimeFramework == null )
                 runtimeFramework = RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework;

            bool loaded = false;

                if (this.agent == null)
                    this.agent = Services.TestAgency.GetAgent(

                    if (this.agent == null)
                        return false;
				if ( this.TestRunner == null )
					this.TestRunner = agent.CreateRunner(this.runnerID);

				loaded = base.Load (package);
                return loaded;
                // Clean up if the load failed
				if ( !loaded ) Unload();
        private void AppendProcessInfo( int pid, string moduleName, RuntimeFramework framework )
            AppendBoldText(string.Format("{0} ( {1} )\r\n", moduleName, pid));

                "  CLR Version: {0} ( {1} )\r\n",
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Selects a target runtime framework for a TestPackage based on
        /// the settings in the package and the assemblies themselves.
        /// The package RuntimeFramework setting may be updated as a 
        /// result and the selected runtime is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="package">A TestPackage</param>
        /// <returns>The selected RuntimeFramework</returns>
        public RuntimeFramework SelectRuntimeFramework(TestPackage package)
            RuntimeFramework currentFramework = RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework;
            RuntimeFramework requestedFramework = package.Settings["RuntimeFramework"] as RuntimeFramework;

            log.Debug("Current framework is {0}", currentFramework);
            if (requestedFramework == null)
                log.Debug("No specific framework requested");
                log.Debug("Requested framework is {0}", requestedFramework);

            RuntimeType targetRuntime = requestedFramework == null
                ? RuntimeType.Any 
                : requestedFramework.Runtime;
            Version targetVersion = requestedFramework == null
                ? RuntimeFramework.DefaultVersion
                : requestedFramework.FrameworkVersion;

            if (targetRuntime == RuntimeType.Any)
                targetRuntime = currentFramework.Runtime;

            if (targetVersion == RuntimeFramework.DefaultVersion)
                if (Services.UserSettings.GetSetting("Options.TestLoader.RuntimeSelectionEnabled", true))
                    foreach (string assembly in package.Assemblies)
                        using (AssemblyReader reader = new AssemblyReader(assembly))
                            string vString = reader.ImageRuntimeVersion;
                            if (vString.Length > 1) // Make sure it's a valid dot net assembly
                                Version v = new Version(vString.Substring(1));
                                log.Debug("Assembly {0} uses version {1}", assembly, v);
                                if (v > targetVersion) targetVersion = v;
                    targetVersion = RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework.ClrVersion;

                RuntimeFramework checkFramework = new RuntimeFramework(targetRuntime, targetVersion);
                if (!checkFramework.IsAvailable || !Services.TestAgency.IsRuntimeVersionSupported(targetVersion))
                    log.Debug("Preferred version {0} is not installed or this NUnit installation does not support it", targetVersion);
                    if (targetVersion < currentFramework.FrameworkVersion)
                        targetVersion = currentFramework.FrameworkVersion;

            RuntimeFramework targetFramework = new RuntimeFramework(targetRuntime, targetVersion);
            package.Settings["RuntimeFramework"] = targetFramework;

            log.Debug("Test will use {0} framework", targetFramework);

            return targetFramework;
        public void RequestForSpecificVersionIsHonored(RuntimeFramework requestedFramework)
            Assume.That(requestedFramework.Runtime, Is.EqualTo(RuntimeType.Any));

            RuntimeFrameworkSelector selector = new RuntimeFrameworkSelector();
            package.Settings["RuntimeFramework"] = requestedFramework;

            RuntimeFramework selectedFramework = selector.SelectRuntimeFramework(package);
            Assert.That(selectedFramework.Runtime, Is.EqualTo(RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework.Runtime));
            Assert.That(selectedFramework.ClrVersion, Is.EqualTo(requestedFramework.ClrVersion));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a TestAssemblyInfo
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblyName">The name of the assembly</param>
        /// <param name="imageRuntimeVersion">The version of the runtime for which the assembly was built</param>
        /// <param name="runnerRuntimeFramework">The runtime framework under which the assembly is loaded</param>
        /// <param name="testFrameworks">A list of test framework useds by the assembly</param>
		public TestAssemblyInfo( string assemblyName, Version imageRuntimeVersion, RuntimeFramework runnerRuntimeFramework, IList testFrameworks )
			this.assemblyName = assemblyName;
            this.imageRuntimeVersion = imageRuntimeVersion;
            this.runnerRuntimeFramework = runnerRuntimeFramework;
            this.testFrameworks = testFrameworks;
            Process p = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
            this.processId = p.Id;
            this.moduleName = p.MainModule.ModuleName;
            this.domainName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName;
            this.appBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase;
            this.configFile = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile;
            this.binPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.PrivateBinPath;
        /// <summary>
        /// Selects a target runtime framework for a TestPackage based on
        /// the settings in the package and the assemblies themselves.
        /// The package RuntimeFramework setting may be updated as a 
        /// result and the selected runtime is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="package">A TestPackage</param>
        /// <returns>The selected RuntimeFramework</returns>
        public RuntimeFramework SelectRuntimeFramework(TestPackage package)
            RuntimeFramework currentFramework = RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework;
            RuntimeFramework requestedFramework = package.Settings["RuntimeFramework"] as RuntimeFramework;

