Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void MonteCarlo_Variation()
            int    n         = 20000;                 //n is the number of simulations
            double l_three_d = 0;                     //length of a line

            double[] distancesThreeD = new double[n]; // here the distance is stored in an array for each iteration of n

            BoxMullerNormal b = new BoxMullerNormal();

            //repeat the experiment n (20k) times
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                //get a point (x1,x2,y1,y2) at random
                double x1 = b.GetRandom();
                double x2 = b.GetRandom();
                double y1 = b.GetRandom();
                double y2 = b.GetRandom();
                double z1 = b.GetRandom();
                double z2 = b.GetRandom();

                double result2 = ThreeD(x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2);
                l_three_d          = result2; //get length of a 3d line
                distancesThreeD[i] = l_three_d;

            #region average
            double averageOfLineThreeD = Queryable.Average(distancesThreeD.AsQueryable());

            #region standard dev
            double sum   = distancesThreeD.Sum(d => Math.Pow(d - averageOfLineThreeD, 2));
            double sd_3d = Math.Sqrt((sum) / (distancesThreeD.Count() - 1));

            #region confidence interval
            double marginOfError_3d      = 2.58 * (sd_3d / Math.Sqrt(n));
            double lowerEndOfInterval_3d = averageOfLineThreeD - marginOfError_3d; //lower end of the interval is average - margin of error
            double UpperEndOfInterval_3d = averageOfLineThreeD + marginOfError_3d; //and upper end is average + margin of error

            #region display results
            Console.WriteLine("3D Results: \n");
            Console.WriteLine("Average of 3d: " + averageOfLineThreeD);
            Console.WriteLine("Standard Deviation 3d: " + sd_3d);
            Console.WriteLine("μ: " + averageOfLineThreeD + " ± " + marginOfError_3d);
            Console.WriteLine("lower end of interval = " + lowerEndOfInterval_3d);
            Console.WriteLine("upper end of interval = " + UpperEndOfInterval_3d);
            Console.WriteLine("You can be 99% confident that the population mean (μ) falls between " + lowerEndOfInterval_3d + " and " + UpperEndOfInterval_3d);

            Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue..... \n");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static string FindMaxError(double e, double alpha, int n = 100, int repeats = 1)
            Console.WriteLine("Default problem size = " + n);
            double l_three_d = 0;                            //length of a line

            double[]        distancesThreeD = new double[n]; // here the distance is stored in an array for each iteration of n
            double          c = 0;
            int             k = 0;
            BoxMullerNormal b = new BoxMullerNormal();

            //repeat the experiment n times
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                //get a point (x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2) at random
                double x1 = b.GetRandom();
                double x2 = b.GetRandom();
                double y1 = b.GetRandom();
                double y2 = b.GetRandom();
                double z1 = b.GetRandom();
                double z2 = b.GetRandom();

                double result2 = ThreeD(x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2);
                l_three_d          = result2; //get length of a 3d line
                distancesThreeD[i] = l_three_d;

            double averageOfLineThreeD = Queryable.Average(distancesThreeD.AsQueryable());
            double sum   = distancesThreeD.Sum(d => Math.Pow(d - averageOfLineThreeD, 2));
            double sd_3d = Math.Sqrt((sum) / (distancesThreeD.Count() - 1));

            //double sd_3d = Math.Sqrt(distancesThreeD.Average(v => Math.Pow(v - averageOfLineThreeD, 2)));

            c = alpha * (sd_3d / Math.Sqrt(n));

            if (c > e)
                Console.WriteLine("c is less than e, so try again...");
                k = 1;
                n = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Pow((alpha * sd_3d / e), 2) + k);
                return(FindMaxError(e, alpha, n, repeats));
                Console.WriteLine("c is greater than e, Done!");
                #region confidence interval
                double marginOfError_3d      = alpha * (sd_3d / Math.Sqrt(n));
                double lowerEndOfInterval_3d = averageOfLineThreeD - marginOfError_3d; //lower end of the interval is average - margin of error
                double UpperEndOfInterval_3d = averageOfLineThreeD + marginOfError_3d; //and upper end is average + margin of error
                Console.WriteLine("μ: " + averageOfLineThreeD + " ± " + marginOfError_3d);
                Console.WriteLine("lower end of interval = " + lowerEndOfInterval_3d);
                Console.WriteLine("upper end of interval = " + UpperEndOfInterval_3d);
                Console.WriteLine($"You can be {alpha}% confident that the population mean (μ) falls between" + lowerEndOfInterval_3d + " and " + UpperEndOfInterval_3d);
                Console.WriteLine("Repeats: " + repeats);
                return("Max error: " + c + " , Ideal n = " + n);