public GlyphMetrics[] GetGlyphMetrics(MyScript.IInk.Text.Text text, TextSpan[] spans)
            CanvasDevice canvasDevice = CanvasDevice.GetSharedDevice();

            GlyphMetrics[] glyphMetrics = new GlyphMetrics[text.GlyphCount];

            var firstStyle   = spans[0].Style;
            var firstFontKey = FontKeyFromStyle(firstStyle);

            if (text.GlyphCount == 1)
                glyphMetrics[0] = GetGlyphMetrics(firstFontKey, text.Label, canvasDevice);
                var textFormat = new CanvasTextFormat()
                    FontSize     = firstFontKey.FontSize,
                    FontFamily   = firstFontKey.FontFamily,
                    FontStyle    = firstFontKey.FontStyle,
                    FontWeight   = firstFontKey.FontWeight,
                    WordWrapping = CanvasWordWrapping.NoWrap,
                    Options      = UseColorFont ? CanvasDrawTextOptions.EnableColorFont : CanvasDrawTextOptions.Default

                using (var canvasTextLayout = new CanvasTextLayout(canvasDevice, text.Label, textFormat, 0.0f, 0.0f))
                    for (int i = 0; i < spans.Length; ++i)
                        var charIndex = text.GetGlyphBeginAt(spans[i].BeginPosition);
                        var charCount = text.GetGlyphEndAt(spans[i].EndPosition - 1) - charIndex;

                        var style   = spans[i].Style;
                        var fontKey = FontKeyFromStyle(style);

                        canvasTextLayout.SetFontFamily(charIndex, charCount, fontKey.FontFamily);
                        canvasTextLayout.SetFontSize(charIndex, charCount, fontKey.FontSize);
                        canvasTextLayout.SetFontWeight(charIndex, charCount, fontKey.FontWeight);
                        canvasTextLayout.SetFontStyle(charIndex, charCount, fontKey.FontStyle);

                    for (int i = 0; i < text.GlyphCount; ++i)
                        var glyphLabel     = text.GetGlyphLabelAt(i);
                        var glyphCharStart = text.GetGlyphBeginAt(i);
                        var glyphCharEnd   = text.GetGlyphEndAt(i);

                        var glyphFontKey = new FontKey(canvasTextLayout.GetFontFamily(glyphCharStart)
                                                       , canvasTextLayout.GetFontSize(glyphCharStart)
                                                       , canvasTextLayout.GetFontWeight(glyphCharStart)
                                                       , canvasTextLayout.GetFontStyle(glyphCharStart));

                        var glyphMetrics_ = GetGlyphMetrics(glyphFontKey, glyphLabel, canvasDevice);

                        // Find cluster associated to element
                        // (Use of ClusterMetrics to identify ligatures in the CanvasTextLayout)
                        int cluster          = -1;
                        int clusterCharStart = 0;

                        if (canvasTextLayout.ClusterMetrics != null)
                            for (int c = 0; c < canvasTextLayout.ClusterMetrics.Length; ++c)
                                var clusterCharCount = canvasTextLayout.ClusterMetrics[c].CharacterCount;
                                if ((glyphCharStart >= clusterCharStart) && (glyphCharStart < (clusterCharStart + clusterCharCount)))
                                    cluster = c;

                                clusterCharStart += clusterCharCount;

                        if ((i > 0) && (cluster >= 0) && (glyphCharStart > clusterCharStart))
                            // Ligature with the previous glyph
                            // The position is not accurate because of glyphs substitution at rendering
                            // but it makes the illusion.
                            var prevGlyphMetrics = glyphMetrics[i - 1];
                            glyphMetrics_.BoundingBox.X = prevGlyphMetrics.BoundingBox.X
                                                          + prevGlyphMetrics.BoundingBox.Width
                                                          + prevGlyphMetrics.RightSideBearing
                                                          + glyphMetrics_.LeftSideBearing;
                            float glyphX      = 0.0f;
                            var   charRegions = canvasTextLayout.GetCharacterRegions(glyphCharStart, glyphCharEnd - glyphCharStart);

                            if ((charRegions != null) && (charRegions.Length > 0))
                                glyphX = (float)charRegions[0].LayoutBounds.X;
                                var glyphPos = canvasTextLayout.GetCaretPosition(glyphCharStart, false);
                                glyphX = (float)glyphPos.X;

                            glyphMetrics_.BoundingBox.X += px2mm(glyphX, dpiX);

                        glyphMetrics[i] = glyphMetrics_;
