Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <param name="index">Index of the skin layer state to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="color">Color tint to apply to the skin layer.</param>
        /// <param name="rect">Destination region where the layer will be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="layer">Skin layer to draw.</param>
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a skin layer in the specified region.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void DrawLayer(SkinLayer layer, Rectangle rect, Color color, int index)
// Get the size of the layer image asset and the size of the layer itself.
            var imageSize = new Size(layer.Image.Resource.Width, layer.Image.Resource.Height);
            var partSize  = new Size(layer.Width, layer.Height);

// Draw each section of the layer asset.
            Draw(layer.Image.Resource, GetDestinationArea(rect, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.TopLeft),
                 GetSourceArea(imageSize, partSize, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.TopLeft, index), color);
            Draw(layer.Image.Resource, GetDestinationArea(rect, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.TopCenter),
                 GetSourceArea(imageSize, partSize, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.TopCenter, index), color);
            Draw(layer.Image.Resource, GetDestinationArea(rect, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.TopRight),
                 GetSourceArea(imageSize, partSize, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.TopRight, index), color);
            Draw(layer.Image.Resource, GetDestinationArea(rect, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.MiddleLeft),
                 GetSourceArea(imageSize, partSize, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.MiddleLeft, index), color);
            Draw(layer.Image.Resource, GetDestinationArea(rect, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.MiddleCenter),
                 GetSourceArea(imageSize, partSize, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.MiddleCenter, index), color);
            Draw(layer.Image.Resource, GetDestinationArea(rect, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.MiddleRight),
                 GetSourceArea(imageSize, partSize, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.MiddleRight, index), color);
            Draw(layer.Image.Resource, GetDestinationArea(rect, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.BottomLeft),
                 GetSourceArea(imageSize, partSize, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.BottomLeft, index), color);
            Draw(layer.Image.Resource, GetDestinationArea(rect, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.BottomCenter),
                 GetSourceArea(imageSize, partSize, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.BottomCenter, index), color);
            Draw(layer.Image.Resource, GetDestinationArea(rect, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.BottomRight),
                 GetSourceArea(imageSize, partSize, layer.SizingMargins, Alignment.BottomRight, index), color);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void DrawControl(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, GameTime gameTime)
//base.DrawControl(renderer, rect, gameTime);
            var s = new SkinLayer(Skin.Layers[0]);

            s.Text.Alignment = alignment;
            renderer.DrawString(this, s, Text, rect, true, 0, 0, ellipsis);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected override Rectangle DrawText(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, SkinLayer layer, int ox, int oy)
     // Draw the button text.
     layer.Text.Font = Manager.Skin.Fonts["Default9"];
     renderer.DrawString(this, layer, Title, rect, true, ox, 0, base.DrawFormattedText);
     layer.Text.Font = Manager.Skin.Fonts["Default8"];
     renderer.DrawString(this, layer, Text, rect, true, ox, 14, base.DrawFormattedText);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the list pane containing the collection items.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected override void DrawPane(object sender, DrawEventArgs e)
            // Collection is non-empty?
            if (items != null && items.Count > 0)
                SkinText  font = Skin.Layers["Control"].Text;
                SkinLayer sel  = Skin.Layers["ListBox.Selection"];
                int       h    = (items[0] as T).Height;
                int       v    = (sbVert.Value / 10);
                int       p    = (sbVert.PageSize / 10);
                int       d    = (int)(((sbVert.Value % 10) / 10f) * h);
                int       c    = items.Count;
                int       s    = itemIndex;
                // Draw selection overlay?
                if (s >= 0 && s < c && (Focused || !hideSelection))
                    int pos = -d + ((s - v) * h);

                    // Selected index is visible?
                    if (pos > -h && pos < (p + 1) * h)
                        e.Renderer.DrawLayer(this, sel, new Rectangle(e.Rectangle.Left, e.Rectangle.Top + pos, e.Rectangle.Width, h));
                // Draw the visible collection items in the list pane.
                for (int i = v; i <= v + p + 1; i++)
                    if (i < c)
                        if (i < items.Count)
                            foreach (Control ctr in (items[i] as T).Controls)
                                                new Rectangle(e.Rectangle.Left + ctr.Left,
                                                              (e.Rectangle.Top - d + ((i - v) * h)) + ctr.Top, e.Rectangle.Width, h),
                // Draw selection overlay?
                if (s >= 0 && s < c && (Focused || !hideSelection))
                    int pos = -d + ((s - v) * h);

