Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Loads accum with 1 on true, 0 on false.
        // Returns: Number of bytes generated.
        public override int GenOpCodes(OpCodeGenParam param)
                // Check if true
                if (Value == BOOLVAL_TYPE.BOOLVAL_TRUE)
                    // Load accumulator with 1
                    param.AddBytes(0xA9, 0x01);
                // Else false
                    // Load accumulator with 0
                    param.AddBytes(0xA9, 0x00);

            // Catch over 256 byte error,
            // and throw up
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
                throw ex;

            // Return current number of bytes
        // Gens op codes to create string on heap,
        // and load address in accumulator.
        // Returns: Number of bytes generated.
        public override int GenOpCodes(OpCodeGenParam param)
            // Inits
            HeapTableEntry heapEntry = null;

            // Check if heap entry exists
            heapEntry = param.tables.AddHeapTableEntry(param, Value);

                // Load accumulator with heap address
                //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("A9 H{0} ", heapEntry.HeapID);
                param.AddByteForUpdate('H', heapEntry.HeapID);

            // Catch over 256 byte error,
            // and throw up
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
                throw ex;

            // Increment bytes
            //param.curByte += 2;

            // Return cur num bytes
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Gens op codes to find address from var table,
        // and store value in accumulator.
        // Returns: Number of bytes generated.
        public override int GenOpCodes(OpCodeGenParam param)
            // Inits
            VarTableEntry varEntry = null;

            // Find var in var table
            varEntry = param.tables.GetVarTableEntry(SymbolTableEntry.EntryID);

            // Verify var entry exists
            if (varEntry != null)
                    // Load value into accumlator
                    param.opCodes.AppendFormat("AD V{0} 00 ", varEntry.VarID);
                    param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntry.VarID);

                // Catch over 256 byte error,
                // and throw up
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
                    throw ex;

            // Return number of bytes
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Gens code that allocates 00 to a location in memory,
        // tracked in var table.
        // Returns: Number of bytes generated.
        public override int GenOpCodes(OpCodeGenParam param)
            // Inits
            VarTableEntry varEntry = null;

            // Create var table entry for this
            varEntry = param.tables.CreateVarTableEntry(id.SymbolTableEntry);

            // Increment current vars in use

            // Check if entry found incase of some wierd error
            if (varEntry != null)
                    // Load accumlator with 0
                    //param.opCodes.Append("A9 00 ");
                    param.AddBytes(0xA9, 0x00);

                    // Add var entry to init value table
                    // for optimization
                    param.tables.AddInitValueEntry(id.Value, param.curByte - 1,
                                                   param.curBlockID - 1, id.SymbolTableEntry.DataType);

                    // Copy to temp location in memory
                    //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("8D V{0} 00 ",varEntry.VarID);
                    param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntry.VarID);

                // Catch over 256 byte error,
                // and throw up
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
                    throw ex;

                // Add number of bytes
                // param.curByte += 5;

            // Return cur bytes
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Puts int value into accum.
        // Returns: Number of bytes generated.
        public override int GenOpCodes(OpCodeGenParam param)
                // Load value into accum
                param.AddBytes(0xA9, (byte)Value);

            // Catch over 256 byte error,
            // and throw up
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
                throw ex;
            // Return number of bytes
        // Adds heap table entry if one doesn't exist with same string.
        // If one does exits, returns heap table entry.
        // Returns: New or existing heap table entry.
        public HeapTableEntry AddHeapTableEntry(OpCodeGenParam param, String str)
            // Inits
            HeapTableEntry heapEntry = null;

            // Check if entry exists for that string in heap
            heapEntry = GetHeapTableEntry(str);

            // Check if entry doesn't exist
            if (heapEntry == null)
                // Create new heap table entry
                heapEntry = new HeapTableEntry(param.curHeapID, str);

                // Incrment cur heap id

                // Add heap entry to table

            // Return heap table entry
        // Gens op codes for if statement, and following block.
        // Returns: Number of bytes generated.
        public override int GenOpCodes(OpCodeGenParam param)
            // Inits
            int           bytes    = 0;
            int           bytes2   = 0;
            VarTableEntry varEntry = null;

