public static IFeatureLayer SaveCpl(CPolyline Cpl, string strFileName,
                                     List <string> pstrFieldNameLt = null, List <esriFieldType> pesriFieldTypeLt = null, List <List <object> > pobjectValueLtLt = null,
                                     int intRed        = _intColor, int intGreen = _intColor, int intBlue = _intColor, double dblWidth = 1,
                                     int intOutlineRed = _intColor, int intOutlineGreen = _intColor, int intOutlineBlue = _intColor,
                                     esriSimpleLineStyle pesriSimpleLineStyle = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid,
                                     string strSymbolLayerPath = null, bool blnVisible = true)
     return(SaveCGeoEb(CHelpFunc.MakeLt(Cpl), esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline, strFileName,
                       pstrFieldNameLt, pesriFieldTypeLt, pobjectValueLtLt,
                       intRed, intGreen, intBlue, dblWidth, intOutlineRed, intOutlineGreen, intOutlineBlue,
                       pesriSimpleLineStyle, esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSSolid,
                       strSymbolLayerPath, blnVisible));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// this method works for all data types; low efficiency
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="list"></param>
        /// <param name="cmp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool AreAnyDuplicates <T>(this IEnumerable <T> Tself, IComparer <T> cmp = null)
            cmp = CHelpFunc.SetOrDefaultCmp(cmp);
            var TSS = new SortedSet <T>(cmp);

            foreach (var item in Tself)
                if (TSS.Add(item) == false)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static Paths DilateErodeOffsetCpgExterior_Paths(CPolygon Cpg,
                                                               double dblGrow, double dblDilation, double dblErosion, string strBufferStyle, double dblMiterLimit)
            double dblHoleIndicator = 1;

            if (Cpg.IsHole == true)
                dblHoleIndicator = -1;

            if (Cpg.ExteriorPath == null)
            var overdilationPaths = Offset_Paths(CHelpFunc.MakeLt(Cpg.ExteriorPath),
                                                 dblHoleIndicator * (dblGrow + dblDilation), strBufferStyle, dblMiterLimit);
            var erosionpaths = Offset_Paths(overdilationPaths,
                                            dblHoleIndicator * (-dblDilation - dblErosion), strBufferStyle, dblMiterLimit);

            //var ExteriorPath = GeneratePathByCpgExterior(Cpg);

            //var growndilationPaths = Offset_Paths(CHelpFunc.MakeLt(ExteriorPath),
            //    dblHoleIndicator * (dblGrow ), strBufferStyle, dblMiterLimit);

            //var overdilationPaths = Offset_Paths(growndilationPaths,
            //    dblHoleIndicator * (dblDilation), strBufferStyle, dblMiterLimit);

            //var backPaths = Offset_Paths(overdilationPaths,
            //    dblHoleIndicator * (-dblDilation), strBufferStyle, dblMiterLimit);

            //var erosionpaths = Offset_Paths(backPaths,
            //    dblHoleIndicator * (- dblErosion), strBufferStyle, dblMiterLimit);

            //CSaveFeature.SaveCpgEb(clipperMethods.ScaleCpgLt(CHelpFunc.MakeLt(Cpg), 1 / CConstants.dblFclipper),
            //    "Cpg");
            ////            CSaveFeature.SaveCEdgeEb(clipperMethods.ScaleCEdgeEb(clipperMethods.ConvertPathsToCEdgeLt(
            ////growndilationPaths, true), 1 / CConstants.dblFclipper), "growndilationPaths", CConstants.ParameterInitialize);
            //CSaveFeature.SaveCEdgeEb(clipperMethods.ScaleCEdgeEb(clipperMethods.ConvertPathsToCEdgeLt(overdilationPaths, true),
            //    1 / CConstants.dblFclipper), "overdilationPaths");
            ////            CSaveFeature.SaveCEdgeEb(clipperMethods.ScaleCEdgeEb(clipperMethods.ConvertPathsToCEdgeLt(
            ////backPaths, true), 1 / CConstants.dblFclipper), "backPaths", CConstants.ParameterInitialize);
            //CSaveFeature.SaveCEdgeEb(clipperMethods.ScaleCEdgeEb(clipperMethods.ConvertPathsToCEdgeLt(erosionpaths, true),
            //    1 / CConstants.dblFclipper), "erosionpaths");

            return(Offset_Paths(erosionpaths, dblHoleIndicator * dblErosion, strBufferStyle, dblMiterLimit));
 public static void CompareAndOrder <T, TOrder>(T T1, T T2, Func <T, TOrder> orderFunc,
                                                out T minT, out T maxT, IComparer <TOrder> cmp = null)
     cmp = CHelpFunc.SetOrDefaultCmp(cmp);
     if (cmp.Compare(orderFunc(T1), orderFunc(T2)) <= 0)
         minT = T1;
         maxT = T2;
         minT = T2;
         maxT = T1;
        /// <summary>
        /// 显示并返回单个插值线段
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pDataRecords">数据记录</param>
        /// <param name="dblProp">差值参数</param>
        /// <returns>插值线段</returns>
        public static List <CPolyline> GetAndSaveInterpolation(CDataRecords pDataRecords, double dblProp)
            if (dblProp < 0 || dblProp > 1)
                MessageBox.Show("the parameter t is not acceptable!");

