Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static MetaModel CommonInitialize(bool myDynamicDataRoute)
            MetaModel m = MetaModel.Default;

            var req = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest();
            var ctx = new HttpContext(req);

            HttpContext.Current = ctx;

            RouteCollection routes = RouteTable.Routes;

            if (myDynamicDataRoute)
                    new MyDynamicDataRoute("{table}/{action}.aspx")
                    Constraints  = new RouteValueDictionary(new { action = "List|Details|Edit|Insert" }),
                    Model        = m,
                    RouteHandler = new MyDynamicDataRouteHandler()
                    new DynamicDataRoute("{table}/{action}.aspx")
                    Constraints  = new RouteValueDictionary(new { action = "List|Details|Edit|Insert" }),
                    Model        = m,
                    RouteHandler = new MyDynamicDataRouteHandler()

Ejemplo n.º 2
		public void GetVirtualPath7 ()
			var c = new RouteCollection ();

			c.Add (new MyRoute ("{table}/{action}.aspx", new MyRouteHandler ()) {
				Constraints = new RouteValueDictionary (new { action = "List|Details|Edit|Insert" }),

			var req = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest ();
			var ctx = new HttpContext (req);
			HttpContext.Current = ctx;
			var rd = new RouteData ();
			var hc = new HttpContextWrapper (ctx);

			var vp = c.GetVirtualPath (new RequestContext (hc, rd), new RouteValueDictionary {
				{"Table", "FooTable"},
				{"Action", "Details"}

			Assert.IsNotNull (vp, "#A1");
			Assert.AreEqual ("/FooTable/Details.aspx", vp.VirtualPath, "#A1-1");

			vp = c.GetVirtualPath (new RequestContext (hc, rd), new RouteValueDictionary {
				{"Table", "FooTable"},
				{"Action", String.Empty}

			Assert.IsNull (vp, "#B1");

			vp = c.GetVirtualPath (new RequestContext (hc, rd), new RouteValueDictionary {
				{"Table", "FooTable"},
				{"Action", null}

			Assert.IsNull (vp, "#C1");
Ejemplo n.º 3
		public void Model ()
			MetaModel m = Utils.CommonInitialize ();
			var route = RouteTable.Routes[0] as DynamicDataRoute;

			Assert.IsNotNull (route, "#A1");
			Assert.IsNotNull (route.Model, "#A1-1");
			var handler = route.RouteHandler;

			Assert.IsNotNull (handler, "#A2");
			Assert.IsTrue (handler.GetType () == typeof (MyDynamicDataRouteHandler), "#A2-1");
			Assert.IsNull (handler.Model, "#A2-2");

			var req = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest ();
			var ctx = new HttpContext (req);

			RequestContext rc = DynamicDataRouteHandler.GetRequestContext (ctx);
			Assert.IsNotNull (rc, "#B1");
			Assert.IsNull (handler.Model, "#B1-2");

			var wrapper = new MyHttpContextWrapper ();
			var request = wrapper.Request as MyHttpRequestWrapper;

			// It appears .NET checks whether the indicated table exists - if not, GetRouteData will return
			// null (even though the Route class will find a match)
			request.SetProperty ("AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath", "~/NoSuchTable/List.aspx");
			request.SetProperty ("PathInfo", String.Empty);

			// This must be non-null because DynamicData doesn't care to check whether the returned
			// value is null or not...
			request.SetProperty ("QueryString", new NameValueCollection ());
			// No table FooTable in the context - returns null
			RouteData rd = route.GetRouteData (wrapper);
			Assert.IsNull (rd, "#C1");

			// Apparently Model is set in the above call even though it returns null
			Assert.IsNotNull (handler.Model, "#C1-1");
			Assert.AreEqual (route.Model, handler.Model, "#C1-2");

			request.SetProperty ("AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath", "~/BarTable/List.aspx");
			rd = route.GetRouteData (wrapper);
			Assert.IsNotNull (rd, "#D1");
			Assert.IsNotNull (handler.Model, "#D1-1");
			Assert.AreEqual (route.Model, handler.Model, "#D1-2");
Ejemplo n.º 4
		public void GetRequestContext ()
			AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => {
				DynamicDataRouteHandler.GetRequestContext (null);
			}, "#A1");

			var req = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest ();
			var ctx = new HttpContext (req);