            log.Debug("Current framework is {0}", currentFramework);
            if (requestedFramework == null)
                log.Debug("No specific framework requested");
                log.Debug("Requested framework is {0}", requestedFramework);

            RuntimeType targetRuntime = requestedFramework == null
                ? RuntimeType.Any 
                : requestedFramework.Runtime;
            Version targetVersion = requestedFramework == null
                ? RuntimeFramework.DefaultVersion
                : requestedFramework.FrameworkVersion;

            if (targetRuntime == RuntimeType.Any)
                targetRuntime = currentFramework.Runtime;

            if (targetVersion == RuntimeFramework.DefaultVersion)
                foreach (string assembly in package.Assemblies)
                    using (AssemblyReader reader = new AssemblyReader(assembly))
                        Version v = new Version(reader.ImageRuntimeVersion.Substring(1));
                        log.Debug("Assembly {0} uses version {1}", assembly, v);
                        if (v > targetVersion) targetVersion = v;

                RuntimeFramework checkFramework = new RuntimeFramework(targetRuntime, targetVersion);
                if (!checkFramework.IsAvailable || NUnitConfiguration.GetTestAgentExePath(targetVersion) == null)
                    log.Debug("Preferred version {0} is not installed or this NUnit installation does not support it", targetVersion);
                    if (targetVersion < currentFramework.FrameworkVersion)
                        targetVersion = currentFramework.FrameworkVersion;

            RuntimeFramework targetFramework = new RuntimeFramework(targetRuntime, targetVersion);
            package.Settings["RuntimeFramework"] = targetFramework;

            log.Debug("Test will use {0} framework", targetFramework);

            return targetFramework;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a test runner based on the settings in a TestPackage.
        /// Any setting that is "consumed" by the factory is removed, so
        /// that downstream runners using the factory will not repeatedly
        /// create the same type of runner.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="package">The TestPackage to be loaded and run</param>
        /// <returns>A TestRunner</returns>
        public static TestRunner MakeTestRunner(TestPackage package)
            RuntimeFramework currentFramework = RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework;
            RuntimeFramework targetFramework = package.Settings["RuntimeFramework"] as RuntimeFramework;
            if (targetFramework == null)
                targetFramework = currentFramework;
            else if (targetFramework.Runtime == RuntimeType.Any)
                targetFramework = new RuntimeFramework(currentFramework.Runtime, targetFramework.Version);
                package.Settings["RuntimeFramework"] = targetFramework;

            log.Debug("Test requires {0} framework", targetFramework);

            ProcessModel processModel = (ProcessModel)package.GetSetting("ProcessModel", ProcessModel.Default);
            if ( processModel == ProcessModel.Default )
                if ( !targetFramework.Matches( currentFramework ) )
                    processModel = ProcessModel.Separate;

            switch (processModel)
                case ProcessModel.Multiple:
                    return new MultipleTestProcessRunner();
                case ProcessModel.Separate:
                    return new ProcessRunner();
                    DomainUsage domainUsage = 
                        (DomainUsage)package.GetSetting("DomainUsage", DomainUsage.Default);
                    if (domainUsage == DomainUsage.Multiple)
                        return new MultipleTestDomainRunner();
                        return new TestDomain();
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if a particular target runtime is available.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="framework">The framework being sought</param>
 /// <returns>True if it's available, false if not</returns>
 public static bool IsAvailable(RuntimeFramework framework)
     switch (framework.Runtime)
         case RuntimeType.Mono:
             return IsMonoInstalled();
         case RuntimeType.Net:
             return CurrentFramework.Matches( framework ) || IsDotNetInstalled(framework.Version);
             return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private bool IsRuntimeSupported(RuntimeType runtime, string versionSpecification)
            Version version = versionSpecification == null
                ? RuntimeFramework.DefaultVersion
                : new Version(versionSpecification);

