Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void DeSerializeMessage()
     var session = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
     var req = new MessageRequest { Session = session };
     var serializer = new ProtobufObjectSerializer();
     var stream = new MemoryStream();
     serializer.WriteObject(stream, req);
     stream.Position = 0;
     var deserialized = (MessageRequest)serializer.ReadObject(stream, typeof(MessageRequest));
     Assert.AreEqual(session, deserialized.Session);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void SerializeMessage()
     var req = new MessageRequest { Session = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() };
     var serializer = new ProtobufObjectSerializer();
     var stream = new MemoryStream();
     serializer.WriteObject(stream, req);
     Assert.IsTrue(stream.ToArray().Length > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private OperationContext SetupOperationConext(IRpcCallInfo call, MessageRequest request, Type contractType)
            var operationContext = new OperationContext { SessionId = request.Session };

            if (request.Session != null)
                if (_duplex)
                    lock (_clients)
                        RpcCallbackChannelFactory channelFactory = null;
                        bool contains = _clients.TryGetValue(request.Session, out channelFactory);
                        if (!contains)
                            var contract = AttributesReader.GetServiceContract(contractType);
                            channelFactory = new RpcCallbackChannelFactory(_endpoint._binding,
                                                                           contract.CallbackContract, new Guid(request.Session),
                            _clients[request.Session] = channelFactory;
                        var callbackBindingInfo = EndpointMapper.WcfToRpc(_endpoint._address);
                        if (!call.IsClientLocal)
                            //BUG: callbacks accross network does not work
                            //callbackAddress.NetworkAddr =  call.ClientAddress

                        callbackBindingInfo.EndPoint += request.Session.Replace("-", "");
                        operationContext.SetGetter(_clients[request.Session], EndpointMapper.RpcToWcf(callbackBindingInfo));
            return operationContext;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private Message invokeContract(OperationDispatchBase operation, MessageRequest request)
            var args = deserializeMessageArguments(request, operation);
            if (operation is AsyncOperationDispatch)
                args.Add(null);//object asyncState
            var response = new Message();
                var result = invokeServerMethod(operation, args);
                enrichResponseWithReturn(operation, result, response);
            catch (Exception ex)
                response = makeFault(ex, response);
                OperationContext.Current = _noOp;

            return response;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private Message invokeContract(IRpcCallInfo call, MessageRequest request, Type contractType)
     OperationDispatchBase operation;
     bool operationExists = _operations.IdToOperation.TryGetValue(request.Operation, out operation);
     if (!operationExists)
         var error = new ActionNotSupportedException(string.Format("Server endpoint {0} with contract {1} does not supports operation with id = {2}. Check that client and server use the same version of contract and binding. ", _endpoint._address, contractType, request.Operation));
         var faultMessage = new Message();
         faultMessage = makeFault(error, faultMessage);
         return faultMessage;
     OperationContext operationContext = SetupOperationConext(call, request, contractType);
     Func<Message> invokeAction = () =>
             OperationContext.Current = operationContext;
             if (_concurrency == ConcurrencyMode.Single)
                 lock (this)
                     return invokeContract(operation, request);
             return invokeContract(operation, request);
     if (operation.Operation.IsOneWay)
         Task task = Tasks.Factory.StartNew(invokeAction);
         task.ContinueWith(x => RpcTrace.Error(x.Exception), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
         return new Message();
         return invokeAction();
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private List<object> deserializeMessageArguments(MessageRequest request, OperationDispatchBase operation)
     var args = new List<object>(operation.Params.Count);
     for (int i = 0; i < operation.Params.Count; i++)
         RpcParamData pData = request.Data[i];
         var map = operation.Params[pData.Identifier];
         var type = map.Info.ParameterType;
         var obj = _endpoint._binding.Serializer.ReadObject(new MemoryStream(pData.Data), type);
     return args;