                    // Selected index is visible?
                    if (pos > -h && pos < (p + 1) * h)
                        e.Renderer.DrawLayer(sel, new Rectangle(e.Rectangle.Left, e.Rectangle.Top + pos, e.Rectangle.Width, h), Color.White * .2f, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void DrawControl(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, GameTime gameTime)
            //base.DrawControl(renderer, rect, gameTime);
            var s = new SkinLayer(Skin.Layers[0]);

            s.Text.Alignment = alignment;

            if (Shadow)
                textColor = Color.Black;
                rect.X   += 1;
                rect.Y   += 1;
                renderer.DrawString(this, s, Renderer.StripFormattedText(Text), rect, true, 0, 0, ellipsis, false);

                rect.X   -= 1;
                rect.Y   -= 1;
                textColor = Color.White;
            renderer.DrawString(this, s, Text, rect, true, 0, 0, ellipsis, DrawFormattedText);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the position of the slider button.
        /// </summary>
        private void RecalcParams()
            // The slider button is created?
            if (btnSlider != null)
                // Width of the slider is large enough to fit a glyph on?
                if (btnSlider.Width > 12)
                    // Reload the glyph and center it on the button.
                    btnSlider.Glyph          = new Glyph(Manager.Skin.Images["Shared.Glyph"].Resource);
                    btnSlider.Glyph.SizeMode = SizeMode.Centered;

                    btnSlider.Glyph = null;

                SkinLayer p = Skin.Layers["Control"];
                btnSlider.Width  = (int)(Height * 0.8);
                btnSlider.Height = Height;
                int size = btnSlider.Width;
                int w    = Width - p.ContentMargins.Horizontal - size;

                // Determine the position of the slider button.
                float px  = (float)range / (float)w;
                int   pos = p.ContentMargins.Left + (int)(Math.Ceiling(Hue / (float)px));

                // Clamp position within the bounds of the track bar control.
                if (pos < p.ContentMargins.Left)
                    pos = p.ContentMargins.Left;
                if (pos > w + p.ContentMargins.Left)
                    pos = w + p.ContentMargins.Left;

                btnSlider.SetPosition(pos, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public SkinLayer(SkinLayer source) : base(source)
     if (source != null)
         Image          = new SkinImage(source.Image);
         Width          = source.Width;
         Height         = source.Height;
         OffsetX        = source.OffsetX;
         OffsetY        = source.OffsetY;
         Alignment      = source.Alignment;
         SizingMargins  = source.SizingMargins;
         ContentMargins = source.ContentMargins;
         States         = source.States;
         Overlays       = source.Overlays;
         Text           = new SkinText(source.Text);
         Attributes     = new SkinList <SkinAttribute>(source.Attributes);
         throw new Exception("Parameter for SkinLayer copy constructor cannot be null.");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles slider button move events.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void btnSlider_Move(object sender, MoveEventArgs e)
            SkinLayer p    = Skin.Layers["Control"];
            int       size = btnSlider.Width;
            int       w    = Width - p.ContentMargins.Horizontal - size;
            int       pos  = e.Left;

            // Keep button on track by clamping position values..
            if (pos < p.ContentMargins.Left)
                pos = p.ContentMargins.Left;
            if (pos > w + p.ContentMargins.Left)
                pos = w + p.ContentMargins.Left;

            // Update button position and value.
            btnSlider.SetPosition(pos, 0);
            float px = (float)range / (float)w;

            Hue = (int)(Math.Ceiling((pos - p.ContentMargins.Left) * px));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <param name="l"></param>
        /// <param name="sl"></param>
        /// </summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadLayerAttributes(SkinLayer sl, XmlNodeList l)
            foreach (XmlElement e in l)
                var name = ReadAttribute(e, "Name", null, true);
                var sa   = sl.Attributes[name];
                var inh  = true;

                if (sa == null)
                    sa  = new SkinAttribute();
                    inh = false;

                sa.Name = name;
                ReadAttribute(ref sa.Value, inh, e, "Value", null, true);

                if (!inh)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the track bar control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="renderer">Render management object.</param>
        /// <param name="rect">Destination region where the control will be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="gameTime">Snapshot of the application's timing values.</param>
        public override void DrawControl(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, GameTime gameTime)

            SkinLayer p = Skin.Layers["Control"];
            SkinLayer l = Skin.Layers["Scale"];

            // Scales down the height of the track bar to allow room for the scale to be drawn.
            float ratio = 0.66f;
            int   h     = (int)(ratio * rect.Height);
            int   t     = rect.Top + (Height - h) / 2;

            float px = ((float)range /*value*/ / (float)range);
            int   w  = (int)Math.Ceiling(px * (rect.Width - p.ContentMargins.Horizontal)) + 2;