            RuntimeFramework target = new RuntimeFramework(runtime, version);

            return rt.Supports(target);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public TestAgent GetAgent(RuntimeFramework framework, int waitTime, bool enableDebug)
            log.Info("Getting agent for use under {0}", framework);

            if (!framework.IsAvailable)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    string.Format("The {0} framework is not available", framework),

            // TODO: Decide if we should reuse agents
            //AgentRecord r = FindAvailableRemoteAgent(type);
            //if ( r == null )
            //    r = CreateRemoteAgent(type, framework, waitTime);
            return CreateRemoteAgent(framework, waitTime, enableDebug);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public TestAgent GetAgent(RuntimeFramework framework, int waitTime)
     return GetAgent(framework, waitTime, false);
		/// <summary>
		/// Default constructor uses the operating system and
		/// common language runtime of the system.
		/// </summary>
		public PlatformHelper()
			this.os = Environment.OSVersion;
			this.rt = RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework;
Ejemplo n.º 13
		/// <summary>
		/// Default constructor uses the operating system and
		/// common language runtime of the system.
		/// </summary>
		public PlatformHelper()
			this.os = OSPlatform.CurrentPlatform;
			this.rt = RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework;
Ejemplo n.º 14
		public void LoadTest( string testName )
            log.Info("Loading tests for " + Path.GetFileName(TestFileName));

            long startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

				events.FireTestLoading( TestFileName );

                TestPackage package = MakeTestPackage(testName);
				testRunner = TestRunnerFactory.MakeTestRunner(package);

                bool loaded = testRunner.Load(package);

				loadedTest = testRunner.Test;
				loadedTestName = testName;
				testResult = null;
				reloadPending = false;
				if ( Services.UserSettings.GetSetting( "Options.TestLoader.ReloadOnChange", true ) )
					InstallWatcher( );

                if (loaded)
                    this.currentFramework = package.Settings.Contains("RuntimeFramework")
                        ? package.Settings["RuntimeFramework"] as RuntimeFramework
                        : RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework;

                    testProject.HasChangesRequiringReload = false;
                    events.FireTestLoaded(TestFileName, loadedTest);
                    lastException = new ApplicationException(string.Format("Unable to find test {0} in assembly", testName));
                    events.FireTestLoadFailed(TestFileName, lastException);
			catch( FileNotFoundException exception )
                log.Error("File not found", exception);
				lastException = exception;

				foreach( string assembly in TestProject.ActiveConfig.Assemblies )
					if ( Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( assembly ) == exception.FileName &&
						!PathUtils.SamePathOrUnder( testProject.ActiveConfig.BasePath, assembly ) )
						lastException = new ApplicationException( string.Format( "Unable to load {0} because it is not located under the AppBase", exception.FileName ), exception );

				events.FireTestLoadFailed( TestFileName, lastException );

                double loadTime = (double)(DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime) / (double)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
                log.Info("Load completed in {0} seconds", loadTime);
			catch( Exception exception )
                log.Error("Failed to load test", exception);

				lastException = exception;
				events.FireTestLoadFailed( TestFileName, exception );
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Reload the current test on command
        /// </summary>
        public void ReloadTest(RuntimeFramework framework)
            log.Info("Reloading tests for " + Path.GetFileName(TestFileName));
                events.FireTestReloading( TestFileName );

                TestPackage package = MakeTestPackage(loadedTestName);
                if (framework != null)
                    package.Settings["RuntimeFramework"] = framework;


                if (!factory.CanReuse(testRunner, package))
                    testRunner = factory.MakeTestRunner(package);

                if (testRunner.Load(package))
                    this.currentFramework = package.Settings.Contains("RuntimeFramework")
                        ? package.Settings["RuntimeFramework"] as RuntimeFramework
                        : RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework;

                loadedTest = testRunner.Test;
                currentRuntime = framework;
                reloadPending = false;

                if (ServicesArxNet.UserSettings.GetSetting("Options.TestLoader.ReloadOnChange", true))

                testProject.HasChangesRequiringReload = false;
                events.FireTestReloaded(TestFileName, loadedTest);

