Ejemplo n.º 1
        public TmNode(TmNodeType nodeType, string name, TmNode parent, ThemeData data, Metadata metadata, string desc, DateTime? pubDate)
            _type = nodeType;
            _name = name;
            Parent = parent;

            _pubDate = pubDate.HasValue ? pubDate.Value : DefaultPubDate;
            //_readonly = (Parent == null) ? false : Parent._readonly;

            _description = desc;

            // Always create a data and Metadata object, else data binding in properties form won't work.
            _data = data ?? new ThemeData();
            _data.PropertyChanged += Data_PropertyChanged;
            Metadata = metadata ?? new Metadata();
            Metadata.PropertyChanged += Metadata_PropertyChanged;

            if (_type == TmNodeType.ThemeList)
                Author = new ThemeListAuthor();
                _status = ThemeListStatus.Created;
                _dataStore = TryToGetDataStore();
                // TryToGetDataStore() will set _readonly for theme
                ThemeList = this;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 //Load From MDB, SubTheme, overloads
 public ThemeNode(string name, TmNode parent, ThemeData data, Metadata metadata, string desc, DateTime? pubDate)
     : base(name, parent, metadata, desc)
     IsInitialized = false;
     Data = data;
     PubDate = pubDate.HasValue ? pubDate.Value : DefaultPubDate;
     //Age is not a saved property, so calling the setter will not flag the node as edited
     Age = CalculateAge();
     IsInitialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static void BuildThemeDataForLayer(ThemeData data, IGisLayer layer)
     data.DataSource      = layer.DataSource;
     data.WorkspacePath   = layer.WorkspacePath;
     data.WorkspaceProgId = layer.WorkspaceProgId;
     data.WorkspaceType   = layer.WorkspaceType;
     data.Container       = layer.Container;
     data.ContainerType   = layer.ContainerType;
     data.DataSourceName  = layer.DataSourceName;
     data.DataSetName     = layer.DataSetName;
     data.DataSetType     = layer.DataSetType;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the Path, Type and Format based on a new data source
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is called when the user changes the data source of a theme either by editing the path
        /// directly, or by reloading the theme.  It does not load the content or validate the properties.
        /// This method will not throw any exceptions.
        /// This should be a fast non-blocking method, but it isn't quite, see the docs on FromDataSource()
        /// for details on why.
        /// This method is required because WinForm binding is difficult to manage if an object is replaced
        /// by a new one. It is much easier to update the existing bound object.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="data">The theme's data source</param>
        internal async Task UpdateWithDataSourceAsync(ThemeData data)
            Metadata newMetadata = await FromDataSourceAsync(data);

            if (Path != null && newMetadata.Path == null)
                // This item has a non-standard metadata path (set manually), do not delete it.
            Path   = newMetadata.Path;
            Type   = newMetadata.Type;
            Format = newMetadata.Format;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static async Task BuildSubThemeForLayerAsync(TmNode node, IGisLayer subLayer)
            ThemeData data = new ThemeData(null, subLayer.DataType);

            if (subLayer.IsGroup)
                TmNode newNode = new TmNode(TmNodeType.Theme, subLayer.Name, node, data, null, null, null);
                await BuildSubThemesForGroupLayerAsync(newNode, subLayer);
                BuildThemeDataForLayer(data, subLayer);
                Metadata md = await Metadata.FromDataSourceAsync(data);

                TmNode newNode = new TmNode(TmNodeType.Theme, subLayer.Name, node, data, md, null, null);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private static void BuildSubThemeForLayer(ThemeNode node, ILayer subLayer)
            if (subLayer is GroupLayer)
                SubThemeNode newNode = new SubThemeNode(subLayer.Name, node, new ThemeData(null, "Group Layer", null), null, null, null);
                BuildSubThemesForGroupLayer(newNode, subLayer);
                string dataType = LayerUtilities.GetLayerDescriptionFromLayer(subLayer);
                ThemeData data = new ThemeData(null, dataType, null);

                BuildThemeDataForLayer(data, subLayer);

                Metadata md = Metadata.Find(data);
                TmNode newNode = new SubThemeNode(subLayer.Name, node, data, md, null, null);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal static Meta ExpectedMetadataProperties(ThemeData data)
            var newMeta = new Meta
                Type = MetadataType.Undefined,
                Format= MetadataFormat.Undefined

            if (data == null)
                return newMeta;

            newMeta.Type = MetadataType.FilePath;
            newMeta.Format = MetadataFormat.Xml;