			RequestContext rc = DynamicDataRouteHandler.GetRequestContext (ctx);
			Assert.IsNotNull (rc, "#B1");
			Assert.IsNotNull (rc.HttpContext, "#B1-1");
			Assert.IsNotNull (rc.RouteData, "#B1-2");

			Assert.IsNull (rc.RouteData.Route, "#C1");
			Assert.IsNull (rc.RouteData.RouteHandler, "#C1-1");
			Assert.IsNotNull (rc.RouteData.Values, "#C1-2");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, rc.RouteData.Values.Count, "#C1-3");
Ejemplo n.º 5
		public void BaseDefaultsModification_10 ()
			MetaModel m = MetaModel.Default;
			var req = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest ();
			var ctx = new HttpContext (req);
			HttpContext.Current = ctx;

			RouteCollection routes = RouteTable.Routes;
			routes.Clear ();

			var ddr = new DynamicDataRoute ("{table}/{action}.aspx") {
				Defaults = new RouteValueDictionary () {
					{"Table", "FooWithDefaultsTable"}
				Table = "BazTable",
				Model = m,
				RouteHandler = new MyDynamicDataRouteHandler ()

			routes.Add (ddr);

			Assert.IsNotNull (ddr, "#A1");
			Assert.IsNotNull (ddr.Defaults, "#A1-1");
			var rd = new RouteData ();
			var hc = new HttpContextWrapper (HttpContext.Current);

			ddr.GetVirtualPath (new RequestContext (hc, rd), null);
			Assert.IsNotNull (ddr.Defaults, "#B1");
			Assert.AreEqual (1, ddr.Defaults.Count, "#B1-1");
			Assert.AreEqual ("BazTable", ddr.Defaults["Table"], "#B1-2");

			ddr.Table = "AnotherTable";
			ddr.GetVirtualPath (new RequestContext (hc, rd), null);
			Assert.IsNotNull (ddr.Defaults, "#C1");
			Assert.AreEqual (1, ddr.Defaults.Count, "#C1-1");
			Assert.AreEqual ("BazTable", ddr.Defaults["Table"], "#C1-2");
Ejemplo n.º 6
		public void BaseDefaultsModification_9 ()
			MetaModel m = MetaModel.Default;
			var req = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest ();
			var ctx = new HttpContext (req);
			HttpContext.Current = ctx;

			RouteCollection routes = RouteTable.Routes;
			routes.Clear ();

			var ddr = new DynamicDataRoute ("{table}/{action}.aspx") {
				Defaults = new RouteValueDictionary () {
					{"Action", "InitialAction"}
				Action = PageAction.Details,
				Model = m,
				RouteHandler = new MyDynamicDataRouteHandler ()

			routes.Add (ddr);

			Assert.IsNotNull (ddr, "#A1");
			Assert.IsNotNull (ddr.Defaults, "#A1-1");
			var rd = new RouteData ();
			var hc = new HttpContextWrapper (HttpContext.Current);

			ddr.GetVirtualPath (new RequestContext (hc, rd), null);
			Assert.IsNotNull (ddr.Defaults, "#B1");
			Assert.AreEqual (1, ddr.Defaults.Count, "#B1-1");
			Assert.AreEqual (PageAction.Details, ddr.Defaults["Action"], "#B1-2");

			ddr.Action = "MyAction";
			ddr.GetVirtualPath (new RequestContext (hc, rd), null);
			Assert.IsNotNull (ddr.Defaults, "#C1");
			Assert.AreEqual (1, ddr.Defaults.Count, "#C1-1");
			Assert.AreEqual (PageAction.Details, ddr.Defaults["Action"], "#B1-2");
Ejemplo n.º 7
		public void BaseDefaultsModification_8 ()
			MetaModel m = MetaModel.Default;
			var req = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest ();
			var ctx = new HttpContext (req);
			HttpContext.Current = ctx;

			RouteCollection routes = RouteTable.Routes;
			routes.Clear ();

			var ddr = new DynamicDataRoute ("{table}/{action}.aspx") {
				Table = String.Empty,
				Model = m,
				RouteHandler = new MyDynamicDataRouteHandler ()

			routes.Add (ddr);
			var rd = new RouteData ();
			var hc = new HttpContextWrapper (HttpContext.Current);

			AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => {
				ddr.GetVirtualPath (new RequestContext (hc, rd), null);
			}, "#A1");
Ejemplo n.º 8
		public void BaseDefaultsModification_7 ()
			MetaModel m = MetaModel.Default;
			var req = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest ();
			var ctx = new HttpContext (req);
			HttpContext.Current = ctx;

			RouteCollection routes = RouteTable.Routes;
			routes.Clear ();

			var ddr = new DynamicDataRoute ("{table}/{action}.aspx") {
				Table = null,
				Model = m,
				RouteHandler = new MyDynamicDataRouteHandler ()

			routes.Add (ddr);

			Assert.IsNotNull (ddr, "#A1");
			Assert.IsNull (ddr.Defaults, "#A1-1");
			var rd = new RouteData ();
			var hc = new HttpContextWrapper (HttpContext.Current);

			ddr.GetVirtualPath (new RequestContext (hc, rd), null);
			Assert.IsNull (ddr.Defaults, "#B1");
Ejemplo n.º 9
		public void IsValidRequestString ()
			var rv = new TestRequestValidator ();
			int validationFailureIndex;
			var fr = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest ("http://localhost/default.aspx?key=invalid%value");
			var ctx = new HttpContext (fr);

			Assert.IsFalse (rv.DoIsValidRequestString (null, "<script>invalid%value", RequestValidationSource.QueryString, "key", out validationFailureIndex), "#A1");
			Assert.IsFalse (rv.DoIsValidRequestString (ctx, "<script>invalid%value", RequestValidationSource.QueryString, "key", out validationFailureIndex), "#A2");
Ejemplo n.º 10
		public void GetActionPath2 ()
			var foo = new Foo (true);
			var req = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest ();
			var ctx = new HttpContext (req);
			HttpContext.Current = ctx;
			MetaModel m = Utils.GetModel<MyDataContext2> ();

			RouteTable.Routes.Add (
			    new DynamicDataRoute ("{table}/{action}.aspx") {
				    Constraints = new RouteValueDictionary (new { action = "List|Details|Edit|Insert" }),
				    Model = m,
				    RouteHandler = new MyDynamicDataRouteHandler ()

			// .NET stacktrace:
			// at System.Web.DynamicData.MetaModel.TryGetTable(String uniqueTableName, MetaTable& table)
			// at System.Web.DynamicData.MetaModel.GetTable(String uniqueTableName)
			AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => m.GetActionPath (null, PageAction.List, foo), "#A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, m.GetActionPath ("FooTable", null, foo), "#A2");
			Assert.AreEqual ("/FooTable/List.aspx", m.GetActionPath ("FooTable", PageAction.List, null), "#A3");
			AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => m.GetActionPath ("NoSuchTable", PageAction.List, foo), "#A4");

			Assert.AreEqual ("/FooTable/List.aspx", m.GetActionPath ("FooTable", "List", foo), "#B1");
Ejemplo n.º 11
		public void RegisterContext5 ()
			// In the process of several experiments (as the docs lack any good explanation),
			// I determined that this test needs the following for succesful completion:
			//  - a worker request
			//  - a HttpContext
			//  - a fake route handler derived from DynamicDataRouteHandler, so that its CreateHandler
			//    returns a handler without attempting to actually find a View for the requested action
			//  - a route which can match table actions (taken from the skeleton DynamicData project
			//    generated by VisualStudio)
			//  - _empty_ query string returned from the fake worker request, or .NET will populate the
			//    HttpRequest.QueryString collection with one null item, and .NET's DynamicData will happily
			//    assume any entry in that collection is not null (it seems null checks aren't very popular
			//    in DynamicData code)
			var req = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest ();
			var ctx = new HttpContext (req);
			HttpContext.Current = ctx;
			MetaModel m = Utils.GetModel<MyDataContext2> ();

			RouteTable.Routes.Add (
			    new DynamicDataRoute ("{table}/{action}.aspx") {
				    Constraints = new RouteValueDictionary (new { action = "List|Details|Edit|Insert" }),
				    Model = m,
				    RouteHandler = new MyDynamicDataRouteHandler ()