                log.Info("Reload complete");
            catch( Exception exception )
                log.Error("Reload failed", exception);
                lastException = exception;
                events.FireTestReloadFailed( TestFileName, exception );
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor uses the operating system and
 /// common language runtime of the system.
 /// </summary>
 public PlatformHelper()
     this.os = OSPlatform.CurrentPlatform;
     this.rt = RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Contruct a PlatformHelper for a particular operating
 /// system and common language runtime. Used in testing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="os">OperatingSystem to be used</param>
 public PlatformHelper(OSPlatform os, RuntimeFramework rt)
     this.os = os;
     this.rt = rt;
        /// <summary>
        /// Return true if the current project can be reloaded under
        /// the specified CLR version.
        /// </summary>
        /*public bool CanReloadUnderRuntimeVersion(Version version)
            if (!ServicesArxNet.TestAgency.IsRuntimeVersionSupported(version))
                return false;

            foreach (TestAssemblyInfo info in AssemblyInfo)
                if (info.ImageRuntimeVersion > version)
                    return false;

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Reload the current test on command
        /// </summary>
        public new void ReloadTest(RuntimeFramework framework)
            log.Info("Reloading tests for " + Path.GetFileName(TestFileName));

            object value;
            TestEventDispatcher events;
            string loadedTestName;
            TestRunner testRunner;
            ITestRunnerFactory factory;
            RuntimeFramework currentFramework;
            ITest loadedTest;
            bool reloadPending;
            NUnitProject testProject;
            Exception lastException;

                //private TestEventDispatcher events;
                events = null;
                value = GetBaseNoPublicField("events");
                if (value != null) events = (TestEventDispatcher)value;
                if (events != null) events.FireTestReloading(TestFileName);

                //private string loadedTestName = null;
                //TestPackage package = MakeTestPackage(loadedTestName);
                loadedTestName = null;
                value = GetBaseNoPublicField("loadedTestName");
                if (value != null) loadedTestName = (string)value;
                TestPackage package = MakeTestPackage(loadedTestName);

                if (framework != null)
                    package.Settings["RuntimeFramework"] = framework;


                //private TestRunner testRunner = null;
                testRunner = null;
                value = GetBaseNoPublicField("testRunner");
                if (value != null)      testRunner = (TestRunner)value;
                if (testRunner != null) testRunner.Unload();

                //private ITestRunnerFactory factory;
                //if (!factory.CanReuse(testRunner, package))
                factory = null;
                value = GetBaseNoPublicField("factory");
                if (value != null) factory = (ITestRunnerFactory)value;
                if (factory != null)
                    if (!factory.CanReuse(testRunner, package))

                        //private TestRunner testRunner = null;
                        //testRunner = factory.MakeTestRunner(package);
                        testRunner = factory.MakeTestRunner(package);
                        SetBaseNoPublicField("testRunner", testRunner);

                //private TestRunner testRunner = null;
                //if (testRunner.Load(package))
                testRunner = null;
                value = GetBaseNoPublicField("testRunner");
                if (value != null) testRunner = (TestRunner)value;
                if (testRunner != null)
                    if (testRunner.Load(package))
                        //private RuntimeFramework currentFramework = RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework;
                        /*this.currentFramework = package.Settings.Contains("RuntimeFramework")
                            ? package.Settings["RuntimeFramework"] as RuntimeFramework
                            : RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework;*/
                        currentFramework = package.Settings.Contains("RuntimeFramework")
                            ? package.Settings["RuntimeFramework"] as RuntimeFramework
                            : RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework;
                        SetBaseNoPublicField("currentFramework", currentFramework);

                //private ITest loadedTest = null;
                //loadedTest = testRunner.Test;
                testRunner = null;
                value = GetBaseNoPublicField("testRunner");
                if (value != null) testRunner = (TestRunner)value;
                if (testRunner != null)
                    loadedTest = testRunner.Test;
                    SetBaseNoPublicField("loadedTest", loadedTest);

                //private RuntimeFramework currentFramework = RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework;
                //currentRuntime = framework;
                currentFramework = framework;
                SetBaseNoPublicField("currentFramework", currentFramework);

                //private bool reloadPending = false;
                //reloadPending = false;
                reloadPending = false;
                SetBaseNoPublicField("reloadPending", reloadPending);

                if (ServicesArxNet.UserSettings.GetSetting("Options.TestLoader.ReloadOnChange", true))