            //general file based metadata
            if (data.Path != null && File.Exists(data.Path + ".xml"))
                newMeta.Path = data.Path + ".xml";
                return newMeta;

            if (data.DataSource != null && File.Exists(data.DataSource + ".xml"))
                newMeta.Path = data.DataSource + ".xml";
                return newMeta;

            //grids & tins
            if (data.DataSource != null
                //&& data.WorkspacePath != null
                && Directory.Exists(data.DataSource))
                string metapath = System.IO.Path.Combine(data.DataSource, "metadata.xml");
                if (File.Exists(metapath))
                    newMeta.Path = metapath;
                    return newMeta;

            if (data.IsShapefile)
                string metapath = data.DataSource + ".shp.xml";
                if (File.Exists(metapath))
                    newMeta.Path = metapath;
                    return newMeta;

            if (data.IsCoverage && data.WorkspacePath != null && data.Container != null)
                string coverageDir = System.IO.Path.Combine(data.WorkspacePath, data.Container);
                if (Directory.Exists(coverageDir))
                    string metapath = System.IO.Path.Combine(coverageDir, "metadata.xml");
                    if (File.Exists(metapath))
                        newMeta.Path = metapath;
                        return newMeta;

            if (data.IsCad && data.WorkspacePath != null && data.Container != null)
                string cadFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(data.WorkspacePath, data.Container);
                if (File.Exists(cadFile))
                    string metapath = cadFile + ".xml";
                    if (File.Exists(metapath))
                        newMeta.Path = metapath;
                        return newMeta;

            newMeta.Type = MetadataType.EsriDataPath;

            if (data.IsInGeodatabase && !data.IsLayerFile)
                newMeta.Path = data.DataSource;
                return newMeta;
            if (data.IsLayerFile && !data.IsGroupLayerFile)
                newMeta.Path = data.DataSource;
                return newMeta;

            //FIXME - does not work for web services ???
            newMeta.Type = MetadataType.Undefined;
            newMeta.Format = MetadataFormat.Undefined;
            return newMeta;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 internal void Repair(ThemeData data)
     //FIXME - this is a redundant load/validate/scan going on.
     Meta myNewProps = ExpectedMetadataProperties(data);
     if (myNewProps.Path == null)
         return;  //exception or error ???
     Type = myNewProps.Type;
     Format = myNewProps.Format;
     Path = myNewProps.Path;  //will revalidation only if path changes
Ejemplo n.º 9
        internal static Metadata Find(ThemeData data)
            if (data == null)
                return null;

            Meta myProps = ExpectedMetadataProperties(data);
            var metadata = new Metadata(myProps.Path, myProps.Type, myProps.Format);
            if (metadata.Validate())
                return metadata;
            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        // FIXME - the following would be nice to have, but I don't have
        // workable code, so they are not used
        //internal bool IsThemeListFile
        //    get
        //    {
        //        return false;
        //    }

        #region XML Serialize

        public static ThemeData Load(XElement xele)
            if (xele == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("xele");
            if (xele.Name != "data")
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Xelement");
            ThemeData data = new ThemeData(
            return data;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 //Load from MDB, ThemeBuilder, overloads
 public SubThemeNode(string name, TmNode parent, ThemeData data, Metadata metadata, string desc, DateTime? pubDate)
     : base(name, parent, data, metadata, desc, pubDate)
Ejemplo n.º 12
        internal static Metadata Find(ThemeData data)
            if (data == null)
                return null;