            // NOTE: Should this be using horizontal sizing margins?
            if (w < l.SizingMargins.Vertical)
                w = l.SizingMargins.Vertical;

            if (w > rect.Width - p.ContentMargins.Horizontal)
                w = rect.Width - p.ContentMargins.Horizontal;

            // Create the region for the track bar scale.
            Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(rect.Left + p.ContentMargins.Left, t + p.ContentMargins.Top, w, h - p.ContentMargins.Vertical);

            base.DrawControl(renderer, new Rectangle(rect.Left, t, rect.Width, h), gameTime);

            if (scale)
                renderer.DrawLayer(this, l, r1);
Ejemplo n.º 11
// currentMonster.Name, Color.Red.ToHex(true));
// string.Format("You attempt to hit the [color:#FFFF0000]{0}[/color] but [color:{1}]MISS[/color]!",
// example:

        public virtual void DrawString(Control control, SkinLayer layer, string text, Rectangle rect, bool margins)
            DrawString(control, layer, text, rect, margins, 0, 0, true);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <param name="l"></param>
        /// <param name="sc"></param>
        /// </summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadLayers(SkinControl sc, XmlNodeList l)
            foreach (XmlElement e in l)
                var name = ReadAttribute(e, "Name", null, true);
                var over = ReadAttributeBool(e, "Override", false, false);
                var sl   = sc.Layers[name];
                var inh  = true;

                if (sl == null)
                    sl  = new SkinLayer();
                    inh = false;

                if (inh && over)
                    sl = new SkinLayer();
                    sc.Layers[name] = sl;

                ReadAttribute(ref sl.Name, inh, e, "Name", null, true);
                ReadAttribute(ref sl.Image.Name, inh, e, "Image", "Control", false);
                ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Width, inh, e, "Width", 0, false);
                ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Height, inh, e, "Height", 0, false);

                var tmp = sl.Alignment.ToString();
                ReadAttribute(ref tmp, inh, e, "Alignment", "MiddleCenter", false);
                sl.Alignment = (Alignment)Enum.Parse(typeof(Alignment), tmp, true);

                ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.OffsetX, inh, e, "OffsetX", 0, false);
                ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.OffsetY, inh, e, "OffsetY", 0, false);

                ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.SizingMargins.Left, inh, e["SizingMargins"], "Left", 0, false);
                ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.SizingMargins.Top, inh, e["SizingMargins"], "Top", 0, false);
                ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.SizingMargins.Right, inh, e["SizingMargins"], "Right", 0, false);
                ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.SizingMargins.Bottom, inh, e["SizingMargins"], "Bottom", 0, false);

                ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.ContentMargins.Left, inh, e["ContentMargins"], "Left", 0, false);
                ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.ContentMargins.Top, inh, e["ContentMargins"], "Top", 0, false);
                ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.ContentMargins.Right, inh, e["ContentMargins"], "Right", 0, false);
                ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.ContentMargins.Bottom, inh, e["ContentMargins"], "Bottom", 0, false);

                if (e["States"] != null)
                    ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.States.Enabled.Index, inh, e["States"]["Enabled"], "Index", 0, false);
                    var di = sl.States.Enabled.Index;
                    ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.States.Hovered.Index, inh, e["States"]["Hovered"], "Index", di, false);
                    ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.States.Pressed.Index, inh, e["States"]["Pressed"], "Index", di, false);
                    ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.States.Focused.Index, inh, e["States"]["Focused"], "Index", di, false);
                    ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.States.Disabled.Index, inh, e["States"]["Disabled"], "Index", di, false);

                    ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.States.Enabled.Color, inh, e["States"]["Enabled"], "Color", Color.White,
                    var dc = sl.States.Enabled.Color;
                    ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.States.Hovered.Color, inh, e["States"]["Hovered"], "Color", dc, false);
                    ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.States.Pressed.Color, inh, e["States"]["Pressed"], "Color", dc, false);
                    ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.States.Focused.Color, inh, e["States"]["Focused"], "Color", dc, false);
                    ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.States.Disabled.Color, inh, e["States"]["Disabled"], "Color", dc, false);

