Class that embeds an arbitrary file into a static library.

The static library then export two symbols: one for the data and one for the size.

Ejemplo n.º 1
        private Dictionary <string, string> CreateBundle(DataLibraryCreator creator, string assembly, bool isText)
            Dictionary <String, String> bundle = new Dictionary <String, String>();

            // Create the static library for the assembly
            creator.Compress = this.Compress && !isText;
            creator.CreateStaticLibrary(assembly, isText);
            bundle[KEY_FILE]        = assembly;
            bundle[KEY_NAME]        = Path.GetFileName(assembly);
            bundle[KEY_SYMBOL]      = creator.SymbolName;
            bundle[KEY_LIBRARY]     = creator.OutputFile;
            bundle[KEY_INPUT_SIZE]  = creator.InputSize.ToString();
            bundle[KEY_OUTPUT_SIZE] = creator.OutputSize.ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private Dictionary<string, string> CreateBundle(DataLibraryCreator creator, string assembly, bool isText)
            Dictionary<String, String> bundle = new Dictionary<String, String>();

            // Create the static library for the assembly
            creator.Compress = this.Compress && !isText;
            creator.CreateStaticLibrary(assembly, isText);
            bundle[KEY_FILE] = assembly;
            bundle[KEY_NAME] = Path.GetFileName(assembly);
            bundle[KEY_SYMBOL] = creator.SymbolName;
            bundle[KEY_LIBRARY] = creator.OutputFile;
            bundle[KEY_INPUT_SIZE] = creator.InputSize.ToString();
            bundle[KEY_OUTPUT_SIZE] = creator.OutputSize.ToString();

            return bundle;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///   Generates the native executable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "directory">The directory.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public String Generate(String directory)
            NativeContext nativeContext = new NativeContext(this.TargetOSVersion, this.TargetArchitecture);

            if (this.NativeCompiler == null)
                this.NativeCompiler = nativeContext.Compiler;

            // We embed:
            // - the assemblies (with their configuration)
            // - the machine configuration
            // For every embedded assembly, we store:
            // - the name of the assembly
            // - the pretty name of the assembly (for inclusion in source code)
            // - the path to the static library that embed the assembly
            // - the path to the static library that embed the assembly configuration file
            List <Dictionary <String, String> > assemblies     = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();
            List <Dictionary <String, String> > configurations = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();

            // Create an instance of creator
            DataLibraryCreator creator = new DataLibraryCreator();

            creator.Logger            = this.Logger;
            creator.ArchitectureFlags = nativeContext.ArchitectureFlags;
            creator.OutputDirectory   = directory;

            this.Logger.LogInfo("Creating static libraries...");

            // For each assembly and its config, generate a native library);
            foreach (String assembly in this.Assemblies)
                String name = Path.GetFileName(assembly);

                this.Logger.LogInfo("Processing static library " + name);

                Dictionary <string, string> bundle = CreateBundle(creator, assembly, false);

                String config = assembly + ".config";
                if (File.Exists(config))
                    this.Logger.LogInfo("Processing configuration for " + name);

                    bundle = CreateBundle(creator, config, true);
                    bundle[KEY_ASSEMBLY] = name;

            // Store the main image
            String mainImage = assemblies[0][KEY_NAME];

            // Sort all the symbols
            assemblies.Sort((D1, D2) => D1[KEY_SYMBOL].CompareTo(D2[KEY_SYMBOL]));
            configurations.Sort((D1, D2) => D1[KEY_SYMBOL].CompareTo(D2[KEY_SYMBOL]));

            // Generate a native library for the machine configuration
            Dictionary <String, String> machineConfig = null;

            if (this.MachineConfiguration != null)
                machineConfig = CreateBundle(creator, this.MachineConfiguration, true);

            this.Logger.LogInfo("Creating source file...");

            // Generate the main source file
            String mainSource = Path.Combine(directory, "main.c");

            this.GenerateMainSource(mainSource, mainImage, assemblies, configurations, machineConfig);

            // Dump the header file

            // Dump the library file

            // Stage 1: Preparation of common properties
            String mainObject     = Path.Combine(directory, "main.o");
            String executableFile = Path.Combine(directory, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mainImage));
            String nativeOptions  = String.Format(" {0} {1} ", nativeContext.ArchitectureFlags, nativeContext.SDKFlags);

            // Stage 2: Compilation
            this.Compile(directory, mainSource, mainObject, nativeOptions);

            // Stage 3: Linkage
            this.Link(directory, mainObject, executableFile, nativeOptions, assemblies, configurations, machineConfig);

            this.Logger.LogInfo("Embedding done");

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        ///   Generates the native executable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "directory">The directory.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public String Generate(String directory)
            NativeContext nativeContext = new NativeContext(this.TargetOSVersion, this.TargetArchitecture);
            if (this.NativeCompiler == null) {
                this.NativeCompiler = nativeContext.Compiler;

            // We embed:
            // - the assemblies (with their configuration)
            // - the machine configuration
            // For every embedded assembly, we store:
            // - the name of the assembly
            // - the pretty name of the assembly (for inclusion in source code)
            // - the path to the static library that embed the assembly
            // - the path to the static library that embed the assembly configuration file
            List<Dictionary<String, String>> assemblies = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>();
            List<Dictionary<String, String>> configurations = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>();

            // Create an instance of creator
            DataLibraryCreator creator = new DataLibraryCreator();
            creator.Logger = this.Logger;
            creator.ArchitectureFlags = nativeContext.ArchitectureFlags;
            creator.OutputDirectory = directory;

            this.Logger.LogInfo("Creating static libraries...");

            // For each assembly and its config, generate a native library);
            foreach (String assembly in this.Assemblies)
                String name = Path.GetFileName(assembly);

                this.Logger.LogInfo("Processing static library " + name);

                Dictionary<string, string> bundle = CreateBundle(creator, assembly, false);

                String config = assembly + ".config";
                if (File.Exists(config))
                    this.Logger.LogInfo("Processing configuration for " + name);

                    bundle = CreateBundle(creator, config, true);
                    bundle[KEY_ASSEMBLY] = name;

            // Store the main image
            String mainImage = assemblies[0][KEY_NAME];

            // Sort all the symbols
            assemblies.Sort((D1, D2) => D1[KEY_SYMBOL].CompareTo(D2[KEY_SYMBOL]));
            configurations.Sort((D1, D2) => D1[KEY_SYMBOL].CompareTo(D2[KEY_SYMBOL]));

            // Generate a native library for the machine configuration
            Dictionary<String, String> machineConfig = null;
            if (this.MachineConfiguration != null)
                machineConfig = CreateBundle(creator, this.MachineConfiguration, true);

            this.Logger.LogInfo("Creating source file...");

            // Generate the main source file
            String mainSource = Path.Combine(directory, "main.c");
            this.GenerateMainSource(mainSource, mainImage, assemblies, configurations, machineConfig);

            // Dump the header file

            // Dump the library file

            // Stage 1: Preparation of common properties
            String mainObject = Path.Combine(directory, "main.o");
            String executableFile = Path.Combine(directory, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mainImage));
            String nativeOptions = String.Format(" {0} {1} ", nativeContext.ArchitectureFlags, nativeContext.SDKFlags);

            // Stage 2: Compilation
            this.Compile(directory, mainSource, mainObject, nativeOptions);

            // Stage 3: Linkage
            this.Link(directory, mainObject, executableFile, nativeOptions, assemblies, configurations, machineConfig);

            this.Logger.LogInfo("Embedding done");

            return executableFile;