private void InitializeTestEntities()
            _jobsearch1 = new JobSearch { Companies = new List<Company>() };
            _jobsearch2 = new JobSearch { Companies = new List<Company>() };
            _company1 = new Company { Contacts = new List<Contact>(), Tasks = new List<Task>(), JobSearch = _jobsearch1 };
            _company2 = new Company { Contacts = new List<Contact>(), Tasks = new List<Task>(), JobSearch = _jobsearch2 };
            _contact1 = new Contact { Tasks = new List<Task>(), Company = _company1 };
            _contact2 = new Contact { Tasks = new List<Task>(), Company = _company2 };

            _contactTask1 = new Task { Contact = _contact1, CompletionDate = null, TaskDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 5, 4, 5) };
            _contactTask2 = new Task { Contact = _contact2, CompletionDate = null, TaskDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 6, 4, 5) };
            _companyTask1 = new Task { Company = _company1, CompletionDate = null, TaskDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5) };
            _companyTask2 = new Task { Company = _company2, CompletionDate = null, TaskDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5) };
            _closedTask1 = new Task { Company = _company1, CompletionDate = DateTime.Now, TaskDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) };
            _closedTask2 = new Task { Company = _company2, CompletionDate = DateTime.Now, TaskDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 4, 4, 5) };

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void InitializeTestEntities()
            _changedDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
            _startDate = new DateTime(2011, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);

            _jobSearch = new JobSearch();
            Company company = new Company { JobSearch = _jobSearch };
            _user = new User();
            _contact = new Contact { Company = company };

            _task = new Task
                Name = "Starting Name",
                CompletionDate = null,
                TaskDate = _startDate,
                Category = "Starting Category",
                Company = company,
                Notes = "Starting Notes",
                History = new List<TaskHistory>()


            // Mocks
            _contactAuthMock = new Mock<IProcess<ContactAutorizationParams, AuthorizationResultViewModel>>();
            _contactAuthMock.Setup(x => x.Execute(It.IsAny<ContactAutorizationParams>())).Returns(new AuthorizationResultViewModel { UserAuthorized = true });

            _taskAuthMock = new Mock<IProcess<TaskAuthorizationParams, AuthorizationResultViewModel>>();
            _taskAuthMock.Setup(x => x.Execute(It.IsAny<TaskAuthorizationParams>())).Returns(new AuthorizationResultViewModel { UserAuthorized = true });

            _serviceFactory = new Mock<IServiceFactory>();
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<IUnitOfWork>()).Returns(_unitOfWork);

            _searchProvider = new Mock<ISearchProvider>();
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<ISearchProvider>()).Returns(_searchProvider.Object);

            _userQuery = new Mock<UserByIdQuery>(_unitOfWork);
            _userQuery.Setup(x => x.Execute()).Returns(_user);
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<UserByIdQuery>()).Returns(_userQuery.Object);

            _contactQuery = new Mock<ContactByIdQuery>(_unitOfWork, _contactAuthMock.Object);
            _contactQuery.Setup(x => x.Execute()).Returns(_contact);
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<ContactByIdQuery>()).Returns(_contactQuery.Object);

            _taskQuery = new Mock<TaskByIdQuery>(_unitOfWork, _taskAuthMock.Object);
            _taskQuery.Setup(x => x.Execute()).Returns(_task);
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<TaskByIdQuery>()).Returns(_taskQuery.Object);

            _updateMetricsCmd = new Mock<UpdateJobSearchMetricsCommand>(_serviceFactory.Object);
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<UpdateJobSearchMetricsCommand>()).Returns(_updateMetricsCmd.Object);

            _validator = new Mock<IValidator<Task>>();
            _validator.Setup(x => x.Validate(It.IsAny<Task>())).Returns(new ValidationResult());
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService<IValidator<Task>>()).Returns(_validator.Object);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void InitializeTestEntities()
            _task1 = new Task { Name = "Task 1" };
            _task2 = new Task { Name = "Task 2" };
            _task3 = new Task { Name = "Task 3" };