            CMorphingBaseCpl pMorphingBaseCpl   = pDataRecords.ParameterResult.pMorphingBaseCpl;
            List <CPolyline> pInterpolatedCPlLt = pMorphingBaseCpl.GenerateInterpolatedCplLt(dblProp);

            CParameterInitialize pParameterInitialize = pDataRecords.ParameterInitialize;

            CHelpFunc.SaveCPlLt(pInterpolatedCPlLt, pParameterInitialize.strSaveFolderName + "____" + dblProp.ToString(),
                                pParameterInitialize.pWorkspace, pParameterInitialize.m_mapControl);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static PolyTree DilateErodeOffsetCpgExterior_PolyTree(CPolygon Cpg,
                                                                     double dblGrow, double dblDilation, double dblErosion, string strBufferStyle, double dblMiterLimit)
            //dblDilation = dblDilation / 2;
            //dblErosion = dblGrow;
            //dblGrow = 0;
            //dblErosion = dblDilation;

            double dblHoleIndicator = 1;

            if (Cpg.IsHole == true)
                dblHoleIndicator = -1;

            if (Cpg.ExteriorPath == null)
            var overdilationPaths = Offset_Paths(CHelpFunc.MakeLt(Cpg.ExteriorPath),
                                                 dblHoleIndicator * (dblGrow + dblDilation), strBufferStyle, dblMiterLimit);
            var erosionpaths = Offset_Paths(overdilationPaths,
                                            dblHoleIndicator * (-dblDilation - dblErosion), strBufferStyle, dblMiterLimit);
            var normalPolyTree = Offset_PolyTree(erosionpaths, dblHoleIndicator * dblErosion, strBufferStyle, dblMiterLimit);

            //     "originalpaths" ,
            //    pesriSimpleFillStyle: esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSNull, blnVisible: false);
            //     "overdilationPaths" + (dblGrow + dblDilation) / CConstants.dblFclipper + "m",
            //    pesriSimpleFillStyle: esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSNull, blnVisible: false);
            //     "erosionpaths" + (dblGrow - dblErosion) / CConstants.dblFclipper + "m",
            //    pesriSimpleFillStyle: esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSNull, blnVisible: false);
            //     "normalPolyTree" + dblGrow  / CConstants.dblFclipper + "m",
            //    pesriSimpleFillStyle: esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSNull, blnVisible: false);

        private IFeatureLayer CreateFeatureLayer(esriGeometryType pesriGeometryType, string pstrLayerName,
                                                 List <string> pstrFieldNameLt = null, List <esriFieldType> pesriFieldTypeLt = null,
                                                 int intRed        = _intColor, int intGreen = _intColor, int intBlue = _intColor, double dblWidth = 1,
                                                 int intOutlineRed = _intColor, int intOutlineGreen = _intColor, int intOutlineBlue = _intColor,
                                                 esriSimpleLineStyle pesriSimpleLineStyle = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid,
                                                 esriSimpleFillStyle pesriSimpleFillStyle = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSSolid,
                                                 string strSymbolLayerPath = null, bool blnVisible = true)
            var pWorkspace    = CConstants.ParameterInitialize.pWorkspace;
            var pm_mapControl = CConstants.ParameterInitialize.m_mapControl;

            pstrLayerName += CHelpFunc.GetTimeStampWithPrefix();
            IFeatureClass pFeatureClass = CreateFeatureClass(pesriGeometryType, pstrLayerName, pWorkspace, pm_mapControl,
                                                             pstrFieldNameLt, pesriFieldTypeLt);
            IFeatureLayer pFLayer = new FeatureLayerClass();

            pFLayer.FeatureClass     = pFeatureClass;
            pFLayer.Name             = pFeatureClass.AliasName;
            pFLayer.SpatialReference = pm_mapControl.SpatialReference;

            RenderLayer(ref pFLayer, pesriGeometryType, intRed, intGreen, intBlue, dblWidth,
                        intOutlineRed, intOutlineGreen, intOutlineBlue, pesriSimpleLineStyle, pesriSimpleFillStyle, strSymbolLayerPath);

            //save Layer as layer file ".lyr"
            //create a new LayerFile instance
            ILayerFile layerFile = new LayerFileClass();

            //create a new layer file
            layerFile.New(pWorkspace.PathName + "\\" + pstrLayerName + ".lyr");
            //attach the layer file with the actual layer
            //save the layer file

            //m_mapControl.AddLayer(pFLayer,m_mapControl .LayerCount);
            pFLayer.Visible = blnVisible;
            pm_mapControl.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, null);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static void ViewPolyline(IMapControl4 pMapControl, CPolyline cpl)
            ILineSymbol pSimpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();

            pSimpleLineSymbol.Width = 2;
            pSimpleLineSymbol.Color = CHelpFunc.GenerateIRgbColor(255, 0, 0) as IColor;

            ILineElement pLineElement = new LineElementClass();

            pLineElement.Symbol = pSimpleLineSymbol;
            IElement pElement = pLineElement as IElement;

            pElement.Geometry = cpl.pPolyline;

