Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static string ToStringDecimal(double latitude, double longitude, bool newline = false, int precision = 3)
            double clampedLongitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(longitude);
            double latitudeAbs      = Math.Abs(latitude);
            double longitudeAbs     = Math.Abs(clampedLongitude);

            return(latitudeAbs.ToString("F" + precision) + "° " + (latitude > 0 ? "N" : "S") + (newline ? "\n" : ", ")
                   + longitudeAbs.ToString("F" + precision) + "° " + (clampedLongitude > 0 ? "E" : "W"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public string NextManeuverNodeDeltaV()
            if (!vessel.patchedConicsUnlocked() || !vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes.Any())

            return(MuUtils.ToSI(vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes[0].GetBurnVector(orbit).magnitude, -1) + "m/s");
        private double computeYaw()
            // probably not perfect, especially when the aircraft is turning
            double path  = vesselState.HeadingFromDirection(vesselState.surfaceVelocity);
            double nose  = vesselState.HeadingFromDirection(vesselState.forward);
            double angle = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(nose - path);

        public override void OnFixedUpdate()
            if (markUT == 0)

            timeSinceMark = vesselState.time - markUT;

            if (vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.PRELAUNCH)
                Mark(); //keep resetting stats until we launch

            if (vesselState.currentThrustAccel > 0)
                gravityLosses += vesselState.deltaT * Vector3d.Dot(-vesselState.orbitalVelocity.normalized, vesselState.gravityForce);
            dragLosses     += vesselState.deltaT * vesselState.drag;
            deltaVExpended += vesselState.deltaT * vesselState.currentThrustAccel;
            steeringLosses += vesselState.deltaT * vesselState.currentThrustAccel * (1 - Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.orbitalVelocity.normalized, vesselState.forward));

            maxDragGees = Math.Max(maxDragGees, vesselState.drag / 9.81);

            double circularPeriod = 2 * Math.PI * vesselState.radius / OrbitalManeuverCalculator.CircularOrbitSpeed(mainBody, vesselState.radius);
            double angleTraversed = (vesselState.longitude - markLongitude) + 360 * (vesselState.time - markUT) / part.vessel.mainBody.rotationPeriod;

            phaseAngleFromMark = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(360 * (vesselState.time - markUT) / circularPeriod - angleTraversed);

            if (paused)

            //int oldHistoryIdx = historyIdx;

            //historyIdx = Mathf.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((float)(timeSinceMark / precision)), history.Length - 1);

            if (vesselState.time >= (lastRecordTime + precision) && historyIdx < history.Length - 1)
                lastRecordTime = vesselState.time;
                if (TimeWarp.WarpMode == TimeWarp.Modes.HIGH)
                    Log.dbg("WRP {0} {1:0} {2:0.00}", historyIdx, history[historyIdx].downRange, history[historyIdx].AoA);
                    Log.dbg("STD {0} {1:0} {2:0.00}", historyIdx, history[historyIdx].downRange, history[historyIdx].AoA);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        protected override void WindowGUI(int windowID)
            GUIStyle s = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);

            s.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;

            List <Runway> availableRunways = MechJebModuleSpaceplaneAutopilot.runways.Where(p => p.body == mainBody).ToList();

            if (runwayIndex > availableRunways.Count)
                runwayIndex = 0;

            if (availableRunways.Any())
                GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_ApproAndLand_label1"), s);//Landing

                runwayIndex     = GuiUtils.ComboBox.Box(runwayIndex, availableRunways.Select(p => p.name).ToArray(), this);
                autoland.runway = availableRunways[runwayIndex];

                GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_ApproAndLand_label2") + MuUtils.ToSI(Vector3d.Distance(vesselState.CoM, autoland.runway.Start()), 0) + "m"); //Distance to runway:

                showLandingTarget = GUILayout.Toggle(showLandingTarget, Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_ApproAndLand_label3"));                                              //Show landing navball guidance

                if (GUILayout.Button(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_ApproAndLan_button1")))                                                                                 //Autoland
                if (autoland.enabled && GUILayout.Button(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_ApproAndLan_button2")))//Abort

                GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_ApproAndLand_label14"), autoland.glideslope, "°");                                         //Autoland glideslope:
                GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_ApproAndLand_label4"), autoland.approachSpeed, "m/s");                                     //Approach speed:
                GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_ApproAndLand_label5"), autoland.touchdownSpeed, "m/s");                                    //Touchdown speed:

                autoland.bEngageReverseIfAvailable = GUILayout.Toggle(autoland.bEngageReverseIfAvailable, Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_ApproAndLand_label6")); //Reverse thrust upon touchdown
                autoland.bBreakAsSoonAsLanded      = GUILayout.Toggle(autoland.bBreakAsSoonAsLanded, Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_ApproAndLand_label7"));      //Brake as soon as landed

                if (autoland.enabled)
                    GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_ApproAndLand_label8") + autoland.AutolandApproachStateToHumanReadableDescription());                            //State:
                    GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_ApproAndLand_label9", Math.Round(autoland.GetAutolandLateralDistanceToNextWaypoint(), 0)));                     //Distance to waypoint: {0}m
                    GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_ApproAndLand_label10", Math.Round(autoland.Autopilot.SpeedTarget, 1)));                                         //Target speed: {0} m/s
                    GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_ApproAndLand_label11", Math.Round(autoland.GetAutolandTargetAltitude(autoland.GetAutolandTargetVector()), 0))); //Target altitude: {0} m
                    GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_ApproAndLand_label12", Math.Round(autoland.Autopilot.VertSpeedTarget, 1)));                                     //Target vertical speed: {0} m/s
                    GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_ApproAndLand_label13", Math.Round(autoland.Autopilot.HeadingTarget, 0)));                                       //Target heading: {0}º


Ejemplo n.º 6
        //The mean anomaly of the orbit.
        //For elliptical orbits, the value return is always between 0 and 2pi
        //For hyperbolic orbits, the value can be any number.
        public static double MeanAnomalyAtUT(this Orbit o, double UT)
            double ret = o.meanAnomalyAtEpoch + o.MeanMotion() * (UT - o.epoch);

            if (o.eccentricity < 1)
                ret = MuUtils.ClampRadiansTwoPi(ret);
        protected override void WindowGUI(int windowID)
            GUIStyle s = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);

            s.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;

            List <Runway> availableRunways = MechJebModuleSpaceplaneAutopilot.runways.Where(p => p.body == mainBody).ToList();

            if (runwayIndex > availableRunways.Count)
                runwayIndex = 0;

            if (availableRunways.Any())
                GUILayout.Label("Landing", s);

                runwayIndex     = GuiUtils.ComboBox.Box(runwayIndex, availableRunways.Select(p => p.name).ToArray(), this);
                autoland.runway = availableRunways[runwayIndex];

                GUILayout.Label("Distance to runway: " + MuUtils.ToSI(Vector3d.Distance(vesselState.CoM, autoland.runway.Start()), 0) + "m");

                showLandingTarget = GUILayout.Toggle(showLandingTarget, "Show landing navball guidance");

                if (GUILayout.Button("Autoland"))
                if (autoland.enabled && GUILayout.Button("Abort"))

                GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Autoland glideslope:", autoland.glideslope);
                GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Approach speed:", autoland.approachSpeed);
                GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Touchdown speed:", autoland.touchdownSpeed);
                autoland.bEngageReverseIfAvailable = GUILayout.Toggle(autoland.bEngageReverseIfAvailable, "Reverse thrust upon touchdown");
                autoland.bBreakAsSoonAsLanded      = GUILayout.Toggle(autoland.bBreakAsSoonAsLanded, "Break As Soon As Landed");

                if (autoland.enabled)
                    GUILayout.Label("State: " + autoland.AutolandApproachStateToHumanReadableDescription());
                    GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Distance to waypoint: {0} m", Math.Round(autoland.GetAutolandLateralDistanceToNextWaypoint(), 0)));
                    GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Target speed: {0} m/s", Math.Round(autoland.Autopilot.SpeedTarget, 1)));
                    GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Target altitude: {0} m", Math.Round(autoland.GetAutolandTargetAltitude(autoland.GetAutolandTargetVector()), 0)));
                    GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Target vertical speed: {0} m/s", Math.Round(autoland.Autopilot.VertSpeedTarget, 1)));
                    GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Target heading: {0}º", Math.Round(autoland.Autopilot.HeadingTarget, 0)));


Ejemplo n.º 8
        // provides AoA limiting and ground track steering to pitch controllers (possibly should be moved into the attitude controller, but
        // right now it collaborates too heavily with the ascent autopilot)
        protected void attitudeTo(double desiredPitch)
            double desiredHeading = OrbitalManeuverCalculator.HeadingForLaunchInclination(vessel, vesselState, autopilot.desiredInclination);

