Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
                Parser.Default.ParseArguments <Options>(args).WithParsed(options =>
                    if (options.Verbose)
                    bool combine             = options.Combine;
                    string dateTime          = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss");
                    List <string> inputFiles = new List <string>();

                    if (options.LoadFromDirectory != null && options.LoadFromDirectory == true)//multiple files
                        var directoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(options.InputFile);
                        DirectoryInfo di  = new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath);
                        Logger.Info("Attempting to load files with the extension .mzml in the following directory: {0}", directoryPath);
                        foreach (var file in di.GetFiles("*.mzml", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))

                        if (inputFiles.Count == 0)
                            Logger.Error("Unable to locate any MZML files in {0} directory", directoryPath);
                            throw new FileNotFoundException();
                    else //single file

                    foreach (string inputFilePath in inputFiles)
                        bool lastFile = false;//saving whether its the last file or not, so if we need to combine all the files in the end, we know when the end is.
                        string fileSpecificDirectory = DirectoryCreator.CreateOutputDirectory(inputFilePath, dateTime);
                        if (inputFilePath == inputFiles.Last())
                            lastFile = true;
                        Logger.Info("Loading file: {0}", inputFilePath);
                        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

                        int division;
                        if (options.Division < 100 && options.Division > 0)
                            division = options.Division;
                            Logger.Error("Number of divisions must be within the range 1 - 100. You have input: {0}", options.Division);
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
                        bool irt = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.IRTFile);

                        MzmlParser.MzmlReader mzmlParser = new MzmlParser.MzmlReader
                            ParseBinaryData = options.ParseBinaryData ?? true,
                            Threading       = options.Threading ?? true,
                            MaxQueueSize    = options.MaxQueueSize,
                            MaxThreads      = options.MaxThreads


                        AnalysisSettings analysisSettings = new AnalysisSettings()
                            MassTolerance      = options.MassTolerance,
                            RtTolerance        = options.RtTolerance,
                            IrtMinIntensity    = options.IrtMinIntensity,
                            IrtMinPeptides     = options.IrtMinTransitions,
                            IrtMassTolerance   = options.IrtMassTolerance,
                            CacheSpectraToDisk = options.Cache,
                            MinimumIntensity   = options.MinimumIntensity,
                            RunEndTime         = options.RunEndTime

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.IRTFile))
                            irt = true;
                            if (options.IRTFile.ToLower().EndsWith("traml", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                TraMLReader traMLReader     = new TraMLReader();
                                analysisSettings.IrtLibrary = traMLReader.LoadLibrary(options.IRTFile);
                            else if (options.IRTFile.ToLower().EndsWith("tsv", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || options.IRTFile.ToLower().EndsWith("csv", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                SVReader svReader           = new SVReader();
                                analysisSettings.IrtLibrary = svReader.LoadLibrary(options.IRTFile);
                        MzmlParser.Run run            = mzmlParser.LoadMzml(inputFilePath, analysisSettings);
                        AnalysisSettingsFileWriter Aw = new AnalysisSettingsFileWriter();
                        if (inputFiles.Count() > 1 && lastFile)//multiple files and this is the last
                            Aw.WriteASFile(run, dateTime, inputFiles);
                        else //only one file
                            Aw.WriteASFile(run, dateTime, inputFilePath);

                        Logger.Info("Generating metrics...", Convert.ToInt32(sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
                        var swameMetrics = new SwaMe.MetricGenerator().GenerateMetrics(run, division, inputFilePath, irt, combine, lastFile, dateTime);
                        var progMetrics  = new Prognosticator.MetricGenerator().GenerateMetrics(run);

                        var metrics       = swameMetrics.Union(progMetrics).ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value);
                        string[] mzQCName = { dateTime, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputFilePath), "mzQC.json" };
                        new MzqcGenerator.MzqcWriter().BuildMzqcAndWrite(string.Join("_", mzQCName), run, metrics, inputFilePath);
                        Logger.Info("Generated metrics in {0} seconds", Convert.ToInt32(sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));