                // Gen op codes for boolean exp ( results in accum )
                bytes += expr.GenOpCodes(param);

                // Create new temp var
                varEntry = param.tables.CreateTempVarTableEntry();

                // Set in use flag
                varEntry.InUse = true;

                // Increment in use count

                // Move results into temp memory
                param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntry.VarID);

                // Load 1 into accum
                param.AddBytes(0xA2, 0x01);

                // Compare temp (res of expr) to true (1)
                param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntry.VarID);

                // Branch to end of block (using curBlockID, as gen op
                // will use this id and incremement it. The current
                // block at any time is really curBlockID - 1 ).
                param.AddByteForUpdate('B', param.curBlockID);

                // Incrmeent bytes
                bytes += 10;

                // Set temp var not in use
                varEntry.InUse = false;

                // Decremeent in use count

                // Gen op codes for block
                bytes += block.GenOpCodes(param);

            // Catch over 256 byte error,
            // and throw up
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
                throw ex;

            // Return bytes added
        // Gens opp codes for int operation add.
        // Results are in the accum.
        // Returns: Number of bytes generated.
        public override int GenOpCodes(OpCodeGenParam param)
            // Inits
            VarTableEntry varEntry = null;
            int           bytes    = 0;
            int           bytes2   = 0;

                // Load accummulator with constant
                param.AddBytes(0xA9, (byte)intVal.Value);

                // Get avaialbe stack location
                varEntry = param.tables.CreateTempVarTableEntry();

                // Set in use flag
                varEntry.InUse = true;

                // Increment var in use flag

                // Store accumulator in stack location
                param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntry.VarID);

                // Increment bytes
                bytes += 5;

                // Check if expr is not null
                if (expr != null)
                    // Gen op codes for expr
                    bytes2 += expr.GenOpCodes(param);
                // Else expr is null
                    // Move 0 to accumulator
                    param.AddBytes(0xA9, 0x00);

                    // Increment bytes
                    bytes2 += 2;

                // Add temp var to accumulator
                param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntry.VarID);

                // Increment bytes
                bytes2 += 3;

                // Set temp var not in use
                varEntry.InUse = false;

                // Decrement counter

            // Catch over 256 byte error,
            // and throw up
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
                throw ex;

            // Return bytes added
            return(bytes + bytes2);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 // Virtual method for generating opcodes.
 // ASTNode types that will gen code will implment this function.
 // Returns number of bytes added to source.
 // Returns: Number of bytes generated.
 public virtual int GenOpCodes(OpCodeGenParam param)
        // Gens op codes for while loop.
        // Returns: Number of bytes generated.
        public override int GenOpCodes(OpCodeGenParam param)
            // Inits
            int           bytes     = 0;
            int           bytes2    = 0;
            int           jumpByte  = 0;
            int           startByte = param.curByte;
            VarTableEntry varEntry  = null;
            VarTableEntry varEntry2 = null;

                // Gen op codes for boolean exp ( results in accum )
                bytes += expr.GenOpCodes(param);

                // Create new temp var
                varEntry = param.tables.CreateTempVarTableEntry();

                // Set in use flag
                varEntry.InUse = true;

                // Increment in use count

                // Move results into temp memory
                //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("8D V{0} 00 ", varEntry.VarID);
                param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntry.VarID);

                // Incrmeent bytes
                bytes += 3;

                // Capture current byte (where to jump to at end of loop)
                jumpByte = param.curByte + bytes;

                // Load 1 into accum
                //param.opCodes.Append("A2 01 ");
                param.AddBytes(0xA2, 0x01);

                // Compare temp (res of expr) to true (1)
                //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("EC V{0} 00 ", varEntry.VarID);
                param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntry.VarID);

                // Branch to end of block, and 12 more to skip
                // forced jump to begining of while
                //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("D0 B{0}S{1} ", param.curBlockID, 12);
                param.AddByteForUpdate('B', param.curBlockID, 12);

                // Incrmeent bytes
                bytes += 7;

                // Set current byte (for calling gen op)
                //param.curByte += 10;

                // Set temp var not in use
                varEntry.InUse = false;

                // Decremeent in use count

                // Gen op codes for block
                bytes2 += block.GenOpCodes(param);

