Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CopyTo(ref MyString arrChar, int index)
            if (arrChar.Length <= index)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            int count = 0;

            for (int i = index; i < arrChar.Length; i++)
                if (count >= valueC.Length)
                arrChar[i] = valueC[count];
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public bool Contains(MyString str)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public MyString(MyString str) : this(str.ToCharArray())
Ejemplo n.º 4
 static MyString()
     EMPTY_STRING = new MyString();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public bool EndsWith(MyString str)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public bool StartsWith(MyString str)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            char[]   array       = new char[] { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'f', 'r', 'o', 'm', ' ', 'a', 'r', 'r', 'a', 'y' };
            MyString emptyString = MyString.EMPTY_STRING;

            Console.WriteLine("Empty string: {0}", emptyString);
            MyString helloString = new MyString("Hello from string");

            Console.WriteLine("String constructor: {0}", helloString);
            MyString fromArray = new MyString(array);

            Console.WriteLine("Char array constructor: {0}", fromArray);
            MyString fromArrayPart = new MyString(array, 0, 5);

            Console.WriteLine("Char array part constructor: {0}", fromArrayPart);

            Console.WriteLine("Uppercase: {0}", helloString.ToUpper());

            Console.WriteLine("Lowercase: {0}", helloString.ToLower());

            Console.WriteLine("First character by index: {0}", helloString[0]);

            Console.WriteLine("MyString Length is: {0}", helloString.Lenght);

            Console.WriteLine("MyString '{0}' Contains 'from' : {1}", helloString, helloString.Contains(new MyString("from")));

            Console.WriteLine("MyString '{0}' Contains 'qwerty' : {1}", helloString, helloString.Contains(new MyString("qwerty")));

            Console.WriteLine("MyString '{0}' Contains 'Hello' char array : {1}",
                              helloString, helloString.Contains(new MyString("Hello").ToCharArray()));

            Console.WriteLine("MyString '{0}' StartsWith 'Hello' : {1}",
                              helloString, helloString.StartsWith(new MyString("Hello")));

            Console.WriteLine("MyString '{0}' EndsWith 'string' : {1}",
                              helloString, helloString.EndsWith(new MyString("string")));

            Console.WriteLine("MyString '{0}' EndsWith 'string' char array: {1}",
                              helloString, helloString.EndsWith(new MyString("string").ToCharArray()));

            MyString trimString = new MyString("   Hello   ");

            Console.WriteLine("MyString '{0}' TrimStart: '{1}'", trimString, trimString.TrimStart());

            Console.WriteLine("MyString '{0}' TrimEnd: '{1}'", trimString, trimString.TrimEnd());

            Console.WriteLine("MyString '{0}' Trim: '{1}'", trimString, trimString.Trim());

            MyString first        = new MyString("First");
            MyString second       = new MyString("Second");
            MyString hello        = new MyString("Hello");
            MyString anotherHello = new MyString("Hello");

            Console.WriteLine("Operator + for: '{0}' and '{1}' - result: '{2}'", first, second, (first + second));

            Console.WriteLine("Operator == for: '{0}' and '{1}' - result: {2}", hello, anotherHello, hello == anotherHello);

            Console.WriteLine("Operator != for: '{0}' and '{1}' - result: {2}", hello, anotherHello, hello != anotherHello);

            MyString abc  = new MyString("abc");
            MyString abcd = new MyString("abcd");

            Console.WriteLine("Operator > for: '{0}' and '{1}' - result: {2}", abc, abcd, abc > abcd);

            Console.WriteLine("Operator < for: '{0}' and '{1}' - result: {2}", abc, abcd, abc < abcd);