Ejemplo n.º 1
        //Standard shuffle algorithm
        static void shuffleCards(ModifierCard[] deck)
            System.Random r = new System.Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < deck.Length; i++)
                int          j   = r.Next(i, deck.Length);
                ModifierCard tmp = deck[i];
                deck[i] = deck[j];
                deck[j] = tmp;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 static void setCommunityChest()
     communityChestCards[0]  = new ModifierCard("communityChest", "Advance to GO", "moveTo00");
     communityChestCards[1]  = new ModifierCard("communityChest", "Bank error in your favor. Collect $200", "add+200");
     communityChestCards[2]  = new ModifierCard("communityChest", "Doctor's Fees. Pay $50", "add-050");
     communityChestCards[3]  = new ModifierCard("communityChest", "From sale of stock you get $50", "add+050");
     communityChestCards[4]  = new ModifierCard("communityChest", "Get out of jail free", "gooj");
     communityChestCards[5]  = new ModifierCard("communityChest", "Go To Jail-Go directly to Jail-Do not pass GO, do not collect $200", "jail");
     communityChestCards[6]  = new ModifierCard("communityChest", "Grand Opera Night. Collect $50 from every player for opening night seats", "playersPay50");
     communityChestCards[7]  = new ModifierCard("communityChest", "Holiday Fund Matures. Receive $100", "add+100");
     communityChestCards[8]  = new ModifierCard("communityChest", "Income tax refund. Collect $20", "jail");
     communityChestCards[9]  = new ModifierCard("communityChest", "You inherit $100", "add+100");
     communityChestCards[10] = new ModifierCard("communityChest", "Life insurances matures - Collect $100", "add+100");
     communityChestCards[11] = new ModifierCard("communityChest", "Hospital Fees - Pay $50", "add-050");
     communityChestCards[12] = new ModifierCard("communityChest", "School fees. Pay $50", "add-050");
     communityChestCards[13] = new ModifierCard("communityChest", "Receive $25 consultancy fee", "add+25");
     communityChestCards[14] = new ModifierCard("communityChest", "You are assessed for street repairs: For each house pay $40, For each hotel pay $115", "streetRepair");
     communityChestCards[15] = new ModifierCard("communityChest", "You have won second prize in a beauty contest. Collect $10", "add+010");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 static void setChance()
     chanceCards[0]  = new ModifierCard("chance", "Advance to GO", "moveTo00");
     chanceCards[1]  = new ModifierCard("chance", "Advance to Illinois Avenue. If you pass GO collect $200", "moveTo24");
     chanceCards[2]  = new ModifierCard("chance", "Advance to St. Charles Place If you pass GO collect $200", "moveTo16");
     chanceCards[3]  = new ModifierCard("chance", "Advance token to the nearest Utility. If unowned, you may buy it from the Bank.\n If owned, throw dice and pay owner a total of 10 times the amount thrown.", "moveToUT");
     chanceCards[4]  = new ModifierCard("chance", "Advance to the nearest Railroad. If unowned, you may buy it from the Bank.\n If owned, pay owner twice the rental to which they are otherwise entitled.", "moveToRR");
     chanceCards[5]  = new ModifierCard("chance", "Bank pays you a dividend of $50", "add+050");
     chanceCards[6]  = new ModifierCard("chance", "Get out of Jail free", "gooj");
     chanceCards[7]  = new ModifierCard("chance", "Go Back 3 Spaces", "index-3");
     chanceCards[8]  = new ModifierCard("chance", "Go To Jail-Go directly to Jail-Do not pass GO, do not collect $200", "jail");
     chanceCards[9]  = new ModifierCard("chance", "Make general repairs on all your property: For each house pay $25, For each hotel pay $100", "generalRepair");
     chanceCards[10] = new ModifierCard("chance", "Pay poor tax of $15", "add-015");
     chanceCards[11] = new ModifierCard("chance", "Take a trip to Reading Railroad. If you pass GO, collect $200", "moveTo05");
     chanceCards[12] = new ModifierCard("chance", "Take a walk on the Boardwalk. Advance token to Boardwalk", "moveTo39");
     chanceCards[13] = new ModifierCard("chance", "You have been elected Chairman of the Board. Pay each player $50", "payPlayers");
     chanceCards[14] = new ModifierCard("chance", "Your building and loan matures. Collect $150", "add+150");
     chanceCards[15] = new ModifierCard("chance", "You have won a crossword competition. Collect $100", "add+100");