            Vector3d desiredHeadingVector = Math.Sin(desiredHeading * UtilMath.Deg2Rad) * vesselState.east + Math.Cos(desiredHeading * UtilMath.Deg2Rad) * vesselState.north;

            Vector3d desiredThrustVector = Math.Cos(desiredPitch * UtilMath.Deg2Rad) * desiredHeadingVector
                                           + Math.Sin(desiredPitch * UtilMath.Deg2Rad) * vesselState.up;

            thrustVectorForNavball = desiredThrustVector;

            desiredThrustVector = desiredThrustVector.normalized;

            if (autopilot.limitAoA)
                float fade = vesselState.dynamicPressure < autopilot.aoALimitFadeoutPressure ? (float)(autopilot.aoALimitFadeoutPressure / vesselState.dynamicPressure) : 1;
                autopilot.currentMaxAoA = Math.Min(fade * autopilot.maxAoA, 180d);
                autopilot.limitingAoA   = vessel.altitude <mainBody.atmosphereDepth && Vector3.Angle(vesselState.surfaceVelocity, desiredThrustVector)> autopilot.currentMaxAoA;

                if (autopilot.limitingAoA)
                    desiredThrustVector = Vector3.RotateTowards(vesselState.surfaceVelocity, desiredThrustVector, (float)(autopilot.currentMaxAoA * Mathf.Deg2Rad), 1).normalized;

            double pitch = 90 - Vector3d.Angle(desiredThrustVector, vesselState.up);
            double hdg;

            if (pitch > 89.9)
                hdg = desiredHeading;
                hdg = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(UtilMath.Rad2Deg * Math.Atan2(Vector3d.Dot(desiredThrustVector, vesselState.east), Vector3d.Dot(desiredThrustVector, vesselState.north)));

            if (autopilot.forceRoll)
                core.attitude.AxisControl(!vessel.Landed, !vessel.Landed, !vessel.Landed && vesselState.altitudeBottom > 50);

                if (desiredPitch == 90.0)
                    core.attitude.attitudeTo(hdg, pitch, autopilot.turnRoll, this);
                    core.attitude.attitudeTo(hdg, pitch, autopilot.verticalRoll, this);
                core.attitude.attitudeTo(desiredThrustVector, AttitudeReference.INERTIAL, this);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected override void WindowGUI(int windowID)

            GUIStyle s = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);

            s.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            GUILayout.Label("Landing", s);

            Runway[] runways     = MechJebModuleSpaceplaneAutopilot.runways;
            int      runwayIndex = Array.IndexOf(runways, autopilot.runway);

            runwayIndex      = GuiUtils.ArrowSelector(runwayIndex, runways.Length, autopilot.runway.name);
            autopilot.runway = runways[runwayIndex];

            GUILayout.Label("Distance to runway: " + MuUtils.ToSI(Vector3d.Distance(vesselState.CoM, autopilot.runway.Start(vesselState.CoM)), 0) + "m");

            showLandingTarget = GUILayout.Toggle(showLandingTarget, "Show landing navball guidance");

            if (GUILayout.Button("Autoland"))
            if (autopilot.enabled && autopilot.mode == MechJebModuleSpaceplaneAutopilot.Mode.AUTOLAND &&

            GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("Autoland glideslope:", autopilot.glideslope, "º");

            GUILayout.Label("Hold", s);

            if (GUILayout.Button("Initiate hold:"))
            autopilot.targetHeading.text = GUILayout.TextField(autopilot.targetHeading.text, GUILayout.Width(40));
            GUILayout.Label("º Altitude:");
            autopilot.targetAltitude.text = GUILayout.TextField(autopilot.targetAltitude.text, GUILayout.Width(40));

            if (autopilot.enabled && autopilot.mode == MechJebModuleSpaceplaneAutopilot.Mode.HOLD &&