            meta myProps = ExpectedMetadataProperties(data);
            Metadata metadata = new Metadata(myProps.path, myProps.type, myProps.format);
            if (metadata != null && metadata.Validate())
                return metadata;
            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 private static void BuildThemeDataForLayer(ThemeData data, ILayer layer)
     // Can be called on any layer type, but it will not get sub layer information
     // and a lot of info will be lacking if this is not a data layer
     if (LayerUtilities.HasDataSetName(layer))
         data.DataSource = GetDataSourceFullNameFromLayer(layer);
         data.WorkspacePath = LayerUtilities.GetWorkspacePathFromLayer(layer);
         data.WorkspaceProgId = LayerUtilities.GetWorkspaceProgIDFromLayer(layer);
         data.WorkspaceType = LayerUtilities.GetWorkspaceTypeFromLayer(layer);
         data.Container = LayerUtilities.GetDataSourceContainerFromLayer(layer);
         data.ContainerType = LayerUtilities.GetDataSourceContainerTypeFromLayer(layer);
         data.DataSourceName = LayerUtilities.GetDataSourceNameFromLayer(layer);
         data.DataSetName = LayerUtilities.GetDataSetNameFromLayer(layer);
         data.DataSetType = LayerUtilities.GetDataSetTypeFromLayer(layer);
     else if (LayerUtilities.HasAGSServerObjectName(layer))
         data.DataSource = LayerUtilities.GetURLFromAGSLayer(layer);
         data.DataSourceName = LayerUtilities.GetNameFromAGSLayer(layer);
         data.DataSetName = data.DataSourceName;
         data.DataSetType = LayerUtilities.GetTypeFromAGSLayer(layer);
         data.WorkspacePath = null;
         data.WorkspaceProgId = null;
         data.WorkspaceType = null;
         data.Container = null;
         data.ContainerType = null;
     else if (LayerUtilities.HasIMSServiceDescription(layer))
         data.DataSource = LayerUtilities.GetURLFromIMSLayer(layer);
         data.DataSourceName = LayerUtilities.GetNameFromIMSLayer(layer);
         data.DataSetName = data.DataSourceName;
         data.DataSetType = LayerUtilities.GetTypeFromIMSLayer(layer);
         data.WorkspacePath = null;
         data.WorkspaceProgId = null;
         data.WorkspaceType = null;
         data.Container = null;
         data.ContainerType = null;
     else if (LayerUtilities.HasWMSConnectionName(layer))
         data.DataSource = LayerUtilities.GetURLFromWMSLayer(layer);
         data.DataSourceName = data.DataSource;
         data.DataSetName = data.DataSource;
         data.DataSetType = LayerUtilities.GetAllPropertiesFromWMSLayer(layer);
         data.WorkspacePath = null;
         data.WorkspaceProgId = null;
         data.WorkspaceType = null;
         data.Container = null;
         data.ContainerType = null;
     else if (LayerUtilities.HasDataSourceName(layer))
         data.DataSource = LayerUtilities.GetDataSourceName(layer);
         data.DataSourceName = data.DataSource;
         data.DataSetName = data.DataSource;
         data.DataSetType = data.DataSource;
         data.WorkspacePath = null;
         data.WorkspaceProgId = null;
         data.WorkspaceType = null;
         data.Container = null;
         data.ContainerType = null;
         data.DataSource = "!Error, Unable to determine data source type";
         data.WorkspacePath = null;
         data.WorkspaceProgId = null;
         data.WorkspaceType = null;
         data.Container = null;
         data.ContainerType = null;
         data.DataSourceName = null;
         data.DataSetName = null;
         data.DataSetType = null;
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.DataSource))
         data.DataSource = "!Error - Data source not found";
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Metadata reference appropriate for the data source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method will guess the metadata Path, Type and Format based on Esri conventions
        /// and file existence. It is Async, because Iit will check the file system for a file
        /// and/or directory existance which will block, and could take significant time in unusual
        /// circumstances: missing drive, network connection problems, drive asleep, etc. This may
        /// need to check several different paths to ensure we do not miss existing metadata for a datasource.
        /// This method is only called by ThemeBuilder.cs when the user adds a new data source.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="data">The theme's data source</param>
        /// <returns>a new Metadata object for a theme</returns>
        internal static async Task <Metadata> FromDataSourceAsync(ThemeData data)
            Metadata newMetadata = new Metadata();

            if (data == null)

            //Caution: Setting Path will clear the Type and Format, so set Path first.

            // General file based metadata
            //   Includes layer files.  if *.lyr.xml exists, it trumps the datasource metadata (for single datasource layers)
            if (data.Path != null && await MyFile.ExistsAsync(data.Path + ".xml"))
                newMetadata.Path   = data.Path + ".xml";
                newMetadata.Type   = MetadataType.FilePath;
                newMetadata.Format = MetadataFormat.Xml;

            // General file based metadata
            //   Includes file based raster data, LAS datasets, and others.
            if (data.DataSource != null && await MyFile.ExistsAsync(data.DataSource + ".xml"))
                newMetadata.Path   = data.DataSource + ".xml";
                newMetadata.Type   = MetadataType.FilePath;
                newMetadata.Format = MetadataFormat.Xml;

            // Grids, TINs, and other directory based feature classes
            if (data.IsRasterBand && data.DataSource != null && await MyDirectory.ExistsAsync(data.DataSource))
                string metadataPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(data.DataSource, "metadata.xml");
                if (await MyFile.ExistsAsync(metadataPath))
                    newMetadata.Path   = metadataPath;
                    newMetadata.Type   = MetadataType.FilePath;
                    newMetadata.Format = MetadataFormat.Xml;

