This class represent a special case of billboard system which is the hp billboard system in which all billboards dont have the same texture and texture of each billboards change with time
        public MonstersManager(Game1 game)
            : base(game)
            monsters = new List<Monster>();
            myGame = game;

            rnd = new Random();

            hpBillBoardSystem = new HPBillboardSystem(game.GraphicsDevice, game.Content, Constants.HP_SIZE, monsters);
            //skinnedModel = Game.Content.Load<SkinnedModel>(@"Textures\EnemyBeast");

            skinnedModel = Game.Content.Load<SkinnedModel>(@"model\EnemyBeast");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public MonstersManager(Game1 game)
            : base(game)
            monsters = new List <Monster>();
            myGame   = game;

            rnd = new Random();

            hpBillBoardSystem = new HPBillboardSystem(game.GraphicsDevice, game.Content, Constants.HP_SIZE, monsters);
            //skinnedModel = Game.Content.Load<SkinnedModel>(@"Textures\EnemyBeast");

            skinnedModel = Game.Content.Load <SkinnedModel>(@"model\EnemyBeast");
        public MonstersManager(MyGame game)
            : base(game)
            monsters = new List<Monster>();
            deadMonsters = new List<Monster>();
            myGame = game;

            rnd[0] = new Random();
            rnd[1] = new Random();

            hpBillBoardSystem = new HPBillboardSystem(game.GraphicsDevice, game.Content, Constants.HP_SIZE, monsters);
            //skinnedModel = Game.Content.Load<SkinnedModel>(@"Textures\EnemyBeast");


            myGame.mediator.register(this, MyEvent.G_NextLevel_END_OF_MUSIC);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void addEnemy()
            float x = 0, z = 0;
            float y = Constants.TERRAIN_HEIGHT;
            //while(y > .5 * Constants.TERRAIN_HEIGHT)
            bool flag = true;

            while (flag)
                x = (float)(rnd[0].NextDouble() * Constants.FIELD_MAX_X_Z * 2 - Constants.FIELD_MAX_X_Z);
                z = (float)(rnd[0].NextDouble() * Constants.FIELD_MAX_X_Z * 2 - Constants.FIELD_MAX_X_Z);
                //x = (float)(rnd[0].NextDouble() * 50);
                //z = (float)(rnd[0].NextDouble() * 50);
                if (Math.Abs(x - myGame.player.unit.position.X) > 20 && Math.Abs(z - myGame.player.unit.position.Z) > 20)
                    flag = false;
            y = myGame.GetHeightAtPosition(x, z);
            Vector3 pos    = new Vector3(x, y, z);
            Vector3 rot    = new Vector3(0, (float)(rnd[0].NextDouble() * MathHelper.TwoPi), 0);
            int     choice = (int)(rnd[1].NextDouble() * 4);

            MonsterUnit monsterUnit = new MonsterUnit(myGame, pos, rot, Constants.MONSTER_SCALE, monsterConstants[choice]);

            Monster monster;

            //if(deadMonsters.Count == 0)
            monster = new Monster(myGame, new MonsterModel(myGame, skinnedModel[choice]), monsterUnit);
            //    monster = deadMonsters[0];
            //    deadMonsters.RemoveAt(0);
            //    monster.monsterUnit = monsterUnit;
            //    monster.unit = monsterUnit;
            // = 100;
            //    ((MonsterModel)monster.cModel).reinitialize(skinnedModel[choice]);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public MonstersManager(MyGame game)
            : base(game)
            monsters     = new List <Monster>();
            deadMonsters = new List <Monster>();
            myGame       = game;

            rnd[0] = new Random();
            rnd[1] = new Random();

            hpBillBoardSystem = new HPBillboardSystem(game.GraphicsDevice, game.Content, Constants.HP_SIZE, monsters);
            //skinnedModel = Game.Content.Load<SkinnedModel>(@"Textures\EnemyBeast");


            myGame.mediator.register(this, MyEvent.G_NextLevel_END_OF_MUSIC);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void addEnemy()
            float x = 0, z = 0;
            float y = Constants.TERRAIN_HEIGHT;

            //while(y > .5 * Constants.TERRAIN_HEIGHT)
            x = (float)(rnd.NextDouble() * Constants.FIELD_MAX_X_Z * 2 - Constants.FIELD_MAX_X_Z);
            z = (float)(rnd.NextDouble() * Constants.FIELD_MAX_X_Z * 2 - Constants.FIELD_MAX_X_Z);
            y = myGame.GetHeightAtPosition(x, z);
            Vector3     pos         = new Vector3(x, y, z);
            Vector3     rot         = new Vector3(0, (float)(rnd.NextDouble() * MathHelper.TwoPi), 0);
            MonsterUnit monsterUnit = new MonsterUnit(myGame, pos, rot, Constants.MONSTER_SCALE);
            Monster     monster     = new Monster(myGame, skinnedModel, monsterUnit);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void DrawHP()
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 300, 50);

            spriteBatch.Draw(HPBillboardSystem.getTexture(health), rect, Color.White);