ReloadComplete() public method

Invoke this method to signal that a reload has completed, this will update the UI accordingly.
public ReloadComplete ( ) : void
return void
Ejemplo n.º 1
		public void DemoRefresh ()
			int i = 0;
			var root = new RootElement ("Pull to Refresh"){
				new Section () {
					new MultilineElement ("Pull from the top to add\na new item at the bottom\nThen wait 1 second")

			var dvc = new DialogViewController (root, true);
			// After the DialogViewController is created, but before it is displayed
			// Assign to the RefreshRequested event.   The event handler typically
			// will queue a network download, or compute something in some thread
			// when the update is complete, you must call "ReloadComplete" to put
			// the DialogViewController in the regular mode
			dvc.RefreshRequested += delegate {
				// Wait 3 seconds, to simulate some network activity
				NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer (1, delegate {
					root [0].Add (new StringElement ("Added " + (++i)));
					// Notify the dialog view controller that we are done
					// this will hide the progress info
					dvc.ReloadComplete ();
			dvc.Style = UITableViewStyle.Plain;
			navigation.PushViewController (dvc, true);			