            IGraphicsContainer pGra = pMapControl.Map as IGraphicsContainer;
            IActiveView        pAv  = pGra as IActiveView;

            pGra.AddElement(pElement, 0);
            pAv.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);  //此语句必不可少,否则添加的要素不会实时显示
        public static List <IFeatureLayer> GetVisibleLayers(CParameterInitialize ParameterInitialize)
            var blnVisibleLt = new List <bool>();
            var m_mapFeature = CHelpFunc.GetAllLayers(ParameterInitialize.m_mapControl, blnVisibleLt);

            var pFLayerLt = new List <IFeatureLayer>(m_mapFeature.LayerCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_mapFeature.LayerCount; i++)
                var pFLayer = m_mapFeature.get_Layer(i) as IFeatureLayer;

                if (blnVisibleLt[i] == false)

        public static void SetSavePath(CParameterInitialize ParameterInitialize, bool blnCreateFileGdbWorkspace = false)
            //if we have already set a path, then we simply use that path
            if (ParameterInitialize.strMxdPathBackSlash != null)

            //_strPath, which is different from ParameterInitialize.strPath, is defined in CHelpFunc
            if (_strPath == null)
                SaveFileDialog SFD = new SaveFileDialog();
                if (SFD.FileName == null || SFD.FileName == "")
                _strPath = SFD.FileName;

            string strFileName = _strPath + "\\" + GetTimeStamp();

            //string strFileName = CHelpFunc.strPath + "MorphingResults";

            ParameterInitialize.strMxdPath           = _strPath;
            ParameterInitialize.strMxdPathBackSlash  = _strPath + "\\";
            ParameterInitialize.strSaveFolderName    = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strFileName);
            ParameterInitialize.strSavePath          = strFileName;
            ParameterInitialize.strSavePathBackSlash = strFileName + "\\";
            ParameterInitialize.pWorkspace           = CHelpFunc.OpenWorkspace(strFileName);

            if (blnCreateFileGdbWorkspace == true)
                ParameterInitialize.pFileGdbWorkspace =
                    CreateFileGdbWorkspace(ParameterInitialize.strSavePathBackSlash, "FileGdb");
        ///// <summary>
        ///// 输出系数矩阵A
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="maxData">系数矩阵A(注意:该矩阵从第0行到第i行为对角矩阵,i行之后为全矩阵</param>
        ///// <param name="strName">文件名称</param>
        ///// <param name="strSavePath">保存路径</param>
        ///// <remarks>二维矩阵</remarks>
        //public static void ExportDataToExcelA(VBMatrix maxData, string strName, string strSavePath)
        //    //为应付Excel的bug,加入以下两行代码
        //    //System.Globalization.CultureInfo CurrentCI = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
        //    //System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");

        //    Excel.Application pExcelAPP = new Excel.Application();
        //    pExcelAPP.Visible = false;
        //    Workbook pWorkBook = pExcelAPP.Workbooks.Add(true);
        //    Worksheet pWorksheet = pWorkBook.Worksheets[1] as Worksheet;
        //    string strfilename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strSavePath);
        //    strfilename = strfilename + strName;

        //    int intRowCount = maxData.Row;
        //    int intColCount = maxData.Col;

        //    for (int i = 0; i < intColCount; i++)
        //    {
        //        pWorksheet.Cells[i + 1, i + 1] = maxData[i, i];
        //    }

        //    for (int i = intColCount; i < intRowCount; i++)
        //    {
        //        for (int j = 0; j < intColCount; j++)
        //        {
        //            pWorksheet.Cells[i + 1, j + 1] = maxData[i, j];
        //        }
        //    }

        //    pWorksheet.Columns.AutoFit();
        //    pExcelAPP.DisplayAlerts = false;
        //    pWorkBook.SaveAs(strSavePath + "\\" + strfilename, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
        //    pExcelAPP.Quit();
        //    //KillExcel();

        ///// <summary>
        ///// 输出权重矩阵P(注意:P为对角矩阵)
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="maxData">权重矩阵P(注意:P为对角矩阵)</param>
        ///// <param name="strName">文件名称</param>
        ///// <param name="strSavePath">保存路径</param>
        ///// <remarks>二维矩阵</remarks>
        //public static void ExportDataToExcelP(VBMatrix maxData, string strName, string strSavePath)
        //    //为应付Excel的bug,加入以下两行代码
        //    //System.Globalization.CultureInfo CurrentCI = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
        //    //System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");

        //    Excel.Application pExcelAPP = new Excel.Application();
        //    pExcelAPP.Visible = false;
        //    Workbook pWorkBook = pExcelAPP.Workbooks.Add(true);
        //    Worksheet pWorksheet = pWorkBook.Worksheets[1] as Worksheet;
        //    string strfilename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strSavePath);
        //    strfilename = strfilename + strName;

        //    int intRowCount = maxData.Row;
        //    int intColCount = maxData.Col;

        //    for (int i = 0; i < intRowCount; i++)
        //    {
        //        pWorksheet.Cells[i + 1, i + 1] = maxData[i, i];

        //    }

        //    pWorksheet.Columns.AutoFit();
        //    pExcelAPP.DisplayAlerts = false;
        //    pWorkBook.SaveAs(strSavePath + "\\" + strfilename, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
        //    pExcelAPP.Quit();
        //    //KillExcel();

