Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <ApiResult> Handle(InsertClassifierGroup request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (request.UserUid == Guid.Empty)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("User is required.");

            var item = request.Item ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request.Item));

            var type = await _classifierTypeService.Get(request.TypeCode, cancellationToken);

            using (var scope = _unitOfWorkFactory.Create())
                var itemUid = Guid.NewGuid();

                // todo: validation and limits

                using (var db = _dbContextFactory.Create())
                    var tree = await db.GetTable <DbClassifierTree>()
                               .SingleAsync(x => x.TypeUid == type.Uid && x.Uid == request.TreeUid, cancellationToken);

                    var validator = new ClassifierGroupValidator(db);

                    if (await validator.ValidateInsert(item, cancellationToken) == false)
                        return(new ApiResult {
                            Success = false, Errors = validator.Errors

                    await db.GetTable <DbClassifierGroup>()
                    .Value(x => x.Uid, itemUid)
                    .Value(x => x.TreeUid, tree.Uid)
                    // todo: validate parent belongs to the same tree
                    .Value(x => x.ParentUid, item.ParentUid)
                    .Value(x => x.Code, item.Code)
                    .Value(x => x.Name, item.Name)

                    var closureTable = new ClosureTableHandler(db, type);

                    if (await closureTable.Insert(itemUid, item.ParentUid, cancellationToken) == false)
                        return(new ApiResult {
                            Success = false, Errors = closureTable.Errors


                return(new ApiResult {
                    Uid = itemUid
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <ApiResult> Handle(UpdateClassifierGroup request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (request.UserUid == Guid.Empty)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("User is required.");

            var item = request.Item ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request.Item));

            // todo: validate required fields
            var type = await _classifierTypeService.Get(request.TypeCode, cancellationToken);

            using (var scope = _unitOfWorkFactory.Create())
                int affected;

                using (var db = _dbContextFactory.Create())
                    /*var tree = await db.GetTable<DbClassifierTree>()
                     *      .SingleAsync(x => x.TypeUid == type.Uid && x.Code == request.TreeCode, cancellationToken);*/

                    var validator = new ClassifierGroupValidator(db);

                    if (await validator.ValidateUpdate(item, cancellationToken) == false)
                        return(new ApiResult {
                            Success = false, Errors = validator.Errors

                    var closureTable = new ClosureTableHandler(db, type);

                    if (await closureTable.Update(item.Uid, item.ParentUid, cancellationToken) == false)
                        return(new ApiResult {
                            Success = false, Errors = closureTable.Errors

                    affected = await db.GetTable <DbClassifierGroup>()
                               .Where(x => x.Uid == item.Uid)
                               .Set(x => x.ParentUid, item.ParentUid)
                               .Set(x => x.Code, item.Code)
                               .Set(x => x.Name, item.Name)


                return(new ApiResult {
                    AffectedRows = affected