Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Safely receive the header.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blob">blob</param>
        /// <param name="headerDefinition">header definition</param>
        /// <param name="exception">exception that occured</param>
        /// <returns>the header, otherwise null if it could not be fetched</returns>
        private StreamBlobHeader SafeGetHeader(WrappedPageBlob blob, HeaderDefinitionMetadata headerDefinition, out Exception exception)
            StreamBlobHeader header = null;

            exception = null;

                if (headerDefinition == null || headerDefinition.HeaderSizeInBytes == 0)
                    throw new InvalidHeaderDataException(
                              $"Attempted to download a header, but the size specified is zero.  This aggregate with id [{blob.Name}] may be corrupt.");

                var downloadedData = blob.DownloadBytes(headerDefinition.HeaderStartLocationOffsetBytes,
                                                        headerDefinition.HeaderStartLocationOffsetBytes + headerDefinition.HeaderSizeInBytes);

                using (var ms = new MemoryStream(downloadedData, false))
                    header = _serializer.Deserialize <StreamBlobHeader>(ms.ToArray());
            catch (Exception ex)
                exception = ex;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the deserialized header from the blob.  Uses
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blob">The Blob.</param>
        /// <param name="assumedValidHeaderDefinition">will output the header definition that is valid, null if there is not currently one</param>
        /// <returns>A populated StreamBlobHeader.</returns>
        private StreamBlobHeader GetHeaderWithRetry(WrappedPageBlob blob, out HeaderDefinitionMetadata validHeaderDefinition)
            HeaderDefinitionMetadata assumedValidHeaderDefinition = null;
            StreamBlobHeader         header = null;
            Exception lastException         = null;

            // first, if the primary header metadata key does not exist then we default
            if (!blob.Metadata.ContainsKey(PrimaryHeaderDefinitionKey))
                assumedValidHeaderDefinition = new HeaderDefinitionMetadata();
                header = new StreamBlobHeader();

            // do the fallback logic to try and find a valid header
            if (header == null)
                for (var i = 0; i != 3; ++i)
                    assumedValidHeaderDefinition = GetHeaderDefinitionMetadata(blob, i);
                    header = SafeGetHeader(blob, assumedValidHeaderDefinition, out lastException);

                    if (header != null)

            // It is possible we will still have no header here and still be in an ok state.  This is a case where the aggregates first
            // commit set some metadata (specifically) the PrimaryHeaderDefinitionKey, but then failed to write the header.  This case
            // will have a PrimaryHeaderDefinitionKey but no secondary or terciary.  In addition it will have a key of first write succeeded
            // set to false.  If it does not have any key at all, it is a "legacy" one and will get the key set upon a future successful write.
            // legacy ones with issue will continue to fail and require manual intervention currently
            if (header == null)
                string firstWriteCompleted;
                if (blob.Metadata.TryGetValue(FirstWriteCompletedKey, out firstWriteCompleted))
                    if (firstWriteCompleted == "f")
                        header = new StreamBlobHeader();
                        assumedValidHeaderDefinition = new HeaderDefinitionMetadata();

            if (header != null)
                validHeaderDefinition = assumedValidHeaderDefinition;

            throw lastException ?? new Exception("No header could be created");;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Commits the header information which essentially commits any transactions that occurred
        /// related to that header.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newCommit">the new commit to write</param>
        /// <param name="blob">blob header applies to</param>
        /// <param name="updatedHeader">the new header to be serialized out</param>
        /// <param name="currentGoodHeaderDefinition">the definition for the current header, before this change is committed</param>
        /// <param name="nonAlignedBytesUsedAlready">non aligned offset of index where last commit data is stored (not inclusive of header)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void CommitNewMessage(WrappedPageBlob blob, byte[] newCommit,
                                      StreamBlobHeader updatedHeader, HeaderDefinitionMetadata currentGoodHeaderDefinition,
                                      int nonAlignedBytesUsedAlready)
            newCommit = newCommit ?? new byte[0];
            var serializedHeader                 = _serializer.Serialize(updatedHeader);
            var writeStartLocationAligned        = GetPageAlignedSize(nonAlignedBytesUsedAlready);
            var amountToWriteAligned             = GetPageAlignedSize(serializedHeader.Length + newCommit.Length);
            var totalSpaceNeeded                 = writeStartLocationAligned + amountToWriteAligned;
            var newHeaderStartLocationNonAligned = writeStartLocationAligned + newCommit.Length;

            var totalBlobLength = blob.Properties.Length;

            if (totalBlobLength < totalSpaceNeeded)
                totalBlobLength = blob.Properties.Length;

            // set the header definition to make it all official
            var isFirstWrite             = currentGoodHeaderDefinition.HeaderSizeInBytes == 0;
            var headerDefinitionMetadata = new HeaderDefinitionMetadata();

            headerDefinitionMetadata.HeaderSizeInBytes = serializedHeader.Length;
            headerDefinitionMetadata.HeaderStartLocationOffsetBytes = writeStartLocationAligned + newCommit.Length;
            blob.Metadata[IsEventStreamAggregateKey] = "yes";
            blob.Metadata[HasUndispatchedCommitsKey] = updatedHeader.PageBlobCommitDefinitions.Any((x) => !x.IsDispatched).ToString();

            if (!isFirstWrite)
                blob.Metadata[SecondaryHeaderDefinitionKey] =

                // this is a thirt layer backup in the case we have a issue in the middle of this upcoming write operation.
                var tempHeaderDefinition = currentGoodHeaderDefinition.Clone();
                tempHeaderDefinition.HeaderStartLocationOffsetBytes = newHeaderStartLocationNonAligned;
                blob.Metadata[TertiaryHeaderDefintionKey]           = Convert.ToBase64String(tempHeaderDefinition.GetRaw());
                blob.Metadata[FirstWriteCompletedKey] = "t";
                blob.Metadata[FirstWriteCompletedKey] = "f";

            blob.Metadata[PrimaryHeaderDefinitionKey] = Convert.ToBase64String(headerDefinitionMetadata.GetRaw());

            using (var ms = CreateAndFillStreamAligned(amountToWriteAligned, newCommit, serializedHeader))
                blob.Write(ms, writeStartLocationAligned, newHeaderStartLocationNonAligned, currentGoodHeaderDefinition);

            // we pay the cost of an extra call for our first ever write (this is effectively creation of the aggregate.
            // we do this because we actually host our header in the blob, but the reference to that header in our metadata.
            // we set the metadata with the potential states prior to actually writing the new header.  If this was the first
            // ever write and we set the metadata, but then fail to write the header, we can get in a state where the aggregate
            // becomes unusable because it believes there should be a header according to the metadata.
            // For that reason we must record when our first write completes
            if (isFirstWrite)
                blob.Metadata[FirstWriteCompletedKey] = "t";