        ///// <summary>
        ///// insert a data into an existed excel file at specified cell
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="strPath">the path of the file</param>
        //public static void InsertData(string strPath, int intRow, int intCol, double dblData)
        //    Excel.Application pExcelAPP = new Excel.Application();
        //    pExcelAPP.Visible = false;
        //    Workbook pWorkBook = pExcelAPP.Workbooks.Open(strPath, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
        //    Worksheet pWorksheet = pWorkBook.Worksheets[1] as Worksheet;

        //    pWorksheet.Cells[intRow, intCol] = dblData;

        //    pExcelAPP.DisplayAlerts = false;
        //    pWorkBook.Save();
        //    pExcelAPP.Quit();
        //    //KillExcel();

        /// <summary>
        /// 从Excel中读入数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strPath">文件路径</param>
        /// <returns>pParameterResult:较大比例尺线状要素上、较小比例尺线状要素、对应点列</returns>
        public static CParameterResult InputDataResultPtLt(string strPath, bool blnReverse = false)
            Excel.Application pExcelAPP = new Excel.Application();
            pExcelAPP.Visible = false;
            Workbook  pWorkBook  = pExcelAPP.Workbooks.Open(strPath, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
            Worksheet pWorksheet = pWorkBook.Worksheets[1] as Worksheet;

            List <CCorrCpts> pCorrCptsLt = new List <CCorrCpts>();
            List <CPoint>    frcptlt     = new List <CPoint>();
            List <CPoint>    tocptlt     = new List <CPoint>();
            int intRow = pWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count;

            System.Array values = (System.Array)pWorksheet.UsedRange.Formula;
            for (int i = 0; i < intRow - 1; i++)
                CPoint frcpt = new CPoint(Convert.ToInt32(values.GetValue(i + 2, 1)), Convert.ToDouble(values.GetValue(i + 2, 2)), Convert.ToDouble(values.GetValue(i + 2, 3)));
                CPoint tocpt = new CPoint(Convert.ToInt32(values.GetValue(i + 2, 4)), Convert.ToDouble(values.GetValue(i + 2, 5)), Convert.ToDouble(values.GetValue(i + 2, 6)));

                if (blnReverse == true)
                    CHelpFunc.Swap(frcpt, tocpt);

                if ((frcpt.ID != -1) && (tocpt.ID != -1))
                    frcpt.isCtrl = true;
                    tocpt.isCtrl = true;
                frcpt.CorrespondingPtLt = new List <CPoint>();
                CCorrCpts pCorrCpts = new CCorrCpts(frcpt, tocpt);

            for (int i = frcptlt.Count - 2; i >= 0; i--)
                if (frcptlt[i].Equals2D(frcptlt[i + 1]))
                    frcptlt.RemoveAt(i + 1);

            for (int i = tocptlt.Count - 2; i >= 0; i--)
                if (tocptlt[i].Equals2D(tocptlt[i + 1]))
                    tocptlt.RemoveAt(i + 1);

            CPolyline        frcpl            = new CPolyline(0, frcptlt);
            CPolyline        tocpl            = new CPolyline(1, tocptlt);
            CParameterResult pParameterResult = new CParameterResult();

            pParameterResult.FromCpl = frcpl;
            pParameterResult.ToCpl   = tocpl;
            double dblfr = frcpl.pPolyline.Length;
            double dblto = tocpl.pPolyline.Length;

            pParameterResult.CCorrCptsLt = pCorrCptsLt;
            //pParameterResult.CResultPtLt = ResultPtLt;

        //public static void ExportEvaluationToExcel(CDataRecords pDataRecords, string strSuffix)
        //    CParameterInitialize pParameterInitialize = pDataRecords.ParameterInitialize;
        //    CParameterResult pParameterResult = pDataRecords.ParameterResult;

        //    StatusStrip ststMain = pParameterInitialize.ststMain;
        //    ToolStripStatusLabel tsslTime = pParameterInitialize.tsslTime;
        //    ToolStripStatusLabel tsslMessage = pParameterInitialize.tsslMessage;
        //    ToolStripProgressBar tspbMain = pParameterInitialize.tspbMain;
        //    tsslMessage.Text = "正在将指标值导出到Excel...";
        //    ststMain.Refresh();
        //    long lngStartTime = System.Environment.TickCount;

        //    Excel.Application pExcelAPP = new Excel.Application();
        //    pExcelAPP.Visible = false;
        //    Workbook pWorkBook = pExcelAPP.Workbooks.Add(true);
        //    Worksheet pWorksheet = pWorkBook.Worksheets[1] as Worksheet;
        //    string strSavePath = pParameterInitialize.strSavePath;
        //    string strfilename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strSavePath);
        //    switch (pParameterResult.strEvaluationMethod)
        //    {
        //        case "Integral":
        //            {
        //                ExportIntegralEvaluation(pParameterResult, ref pWorksheet, ref tspbMain);
        //                strfilename = strfilename + "Integral";
        //                break;
        //            }
        //        case "Translation":
        //            {
        //                ExportTranslationEvaluation(pParameterResult, ref pWorksheet, ref tspbMain);
        //                strfilename = strfilename + "Translation";
        //                break;
        //            }
        //        case "Deflection":
        //            {
        //                ExportTranslationEvaluation(pParameterResult, ref pWorksheet, ref tspbMain);
        //                strfilename = strfilename + "Deflection";
        //                break;
        //            }
        //        default: throw new ArgumentException("调用的评价指标值导出方法不存在!");
        //    }