Ejemplo n.º 4
        public EditTaskViewModel(Task task)
            Id = task.Id;
            Name = task.Name;
            TaskDate = task.TaskDate;
            Completed = task.CompletionDate != null;
            AssociatedContactId = Convert.ToInt32(task.ContactId);
            Company = new CompanySummaryViewModel(task.Company);
            Contact = new ContactSummaryViewModel(task.Contact);
            Category = task.Category;
            Notes = task.Notes;

            AssociatedContactId = task.ContactId ?? 0;
            AvailableCategoryList = new List<string>();
        public void Search_Finds_Task_By_Name()
            // Setup 
            Task task = new Task { Id = 2, Name = "Name", Company = new Company { JobSearch = new JobSearch { Id = 4 } } };

            // Act
            SearchProviderResult result = _provider.SearchByJobSearchId("Name", 4);

            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.FoundCompanyIds.Count, "Found company count was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.FoundContactIds.Count, "Found contact count was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.FoundTaskIds.Count, "Found task count was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(task.Id, result.FoundTaskIds[0], "Found task id value was incorrect");
        public void Search_Returns_No_Results_With_No_Match()
            // Setup
            Company company = new Company { Id = 2, JobSearch = new JobSearch { Id = 5 } };
            Contact contact = new Contact { Id = 3, Company = new Company { JobSearch = new JobSearch { Id = 5 } } };
            Task task = new Task { Id = 4, Company = new Company { JobSearch = new JobSearch { Id = 5 } } };


            // Act
            SearchProviderResult result = _provider.SearchByJobSearchId("Test", 5);

            // Verify
            Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Search provider result was null");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.FoundCompanyIds.Count, "Search provider result's found company list item count was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.FoundContactIds.Count, "Search provider result's found contact list item count was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.FoundTaskIds.Count, "Search provider result's found task list item count was incorrect");
        public void ReIndexing_Task_Updates_Existing_Contact_Document()
            // Setup
            Task task = new Task { Id = 3, Name = "Name1", Company = new Company { JobSearch = new JobSearch { Id = 5 } } };
            task.Name = "Name2";

            // Act

            // Verify
            IndexSearcher searcher;
            TopDocs hits = SearchIndex(LuceneSearchProvider.Constants.TASK_ID, "3", out searcher);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, hits.scoreDocs.Length, "Incorrect number of documents returned");

            Document doc = searcher.Doc(hits.scoreDocs[0].doc);
            Assert.AreEqual("Name2", doc.Get(LuceneSearchProvider.Constants.TASK_NAME), "Document had an incorrect name");
        public void Can_Remove_Task_From_Index()
            // Setup
            Task task = new Task { Id = 3, Company = new Company { JobSearch = new JobSearch { Id = 5 } } };

            // Act

            // Verify
            IndexSearcher searcher;
            TopDocs hits = SearchIndex(LuceneSearchProvider.Constants.TASK_ID, "3", out searcher);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, hits.scoreDocs.Length, "Incorrect number of documents returned");
        public void Can_Index_Multiple_Tasks()
            // Setup
            Task task1 = new Task { Id = 3, Name = "Name", Company = new Company { JobSearch = new JobSearch { Id = 5 } } };
            Task task2 = new Task { Id = 4, Name = "Name", Company = new Company { JobSearch = new JobSearch { Id = 5 } } };

            // Act

            // Verify
            IndexSearcher searcher;
            TopDocs hits = SearchIndex(LuceneSearchProvider.Constants.TASK_NAME, "Name", out searcher);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, hits.scoreDocs.Length, "Incorrect number of documents returned");
        public void Tasks_Null_Properties_Index_As_Empty_String()
            // Setup
            Task task = new Task { Id = 3, Company = new Company { JobSearch = new JobSearch { Id = 5 } } };

            // Act

            // Verify
            IndexSearcher searcher;
            TopDocs hits = SearchIndex(LuceneSearchProvider.Constants.TASK_ID, "3", out searcher);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, hits.scoreDocs.Length, "Incorrect number of documents returned");

            Document doc = searcher.Doc(hits.scoreDocs[0].doc);
            Assert.AreEqual("3", doc.Get(LuceneSearchProvider.Constants.TASK_ID), "Document had an incorrect contact id value");
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, doc.Get(LuceneSearchProvider.Constants.TASK_NAME), "Document had an incorrect name value");
        public void Can_Index_Tasks()
            // Setup
            DateTime testdate = DateTime.Now;

