Ejemplo n.º 1
//         ~WindowShowEllipseInfo()
//         {
//             MessageBox.Show("回收了");
//             //还是没有回收,程序完全关闭才回收,待解决
//         }

        private int CountProtocols(PeerMapPeerInfo peerInfo)
            int i = 0;
            Dictionary <IPAddress, PeerToPeer> tempPeerToPeers = new Dictionary <IPAddress, PeerToPeer>(peerInfo.peerToPeers);
            //tempPeerToPeers = peerInfo.peerToPeers;
            List <IPProtocolType> list = new List <IPProtocolType>();

            foreach (PeerToPeer peertopeer in tempPeerToPeers.Values)
                foreach (IPProtocolType type in peertopeer.protocolPkInfos.Keys)
                    if (!list.Contains(type))
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public WindowShowEllipseInfo(Ellipse e, PeerMapShow _uc)
            //this.ShowInTaskbar = false;
            uc             = _uc;
            el             = e;
            timer          = new DispatcherTimer();
            timer.Interval = new System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
            timer.Tick    += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);
            elInfo           = (EllipseInfo)el.Tag;
            ip               = elInfo.ip;
            peerInfo         = uc.ipAndPeerInfos[ip];
            tbIP.Text        = ip.ToString();
            sentPackets.Text = peerInfo.allSendPkNum.ToString();
            sentBytes.Text   = peerInfo.allSendPkSize.ToString();
            sentPercent.Text = ((double)peerInfo.allSendPkSize * 100 / (double)uc.totalPkSize).ToString("0.000");
            rcvPackets.Text  = peerInfo.allrcvPkNum.ToString();
            rcvBytes.Text    = peerInfo.allrcvPkSize.ToString();
            rcvPercent.Text  = ((double)peerInfo.allrcvPkSize * 100 / (double)uc.totalPkSize).ToString("0.000");

            peers.Text     = peerInfo.peerToPeers.Count.ToString();
            protocols.Text = CountProtocols(peerInfo).ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void BackgroundThread()
            while (!BackgroundThreadStop)
                bool shouldSleep = true;

                lock (QueueLock)
                    if (PacketQueue.Count != 0)
                        shouldSleep = false;
                if (shouldSleep)
                else // should process the queue
                    List <RawCapture> ourQueue;
                    lock (QueueLock)
                        // swap queues, giving the capture callback a new one
                        ourQueue    = PacketQueue;
                        PacketQueue = new List <RawCapture>();

                    foreach (var packet in ourQueue)
                        pkSize       = packet.Data.Length + 4; //数据帧的大小
                        pk           = Packet.ParsePacket(packet.LinkLayerType, packet.Data);
                        totalPkSize += pkSize;                 //所有捕获到的数据包大小
                        totalPkNum++;                          //所有捕获到的数据包数目

                        ipPacket   = pk.Extract(typeof(IpPacket)) as IpPacket;
                        ipProtocol = ipPacket.Protocol;
                        srcIP      = ipPacket.SourceAddress;
                        dstIP      = ipPacket.DestinationAddress;
                        hasSrcIP   = ipAndPeerInfos.ContainsKey(srcIP);
                        hasDstIP   = ipAndPeerInfos.ContainsKey(dstIP);

                        if (hasSrcIP && hasDstIP)     // 窗口已经有这两个点了
                            #region Linq
                            //                 var peerInfo = from PeerMapPeerInfo info in peerMapPeerInfos
                            //                                where info.localIP == srcIP
                            //                                select info;
                            //                 int ii = peerInfo.Count();
                            // 当 A 连接 到B,B 连接到C ,一旦出现A 连接到C,就要进行此判断,否则不会再画线。
                            if (!drawedLine.Contains(srcIP.ToString() + dstIP.ToString()))
                                lock (tempEllipseLineLock)
                                    drawLine.Add(new LineSrcDst()
                                        _srcip = srcIP, _dstip = dstIP
                        else if (!hasSrcIP && !hasDstIP)          // 窗口没有这两个点,需要添加,同时要在pointIPs中添加
                            peerInfo = new PeerMapPeerInfo(srcIP);
                            ipAndPeerInfos.Add(srcIP, peerInfo);
                            peerInfo = new PeerMapPeerInfo(dstIP);
                            ipAndPeerInfos.Add(dstIP, peerInfo);
                            drawedLine.Add(srcIP.ToString() + dstIP.ToString());
                            drawedLine.Add(dstIP.ToString() + srcIP.ToString());
                            lock (tempEllipseLineLock)
                                listIP.Add(new LineSrcDst()
                                    _srcip = srcIP, _dstip = dstIP
                                listIP.Add(new LineSrcDst()
                                    _srcip = dstIP, _dstip = srcIP
                                drawLine.Add(new LineSrcDst()
                                    _srcip = srcIP, _dstip = dstIP
                        else if (hasSrcIP && !hasDstIP)    // 有srcip 没有 dstip
                            peerInfo = new PeerMapPeerInfo(dstIP);
                            ipAndPeerInfos.Add(dstIP, peerInfo);
                            drawedLine.Add(srcIP.ToString() + dstIP.ToString());
                            drawedLine.Add(dstIP.ToString() + srcIP.ToString());
                            lock (tempEllipseLineLock)
                                listIP.Add(new LineSrcDst()
                                    _srcip = dstIP, _dstip = srcIP
                                drawLine.Add(new LineSrcDst()
                                    _srcip = srcIP, _dstip = dstIP
                        else                               // 有dstip没有 srcip
                            peerInfo = new PeerMapPeerInfo(srcIP);
                            ipAndPeerInfos.Add(srcIP, peerInfo);
                            drawedLine.Add(srcIP.ToString() + dstIP.ToString());
                            drawedLine.Add(dstIP.ToString() + srcIP.ToString());
                            lock (tempEllipseLineLock)
                                listIP.Add(new LineSrcDst()
                                    _srcip = srcIP, _dstip = dstIP
                                drawLine.Add(new LineSrcDst()
                                    _srcip = srcIP, _dstip = dstIP
                        ipAndPeerInfos[srcIP].PkFromHere(dstIP, ipProtocol, pkSize);
                        ipAndPeerInfos[dstIP].PkFromHere(srcIP, ipProtocol, 0);
                        ipAndPeerInfos[dstIP].allrcvPkSize += pkSize;