                    ReadAttributeBool(ref sl.States.Enabled.Overlay, inh, e["States"]["Enabled"], "Overlay", false,
                    var dv = sl.States.Enabled.Overlay;
                    ReadAttributeBool(ref sl.States.Hovered.Overlay, inh, e["States"]["Hovered"], "Overlay", dv, false);
                    ReadAttributeBool(ref sl.States.Pressed.Overlay, inh, e["States"]["Pressed"], "Overlay", dv, false);
                    ReadAttributeBool(ref sl.States.Focused.Overlay, inh, e["States"]["Focused"], "Overlay", dv, false);
                    ReadAttributeBool(ref sl.States.Disabled.Overlay, inh, e["States"]["Disabled"], "Overlay", dv, false);

                if (e["Overlays"] != null)
                    ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Overlays.Enabled.Index, inh, e["Overlays"]["Enabled"], "Index", 0, false);
                    var di = sl.Overlays.Enabled.Index;
                    ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Overlays.Hovered.Index, inh, e["Overlays"]["Hovered"], "Index", di, false);
                    ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Overlays.Pressed.Index, inh, e["Overlays"]["Pressed"], "Index", di, false);
                    ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Overlays.Focused.Index, inh, e["Overlays"]["Focused"], "Index", di, false);
                    ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Overlays.Disabled.Index, inh, e["Overlays"]["Disabled"], "Index", di, false);

                    ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.Overlays.Enabled.Color, inh, e["Overlays"]["Enabled"], "Color",
                                       Color.White, false);
                    var dc = sl.Overlays.Enabled.Color;
                    ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.Overlays.Hovered.Color, inh, e["Overlays"]["Hovered"], "Color", dc, false);
                    ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.Overlays.Pressed.Color, inh, e["Overlays"]["Pressed"], "Color", dc, false);
                    ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.Overlays.Focused.Color, inh, e["Overlays"]["Focused"], "Color", dc, false);
                    ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.Overlays.Disabled.Color, inh, e["Overlays"]["Disabled"], "Color", dc,

                if (e["Text"] != null)
                    ReadAttribute(ref sl.Text.Name, inh, e["Text"], "Font", null, true);
                    ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Text.OffsetX, inh, e["Text"], "OffsetX", 0, false);
                    ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Text.OffsetY, inh, e["Text"], "OffsetY", 0, false);

                    tmp = sl.Text.Alignment.ToString();
                    ReadAttribute(ref tmp, inh, e["Text"], "Alignment", "MiddleCenter", false);
                    sl.Text.Alignment = (Alignment)Enum.Parse(typeof(Alignment), tmp, true);

                    LoadColors(inh, e["Text"], ref sl.Text.Colors);
                if (e["Attributes"] != null)
                    var l2 = e["Attributes"].GetElementsByTagName("Attribute");
                    if (l2 != null && l2.Count > 0)
                        LoadLayerAttributes(sl, l2);
                if (!inh)
Ejemplo n.º 13
// currentMonster.Name, Color.Red.ToHex(true));
// string.Format("You attempt to hit the [color:#FFFF0000]{0}[/color] but [color:{1}]MISS[/color]!",
// example:

        public virtual void DrawString(Control control, SkinLayer layer, string text, Rectangle rect, ControlState state,
                                       bool margins, int ox, int oy, bool ellipsis)
            var col = Color.White;

// currentMonster.Name, Color.Red.ToHex(true));
// string.Format("You attempt to hit the [color:#FFFF0000]{0}[/color] but [color:{1}]MISS[/color]!",
// example:

// Layer has text component defined?
            if (layer.Text != null)
// And it has margins?
                if (margins)
// Grab the layer's margins and update the destination region to account for them.
                    var m = layer.ContentMargins;
                    rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left + m.Left, rect.Top + m.Top, rect.Width - m.Horizontal,
                                         rect.Height - m.Vertical);
// currentMonster.Name, Color.Red.ToHex(true));
// string.Format("You attempt to hit the [color:#FFFF0000]{0}[/color] but [color:{1}]MISS[/color]!",
// example:

// Grab the text color of the Hovered state?
                if (state == ControlState.Hovered && (layer.States.Hovered.Index != -1))
                    col = layer.Text.Colors.Hovered;
// Grab the text color of the Pressed state?
                else if (state == ControlState.Pressed)
                    col = layer.Text.Colors.Pressed;
// Grab the text color of the Focused state?
                else if (state == ControlState.Focused ||
                         (control.Focused && state == ControlState.Hovered && layer.States.Hovered.Index == -1))
                    col = layer.Text.Colors.Focused;
// Grab the text color of the Disabled state?
                else if (state == ControlState.Disabled)
                    col = layer.Text.Colors.Disabled;
// Grab the text color of the Enabled state.
                    col = layer.Text.Colors.Enabled;
// currentMonster.Name, Color.Red.ToHex(true));
// string.Format("You attempt to hit the [color:#FFFF0000]{0}[/color] but [color:{1}]MISS[/color]!",
// example:

