Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Event handler to find a customer by their last name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Possibly refactor to a seperate function.
        /// </remarks>
        protected void btnFindLastName_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // NMeggos
            // Define the location of the remote or local db.
            // Possibly refactor connection string assigned here to a global constant
            // configuration type property.
            var tempPath = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Accounts.mdb");
            var dataLayerObj = new clsDataLayer(tempPath);

                var dsFindLastName = myBusinessLayer.FindCustomer(txtLastName.Text);

                // NMeggos
                // Check if the returned object has any records returned,
                // and assigned to the object. Else apply message to end-user, no records found.
                // If true, assign each control the returned value of the object.
                if (dsFindLastName.tblCustomers.Rows.Count > 0)
                    txtFirstName.Text = dsFindLastName.tblCustomers[0].FirstName;
                    txtLastName.Text = dsFindLastName.tblCustomers[0].LastName;
                    txtLine1.Text = dsFindLastName.tblCustomers[0].Address1;
                    txtLine2.Text = dsFindLastName.tblCustomers[0].Address2;
                    txtCity.Text = dsFindLastName.tblCustomers[0].City;
                    txtState.Text = dsFindLastName.tblCustomers[0].State;
                    txtPhone.Text = dsFindLastName.tblCustomers[0].PhoneNumber;
                    lblCustomerId.Text = dsFindLastName.tblCustomers[0].CustomerID.ToString();

                    Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Record Found.";
                    // NMeggos
                    // If no record is found, display message to client
                    Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "No records were found!";
            catch (Exception ex)
                // NMeggos
                // If an exception occurs, provide message to client.
                // Append the error message to the initial event message.
                var message = "Something went wrong: ";
                Master.UserFeedBack.Text = $@"{message} {ex.Message}";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// NMeggos
        /// Method that will be called on page load in the build page
        /// that will bind to the customer list grid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private dsAccounts BindCustomerGridView()
            // NMeggos
            // Path to the Access DB asset.
            // New instance of data layer object, passing the connection string for data access.
            string tempPath = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Accounts.mdb");
            clsDataLayer myDataLayer = new clsDataLayer(tempPath);

            // NMeggos
            // Create a cache of the returned data set of customers.
            dsAccounts customerListing = myBusinessLayer.SelectAllCustomers();

            // NMeggos
            // Bind the returned results assigned to customerListing 
            // to gvCustomerList
            gvCustomerList.DataSource = customerListing.tblCustomers;

            // NMeggos
            // Create the cache object of the page
            Cache.Insert("CustomerDataSet", customerListing);

            return customerListing;