Ejemplo n.º 10
 public string OrbitSummary(Orbit o)
     if (o.eccentricity > 1)
         return("hyperbolic, Pe = " + MuUtils.ToSI(o.PeA, 2) + "m");
         return(MuUtils.ToSI(o.PeA, 2) + "m x " + MuUtils.ToSI(o.ApA, 2) + "m");
Ejemplo n.º 11
        //The next time at which the orbiting object will reach the given mean anomaly.
        //For elliptical orbits, this will be a time between UT and UT + o.period
        //For hyperbolic orbits, this can be any time, including a time in the past, if
        //the given mean anomaly occurred in the past
        public static double UTAtMeanAnomaly(this Orbit o, double meanAnomaly, double UT)
            double currentMeanAnomaly = o.MeanAnomalyAtUT(UT);
            double meanDifference     = meanAnomaly - currentMeanAnomaly;

            if (o.eccentricity < 1)
                meanDifference = MuUtils.ClampRadiansTwoPi(meanDifference);
            return(UT + meanDifference / o.MeanMotion());
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public string TargetClosestApproachDistance()
     if (!core.target.NormalTargetExists)
     if (core.target.Orbit.referenceBody != orbit.referenceBody)
     return(MuUtils.ToSI(orbit.NextClosestApproachDistance(core.target.Orbit, vesselState.time), -1) + "m");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        //return the mass of the simulated FuelNode. This is not the same as the mass of the Part,
        //because the simulated node may have lost resources, and thus mass, during the simulation.
        public float Mass(int simStage)
            //print("\n(" + simStage + ") " + partName.PadRight(25) + " dryMass " + dryMass.ToString("F3")
            //          + " ResMass " + (resources.Keys.Sum(id => resources[id] * MuUtils.ResourceDensity(id))).ToString("F3")
            //          + " Fairing Mass " + (inverseStage < simStage ? fairingMass : 0).ToString("F3")
            //          + " (" + fairingMass.ToString("F3") + ")"
            //          + " ModuleMass " + moduleMass.ToString("F3")
            //          );

            return(dryMass + resources.Keys.Sum(id => resources[id] * MuUtils.ResourceDensity(id)) +
                   (inverseStage < simStage ? fairingMass : 0));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public EditableAngle(double angle)
            angle = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(angle);

            negative = (angle < 0);
            angle    = Math.Abs(angle);
            degrees  = (int)angle;
            angle   -= degrees;
            minutes  = (int)(60 * angle);
            angle   -= minutes / 60;
            seconds  = Math.Round(3600 * angle);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        //The mean anomaly of the orbit.
        //For elliptical orbits, the value return is always between 0 and 2pi
        //For hyperbolic orbits, the value can be any number.
        public static double MeanAnomalyAtUT(this Orbit o, double UT)
            // We use ObtAtEpoch and not meanAnomalyAtEpoch because somehow meanAnomalyAtEpoch
            // can be wrong when using the RealSolarSystem mod. ObtAtEpoch is always correct.
            double ret = (o.ObTAtEpoch + (UT - o.epoch)) * o.MeanMotion();

            if (o.eccentricity < 1)
                ret = MuUtils.ClampRadiansTwoPi(ret);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public override ManeuverParameters MakeNodeImpl(Orbit o, double universalTime, MechJebModuleTargetController target)
            double UT = timeSelector.ComputeManeuverTime(o, universalTime, target);

            if (o.referenceBody.Radius + newApA < o.Radius(UT))
                string burnAltitude = MuUtils.ToSI(o.Radius(UT) - o.referenceBody.Radius) + "m";
                throw new OperationException(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_Ap_Exception", burnAltitude));//new apoapsis cannot be lower than the altitude of the burn (<<1>>)

            return(new ManeuverParameters(OrbitalManeuverCalculator.DeltaVToChangeApoapsis(o, UT, newApA + o.referenceBody.Radius), UT));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        //Originally by Zool, revised by The_Duck
        //Converts an eccentric anomaly into a mean anomaly.
        //For an elliptical orbit, the returned value is between 0 and 2pi
        //For a hyperbolic orbit, the returned value is any number
        public static double GetMeanAnomalyAtEccentricAnomaly(this Orbit o, double E)
            double e = o.eccentricity;