// Valid text string supplied?
                if (text != null && text != "")
                    var font = layer.Text;
                    if (control.TextColor != Control.UndefinedColor && control.ControlState != ControlState.Disabled)
                        col = control.TextColor;
                    DrawString(font.Font.Resource, text, rect, col, font.Alignment, font.OffsetX + ox, font.OffsetY + oy,
Ejemplo n.º 14
// currentMonster.Name, Color.Red.ToHex(true));
// string.Format("You attempt to hit the [color:#FFFF0000]{0}[/color] but [color:{1}]MISS[/color]!",
// example:

        public virtual void DrawString(Control control, SkinLayer layer, string text, Rectangle rect, bool margins,
                                       int ox, int oy, bool ellipsis)
            DrawString(control, layer, text, rect, control.ControlState, margins, ox, oy, ellipsis);
Ejemplo n.º 15
// currentMonster.Name, Color.Red.ToHex(true));
// string.Format("You attempt to hit the [color:#FFFF0000]{0}[/color] but [color:{1}]MISS[/color]!",
// example:

        public virtual void DrawString(Control control, SkinLayer layer, string text, Rectangle rect, ControlState state)
            DrawString(control, layer, text, rect, state, true, 0, 0, true);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <param name="state">Control state to apply to the layer.</param>
        /// <param name="rect">Destination region where the control layer will be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="layer">Skin layer of the control to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="control">Control to draw the layer of.</param>
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the specified layer of the control in the defined region.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void DrawLayer(Control control, SkinLayer layer, Rectangle rect, ControlState state)
// Get the layer color and overlay color.
            var c  = Color.White;
            var oc = Color.White;
// And the index to the layer and overlay image assets.
            var i  = 0;
            var oi = -1;
            var l  = layer;

// Use the hovered state colors and assets?
            if (state == ControlState.Hovered && (layer.States.Hovered.Index != -1))
                c = l.States.Hovered.Color;
                i = l.States.Hovered.Index;

                if (l.States.Hovered.Overlay)
                    oc = l.Overlays.Hovered.Color;
                    oi = l.Overlays.Hovered.Index;
// Use the focused state colors and assets?
            else if (state == ControlState.Focused ||
                     (control.Focused && state == ControlState.Hovered && layer.States.Hovered.Index == -1))
                c = l.States.Focused.Color;
                i = l.States.Focused.Index;

                if (l.States.Focused.Overlay)
                    oc = l.Overlays.Focused.Color;
                    oi = l.Overlays.Focused.Index;
// Use the pressed state colors and assets?
            else if (state == ControlState.Pressed)
                c = l.States.Pressed.Color;
                i = l.States.Pressed.Index;

                if (l.States.Pressed.Overlay)
                    oc = l.Overlays.Pressed.Color;
                    oi = l.Overlays.Pressed.Index;
// Use the disabled state colors and assets?
            else if (state == ControlState.Disabled)
                c = l.States.Disabled.Color;
                i = l.States.Disabled.Index;

                if (l.States.Disabled.Overlay)
                    oc = l.Overlays.Disabled.Color;
                    oi = l.Overlays.Disabled.Index;
// Use the enabled state colors and assets?
                c = l.States.Enabled.Color;
                i = l.States.Enabled.Index;

                if (l.States.Enabled.Overlay)
                    oc = l.Overlays.Enabled.Color;
                    oi = l.Overlays.Enabled.Index;

            if (control.Color != Control.UndefinedColor)
                c = control.Color * (control.Color.A / 255f);
// Draw the control layer.
            DrawLayer(l, rect, c, i);

// And draw the overlay if needed.
            if (oi != -1)
                DrawLayer(l, rect, oc, oi);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 /// <param name="rect">Destination region where the control layer will be drawn.</param>
 /// <param name="layer">Skin layer of the control to draw.</param>
 /// <param name="control">Control to draw the layer of.</param>
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws the specified layer of the control in the defined region.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void DrawLayer(Control control, SkinLayer layer, Rectangle rect)
     DrawLayer(control, layer, rect, control.ControlState);
Ejemplo n.º 18
// currentMonster.Name, Color.Red.ToHex(true));
// string.Format("You attempt to hit the [color:#FFFF0000]{0}[/color] but [color:{1}]MISS[/color]!",
// example:

        public virtual void DrawString(Control control, SkinLayer layer, string text, Rectangle rect, ControlState state,
                                       bool margins, int ox, int oy)
            DrawString(control, layer, text, rect, state, margins, ox, oy, true);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 protected virtual Rectangle DrawText(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, SkinLayer layer, int ox, int oy)
     // Draw the button text.
     renderer.DrawString(this, layer, Text, rect, true, ox, oy, DrawFormattedText);