            // Shapefile
            if (data.IsShapefile)
                string metadataPath = data.DataSource + ".shp.xml";
                if (await MyFile.ExistsAsync(metadataPath))
                    newMetadata.Path   = metadataPath;
                    newMetadata.Type   = MetadataType.FilePath;
                    newMetadata.Format = MetadataFormat.Xml;

            // ArcInfo Coverages
            if (data.IsCoverage && data.WorkspacePath != null && data.Container != null)
                string coverageDir = System.IO.Path.Combine(data.WorkspacePath, data.Container);
                if (await MyDirectory.ExistsAsync(coverageDir))
                    string metadataPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(coverageDir, "metadata.xml");
                    if (await MyFile.ExistsAsync(metadataPath))
                        newMetadata.Path   = metadataPath;
                        newMetadata.Type   = MetadataType.FilePath;
                        newMetadata.Format = MetadataFormat.Xml;

            // CAD
            if (data.IsCad && data.WorkspacePath != null && data.Container != null)
                string cadFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(data.WorkspacePath, data.Container);
                if (await MyFile.ExistsAsync(cadFile))
                    string metadataPath = cadFile + ".xml";
                    if (await MyFile.ExistsAsync(metadataPath))
                        newMetadata.Path   = metadataPath;
                        newMetadata.Type   = MetadataType.FilePath;
                        newMetadata.Format = MetadataFormat.Xml;

            // SDC - Smart Data Compression for ESRI Street Map and Sample datasets.
            if (data.IsSdc && data.WorkspacePath != null && data.Container != null)
                string sdcFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(data.WorkspacePath, data.Container);
                if (await MyFile.ExistsAsync(sdcFile))
                    string metadataPath = sdcFile + ".xml";
                    if (await MyFile.ExistsAsync(metadataPath))
                        newMetadata.Path   = metadataPath;
                        newMetadata.Type   = MetadataType.FilePath;
                        newMetadata.Format = MetadataFormat.Xml;

            // GeoDatabases - Metadata is not a separate XML file, it is internal to the database
            //   For SDE datasets to work, the original connection file (*.sde) must be available
            //     to all theme manager users, i.e. not in a local profile (the typical default location)
            if (data.IsInGeodatabase)
                newMetadata.Path = data.DataSource;
                if (data.IsRasterBand)
                    newMetadata.Path = data.DataSource?.Replace("\\" + data.DataSourceName, "");
                newMetadata.Type   = MetadataType.EsriDataPath;
                newMetadata.Format = MetadataFormat.Xml;

            // File based Raster band metadata
            //   DataSource will contain the Band Name, while metadata will not
            //   Needs to be done after geodatabase, else we miss rasterbands in geodatabases
            if (data.IsRasterBand && data.WorkspacePath != null && data.Container != null)
                string rasterName   = System.IO.Path.Combine(data.WorkspacePath, data.Container);
                string metadataPath = rasterName + ".xml";
                if (await MyFile.ExistsAsync(metadataPath))
                    newMetadata.Path   = metadataPath;
                    newMetadata.Type   = MetadataType.FilePath;
                    newMetadata.Format = MetadataFormat.Xml;

            // Esri Web services
            if ((data.IsEsriMapService || data.IsEsriImageService) && data.DataSource != null)
                newMetadata.Path   = Regex.Replace(data.DataSource, "/arcgis/services/", "/arcgis/rest/services/", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                newMetadata.Path  += "/info/metadata";
                newMetadata.Type   = MetadataType.Url;
                newMetadata.Format = MetadataFormat.Xml;
            if (data.IsEsriFeatureService && data.WorkspacePath != null)
                newMetadata.Path   = Regex.Replace(data.WorkspacePath, "/arcgis/services/", "/arcgis/rest/services/", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                newMetadata.Path  += "/info/metadata";
                newMetadata.Type   = MetadataType.Url;
                newMetadata.Format = MetadataFormat.Xml;

            // Other web services may have metadata, but we are not ready to support them
            // LiDAR data tiles (.las) are not data sources that ArcGIS manages directly (*.lasD files are handled above)
            // Raster functions have no permanent disk representation except a layer file

            // Do not provide a default, it was usually wrong, and it will be better to return nothing

            Debug.Print($"Metadata not found for Data.Path:{data.Path}, Data.DataSource:{data.DataSource}, Data.DataSetType:{data.DataSetType}");