        //    pWorksheet.Columns.AutoFit();
        //    pExcelAPP.DisplayAlerts = false;
        //    pWorkBook.SaveAs(strSavePath + "\\" + strfilename + strSuffix, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
        //    pExcelAPP.Quit();

        //    long lngEndTime = System.Environment.TickCount;
        //    long lngTime = lngEndTime - lngStartTime;
        //    tsslTime.Text = "导出运行时间:" + Convert.ToString(lngTime) + "ms";  //显示运行时间
        //    tsslMessage.Text = "详细信息已导出到Excel!";

        public static void ExportEvaluationToExcelCorr(CParameterResult pParameterResult, string strPath, string strSuffix = null)
            string strEvaluationMethod = pParameterResult.enumEvaluationMethod.ToString();
            string strfilename         = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strPath);

            List <List <CCorrCpts> > CorrCptsLtLt         = pParameterResult.pMorphingBase.CorrCptsLtLt;
            List <List <double> >    dblEvaluationLtLt    = pParameterResult.pEvaluation.dblEvaluationLtLt;
            List <List <double> >    dblSumEvaluationLtLt = pParameterResult.pEvaluation.dblSumEvaluationLtLt;

            for (int i = 0; i < CorrCptsLtLt.Count; i++)
                string       strEntireFileName = strPath + "\\" + strfilename + strEvaluationMethod + CHelpFunc.JudgeAndAddZero(i, 4) + "__" + dblSumEvaluationLtLt[i].Last().ToString();
                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strEntireFileName + ".xls", false, Encoding.GetEncoding(-0));  //it's better if we can output a file with ".xlsx", but that causes problems

                string strColNames = "FrID\t" + "FrX\t" + "FrY\t" + "ToID\t" + "ToX\t" + "ToY\t" + "MoveID\t" + "MoveX\t" + "MoveY\t" + strEvaluationMethod + "\t" + "Sum" + strEvaluationMethod;

                int intJ = 0;
                foreach (CCorrCpts CorrCpt in CorrCptsLtLt[i])
                    string strTemp = CorrCpt.FrCpt.ID.ToString() + "\t"
                                     + CorrCpt.FrCpt.X.ToString() + "\t"
                                     + CorrCpt.FrCpt.Y.ToString() + "\t"
                                     + CorrCpt.ToCpt.ID.ToString() + "\t"
                                     + CorrCpt.ToCpt.X.ToString() + "\t"
                                     + CorrCpt.ToCpt.Y.ToString() + "\t"
                                     + CorrCpt.pMoveVector.ID.ToString() + "\t"
                                     + CorrCpt.pMoveVector.X.ToString() + "\t"
                                     + CorrCpt.pMoveVector.Y.ToString() + "\t"
                                     + dblEvaluationLtLt[i][intJ].ToString() + "\t"
                                     + dblSumEvaluationLtLt[i][intJ].ToString();

            //output the last values
            var dblSumEvaluationLt = new List <double>(dblSumEvaluationLtLt.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < dblSumEvaluationLtLt.Count; i++)
            ExportDataltToExcel(dblSumEvaluationLt, "SumEachFeature", strPath);

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static void DrawArrow(IActiveView pActiveView, CPoint frcpt, CPoint tocpt,
                                     double dblArrowLength = 6, double dblArrowWidth = 6,
                                     int intRed            = 0, int intGreen = 0, int intBlue = 0)
            var iColor = CHelpFunc.GenerateIRgbColor(intRed, intGreen, intBlue) as IColor;

            //Define an arrow marker
            IArrowMarkerSymbol arrowMarkerSymbol = new ArrowMarkerSymbolClass();

            arrowMarkerSymbol.Color = iColor;
            //arrowMarkerSymbol.Size = 6;  //it seems size has no effect
            arrowMarkerSymbol.Length = dblArrowLength;
            arrowMarkerSymbol.Width  = dblArrowWidth;
            //Add an offset to make sure the square end of the line is hidden
            //arrowMarkerSymbol.XOffset = 0.8;

            //Create cartographic line symbol
            ICartographicLineSymbol cartographicLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();

            cartographicLineSymbol.Color = iColor;
            cartographicLineSymbol.Width = 1;

            //Define simple line decoration
            ISimpleLineDecorationElement simpleLineDecorationElement = new SimpleLineDecorationElementClass();

            //Place the arrow at the end of the line (the "To" point in the geometry below)
            simpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = arrowMarkerSymbol;

            //Define line decoration
            ILineDecoration lineDecoration = new LineDecorationClass();


            //Set line properties
            ILineProperties lineProperties = (ILineProperties)cartographicLineSymbol;

            lineProperties.LineDecoration = lineDecoration;

            //Define line element
            ILineElement lineElement = new LineElementClass();

            lineElement.Symbol = (ILineSymbol)cartographicLineSymbol;

            var cpl = new CPolyline(-1, frcpt, tocpt);

            //Cast to Element and set geometry
            var element = (IElement)lineElement;

            element.Geometry = cpl.JudgeAndSetPolyline();

            //Set the name
            //IElementProperties3 elementProperties3.Name = elementName;

            //Add element to graphics container
            pActiveView.GraphicsContainer.AddElement(element, 0);

            pActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);

            #region a useful example
            ////Set the element name
            //string elementName = "ArrowTest";

