Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Blob(List <object> sources, object properties = null)
            _sources = new List <BufferRegion>();
            _pointer = 0;

            foreach (object source in sources)
                if (source is FileInfo)
                    _sources.Add(new BufferRegion(new Buffer((FileInfo)source)));
                    _pointer += ((FileInfo)source).Length;
                else if (source is byte[])
                    _sources.Add(new BufferRegion(new Buffer((byte[])source)));
                    _pointer += ((byte[])source).Length;
                else if (source is MemoryStream)
                    _sources.Add(new BufferRegion(new Buffer((MemoryStream)source)));
                    _pointer += ((MemoryStream)source).Length;
                else if (source is Blob)
                    ((Blob)source)._sources.ForEach(delegate(BufferRegion region)
                        _pointer += ((Blob)source).size;
                else if (source is BufferRegion)
                    BufferRegion bufferRegion = (BufferRegion)source;
                    _sources.Add(new BufferRegion(bufferRegion.buffer, bufferRegion.start, bufferRegion.end));
                    _pointer += bufferRegion.end - bufferRegion.start;

            if (properties is string)
                _type = (string)properties;
            else if (properties is Dictionary <string, string> )
                string type;
                if (((Dictionary <string, string>)properties).TryGetValue("type", out type))
                    _type = type;

            _size = _pointer;
            _uid  = Utils.guid("uid_");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void _readFromNextSource(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            int bytesRead = 0;

            if (_srcIdx >= _blob._sources.Count)
                // we are out of sources

            // get the next one
            BufferRegion src = _blob._sources[_srcIdx++];

            // requested position is out of the boundaries of current source, bypass
            if (src.size <= _position)
                _position -= src.size;
                _readFromNextSource(buffer, offset, count);

            src.Position = _position;
            if ((bytesRead = src.Read(buffer, offset, count)) == 0)

            Position    += bytesRead;
            offset      += bytesRead;
            _bytesTotal += bytesRead;

            // we need more, proceed if possible
            if (bytesRead < count)
                _position = 0;
                count    -= bytesRead;
                _readFromNextSource(buffer, offset, count);