			MetaTable t = m.Tables[0];

			Assert.AreEqual (1, m.Tables.Count, "#1-1");
			Assert.AreEqual (1, m.VisibleTables.Count, "#1-2");
			Assert.AreEqual (typeof (Foo), t.EntityType, "#1-3");

			// Those names are only the last part before '.' (i.e. without schema name).
			Assert.AreEqual ("FooTable", t.Name, "#2-1");
			Assert.AreEqual ("FooTable", t.DisplayName, "#2-2");
			Assert.AreEqual ("FooTable", t.DataContextPropertyName, "#2-3");
			Assert.AreEqual ("/FooTable/List.aspx", t.ListActionPath, "#2-4");

			Assert.AreEqual ("FooTable", t.Provider.Name, "#3-1");
Ejemplo n.º 12
		public void GetQuery_Context ()
			MetaModel m = Utils.GetModel<MyDataContext2> ();

			var req = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest ();
			var ctx = new HttpContext (req);
			HttpContext.Current = ctx;

			RouteCollection routes = RouteTable.Routes;
			routes.Clear ();
			var route = new MyDynamicDataRoute ("{table}/{action}.aspx") {
				Constraints = new RouteValueDictionary (new { action = "List|Details|Edit|Insert" }),
				Model = m,
				RouteHandler = new MyDynamicDataRouteHandler ()
			routes.Add (route);

			MetaTable t = m.GetTable ("FooTable"); ;
			IQueryable query = t.GetQuery (null);
			Assert.IsNotNull (query, "#A1");
			Assert.IsTrue (query.GetType () == typeof (Table<Foo>), "#A2");

			var foo = new Foo (true);
			AssertExtensions.Throws (() => t.GetQuery (foo), "#B1");
Ejemplo n.º 13
		public void GetActionPath_Action_3 ()
			MetaModel m = MetaModel.Default;

			var req = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest ();
			var ctx = new HttpContext (req);
			HttpContext.Current = ctx;

			RouteCollection routes = RouteTable.Routes;
			routes.Clear ();
			routes.Add (new DynamicDataRoute ("{table}/ListDetails.aspx") {
				Action = PageAction.List,
				ViewName = "ListDetails",
				Model = m,
				RouteHandler = new MyDynamicDataRouteHandler ()

			routes.Add (new DynamicDataRoute ("{table}/ListDetails.aspx") {
				Action = PageAction.Details,
				ViewName = "ListDetails",
				Model = m,
				RouteHandler = new MyDynamicDataRouteHandler ()

			MetaTable t = m.Tables[TestDataContext.TableFooWithDefaults];
			Assert.AreEqual (t.Model, m, "#A0");
			Assert.AreEqual (Utils.BuildActionName (t, "ListDetails"), t.GetActionPath (PageAction.Details), "#A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (Utils.BuildActionName (t, "ListDetails"), t.GetActionPath (PageAction.List), "#A2");

			// Missing routes
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, t.GetActionPath (PageAction.Edit), "#A3");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, t.GetActionPath (PageAction.Insert), "#A4");

			// Add routes for the two above tests
			routes.Add (new DynamicDataRoute ("{table}/EditInsert.aspx") {
				Action = PageAction.Edit,
				ViewName = "MyEditInsert",
				Model = m,
				RouteHandler = new MyDynamicDataRouteHandler ()

			routes.Add (new DynamicDataRoute ("{table}/InsertEdit.aspx") {
				Action = PageAction.Insert,
				ViewName = "MyEditInsert",
				Model = m,
				RouteHandler = new MyDynamicDataRouteHandler ()

			Assert.AreEqual (Utils.BuildActionName (t, "ListDetails"), t.GetActionPath (PageAction.Details), "#B1");
			Assert.AreEqual (Utils.BuildActionName (t, "ListDetails"), t.GetActionPath (PageAction.List), "#B2");

			Assert.AreEqual (Utils.BuildActionName (t, "EditInsert"), t.GetActionPath (PageAction.Edit), "#B3");
			Assert.AreEqual (Utils.BuildActionName (t, "InsertEdit"), t.GetActionPath (PageAction.Insert), "#B4");