            ////Get the graphics container from the page layout (set elsewhere)
            //IActiveView activeView = (IActiveView)pageLayout;
            //IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = (IGraphicsContainer)pageLayout;

            ////Find all existing elements with specified name
            ////Build a list of elements and then loop over the list to delete them
            //List<IElement> elementsToDelete = new List<IElement>();
            //IElementProperties3 elementProperties3 = null;
            //IElement element = null;
            //while ((element = graphicsContainer.Next()) != null)
            //    elementProperties3 = (IElementProperties3)element;
            //    if (elementProperties3.Name == elementName)
            //    {
            //        elementsToDelete.Add(element);
            //    }

            //foreach (IElement elementToDelete in elementsToDelete)
            //    graphicsContainer.DeleteElement(elementToDelete);

            ////Define color
            //IRgbColor rgbColor = new RgbColorClass();
            //rgbColor.RGB = Color.Black.ToArgb();

            ////Define an arrow marker
            //IArrowMarkerSymbol arrowMarkerSymbol = new ArrowMarkerSymbolClass();
            //arrowMarkerSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
            //arrowMarkerSymbol.Size = 6;
            //arrowMarkerSymbol.Length = 8;
            //arrowMarkerSymbol.Width = 6;
            ////Add an offset to make sure the square end of the line is hidden
            //arrowMarkerSymbol.XOffset = 0.8;

            ////Create cartographic line symbol
            //ICartographicLineSymbol cartographicLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
            //cartographicLineSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
            //cartographicLineSymbol.Width = 1;

            ////Define simple line decoration
            //ISimpleLineDecorationElement simpleLineDecorationElement = new SimpleLineDecorationElementClass();
            ////Place the arrow at the end of the line (the "To" point in the geometry below)
            //simpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = arrowMarkerSymbol;

            ////Define line decoration
            //ILineDecoration lineDecoration = new LineDecorationClass();

            ////Set line properties
            //ILineProperties lineProperties = (ILineProperties)cartographicLineSymbol;
            //lineProperties.LineDecoration = lineDecoration;

            ////Define line element
            //ILineElement lineElement = new LineElementClass();
            //lineElement.Symbol = (ILineSymbol)cartographicLineSymbol;

            ////Create the line geometry
            //IPoint fromPoint = new PointClass();
            //fromPoint.X = 4.0;
            //fromPoint.Y = 0.8;

            //IPoint toPoint = new PointClass();
            //toPoint.X = 5.0;
            //toPoint.Y = 0.8;

            //IPolyline polyline = new PolylineClass();
            //polyline.FromPoint = fromPoint;
            //polyline.ToPoint = toPoint;

            ////Cast to Element and set geometry
            //element = (IElement)lineElement;
            //element.Geometry = polyline;

            ////Set the name
            //elementProperties3.Name = elementName;

            ////Add element to graphics container
            //graphicsContainer.AddElement(element, 0);

            ////Clear the graphics selection (graphics are selected when added)
            //IGraphicsContainerSelect graphicsContainerSelect = (IGraphicsContainerSelect)graphicsContainer;

 public static void FrmOperation(ref CParameterInitialize pParameterInitialize)
     pParameterInitialize.m_mapFeature = CHelpFunc.GetAllLayers(pParameterInitialize.m_mapControl);
Ejemplo n.º 15
         * The mandatory preamble for an ipe-file.
         * @return
        public static string GetIpeStart()
            var strTime = CHelpFunc.GetTimeStampForIpe(); //e.g., strTime = "20181114190553"