            if (e < 1) //elliptical orbits
                return(MuUtils.ClampRadiansTwoPi(E - (e * Math.Sin(E))));
            else //hyperbolic orbits
                return((e * Math.Sinh(E)) - E);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the time to a target plane defined by the LAN and inc for a rocket on the ground.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rotationPeriod">Rotation period of the central body (seconds).</param>
        /// <param name="latitude">Latitude of the launchite (degrees).</param>
        /// <param name="celestialLongitude">Celestial longitude of the current position of the launchsite.</param>
        /// <param name="LAN">Longitude of the Ascending Node of the target plane (degrees).</param>
        /// <param name="inc">Inclination of the target plane (degrees).</param>
        public static double TimeToPlane(double rotationPeriod, double latitude, double celestialLongitude, double LAN, double inc)
            // alpha is the 90 degree angle between the line of longitude and the equator and omitted
            double beta = OrbitalManeuverCalculator.HeadingForInclination(inc, latitude) * UtilMath.Deg2Rad;
            double c    = Math.Abs(latitude) * UtilMath.Deg2Rad;                                                            // Abs for south hemisphere launch sites
            // b is how many radians to the west of the launch site that the LAN is (east in south hemisphere)
            double b = Math.Atan2(2 * Math.Sin(beta), Math.Cos(beta) / Math.Tan(c / 2) + Math.Tan(c / 2) * Math.Cos(beta)); // napier's analogies
            // LAN if we launched now
            double LANnow = celestialLongitude - Math.Sign(latitude) * b * UtilMath.Rad2Deg;

            return(MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(LAN - LANnow) / 360 * rotationPeriod);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        // Compute an angular heading from point a to point b on a unit sphere
        public static double Heading(double lat_a, double long_a, double lat_b, double long_b)
            // Using Great-Circle Navigation formula for initial heading from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great-circle_navigation
            // Note the switch from degrees to radians and back
            // Original equation returns 0 for due south, increasing clockwise. We add 180 and clamp to 0-360 degrees to map to compass-type headings
            double lat_a_rad     = Math.PI / 180 * lat_a;
            double lat_b_rad     = Math.PI / 180 * lat_b;
            double long_diff_rad = Math.PI / 180 * (long_b - long_a);

            return(MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(180.0 / Math.PI * Math.Atan2(
                                               Math.Cos(lat_a_rad) * Math.Tan(lat_b_rad) - Math.Sin(lat_a_rad) * Math.Cos(long_diff_rad))));
Ejemplo n.º 20
        //Computes the delta-V of the burn required to attain a given periapsis, starting from
        //a given orbit and burning at a given UT. Throws an ArgumentException if given an impossible periapsis.
        //The computed burn is always horizontal, though this may not be strictly optimal.
        public static Vector3d DeltaVToChangePeriapsis(Orbit o, double UT, double newPeR)
            double radius = o.Radius(UT);

            //sanitize input
            newPeR = MuUtils.Clamp(newPeR, 0 + 1, radius - 1);

            //are we raising or lowering the periapsis?
            bool     raising       = (newPeR > o.PeR);
            Vector3d burnDirection = (raising ? 1 : -1) * o.Horizontal(UT);

            double minDeltaV = 0;
            double maxDeltaV;

            if (raising)
                //put an upper bound on the required deltaV:
                maxDeltaV = 0.25;
                while (o.PerturbedOrbit(UT, maxDeltaV * burnDirection).PeR < newPeR)
                    maxDeltaV *= 2;
                    if (maxDeltaV > 100000)
                        break;                     //a safety precaution
                //when lowering periapsis, we burn horizontally, and max possible deltaV is the deltaV required to kill all horizontal velocity
                maxDeltaV = Math.Abs(Vector3d.Dot(o.SwappedOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT), burnDirection));

            //now do a binary search to find the needed delta-v
            while (maxDeltaV - minDeltaV > 0.01)
                double testDeltaV    = (maxDeltaV + minDeltaV) / 2.0;
                double testPeriapsis = o.PerturbedOrbit(UT, testDeltaV * burnDirection).PeR;

                if ((testPeriapsis > newPeR && raising) || (testPeriapsis < newPeR && !raising))
                    maxDeltaV = testDeltaV;
                    minDeltaV = testDeltaV;

            return(((maxDeltaV + minDeltaV) / 2) * burnDirection);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        //Computes the deltaV of the burn needed to set a given LAN at a given UT.
        public static Vector3d DeltaVToShiftLAN(Orbit o, double UT, double newLAN)
            Vector3d pos = o.SwappedAbsolutePositionAtUT(UT);
            // Burn position in the same reference frame as LAN
            double burn_latitude  = o.referenceBody.GetLatitude(pos);
            double burn_longitude = o.referenceBody.GetLongitude(pos) + o.referenceBody.rotationAngle;

            const double target_latitude  = 0; // Equator
            double       target_longitude = 0; // Prime Meridian