                //private NUnitProject testProject = null;
                //testProject.HasChangesRequiringReload = false;
                testProject = null;
                value = GetBaseNoPublicField("testProject");
                if (value != null)          testProject = (NUnitProject)value;
                if (testProject != null)    testProject.HasChangesRequiringReload = false;

                //private ITest loadedTest = null;
                //events.FireTestReloaded(TestFileName, loadedTest);
                loadedTest = null;
                value = GetBaseNoPublicField("loadedTest");
                if (loadedTest != null) loadedTest = (ITest)value;
                //private TestEventDispatcher events;
                //events.FireTestReloaded(TestFileName, loadedTest);
                events = null;
                value = GetBaseNoPublicField("events");
                if (value != null) events = (TestEventDispatcher)value;
                if (events != null) events.FireTestReloaded(TestFileName, loadedTest);

                log.Info("Reload complete");
            catch (Exception exception)
                log.Error("Reload failed", exception);

                //private Exception lastException = null;
                //lastException = exception;
                lastException = exception;
                SetBaseNoPublicField("lastException", lastException);

                //private TestEventDispatcher events;
                //events.FireTestReloadFailed(TestFileName, exception);
                events = null;
                value = GetBaseNoPublicField("events");
                if (value != null)  events = (TestEventDispatcher)value;
                if (events != null) events.FireTestReloadFailed(TestFileName, exception);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor uses the operating system and
 /// common language runtime of the system.
 /// </summary>
 public PlatformHelper()
     this.os = Environment.OSVersion;
     this.rt = RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an array of all available frameworks of a given type,
        /// for example, all mono or all .NET frameworks.
        /// </summary>
        public static RuntimeFramework[] GetAvailableFrameworks(RuntimeType rt)
            ArrayList frameworks = new ArrayList();

            if (rt == RuntimeType.Net)
                RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\policy");
                if (key != null)
                    foreach (string name in key.GetSubKeyNames())
                        if (name.StartsWith("v"))
                            RegistryKey key2 = key.OpenSubKey(name);
                            foreach (string build in key2.GetValueNames())
                                frameworks.Add( new RuntimeFramework(rt, new Version(name.Substring(1) + "." + build)));
            else if (rt == RuntimeType.Mono && IsMonoInstalled())
                RuntimeFramework framework = new RuntimeFramework(rt, new Version(1,1,4322));
                framework.displayName = "Mono 1.0 Profile";
                frameworks.Add( framework );
                framework = new RuntimeFramework(rt, new Version(2, 0, 50727));
                framework.displayName = "Mono 2.0 Profile";
                frameworks.Add( framework );
            // Code to list various versions of Mono - currently not used
            //else if (rt == RuntimeType.Mono)
            //    RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Novell\Mono");
            //    if (key != null)
            //    {
            //        foreach (string name in key.GetSubKeyNames())
            //        {
            //            RuntimeFramework framework = new RuntimeFramework(rt, new Version(1, 0));
            //            framework.displayName = "Mono " + name + " - 1.0 Profile";
            //            frameworks.Add(framework);
            //            framework = new RuntimeFramework(rt, new Version(2, 0));
            //            framework.displayName = "Mono " + name + " - 2.0 Profile";
            //            frameworks.Add(framework);
            //        }
            //    }

            return (RuntimeFramework[])frameworks.ToArray(typeof(RuntimeFramework));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private static void AppendMonoFrameworks(FrameworkCollection frameworks)
#if true
            string monoPrefix = null;
            string version    = null;

            if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT)
                RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Novell\Mono");
                if (key != null)
                    version = key.GetValue("DefaultCLR") as string;
                    if (version != null && version != "")
                        key = key.OpenSubKey(version);
                        if (key != null)
                            monoPrefix = key.GetValue("SdkInstallRoot") as string;
            else // Assuming we're currently running Mono - change if more runtimes are added
                string libMonoDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(object).Assembly.Location);
                monoPrefix = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(libMonoDir));

            if (monoPrefix != null)
                string displayFmt = version != null
                    ? "Mono " + version + " - {0} Profile"
                    : "Mono {0} Profile";