            Task task = new Task
                Id = 3,
                Name = "Name",
                TaskDate = testdate,
                Category = "Category",

                Company = new Company { JobSearch = new JobSearch { Id = 7 } }

            // Act

            // Verify
            IndexSearcher searcher;
            TopDocs hits = SearchIndex(LuceneSearchProvider.Constants.TASK_ID, "3", out searcher);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, hits.scoreDocs.Length, "Incorrect number of documents returned");

            Document doc = searcher.Doc(hits.scoreDocs[0].doc);
            Assert.AreEqual("3", doc.Get(LuceneSearchProvider.Constants.TASK_ID), "Document had an incorrect contact id value");
            Assert.AreEqual("Name", doc.Get(LuceneSearchProvider.Constants.TASK_NAME), "Document had an incorrect name value");
            Assert.AreEqual("7", doc.Get(LuceneSearchProvider.Constants.JOBSEARCH_ID), "Document had an incorrect job search id value");
            Assert.AreEqual("Category", doc.Get(LuceneSearchProvider.Constants.TASK_CATEGORY), "Document had an incorrect category value");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void Remove(Task task)
            if (task == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Can't remove the index for a null task");

            // Delete all documents with a matching task id
            var writer = OpenIndex();
            writer.DeleteDocuments(new Term(Constants.TASK_ID, task.Id.ToString()));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void Index(Task task)
            if (task == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Can't index a null task");

            // Create a document for the task
            var document = new Document();
            document.Add(new Field(Constants.TASK_ID, task.Id.ToString(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
            document.Add(new Field(Constants.TASK_NAME, task.Name ?? string.Empty, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED));
            document.Add(new Field(Constants.TASK_CATEGORY, task.Category ?? string.Empty, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED));
            document.Add(new Field(Constants.JOBSEARCH_ID, task.Company.JobSearch.Id.ToString(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            // Remove any previous documents for the task and add the new one

            var writer = OpenIndex();
                // Make sure the writer attempts to close even if an exception occurs, to prevent stale locks
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the command
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="MJLEntityNotFoundException">Thrown when the specified company, calling user, or contact is not found</exception>
        public virtual Task Execute(CreateTaskCommandParams cmdParams)
            var unitOfWork = _serviceFactory.GetService<IUnitOfWork>();

            // Retrieve the user creating the task
            var user = _serviceFactory.GetService<UserByIdQuery>().WithUserId(cmdParams.RequestedUserId).Execute();
            if (user == null)
                throw new MJLEntityNotFoundException(typeof(User), cmdParams.RequestedUserId);

            // Retrieve the company
            var company = _serviceFactory.GetService<CompanyByIdQuery>().WithCompanyId(cmdParams.CompanyId)
            if (company == null)
                throw new MJLEntityNotFoundException(typeof(Company), cmdParams.CompanyId);

            // Retrieve the contact if one is specified
            Contact contact = null;
            if (cmdParams.ContactId != 0)
                contact = _serviceFactory.GetService<ContactByIdQuery>()
                if (contact == null)
                    throw new MJLEntityNotFoundException(typeof(Contact), cmdParams.ContactId);

            // Create the Task
            var task = new Task
                Company = company,
                Name = cmdParams.Name,
                TaskDate = cmdParams.TaskDate,
                Contact = contact,
                Category = cmdParams.Category,
                Notes = cmdParams.Notes,

                History = new List<TaskHistory>()

            // Create history record
            task.History.Add(new TaskHistory
                Name = cmdParams.Name,
                TaskDate = cmdParams.TaskDate,
                Category = cmdParams.Category,
                Notes = cmdParams.Notes,
                HistoryAction = MJLConstants.HistoryInsert,
                DateModified = DateTime.Now,
                AuthoringUser = user

            // Perform Validation
            var validation = _serviceFactory.GetService<IValidator<Task>>();


            // Index the task with the search provider

            // Update the metrics for the job search
                .Execute(new UpdateJobSearchMetricsCmdParams { JobSearchId = (int)company.JobSearchID });

            return task;