            // Select the location of either the descending or ascending node.
            // If the descending node is closer than the ascending node, or there is no ascending node, target the reverse of the newLAN
            // Otherwise target the newLAN
            if (o.AscendingNodeEquatorialExists() && o.DescendingNodeEquatorialExists())
                if (o.TimeOfDescendingNodeEquatorial(UT) < o.TimeOfAscendingNodeEquatorial(UT))
                    // DN is closer than AN
                    // Burning for the AN would entail flipping the orbit around, and would be very expensive
                    // therefore, burn for the corresponding Longitude of the Descending Node
                    target_longitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(newLAN + 180.0);
                    // DN is closer than AN
                    target_longitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(newLAN);
            else if (o.AscendingNodeEquatorialExists() && !o.DescendingNodeEquatorialExists())
                // No DN
                target_longitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(newLAN);
            else if (!o.AscendingNodeEquatorialExists() && o.DescendingNodeEquatorialExists())
                // No AN
                target_longitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(newLAN + 180.0);
                throw new ArgumentException("OrbitalManeuverCalculator.DeltaVToShiftLAN: No Equatorial Nodes");
            double   desiredHeading            = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(Heading(burn_latitude, burn_longitude, target_latitude, target_longitude));
            Vector3d actualHorizontalVelocity  = Vector3d.Exclude(o.Up(UT), o.SwappedOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT));
            Vector3d eastComponent             = actualHorizontalVelocity.magnitude * Math.Sin(Math.PI / 180 * desiredHeading) * o.East(UT);
            Vector3d northComponent            = actualHorizontalVelocity.magnitude * Math.Cos(Math.PI / 180 * desiredHeading) * o.North(UT);
            Vector3d desiredHorizontalVelocity = eastComponent + northComponent;

            return(desiredHorizontalVelocity - actualHorizontalVelocity);
        void DriveGravityTurn(FlightCtrlState s)
            //stop the gravity turn when our apoapsis reaches the desired altitude
            if (autopilot.autoThrottle && orbit.ApA > autopilot.desiredOrbitAltitude)
                mode = AscentMode.COAST_TO_APOAPSIS;

            //if we've fallen below the turn start altitude, go back to vertical ascent
            if (IsVerticalAscent(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.speedSurface))
                mode = AscentMode.VERTICAL_ASCENT;

            if (autopilot.autoThrottle)
                core.thrust.targetThrottle = ThrottleToRaiseApoapsis(orbit.ApR, autopilot.desiredOrbitAltitude + mainBody.Radius);
                if (core.thrust.targetThrottle < 1.0F)
                    // follow surface velocity to reduce flipping
                    status = "Fine tuning apoapsis";

            double desiredFlightPathAngle = FlightPathAngle(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.speedSurface);

            if (autopilot.correctiveSteering)
                double actualFlightPathAngle = Math.Atan2(vesselState.speedVertical, vesselState.speedSurfaceHorizontal) * UtilMath.Rad2Deg;

                /* form an isosceles triangle with unit vectors pointing in the desired and actual flight path angle directions and find the length of the base */
                double velocityError = 2 * Math.Sin(UtilMath.Deg2Rad * (desiredFlightPathAngle - actualFlightPathAngle) / 2);

                double difficulty = vesselState.surfaceVelocity.magnitude * 0.02 / vesselState.ThrustAccel(core.thrust.targetThrottle);
                difficulty = MuUtils.Clamp(difficulty, 0.1, 1.0);
                double steerOffset = autopilot.correctiveSteeringGain * difficulty * velocityError;

                double steerAngle = MuUtils.Clamp(Math.Asin(steerOffset) * UtilMath.Rad2Deg, -30, 30);

                desiredFlightPathAngle = MuUtils.Clamp(desiredFlightPathAngle + steerAngle, -90, 90);


            status = "Gravity turn";
Ejemplo n.º 23
        //Computes the time and dV of a Hohmann transfer injection burn such that at apoapsis the transfer
        //orbit passes as close as possible to the target.
        //The output burnUT will be the first transfer window found after the given UT.
        //Assumes o and target are in approximately the same plane, and orbiting in the same direction.
        //Also assumes that o is a perfectly circular orbit (though result should be OK for small eccentricity).
        public static Vector3d DeltaVAndTimeForHohmannTransfer(Orbit o, Orbit target, double UT, out double burnUT)
            double synodicPeriod = o.SynodicPeriod(target);