                // ### Force NE Jump ### //

                // Create another new temp var
                varEntry2 = param.tables.CreateTempVarTableEntry();

                // Set in use
                varEntry2.InUse = true;

                // Inc var in use count

                // Load 0 into acc
                //param.opCodes.Append("A9 00 ");
                param.AddBytes(0xA9, 0x00);

                // Load acc to temp var
                //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("8D V{0} 00 ", varEntry2.VarID);
                param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntry2.VarID);

                // Load 1 into x reg
                //param.opCodes.Append("A2 01 ");
                param.AddBytes(0xA2, 0x01);

                // Compare temp to x (which will always be not equal )
                //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("EC V{0} 00 ", varEntry2.VarID);
                param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntry2.VarID);

                // Incremeent bytes
                bytes2 += 12;

                // Update bytes ( I do it before next statmement for
                // caculation of accurate curByte )
                //param.curByte += 12;

                // Branch to top of while loop ( note these two bytes already
                // added to curByte )
                //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("D0 {0} ",(256 - param.curByte + startByte + 1).ToString("X2"));
                param.AddBytes(0xD0, (byte)(255 - (param.curByte - startByte + 1)));

                // Set temp var not in use
                varEntry2.InUse = false;

                // Decremeent in use count

            // Catch over 256 byte error,
            // and throw up
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
                throw ex;

            // Return bytes added
            return(bytes + bytes2);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        // Gens op codes for print statment.
        // Calls system to print based on type of expr.
        // Returns: Number of bytes generated.
        public override int GenOpCodes(OpCodeGenParam param)
            // Inits
            int            bytes          = 0;
            VarTableEntry  varEntry       = null;
            VarTableEntry  varEntryTrue   = null;
            VarTableEntry  varEntryFalse  = null;
            HeapTableEntry heapEntryTrue  = null;
            HeapTableEntry heapEntryFalse = null;
            IDASTNode      idASTNode      = null;

                // Gen op codes for expr. Results in accum
                bytes += expr.GenOpCodes(param);

                // Create temp var on stack
                varEntry       = param.tables.CreateTempVarTableEntry();
                varEntry.InUse = true;

                // Load accumlator to memory (results from expr )
                //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("8D V{0} 00 ", varEntry.VarID);
                param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntry.VarID);

                bytes += 3;

                // Inc cur bytes
                //param.curByte += 3;

                // Check if int expr, or var dec of type int
                if ((expr is IntExprASTNode) ||
                    ((expr is IDASTNode) && (((IDASTNode)expr).SymbolTableEntry.DataType == DataType.DT_INT)))
                    // Load 1 int x reg
                    //param.opCodes.Append("A2 01 ");
                    param.AddBytes(0xA2, 0x01);

                    // Load into y register
                    //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("AC V{0} 00 ",varEntry.VarID);
                    param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntry.VarID);

                    // Make system call
                    //param.opCodes.Append("FF ");

                    // Inc bytes
                    bytes += 6;

                    // Inc cur bytes
                    // param.curByte += 6;
                // Else check if bool expr, or var dec with boolean type
                else if ((expr is BooleanExprASTNode) ||
                         ((expr is IDASTNode) && (((IDASTNode)expr).SymbolTableEntry.DataType == DataType.DT_BOOLEAN)))
                    // Create strings for true and false on heap.
                    // If already on their it wont allocate new
                    // ones, but use the same.

                    heapEntryTrue  = param.tables.AddHeapTableEntry(param, "true");
                    heapEntryFalse = param.tables.AddHeapTableEntry(param, "false");

                    // Create temp vars on stack for true
                    varEntryTrue       = param.tables.CreateTempVarTableEntry();
                    varEntryTrue.InUse = true;

                    // Create temp var on stack for false
                    varEntryFalse       = param.tables.CreateTempVarTableEntry();
                    varEntryFalse.InUse = true;

                    // Load true string address in acc
                    //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("A9 H{0} ", heapEntryTrue.HeapID);
                    param.AddByteForUpdate('H', heapEntryTrue.HeapID);

                    // Move to temp var
                    //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("8D V{0} 00 ", varEntryTrue.VarID);
                    param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntryTrue.VarID);