                        if (analysisSettings.CacheSpectraToDisk)
                            Logger.Info("Deleting temp files...");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error("An unexpected error occured:");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void ParseBase64Data(ScanAndTempProperties scan, Run run, bool threading, bool irt)
            float[] intensities = ExtractFloatArray(scan.Base64IntensityArray, scan.IntensityZlibCompressed, scan.IntensityBitLength);
            float[] mzs         = ExtractFloatArray(scan.Base64MzArray, scan.MzZlibCompressed, scan.MzBitLength);

            if (intensities.Count() == 0)
                intensities = FillZeroArray(intensities);
                mzs         = FillZeroArray(mzs);
                logger.Debug("Empty binary array for a MS{0} scan in cycle number: {1}. The empty scans have been filled with zero values.", scan.Scan.MsLevel, scan.Scan.Cycle);

            var spectrum = intensities.Select((x, i) => new SpectrumPoint(x, mzs[i], (float)scan.Scan.ScanStartTime)).Where(x => x.Intensity >= run.AnalysisSettings.MinimumIntensity).ToList();

            //Predicted singly charged proportion:

            //The theory is that an M and M+1 pair are singly charged so we are very simply just looking for  occurences where two ions are 1 mz apart (+-massTolerance)

            //We therefore create an array cusums that accumulates the difference between ions, so for every ion we calculate the distance between that ion
            //and the previous and add that to each of the previous ions' cusum of differences. If the cusum of an ion overshoots 1 +massTolerance, we stop adding to it, if it reaches our mark we count it and stop adding to it

            List <int> indexes = new List <int>();

            float[] cusums      = new float[mzs.Length];
            int     movingPoint = 0;
            double  minimum     = 1 - 0.001;
            double  maximum     = 1 + 0.001;

            for (int i = 1; i < mzs.Length; i++)
                float distance         = mzs[i] - mzs[i - 1];
                bool  matchedWithLower = false;
                for (int ii = movingPoint; ii < i; ii++)
                    cusums[ii] += distance;
                    if (cusums[ii] < minimum)
                    else if (cusums[ii] > minimum && cusums[ii] < maximum)
                        if (!matchedWithLower)//This is to try and minimise false positives where for example if you have an array: 351.14, 351.15, 352.14 all three get chosen.
                        movingPoint     += 1;
                        matchedWithLower = true;
                    else if (cusums[ii] > maximum)
                        movingPoint += 1;
            int distinct = indexes.Distinct().Count();
            int len      = mzs.Length;

            scan.Scan.ProportionChargeStateOne = (double)distinct / (double)len;

            if (scan.Scan.TotalIonCurrent == 0)
                scan.Scan.TotalIonCurrent = intensities.Sum();
                TicNotFound = true;
            scan.Scan.Spectrum = new Spectrum()
                SpectrumPoints = spectrum
            scan.Scan.IsolationWindowLowerBoundary = scan.Scan.IsolationWindowTargetMz - scan.Scan.IsolationWindowLowerOffset;
            scan.Scan.IsolationWindowUpperBoundary = scan.Scan.IsolationWindowTargetMz + scan.Scan.IsolationWindowUpperOffset;

            scan.Scan.Density           = spectrum.Count();
            scan.Scan.BasePeakIntensity = intensities.Max();
            scan.Scan.BasePeakMz        = mzs[Array.IndexOf(intensities, intensities.Max())];
            AddScanToRun(scan.Scan, run);
            float basepeakIntensity;

            if (intensities.Count() > 0)
                basepeakIntensity = intensities.Max();
                int    maxIndex = intensities.ToList().IndexOf(basepeakIntensity);
                double mz       = mzs[maxIndex];

                if (run.BasePeaks.Count(x => Math.Abs(x.Mz - mz) < run.AnalysisSettings.MassTolerance) < 1)//If a basepeak with this mz doesn't exist yet add it
                    BasePeak bp = new BasePeak(mz, scan.Scan.ScanStartTime, basepeakIntensity);
                else //we do have a match, now lets figure out if they fall within the rtTolerance
                    //find out which basepeak
                    foreach (BasePeak thisbp in run.BasePeaks.Where(x => Math.Abs(x.Mz - mz) < run.AnalysisSettings.MassTolerance))
                        bool found = false;
                        for (int rt = 0; rt < thisbp.BpkRTs.Count(); rt++)
                            if (Math.Abs(thisbp.BpkRTs[rt] - scan.Scan.ScanStartTime) < run.AnalysisSettings.RtTolerance)//this is part of a previous basepeak, or at least considered to be
                                found = true;
                        if (!found)//This is considered to be a new instance
                basepeakIntensity = 0;
            //Extract info for Basepeak chromatograms