            Vector3d burnDV = Vector3d.zero;

            burnUT = UT;
            double bestApproachDistance = Double.MaxValue;
            double minTime      = UT;
            double maxTime      = UT + 1.1 * synodicPeriod;
            int    numDivisions = 20;

            for (int iter = 0; iter < 8; iter++)
                double dt = (maxTime - minTime) / numDivisions;
                for (int i = 0; i < numDivisions; i++)
                    double   t = minTime + i * dt;
                    Vector3d apsisDirection = -o.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(t);
                    double   desiredApsis   = target.RadiusAtTrueAnomaly(target.TrueAnomalyFromVector(apsisDirection));

                    double   approachDistance;
                    Vector3d burn;
                    if (desiredApsis > o.ApR)
                        burn = DeltaVToChangeApoapsis(o, t, desiredApsis);
                        Orbit transferOrbit = o.PerturbedOrbit(t, burn);
                        approachDistance = transferOrbit.Separation(target, transferOrbit.NextApoapsisTime(t));
                        burn = DeltaVToChangePeriapsis(o, t, desiredApsis);
                        Orbit transferOrbit = o.PerturbedOrbit(t, burn);
                        approachDistance = transferOrbit.Separation(target, transferOrbit.NextPeriapsisTime(t));

                    if (approachDistance < bestApproachDistance)
                        bestApproachDistance = approachDistance;
                        burnUT = t;
                        burnDV = burn;
                minTime = MuUtils.Clamp(burnUT - dt, UT, UT + synodicPeriod);
                maxTime = MuUtils.Clamp(burnUT + dt, UT, UT + synodicPeriod);

Ejemplo n.º 24
        public string TargetClosestApproachRelativeVelocity()
            if (!core.target.NormalTargetExists)
            if (core.target.Orbit.referenceBody != orbit.referenceBody)
            double UT     = orbit.NextClosestApproachTime(core.target.Orbit, vesselState.time);
            double relVel = (orbit.SwappedOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT) - core.target.Orbit.SwappedOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT)).magnitude;

            return(MuUtils.ToSI(relVel, -1) + "m/s");
Ejemplo n.º 25
        //return the mass of the simulated FuelNode. This is not the same as the mass of the Part,
        //because the simulated node may have lost resources, and thus mass, during the simulation.
        public double Mass(int simStage)
            //print("\n(" + simStage + ") " + partName.PadRight(25) + " dryMass " + dryMass.ToString("F3")
            //          + " ResMass " + (resources.Keys.Sum(id => resources[id] * MuUtils.ResourceDensity(id))).ToString("F3")
            //          + " Fairing Mass " + (inverseStage < simStage ? fairingMass : 0).ToString("F3")
            //          + " (" + fairingMass.ToString("F3") + ")"
            //          + " ModuleMass " + moduleMass.ToString("F3")
            //          );

            //return dryMass + resources.Keys.Sum(id => resources[id] * MuUtils.ResourceDensity(id)) +
            double resMass = resources.KeysList.Slinq().Select((r, rs) => rs[r] * MuUtils.ResourceDensity(r), resources).Sum();

            return(dryMass + resMass +
                   (inverseStage < simStage ? modulesUnstagedMass : modulesStagedMass));
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public override void OnFixedUpdate()
            if (markUT == 0)

            timeSinceMark = vesselState.time - markUT;

            if (vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.PRELAUNCH)
                Mark(); //keep resetting stats until we launch

            gravityLosses += vesselState.deltaT * Vector3d.Dot(-vesselState.surfaceVelocity.normalized, vesselState.gravityForce);
            gravityLosses -= vesselState.deltaT * Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.surfaceVelocity.normalized, vesselState.up * vesselState.radius * Math.Pow(2 * Math.PI / part.vessel.mainBody.rotationPeriod, 2));
            dragLosses    += vesselState.deltaT * vesselState.drag;

            maxDragGees = Math.Max(maxDragGees, vesselState.drag / 9.81);

            double circularPeriod = 2 * Math.PI * vesselState.radius / OrbitalManeuverCalculator.CircularOrbitSpeed(mainBody, vesselState.radius);
            double angleTraversed = (vesselState.longitude - markLongitude) + 360 * (vesselState.time - markUT) / part.vessel.mainBody.rotationPeriod;

            phaseAngleFromMark = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(360 * (vesselState.time - markUT) / circularPeriod - angleTraversed);

            if (paused)

            //int oldHistoryIdx = historyIdx;