            #region strIpeStart
            string strIpeStart =
                @"<?xml version=""1.0""?>
<!DOCTYPE ipe SYSTEM ""ipe.dtd"">
<ipe version=""70206"" creator=""Ipe 7.2.7"">
<info created=""D:" + strTime + @""" modified=""D:" + strTime + @"""/>
<ipestyle name=""basic"">
<symbol name=""arrow/arc(spx)"">
<path stroke=""sym-stroke"" fill=""sym-stroke"" pen=""sym-pen"">
0 0 m
-1 0.333 l
-1 -0.333 l
<symbol name=""arrow/farc(spx)"">
<path stroke=""sym-stroke"" fill=""white"" pen=""sym-pen"">
0 0 m
-1 0.333 l
-1 -0.333 l
<symbol name=""arrow/ptarc(spx)"">
<path stroke=""sym-stroke"" fill=""sym-stroke"" pen=""sym-pen"">
0 0 m
-1 0.333 l
-0.8 0 l
-1 -0.333 l
<symbol name=""arrow/fptarc(spx)"">
<path stroke=""sym-stroke"" fill=""white"" pen=""sym-pen"">
0 0 m
-1 0.333 l
-0.8 0 l
-1 -0.333 l
<symbol name=""mark/circle(sx)"" transformations=""translations"">
<path fill=""sym-stroke"">
0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0 e
0.4 0 0 0.4 0 0 e
<symbol name=""mark/disk(sx)"" transformations=""translations"">
<path fill=""sym-stroke"">
0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0 e
<symbol name=""mark/fdisk(sfx)"" transformations=""translations"">
<path fill=""sym-fill"">
0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 e
<path fill=""sym-stroke"" fillrule=""eofill"">
0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0 e
0.4 0 0 0.4 0 0 e
<symbol name=""mark/box(sx)"" transformations=""translations"">
<path fill=""sym-stroke"" fillrule=""eofill"">
-0.6 -0.6 m
0.6 -0.6 l
0.6 0.6 l
-0.6 0.6 l
-0.4 -0.4 m
0.4 -0.4 l
0.4 0.4 l
-0.4 0.4 l
<symbol name=""mark/square(sx)"" transformations=""translations"">
<path fill=""sym-stroke"">
-0.6 -0.6 m
0.6 -0.6 l
0.6 0.6 l
-0.6 0.6 l
<symbol name=""mark/fsquare(sfx)"" transformations=""translations"">
<path fill=""sym-fill"">
-0.5 -0.5 m
0.5 -0.5 l
0.5 0.5 l
-0.5 0.5 l
<path fill=""sym-stroke"" fillrule=""eofill"">
-0.6 -0.6 m
0.6 -0.6 l
0.6 0.6 l
-0.6 0.6 l
-0.4 -0.4 m
0.4 -0.4 l
0.4 0.4 l
-0.4 0.4 l
<symbol name=""mark/cross(sx)"" transformations=""translations"">
<path fill=""sym-stroke"">
-0.43 -0.57 m
0.57 0.43 l
0.43 0.57 l
-0.57 -0.43 l
<path fill=""sym-stroke"">
-0.43 0.57 m
0.57 -0.43 l
0.43 -0.57 l
-0.57 0.43 l
<symbol name=""arrow/fnormal(spx)"">
<path stroke=""sym-stroke"" fill=""white"" pen=""sym-pen"">
0 0 m
-1 0.333 l
-1 -0.333 l
<symbol name=""arrow/pointed(spx)"">
<path stroke=""sym-stroke"" fill=""sym-stroke"" pen=""sym-pen"">
0 0 m
-1 0.333 l
-0.8 0 l
-1 -0.333 l
<symbol name=""arrow/fpointed(spx)"">
<path stroke=""sym-stroke"" fill=""white"" pen=""sym-pen"">
0 0 m
-1 0.333 l
-0.8 0 l
-1 -0.333 l
<symbol name=""arrow/linear(spx)"">
<path stroke=""sym-stroke"" pen=""sym-pen"">
-1 0.333 m
0 0 l
-1 -0.333 l
<symbol name=""arrow/fdouble(spx)"">
<path stroke=""sym-stroke"" fill=""white"" pen=""sym-pen"">
0 0 m
-1 0.333 l
-1 -0.333 l
-1 0 m
-2 0.333 l
-2 -0.333 l
<symbol name=""arrow/double(spx)"">
<path stroke=""sym-stroke"" fill=""sym-stroke"" pen=""sym-pen"">
0 0 m
-1 0.333 l
-1 -0.333 l
-1 0 m
-2 0.333 l
-2 -0.333 l
<pen name=""heavier"" value=""0.8""/>
<pen name=""fat"" value=""1.2""/>
<pen name=""ultrafat"" value=""2""/>
<symbolsize name=""large"" value=""5""/>
<symbolsize name=""small"" value=""2""/>
<symbolsize name=""tiny"" value=""1.1""/>
<arrowsize name=""large"" value=""10""/>
<arrowsize name=""small"" value=""5""/>
<arrowsize name=""tiny"" value=""3""/>
<color name=""red"" value=""1 0 0""/>
<color name=""green"" value=""0 1 0""/>
<color name=""blue"" value=""0 0 1""/>
<color name=""yellow"" value=""1 1 0""/>
<color name=""orange"" value=""1 0.647 0""/>
<color name=""gold"" value=""1 0.843 0""/>
<color name=""purple"" value=""0.627 0.125 0.941""/>
<color name=""gray"" value=""0.745""/>
<color name=""brown"" value=""0.647 0.165 0.165""/>
<color name=""navy"" value=""0 0 0.502""/>
<color name=""pink"" value=""1 0.753 0.796""/>
<color name=""seagreen"" value=""0.18 0.545 0.341""/>
<color name=""turquoise"" value=""0.251 0.878 0.816""/>
<color name=""violet"" value=""0.933 0.51 0.933""/>
<color name=""darkblue"" value=""0 0 0.545""/>
<color name=""darkcyan"" value=""0 0.545 0.545""/>
<color name=""darkgray"" value=""0.663""/>
<color name=""darkgreen"" value=""0 0.392 0""/>
<color name=""darkmagenta"" value=""0.545 0 0.545""/>
<color name=""darkorange"" value=""1 0.549 0""/>
<color name=""darkred"" value=""0.545 0 0""/>
<color name=""lightblue"" value=""0.678 0.847 0.902""/>
<color name=""lightcyan"" value=""0.878 1 1""/>
<color name=""lightgray"" value=""0.827""/>
<color name=""lightgreen"" value=""0.565 0.933 0.565""/>
<color name=""lightyellow"" value=""1 1 0.878""/>
<dashstyle name=""dashed"" value=""[4] 0""/>
<dashstyle name=""dotted"" value=""[1 3] 0""/>
<dashstyle name=""dash dotted"" value=""[4 2 1 2] 0""/>
<dashstyle name=""dash dot dotted"" value=""[4 2 1 2 1 2] 0""/>
<textsize name=""large"" value=""\large""/>
<textsize name=""Large"" value=""\Large""/>
<textsize name=""LARGE"" value=""\LARGE""/>
<textsize name=""huge"" value=""\huge""/>
<textsize name=""Huge"" value=""\Huge""/>
<textsize name=""small"" value=""\small""/>
<textsize name=""footnote"" value=""\footnotesize""/>
<textsize name=""tiny"" value=""\tiny""/>
<textstyle name=""center"" begin=""\begin{center}"" end=""\end{center}""/>
<textstyle name=""itemize"" begin=""\begin{itemize}"" end=""\end{itemize}""/>
<textstyle name=""item"" begin=""\begin{itemize}\item{}"" end=""\end{itemize}""/>
<gridsize name=""4 pts"" value=""4""/>
<gridsize name=""8 pts (~3 mm)"" value=""8""/>
<gridsize name=""16 pts (~6 mm)"" value=""16""/>
<gridsize name=""32 pts (~12 mm)"" value=""32""/>
<gridsize name=""10 pts (~3.5 mm)"" value=""10""/>
<gridsize name=""20 pts (~7 mm)"" value=""20""/>
<gridsize name=""14 pts (~5 mm)"" value=""14""/>
<gridsize name=""28 pts (~10 mm)"" value=""28""/>
<gridsize name=""56 pts (~20 mm)"" value=""56""/>
<anglesize name=""90 deg"" value=""90""/>
<anglesize name=""60 deg"" value=""60""/>
<anglesize name=""45 deg"" value=""45""/>
<anglesize name=""30 deg"" value=""30""/>
<anglesize name=""22.5 deg"" value=""22.5""/>
<opacity name=""10%"" value=""0.1""/>
<opacity name=""30%"" value=""0.3""/>
<opacity name=""50%"" value=""0.5""/>
<opacity name=""75%"" value=""0.75""/>
<tiling name=""falling"" angle=""-60"" step=""4"" width=""1""/>
<tiling name=""rising"" angle=""30"" step=""4"" width=""1""/>