                RuntimeFramework framework = new RuntimeFramework(RuntimeType.Mono, new Version(1, 1, 4322));
                framework.displayName = string.Format(displayFmt, "1.0");

                framework             = new RuntimeFramework(RuntimeType.Mono, new Version(2, 0, 50727));
                framework.displayName = string.Format(displayFmt, "2.0");

                if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(monoPrefix, "lib/Mono/4.0/mscorlib.dll")))
                    framework             = new RuntimeFramework(RuntimeType.Mono, new Version(4, 0, 30319));
                    framework.displayName = string.Format(displayFmt, "4.0");
            // Code to list various versions of Mono - currently not used
            // because it only works on Windows
            RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Novell\Mono");
            if (key == null)

            foreach (string name in key.GetSubKeyNames())
                RuntimeFramework framework = new RuntimeFramework(RuntimeType.Mono, new Version(1, 0));
                framework.displayName = "Mono " + name + " - 1.0 Profile";
                framework             = new RuntimeFramework(RuntimeType.Mono, new Version(2, 0));
                framework.displayName = "Mono " + name + " - 2.0 Profile";
Ejemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the current framework matches the
 /// one supplied as an argument. Two frameworks match
 /// if their runtime types are the same or either one
 /// is RuntimeType.Any and all specified version components
 /// are equal. Negative (i.e. unspecified) version
 /// components are ignored.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">The RuntimeFramework to be matched.</param>
 /// <returns>True on match, otherwise false</returns>
 public bool Matches(RuntimeFramework other)
     return (   this.Runtime == RuntimeType.Any
             || other.Runtime == RuntimeType.Any
             || this.Runtime == other.Runtime )
         && this.Version.Major == other.Version.Major
         && this.Version.Minor == other.Version.Minor
         && (   this.Version.Build < 0 
             || other.Version.Build < 0 
             || this.Version.Build == other.Version.Build ) 
         && (   this.Version.Revision < 0
             || other.Version.Revision < 0
             || this.Version.Revision == other.Version.Revision );
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private TestAgent CreateRemoteAgent(RuntimeFramework framework, int waitTime, bool enableDebug)
            Guid agentId = LaunchAgentProcess(framework, enableDebug);

            log.Debug( "Waiting for agent {0} to register", agentId.ToString("B") );

            int pollTime = 200;
            bool infinite = waitTime == Timeout.Infinite;

            while( infinite || waitTime > 0 )
                Thread.Sleep( pollTime );
                if ( !infinite ) waitTime -= pollTime;
                TestAgent agent = agentData[agentId].Agent;
                if ( agent != null )
                    log.Debug( "Returning new agent {0}", agentId.ToString("B") );
                    return agent;

            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 24
		/// <summary>
		/// Contruct a PlatformHelper for a particular operating
		/// system and common language runtime. Used in testing.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="os">OperatingSystem to be used</param>
		public PlatformHelper( OSPlatform os, RuntimeFramework rt )
			this.os = os;
			this.rt = rt;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private Guid LaunchAgentProcess(RuntimeFramework targetRuntime, bool enableDebug)
            string agentExePath = NUnitConfiguration.GetTestAgentExePath(targetRuntime.ClrVersion);

            if (agentExePath == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    string.Format("NUnit components for version {0} of the CLR are not installed",
                    targetRuntime.ClrVersion.ToString()), "targetRuntime");

            log.Debug("Using nunit-agent at " + agentExePath);

            Process p = new Process();
            p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            Guid agentId = Guid.NewGuid();
            string arglist = agentId.ToString() + " " + ServerUrl;
            if (enableDebug)
                arglist += " --pause";

            switch( targetRuntime.Runtime )
                case RuntimeType.Mono:
                    p.StartInfo.FileName = NUnitConfiguration.MonoExePath;
                    if (enableDebug)
                        p.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format("--debug \"{0}\" {1}", agentExePath, arglist);
                        p.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format("\"{0}\" {1}", agentExePath, arglist);
                case RuntimeType.Net:
                    p.StartInfo.FileName = agentExePath;

                    if (targetRuntime.ClrVersion.Build < 0)
                        targetRuntime = RuntimeFramework.GetBestAvailableFramework(targetRuntime);

                    string envVar = "v" + targetRuntime.ClrVersion.ToString(3);
                    p.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables["COMPLUS_Version"] = envVar;

                    p.StartInfo.Arguments = arglist;
                    p.StartInfo.FileName = agentExePath;
                    p.StartInfo.Arguments = arglist;