                    // Load true add in acc
                    //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("A9 H{0} ", heapEntryFalse.HeapID);
                    param.AddByteForUpdate('H', heapEntryFalse.HeapID);

                    // Move to temp var
                    //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("8D V{0} 00 ", varEntryFalse.VarID);
                    param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntryFalse.VarID);

                    // Load false into y reg
                    //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("AC V{0} 00 ", varEntryFalse.VarID);
                    param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntryFalse.VarID);

                    // Load 01 int x reg
                    //param.opCodes.Append("A2 01 ");
                    param.AddBytes(0xA2, 0x01);

                    // Compare results with results from acc
                    //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("EC V{0} 00 ", varEntry.VarID);
                    param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntry.VarID);

                    // Branch on not equal x bytes
                    //param.opCodes.Append("D0 04 ");
                    param.AddBytes(0xD0, 0x03);

                    // Load true into y reg
                    //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("AC V{0} 00 ", varEntryTrue.VarID);
                    param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntryTrue.VarID);

                    // Load 2 int x reg
                    //param.opCodes.Append("A2 02 ");
                    param.AddBytes(0xA2, 0x02);

                    // Make system call
                    //param.opCodes.Append("FF ");

                    // Inc bytes
                    bytes += 26;

                    // Inc cur bytes
                    //param.curByte += 26;

                     * // Set temp vars not in use
                     * varEntryTrue.InUse = false;
                     * varEntryFalse.InUse = false;
                     * param.tables.DecVarInUseCount();
                     * param.tables.DecVarInUseCount();
                     * */

                // Else check if string expr or var of string type
                else if ((expr is StringExprASTNode) ||
                         ((expr is IDASTNode) && (((IDASTNode)expr).SymbolTableEntry.DataType == DataType.DT_STRING)))
                    // Load into temp var
                    // Load expr res into y reg
                    //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("AC V{0} 00 ", varEntry.VarID);
                    param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntry.VarID);

                    // Load 2 int x reg
                    //param.opCodes.Append("A2 02 ");
                    param.AddBytes(0xA2, 0x02);

                    // Make system call
                    //param.opCodes.Append("FF ");

                    // Increment bytes
                    bytes += 6;

                    // Inc cur bytes
                    //param.curByte += 6;

                // Reset temp var
                varEntry.InUse = false;

            // Catch over 256 byte error,
            // and throw up
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
                throw ex;

            // Return bytes added
Ejemplo n.º 12
        // Gens op codes for all statments in block.
        // Manges which symbol table is current.
        // Keeps table of start and end of blocks.
        // All vars allocated on stack in this block
        // are set to not in use.
        // Returns: Number of bytes generated.
        public override int GenOpCodes(OpCodeGenParam param)
            // Inits
            int                 nextSymbIndex = 0;
            int                 bytesAdded    = 0;
            int                 block         = 0;
            ASTNode             curNode       = null;
            BlockSizeTableEntry entry         = null;
            VarTableEntry       varEntry      = null;
            SymbolHashTable     curSymbTable  = null;

            SymbolTableEntry[] symbEntries = null;
            DynamicBranchTreeNode <SymbolHashTable> startSymbolTable = null;

            // Get start symbol table
            startSymbolTable = param.curSymbTable;

            // Check if not root symbol table
            if (!param.firstBlock)
                // Move into next symbol table child
                param.curSymbTable = param.curSymbTable.GetChild(param.curSymbTableIndex);

                // Record last symb index
                nextSymbIndex = param.curSymbTableIndex + 1;

                // Set current symbol table index to 0
                param.curSymbTableIndex = 0;
            // Else root table
                // Set first block flag false
                param.firstBlock = false;

            // Record current symbol table
            curSymbTable = param.curSymbTable.Data;

            // Add new entry to block size table
            entry = new BlockSizeTableEntry(param.curBlockID, param.curByte);
            block = param.curBlockID - 1;

            // Cycle through stmts calling their gen op code
            curNode = this.leftMostChild;
            while (curNode != null)
                // Try for over 256 bytes
                    // Call child statment gen op code method
                    bytesAdded += curNode.GenOpCodes(param);

                // Catch over 256 bytes
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
                    throw ex;