            //historyIdx = Mathf.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((float)(timeSinceMark / precision)), history.Length - 1);

            if (vesselState.time >= (lastRecordTime + precision) && historyIdx < history.Length - 1)
                lastRecordTime = vesselState.time;
                //if (TimeWarp.WarpMode == TimeWarp.Modes.HIGH)
                //    print("WRP " + historyIdx + " " + history[historyIdx].downRange.ToString("F0") + " " + history[historyIdx].AoA.ToString("F2"));
                //    print("STD " + historyIdx + " " + history[historyIdx].downRange.ToString("F0") + " " + history[historyIdx].AoA.ToString("F2"));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public override ManeuverParameters MakeNodeImpl(Orbit o, double universalTime, MechJebModuleTargetController target)
            double UT = timeSelector.ComputeManeuverTime(o, universalTime, target);

            if (o.referenceBody.Radius + newPeA > o.Radius(UT))
                string burnAltitude = MuUtils.ToSI(o.Radius(UT) - o.referenceBody.Radius) + "m";
                throw new Exception("new periapsis cannot be higher than the altitude of the burn (" + burnAltitude + ")");
            else if (newPeA < -o.referenceBody.Radius)
                throw new Exception("new periapsis cannot be lower than minus the radius of " + o.referenceBody.theName + "(-" + MuUtils.ToSI(o.referenceBody.Radius, 3) + "m)");

            return(new ManeuverParameters(OrbitalManeuverCalculator.DeltaVToChangePeriapsis(o, UT, newPeA + o.referenceBody.Radius), UT));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public static Coordinates GetMouseCoordinates(CelestialBody body)
            Ray mouseRay = PlanetariumCamera.Camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            mouseRay.origin = ScaledSpace.ScaledToLocalSpace(mouseRay.origin);
            Vector3d relOrigin = mouseRay.origin - body.position;
            Vector3d relSurfacePosition;
            double   curRadius  = body.pqsController.radiusMax;
            double   lastRadius = 0;
            double   error      = 0;
            int      loops      = 0;
            float    st         = Time.time;

            while (loops < 50)
                if (PQS.LineSphereIntersection(relOrigin, mouseRay.direction, curRadius, out relSurfacePosition))
                    Vector3d surfacePoint = body.position + relSurfacePosition;
                    double   alt          = body.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight(QuaternionD.AngleAxis(body.GetLongitude(surfacePoint), Vector3d.down) * QuaternionD.AngleAxis(body.GetLatitude(surfacePoint), Vector3d.forward) * Vector3d.right);
                    error = Math.Abs(curRadius - alt);
                    if (error < (body.pqsController.radiusMax - body.pqsController.radiusMin) / 100)
                        return(new Coordinates(body.GetLatitude(surfacePoint), MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(body.GetLongitude(surfacePoint))));
                        lastRadius = curRadius;
                        curRadius  = alt;
                    if (loops == 0)
                    { // Went too low, needs to try higher
                        curRadius = (lastRadius * 9 + curRadius) / 10;

Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void WarpToUT(double UT, double maxRate = 100000)
            double desiredRate = 1.0 * (UT - (vesselState.time + Time.fixedDeltaTime * (float)TimeWarp.CurrentRateIndex));

            desiredRate = MuUtils.Clamp(desiredRate, 1, maxRate);

            if (!vessel.LandedOrSplashed &&
                vesselState.altitudeASL < TimeWarp.fetch.GetAltitudeLimit(1, mainBody))
                //too low to use any regular warp rates. Use physics warp at a max of x2:
                WarpPhysicsAtRate((float)Math.Min(desiredRate, 2));
Ejemplo n.º 30
        //Vector3d must be either a position RELATIVE to referenceBody, or a velocity
        public AbsoluteVector ToAbsolute(Vector3d vector3d, double UT)
            AbsoluteVector absolute = new AbsoluteVector();

            absolute.latitude = 180 / Math.PI * Math.Asin(Vector3d.Dot(vector3d.normalized, lat90AtStart));

            double longitude = 180 / Math.PI * Math.Atan2(Vector3d.Dot(vector3d.normalized, lat0lon90AtStart), Vector3d.Dot(vector3d.normalized, lat0lon0AtStart));

            longitude         -= 360 * (UT - epoch) / referenceBody.rotationPeriod;
            absolute.longitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(longitude);

            absolute.radius = vector3d.magnitude;

            absolute.UT = UT;
