public List <ArduinoLibrary> extractLibrariesFromIno(StreamReader inoReader)
            var arduinoLibraries = new List <ArduinoLibrary>();
            var libraryNames     = extractLibrariesFromStream(inoReader);

            foreach (var libName in libraryNames)

        static public ArduinoLibrary createFromIncludeFile(string includeFilename)
            // Notes:
            // We process the ino to extract header files.
            // The .h is removed from filename, and used to locate the library in the following locations:
            // Documents\Arduino\Libraries
            // C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries
            // C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries
            // If the Library itself has a file, it needs to be parsed
            // to see which architectures are supported.
            //  * - sources and header are in Library\src
            //  avr or sam - header is in Library\src, sources are in Library\src\$arch\

            ArduinoLibrary lib         = null;
            var            libraryName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(includeFilename);
            var            libraryPath = ArduinoLibrary.findLibraryPath(libraryName);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(libraryPath))
                lib = new ArduinoLibrary(libraryPath);