                // Get next symbling
                curNode = curNode.RightSibling;

            // Reset cur symbol table index
            param.curSymbTableIndex = nextSymbIndex;

            // Reset cur symbol table
            param.curSymbTable = startSymbolTable;

            // Set end byte of block
            entry.EndByte = param.curByte - 1;

            // Remove out of scope vars from init var table

            // Cycle through symbol table
            symbEntries = curSymbTable.GetAllItems();
            for (int i = 0; i < symbEntries.Length; i++)
                // Get item from temp var table
                varEntry = param.tables.GetVarTableEntry(symbEntries[i].EntryID);

                // Check if exists
                if (varEntry != null)
                    // Set not in use flag
                    varEntry.InUse = false;

                    // Decrement var in use count

            // Return number of bytes
        // Fills in variable locations, heap locations, and jump size for
        // blocks in one pase. Collected some meta data about program.
        // Returns: OpCodeData describing memory of program.
        private OpCodeData FillInTempOpCodeValues(OpCodeGenParam param)
            // Inits
            int zeros       = 0;
            int num         = 0;
            int localOffSet = 0;
            int curByte     = 0;

            String[] strings = null;
            String   s       = null;

            String[]            offStrings  = null;
            String              o           = null;
            int                 len         = 0;
            VarTableEntry       varEntry    = null;
            HeapTableEntry      heapEntry   = null;
            BlockSizeTableEntry blockEntry  = null;
            OpCodeData          programData = new OpCodeData();
            TempByteData        byteData    = null;
            int                 location    = 0;

            // Determin stack size
            programData.stackSize  = param.tables.MaxVarUsage;
            programData.stackStart = param.curByte;

            // Determine heap size
            programData.heapSize  = param.tables.TotalHeapSize();
            programData.heapStart = param.curByte + programData.stackSize;

            // Write 00 over stack
            zeros = programData.stackSize;
            for (int i = 0; i < zeros; i++)
                //param.opCodes.Append("00 ");

            // Update size of file
            //param.curByte += zeros;

            // Send message
            SendGeneralMessage("Creating strings in memory...");

            // Fill in memory locations for heap
            for (int i = 0; i < param.tables.HeapTableCount(); i++)
                heapEntry = param.tables.GetHeapTableEntryByIndex(i);

                heapEntry.MemoryLocation = programData.heapStart + curByte;

                // Write char
                for (int n = 0; n < heapEntry.StringValue.Length; n++)
                    //param.opCodes.AppendFormat("{0} ", ((int)heapEntry.StringValue[n]).ToString("X2"));
                //param.opCodes.Append("00 ");
                //param.curByte += heapEntry.Length + 1;

                curByte += heapEntry.Length;

            // Send message
            SendGeneralMessage("String creation complete.");

            // Set program data size
            programData.totalBytes = param.curByte;

            // Cycle through codes
            for (int i = 0; i < param.insertBytes.Count; i++)
                // Get byte data
                byteData = (TempByteData)param.insertBytes[i];

                // Get place holder string
                s = byteData.VarSymbol;

                // Check for V (var table
                if (s[0] == 'V')
                    // Get number off string
                    num = int.Parse(s.Substring(1, s.Length - 1));

                    // Find entry
                    varEntry = param.tables.GetVarTableEntry(num);

                    // Replace entry with address
                    if (varEntry != null)
                        // Set location
                        location = programData.stackStart + varEntry.Offset;
                        param.SetByte(byteData.Index, (byte)(location));

                        if (varEntry.VarEntry != null)
                            varEntry.VarEntry.MemoryLocation = location;
                // Check for H (heap)
                else if (s[0] == 'H')
                    // Find length to s or end
                    len = s.Length;
                    for (int n = 1; n < s.Length; n++)
                        if (s[n] == 'S')
                            len = n;

                    // Get number off string
                    num = int.Parse(s.Substring(1, len - 1));

                    // Find entry
                    heapEntry = param.tables.GetHeapTableEntry(num);

                    // Split of F
                    offStrings = s.Split('S');

                    // Get offf num if valid
                    if (offStrings.Length > 1)
                        o = offStrings[1];

                        localOffSet = int.Parse(o.Substring(0, o.Length));
                        localOffSet = 0;