            if (irt)
                FindIrtPeptideCandidates(scan, run, spectrum);

            if (threading)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private void FindMs2IsolationWindows(Run run)
     run.IsolationWindows = run.Ms2Scans.Select(x => (x.IsolationWindowTargetMz - x.IsolationWindowLowerOffset, x.IsolationWindowTargetMz + x.IsolationWindowUpperOffset)).Distinct().ToList();
     logger.Debug("{0} isolation windows detected: min {1} max {2}", run.IsolationWindows.Count, run.IsolationWindows.Min(x => x.Item2 - x.Item1), run.IsolationWindows.Max(x => x.Item2 - x.Item1));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void ReadSpectrum(XmlReader reader, Run run, bool irt)
            ScanAndTempProperties scan = new ScanAndTempProperties(run.AnalysisSettings.CacheSpectraToDisk);

            //The cycle number is within a kvp string in the following format: "sample=1 period=1 cycle=1 experiment=1"
            //This is a bit code-soup but I didn't want to spend more than one line on it and it should be robust enough not just to select on index
            //This has only been tested on Sciex converted data
            //Paul Brack 2019/04/03

            bool CycleInfoInID = false;

            if (run.SourceFileTypes[0].EndsWith("wiff", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || run.SourceFileTypes[0].ToUpper().EndsWith("scan", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.GetAttribute("id")) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.GetAttribute("id").Split(' ').DefaultIfEmpty("0").Single(x => x.Contains("cycle"))))
                    scan.Scan.Cycle = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("id").Split(' ').DefaultIfEmpty("0").Single(x => x.Contains("cycle")).Split('=').Last());
                    if (scan.Scan.Cycle != 0)    //Some wiffs don't have that info so let's check
                        CycleInfoInID = true;

            bool cvParamsRead = false;

            while (reader.Read() && !cvParamsRead)
                if (reader.IsStartElement())
                    if (reader.LocalName == "cvParam")
                        switch (reader.GetAttribute("accession"))
                        case "MS:1000511":
                            scan.Scan.MsLevel = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("value"));

                        case "MS:1000285":
                            scan.Scan.TotalIonCurrent = double.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("value"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        case "MS:1000016":
                            scan.Scan.ScanStartTime = double.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("value"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            run.StartTime           = Math.Min(run.StartTime, scan.Scan.ScanStartTime);
                            run.LastScanTime        = Math.Max(run.LastScanTime, scan.Scan.ScanStartTime);//technically this is the starttime of the last scan not the completion time

                        case "MS:1000829":
                            scan.Scan.IsolationWindowUpperOffset = double.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("value"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        case "MS:1000828":
                            scan.Scan.IsolationWindowLowerOffset = double.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("value"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        case "MS:1000827":
                            scan.Scan.IsolationWindowTargetMz = double.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("value"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    else if (reader.LocalName == "binaryDataArray")
                        GetBinaryData(reader, scan);
                    if (scan.Scan.MsLevel == null && reader.LocalName == "referenceableParamGroupRef")
                        if (reader.GetAttribute("ref") == SurveyScanReferenceableParamGroupId)
                            scan.Scan.MsLevel = 1;
                            scan.Scan.MsLevel = 2;
                else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.LocalName == "spectrum")
                    if (!CycleInfoInID)
                        if (scan.Scan.MsLevel == 1)
                            scan.Scan.Cycle = currentCycle;
                            MS1             = true;
                        //if there is ScanAndTempProperties ms1:
                        else if (MS1)
                            scan.Scan.Cycle = currentCycle;
                        //if there is no ms1:
                            if (previousTargetMz < scan.Scan.IsolationWindowTargetMz)
                                scan.Scan.Cycle = currentCycle;
                                scan.Scan.Cycle = currentCycle;

                    previousTargetMz = scan.Scan.IsolationWindowTargetMz;

                    if (ParseBinaryData)
                        if (Threading)
                            if (run.AnalysisSettings.CacheSpectraToDisk) //this option exists largely to restrict RAM use, so don't let queue get too big
                                while (cde.CurrentCount > MaxQueueSize)

                            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state => ParseBase64Data(scan, run, Threading, irt));
                            ParseBase64Data(scan, run, Threading, irt);
                        AddScanToRun(scan.Scan, run);
                    cvParamsRead = true;