Ejemplo n.º 16
 public static int CmpGeneric <T, TOrder>(T T1, T T2, Func <T, TOrder> orderFunc,
                                          IComparer <TOrder> cmp = null)
     cmp = CHelpFunc.SetOrDefaultCmp(cmp);
     return(cmp.Compare(orderFunc(T1), orderFunc(T2)));
        public void RenderLayer(ref IFeatureLayer fLayer, esriGeometryType fesriGeometryType,
                                int intRed, int intGreen, int intBlue, double fdblWidth, int intOutlineRed, int intOutlineGreen, int intOutlineBlue,
                                esriSimpleLineStyle pesriSimpleLineStyle, esriSimpleFillStyle pesriSimpleFillStyle, string strSymbolLayerPath)
            if (strSymbolLayerPath == null)
                IRgbColor       pRgbColor       = CHelpFunc.GenerateIRgbColor(intRed, intGreen, intBlue);
                ISimpleRenderer pSimpleRenderer = new SimpleRendererClass();

                switch (fesriGeometryType)
                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint:
                    ISimpleMarkerSymbol pSimpleMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();
                    pSimpleMarkerSymbol.Color = pRgbColor as IColor;
                    pSimpleMarkerSymbol.Size  = fdblWidth;
                    pSimpleRenderer.Symbol    = pSimpleMarkerSymbol as ISymbol;

                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline:
                    pSimpleRenderer.Symbol = GetSimpleLineSymbol(pRgbColor, fdblWidth, pesriSimpleLineStyle) as ISymbol;

                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon:
                    IRgbColor pRgbColorOutline = new RgbColorClass();
                    pRgbColorOutline.Red   = intOutlineRed;
                    pRgbColorOutline.Green = intOutlineGreen;
                    pRgbColorOutline.Blue  = intOutlineBlue;

                    ISimpleFillSymbol pSimpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                    pSimpleFillSymbol.Outline = GetSimpleLineSymbol(pRgbColorOutline, fdblWidth, pesriSimpleLineStyle);
                    pSimpleFillSymbol.Color   = pRgbColor as IColor;
                    pSimpleFillSymbol.Style   = pesriSimpleFillStyle;
                    pSimpleRenderer.Symbol    = pSimpleFillSymbol as ISymbol;

                IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoFeaturelayer = fLayer as IGeoFeatureLayer;
                pGeoFeaturelayer.Renderer = pSimpleRenderer as IFeatureRenderer;
                //In the shapefile properties, under the Symbology tab,
                //you have the Import button which allow you to import the symbology definition from another shapefile or layer file.
                //The code below is doing exactly the same.
                //You need to create a layer file with the desired symbology definition and then call this sub.

                IGxLayer         pGxLayer;
                IGxFile          pGxFile;
                ILayer           pSymLayer;
                IGeoFeatureLayer pLyr;
                IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoSymLyr;

                pGxLayer = new GxLayer();
                pGxFile  = pGxLayer as IGxFile;

                pGxFile.Path = strSymbolLayerPath;

                pSymLayer     = pGxLayer.Layer;
                pLyr          = fLayer as IGeoFeatureLayer;
                pGeoSymLyr    = pSymLayer as IGeoFeatureLayer;
                pLyr.Renderer = pGeoSymLyr.Renderer;