Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void _handleLoginOperation(Login login, Action<BplContextNode> onSuccess) {
    Log.Info("Login: Start");
    if (login.LoginName.IsEmpty() || login.Password.IsEmpty()) {
       Log.Warn("Login: Attempt to perform login with empty {0}", login.LoginName.IsEmpty() ? "login name" : "password");
       onSuccess(new LoginResult { Status = LoginStatus.InvalidLogin });
    } else {
       //TK: We need to create dummy contact to generate correct loinName;
       var loginContact = new LoginContact(login.LoginName);
       AuthServices.Login(loginContact, login.Password, (status, loginName) => _processLogin(loginName, status, r => onSuccess(new Value<LoginResult> { result = r })));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private static string _getName(LoginContact contact) {
    if (contact != null && contact.LoginName.NotEmpty()) {
       return CryptServices.HashLogin(contact.LoginName);
    return null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
      internal static void CreateUser(BplIdentity id, LoginContact contact, string password, Action<RegistrationResult, string> onFinished) {
         //cleanup role
         var loginName = _getName(contact);
         if (loginName.IsEmpty() || password.IsEmpty()) {
            onFinished(RegistrationResult.InvalidInformation, null);
         } else {
            try {
               //register in AD
               using (var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, ADServer, ADUserContainer, ADUsername, ADPassword)) {
                  var result = RegistrationResult.Success;
                  try {
                     var up = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, IdentityType.SamAccountName, loginName);
                     if (up != null) {
                        result = up.Enabled == true ? RegistrationResult.ClientAlreadyRegistered : RegistrationResult.ClientBlocked;
                     } else {
                        up = new UserPrincipal(context);
                        up.SamAccountName = loginName;
                        //TK: Consider duplication on up.UserPrincipalName
                        up.Name = (string)id.LocalId; //TODO: Consider not only for drivers. Local ID can be not unique.
                        if (contact.LoginKind == LoginKind.Email) {
                           up.EmailAddress = contact.LoginValue;
                        } else { 
                           //this is phone number
                           up.VoiceTelephoneNumber = contact.LoginValue;

                        object pgid = null;

                        var gpOscar = GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, IdentityType.SamAccountName, _usersGroup);
                        if (gpOscar != null) {
                           var grp = (DirectoryEntry)gpOscar.GetUnderlyingObject();
                           grp.Invoke("GetInfoEx", new object[] { new object[] { "primaryGroupToken" }, 0 });
                           pgid = grp.Invoke("Get", new object[] { "primaryGroupToken" });
                        } else {
                           throw new ApplicationException("Unable to get and assign valid group {0}".Substitute(_usersGroup));

                        //this is how we are doing impersonation
                        using (var entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://{0}/{1}".Substitute(ADServer, up.DistinguishedName), ADUsername, ADPassword)) {
                           //TK: consider using reg code -> entry.Properties["uid"].Value = request.RegistrationCode;
                           if (pgid != null) {
                              entry.Properties["primaryGroupID"].Value = pgid;

                           entry.Invoke("SetPassword", new object[] { password });

                           using (var gContext = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, ADServer, ADGlobalContainer, ADUsername, ADPassword)) {
                              var gpUsers = GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity(gContext, "Domain Users");
                              if (gpUsers != null) {
                                 var grp = (DirectoryEntry)gpUsers.GetUnderlyingObject();
                              } else {
                                 throw new ApplicationException("Unable to remove user from domain default group.");

                        up.Enabled = true;

                        result = up.Enabled == true ? RegistrationResult.Success : RegistrationResult.Failure;
                        up = null;
                        Log.Info("User {0} registered in AD", loginName);
                     onFinished(result, loginName);
                  } catch (Exception e) {
                     //check and cleanup user if it is
                     using (var up = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, IdentityType.SamAccountName, loginName)) {
                        if (up != null && up.Enabled != true) {
                     onFinished(RegistrationResult.Failure, null);
                     Log.Exception(e, "Unable to register user in active directory");
            } catch (Exception dx) {
               onFinished(RegistrationResult.Failure, null);
               Log.Exception(dx, "Unable to connect to active directory");

Ejemplo n.º 4
 internal static void Login(LoginContact loginContact, string password, Action<LoginStatus, string> onFinished) {
    if (loginContact == null || loginContact.LoginName.IsEmpty() || password.IsEmpty()) {
       onFinished(LoginStatus.InvalidLogin, null);
    } else {
       using (var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, ADServer, ADUserContainer, ADUsername, ADPassword)) {
          var loginName = _getName(loginContact);
          onFinished(context.ValidateCredentials(loginName, password) ? LoginStatus.Success : LoginStatus.InvalidLogin, loginName);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void _validateContact(LoginContact contact, Uri callbackUri, string pin, string token, Action<bool> onResult) {
    if (contact == null) {
       Log.Warn("Unable to validate empty contact");
    } else {
       var message = new SendContactMessage { Contact = contact.CreateContact() };
       if (contact.LoginKind == LoginKind.Email) {
          var builder = new UriBuilder(callbackUri);
          builder.Query = builder.Query.Append("&pin={0}&token={1}".Substitute(pin, token));
          //TODO: Localize this;
          message.Message = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Please follow {0}.".Substitute(builder.Uri.AbsoluteUri);
       } else if (message.Contact.Type == ContactTypes.MobilePhone) {
          //TODO: Localize this;
          message.Message = "Validation code: ".Append(pin);
       } else {
          Log.Warn("Driver registration: Unable to validate contact information since contact is neither email nor mobile phone.");
       if (message.Message.NotEmpty()) {
          Services.Invoke(message, o => onResult(o), e => {
             Log.Error("Driver registration: Unable to send a message due to {0}", e.Error);