                    // Replace entry with address
                    if (heapEntry != null)
                        // strings[i] = String.Format("{0}", (heapEntry.MemoryLocation + localOffSet).ToString("X2"));
                        param.SetByte(byteData.Index, (byte)(heapEntry.MemoryLocation + localOffSet));
                // Else if block parse flag
                else if (s[0] == 'B')
                    // Find length to s or end
                    len = s.Length;
                    for (int n = 1; n < s.Length; n++)
                        if (s[n] == 'S')
                            len = n;

                    // Get number off string
                    num = int.Parse(s.Substring(1, len - 1));

                    // Find entry ( happens to work out that block id = index )
                    blockEntry = param.tables.GetBlockSizeTableEntry(num);

                    // Split of F
                    offStrings = s.Split('S');

                    // Get offf num if valid
                    if (offStrings.Length > 1)
                        o = offStrings[1];

                        localOffSet = int.Parse(o.Substring(0, o.Length));
                        localOffSet = 0;

                    // Replace entry with address
                    if (blockEntry != null)
                        //strings[i] = String.Format("{0}", (blockEntry.BlockSize + localOffSet).ToString("X2"));
                        param.SetByte(byteData.Index, (byte)(blockEntry.BlockSize + localOffSet));

            // Return program data
        // Generates op codes from ast.
        public ProcessReturnValue GenerateOpCodes(ASTNode rootASTNode, DynamicBranchTreeNode <SymbolHashTable> rootSymbolTableNode)
            // Inits
            ProcessReturnValue ret = ProcessReturnValue.PRV_NONE;
            OpCodeGenParam     param;
            bool error = false;

            // Create temp tables
            tempTables     = new OpCodeGenTempTables();
            tempOpCodeData = new StringBuilder(250);

            // Create new byte array
            opCodeDataBytes = new byte[256];

            // Reset error and warning count
            errorCount   = 0;
            warningCount = 0;

            // Create op code gen param
            param = new OpCodeGenParam(tempOpCodeData, opCodeDataBytes, rootSymbolTableNode, tempTables);

            // Send message
            SendGeneralMessage("Starting code generation phase...");

            // Send message
            SendGeneralMessage("Generating op codes...");

            // Gen op codes

                // Add final 00

            // Catch index out of range exption
            // on over 256 byte error
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
                SendError("Program ran over 256 bytes.");

                // Send message
                SendGeneralMessage("Op code generation complete.");

                error = true;

            // Send message
            SendGeneralMessage("Op code generation complete.");

            // If not errors
            if (!error)
                // Send message
                SendGeneralMessage("Inserting memory locations...");

                // Fill in memory locations and jump sizes
                programData = FillInTempOpCodeValues(param);

                // Send message
                SendGeneralMessage("Completed inserting memory locations.");

                // Send message
                SendGeneralMessage("Code generation phase complete.");

                // Send message
                SendGeneralMessage("Compilation complete.");

                // Set op code total bytes
                opCodeBytes = programData.totalBytes;
            // Else send error message
                // Send message
                SendGeneralMessage("Compilation completed with errors.");

            //Determine return value
            if (ErrorCount > 0)
                ret = ProcessReturnValue.PRV_ERRORS;
            else if (WarningCount > 0)
                ret = ProcessReturnValue.PRV_WARNINGS;
                ret = ProcessReturnValue.PRV_OK;

            //Return code
        // Gens op codes for comparision of boolean expr == or !=,
        // and puts results in accum. 1 for true, 0 for false.
        // Returns: Number of bytes generated.
        public override int GenOpCodes(OpCodeGenParam param)
            // Inits
            VarTableEntry varEntryTemp = null;
            int           bytes        = 0;
            int           index        = 0;

            // ### Checking Expr 1 ### //

            // try for error
                // Gen op codes for expr one
                bytes += exprOne.GenOpCodes(param);

                // ### Check if not only bool val, as if it was  ### //
                // ### the value is just left in the accumulator ### //

                // Check if expr 2 is not null
                if (exprTwo != null)
                    // ### Add acc results from expr 1 ### //

                    // Add temp var for expr one results
                    varEntryTemp = param.tables.CreateTempVarTableEntry();