            //p.Exited += new EventHandler(OnProcessExit);
            log.Info("Launched Agent process {0} - see nunit-agent_{0}.log", p.Id);
            log.Info("Command line: \"{0}\" {1}", p.StartInfo.FileName, p.StartInfo.Arguments);

            agentData.Add( new AgentRecord( agentId, p, null, AgentStatus.Starting ) );
            return agentId;
		/// <summary>
		/// Contruct a PlatformHelper for a particular operating
		/// system and common language runtime. Used in testing.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="os">OperatingSystem to be used</param>
		public PlatformHelper( OperatingSystem os, RuntimeFramework rt )
			this.os = os;
			this.rt = rt;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Contruct a PlatformHelper for a particular operating
 /// system and common language runtime. Used in testing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="os">OperatingSystem to be used</param>
 public PlatformHelper(OperatingSystem os, RuntimeFramework rt)
     this.os = os;
     this.rt = rt;
Ejemplo n.º 28
		/// <summary>
		/// Reload the current test on command
		/// </summary>
		public void ReloadTest(RuntimeFramework framework)
            log.Info("Reloading tests for " + Path.GetFileName(TestFileName));
				events.FireTestReloading( TestFileName );

                TestPackage package = MakeTestPackage(loadedTestName);
                if (framework != null)
                    package.Settings["RuntimeFramework"] = framework;

                testRunner = TestRunnerFactory.MakeTestRunner(package);

                if (testRunner.Load(package))
                    this.currentFramework = package.Settings.Contains("RuntimeFramework")
                        ? package.Settings["RuntimeFramework"] as RuntimeFramework
                        : RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework;

                loadedTest = testRunner.Test;
				reloadPending = false;

                testProject.HasChangesRequiringReload = false;
                events.FireTestReloaded(TestFileName, loadedTest);

                log.Info("Reload complete");
			catch( Exception exception )
                log.Error("Reload failed", exception);
                lastException = exception;
				events.FireTestReloadFailed( TestFileName, exception );
Ejemplo n.º 29
        //public void DestroyAgent( ITestAgent agent )
        //    AgentRecord r = agentData[agent.Id];
        //    if ( r != null )
        //    {
        //        if( !r.Process.HasExited )
        //            r.Agent.Stop();
        //        agentData[r.Id] = null;
        //    }

		#region Helper Methods
		private Guid LaunchAgentProcess(RuntimeFramework targetRuntime)
            string agentExePath = NUnitConfiguration.GetTestAgentExePath(targetRuntime.Version);

            if (agentExePath == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    string.Format("NUnit components for version {0} of the CLR are not installed",
                    targetRuntime.Version.ToString(3)), "targetRuntime");

            // TODO: Replace adhoc code
            //if (targetRuntime.Version.Major == 1 && RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework.Version.Major == 2)
            //    agentExePath = agentExePath
            //        .Replace("2.0", "1.1")
            //        .Replace("vs2008", "vs2003")
            //        .Replace("vs2005", "vs2003");
            //else if (targetRuntime.Version.Major == 2 && RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework.Version.Major == 1)
            //    agentExePath = agentExePath
            //        .Replace("1.1", "2.0")
            //        .Replace("1.0", "2.0")
            //        .Replace("vs2003", "vs2008");

            log.Debug("Using nunit-agent at " + agentExePath);

			Process p = new Process();
			p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            Guid agentId = Guid.NewGuid();
            string arglist = agentId.ToString() + " " + ServerUtilities.MakeUrl(this.uri, this.port);

            switch( targetRuntime.Runtime )
                case RuntimeType.Mono:
                    // TODO: Replace hard-coded path
                    p.StartInfo.FileName = NUnitConfiguration.MonoExePath;
				    p.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format( "\"{0}\" {1}", agentExePath, arglist );
                case RuntimeType.Net:
                    p.StartInfo.FileName = agentExePath;
                    if ( targetRuntime.Version == new Version("1.0.3705") )
                    p.StartInfo.Arguments = arglist;
				    p.StartInfo.FileName = agentExePath;
                    p.StartInfo.Arguments = arglist;
            //p.Exited += new EventHandler(OnProcessExit);
            log.Info("Launched Agent process {0} - see nunit-agent_{0}.log", p.Id);
            log.Info("Command line: \"{0}\" {1}", p.StartInfo.FileName, p.StartInfo.Arguments);

			agentData.Add( new AgentRecord( agentId, p, null, AgentStatus.Starting ) );
		    return agentId;