/// <summary>
        /// Gets called whenever an user disconnects to the server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">The Telepathy.Message sent by the server.getNextMessage() function</param>
        static void OnUserDisconnect(Telepathy.Message msg)
            Logging.Info("[Server] " + msg.connectionId + " Disconnected");

            //Check if the user with the connectionid exists and if so delete him from the database
            Helpers.User user = Users.Find(x => x.ID == msg.connectionId);
            if (user == null)
                Logging.Warn($"[Server] User with the Id {msg.connectionId} did disconnect but no User object was found for him!");
                Logging.Info($"[Server] User {user.Username} did disconnect from the Server!");
     static void OnChatReceived(Helpers.TcpChat chat)
         Helpers.User sender = (Helpers.User)chat.Data.GetValue("sender");
         if (sender == null)
             sender = new Helpers.User()
                 Username = "******"
         Logging.Info($"[Message] {sender.Username}: {(string)chat.Data.GetValue("message")}");
         if (chatMessages.Count == 18)
         chatMessages.Add($"{sender.Username}: {(string)chat.Data.GetValue("message")}");
         chatLogMessages.Add($"[{sender.Username}] [{DateTime.Now.ToString()}] {(string)chat.Data.GetValue("message")}");
         chatWindow.text = string.Join("\n", chatMessages);