                    // Set in use
                    varEntryTemp.InUse = true;

                    // Increment var in use

                    // Move value of accumulator to temp var
                    param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntryTemp.VarID);

                    // ### Generate expr 2 value and put in accumm ### //

                    // Gen op codes for expr two
                    bytes += exprTwo.GenOpCodes(param);

                    // ### Compare values of temp var (expr 1), and accum (expr2) ### //
                    // ### Put results in accumulator.                            ### //

                    // Load temp value from first expr into reg x
                    param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntryTemp.VarID);

                    // Move accum into same temp val
                    param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntryTemp.VarID);

                    // Increment bytes
                    bytes += 9;

                    // Check if equals
                    if (value == BOOLOP_TYPE.BOOLOP_EQUALS)
                        // Set false in accum "A9 00 "
                        param.AddBytes(0xA9, 0x00);
                        // Set true in accum
                        param.AddBytes(0xA9, 0x01);

                    // Compare x to temp var
                    param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntryTemp.VarID);

                    // Branch 2 bytes if equl
                    param.AddBytes(0xD0, 0x02);

                    // Check if equals
                    if (value == BOOLOP_TYPE.BOOLOP_EQUALS)
                        // Set true in accum (skip in nnot equal)

                        param.AddBytes(0xA9, 0x01);
                        // Set false in accum (skip in nnot equal)
                        param.AddBytes(0xA9, 0x00);

                    // Increment bytes
                    bytes += 9;

                    // Reset in use flag for temp var
                    varEntryTemp.InUse = false;

                    // Decremeent in use flag

            // Throw error up
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
                throw ex;

            // Return number of bytes
        // Generates op codes for expr, which is put in accum.
        // This value is then loaded into var's value.
        // Returns: Number of op code bytes added.
        public override int GenOpCodes(OpCodeGenParam param)
            // Inits
            VarTableEntry     varEntry   = null;
            InitValueEntry    initEntry  = null;
            int               bytes      = 0;
            int               curByte    = param.curByte;
            bool              value      = false;
            StringExprASTNode stringNode = null;
            HeapTableEntry    heapEntry  = null;
            bool              initVar    = false;

            // Try for over 256 bytes
                // Get init value entry
                initEntry = param.tables.GetLastInitValueEntry(id.Value, id.SymbolTableEntry.DataType);

                // Check if value was already init
                if (initEntry != null)
                    // Set init var
                    initVar = true;

                    // Check if int value
                    if (expr is IntValASTNode)
                        // Set byte with value
                        param.SetByte(initEntry.Index, (byte)((IntValASTNode)expr).Value);

                        // Set inital value in symbol table
                        id.SymbolTableEntry.IntValue = ((IntValASTNode)expr).Value;
                    else if (expr is BoolValASTNode)
                        // Get bool value
                        if (((BoolValASTNode)expr).Value == BOOLVAL_TYPE.BOOLVAL_TRUE)
                            value = true;
                            value = false;

                        // Set byte with value
                        param.SetByte(initEntry.Index, (byte)(value == true ? 1 : 0));

                        // Set inital value in symbol table
                        id.SymbolTableEntry.IntValue = (value == true ? 1 : 0);
                    else if (expr is StringExprASTNode)
                        stringNode = ((StringExprASTNode)expr);
                        heapEntry  = param.tables.AddHeapTableEntry(param, stringNode.Value);
                        param.AddInsertByte(initEntry.Index, 'H', heapEntry.HeapID, 0);

                        id.SymbolTableEntry.StringValue = stringNode.Value;
                        initVar = false;

                    // Remove from table if iniitalized
                    if (initVar)

                // Check if initialized optimization
                if (!initVar)
                    // Gen op codes for expr , value in accum
                    bytes += expr.GenOpCodes(param);

                    // Retreive temp placehold from var table
                    varEntry = param.tables.GetVarTableEntry(id.SymbolTableEntry.EntryID);

                    // Move accumlator to memory "8D V{0} 00 "
                    param.AddByteForUpdate('V', varEntry.VarID);

                    // Increment bytes
                    bytes += 3;

            // Catch over 256 bytes
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
                throw ex;

            // Return bytesa added