Ejemplo n.º 1
        static BEncodedDictionary DecodeDictionary(RawReader reader, bool strictDecoding)
            int            read;
            BEncodedString oldkey     = null;
            var            dictionary = new BEncodedDictionary();

            while ((read = reader.ReadByte()) != -1 && read != 'e')
                BEncodedString key = DecodeString(reader, read - '0');          // keys have to be BEncoded strings

                if (oldkey != null && oldkey.CompareTo(key) > 0)
                    if (strictDecoding)
                        throw new BEncodingException(
                                  $"Illegal BEncodedDictionary. The attributes are not ordered correctly. Old key: {oldkey}, New key: {key}");

                oldkey = key;
                BEncodedValue value = Decode(reader);                      // the value is a BEncoded value
                dictionary.Add(key, value);

            if (read != 'e')                                    // remove the trailing 'e'
                throw new BEncodingException("Invalid data found. Aborting");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static BEncodedDictionary DecodeDictionary(ref ReadOnlySpan <byte> buffer, bool strictDecoding)
            BEncodedString oldkey     = null;
            var            dictionary = new BEncodedDictionary();

            while (buffer.Length > 0)
                if (buffer[0] == 'e')
                    buffer = buffer.Slice(1);

                var key = DecodeString(ref buffer);

                if (oldkey != null && oldkey.CompareTo(key) > 0)
                    if (strictDecoding)
                        throw new BEncodingException(
                                  $"Illegal BEncodedDictionary. The attributes are not ordered correctly. Old key: {oldkey}, New key: {key}");

                oldkey = key;
                var value = Decode(ref buffer, strictDecoding);
                dictionary.Add(key, value);
            throw new BEncodingException("Invalid data found. Aborting");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static (BEncodedDictionary torrent, ReadOnlyMemory <byte> infohash) DecodeTorrent(ref ReadOnlySpan <byte> buffer)
            if (buffer[0] != 'd')
                throw new BEncodingException($"The root value was not a BEncodedDictionary");

            buffer = buffer.Slice(1);
            ReadOnlySpan <byte> infoBuffer = default;
            BEncodedString      oldkey     = null;
            Memory <byte>       infoHash   = null;
            var dictionary = new BEncodedDictionary();

            while (buffer.Length > 0)
                if (buffer[0] == 'e')
                    buffer = buffer.Slice(1);
                    return(dictionary, infoHash);

                var key = DecodeString(ref buffer);
                if (oldkey != null && oldkey.CompareTo(key) > 0)
                    throw new BEncodingException($"Illegal BEncodedDictionary. The attributes are not ordered correctly. Old key: {oldkey}, New key: {key}");

                if (InfoKey.Equals(key))
                    infoBuffer = buffer;

                oldkey = key;
                var value = Decode(ref buffer, false);
                dictionary.Add(key, value);

                if (InfoKey.Equals(key))
                    using var hasher = SHA1.Create();
                    infoHash         = new byte[hasher.HashSize / 8];
                    if (!hasher.TryComputeHash(infoBuffer.Slice(0, infoBuffer.Length - buffer.Length), infoHash.Span, out int written) || written != infoHash.Length)
                        throw new BEncodingException("Could not compute infohash for torrent.");
            throw new BEncodingException("Invalid data found. Aborting");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        static BEncodedDictionary DecodeDictionary(Stream reader, bool strictDecoding)
            int            read;
            BEncodedString oldkey     = null;
            var            dictionary = new BEncodedDictionary();

            while ((read = reader.ReadByte()) != -1)
                if (read == 'e')

                if (read < '0' || read > '9')
                    throw new BEncodingException("Invalid key length");

                var key = DecodeString(reader, read - '0');          // keys have to be BEncoded strings

                if (oldkey != null && oldkey.CompareTo(key) > 0)
                    if (strictDecoding)
                        throw new BEncodingException(
                                  $"Illegal BEncodedDictionary. The attributes are not ordered correctly. Old key: {oldkey}, New key: {key}");

                oldkey = key;
                var value = Decode(reader, strictDecoding);                      // the value is a BEncoded value
                dictionary.Add(key, value);

            throw new BEncodingException("Invalid data found. Aborting");