Ejemplo n.º 1
		public ViewEditorDialog (ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, bool create, ViewEditorSettings settings)
			if (schemaProvider == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("schemaProvider");
			this.schemaProvider = schemaProvider;
			this.action = create ? SchemaActions.Create : SchemaActions.Alter;
			if (create)
				Title = AddinCatalog.GetString ("Create View");
				Title = AddinCatalog.GetString ("Alter View");
			notebook = new Notebook ();

			sqlEditor = new SqlEditorWidget ();
			sqlEditor.TextChanged += new EventHandler (SqlChanged);
			notebook.AppendPage (sqlEditor, new Label (AddinCatalog.GetString ("Definition")));
			if (settings.ShowComment) {
				commentEditor = new CommentEditorWidget ();
				notebook.AppendPage (commentEditor, new Label (AddinCatalog.GetString ("Comment")));

			notebook.Page = 0;

			entryName.Text = view.Name;

			vboxContent.PackStart (notebook, true, true, 0);
			vboxContent.ShowAll ();
			SetWarning (null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
		public SqlQueryView ()
			stoppedQueries = new List<object> ();
			vbox = new VBox (false, 6);
			vbox.BorderWidth = 6;

			sqlEditor = new SqlEditorWidget ();
			sqlEditor.TextChanged += new EventHandler (SqlChanged);
			Toolbar toolbar = new Toolbar ();
			toolbar.ToolbarStyle = ToolbarStyle.BothHoriz;
			buttonExecute = new ToolButton (
				Services.Resources.GetImage ("md-db-execute", IconSize.SmallToolbar),
				GettextCatalog.GetString ("Execute")
			buttonStop = new ToolButton ("gtk-stop");
			buttonClear = new ToolButton (Services.Resources.GetImage ("gtk-clear", IconSize.Button), GettextCatalog.GetString ("Clear Results"));
			buttonStop.Sensitive = false;
			buttonExecute.Sensitive = false;
			buttonExecute.Clicked += new EventHandler (ExecuteClicked);
			buttonStop.Clicked += new EventHandler (StopClicked);
			buttonClear.Clicked += new EventHandler (ClearClicked);
			comboConnections = new DatabaseConnectionContextComboBox ();
			selectedConnection = comboConnections.DatabaseConnection;
			comboConnections.Changed += new EventHandler (ConnectionChanged);

			buttonExecute.IsImportant = true;
			ToolItem comboItem = new ToolItem ();
			comboItem.Child = comboConnections;
			toolbar.Add (buttonExecute);
			toolbar.Add (buttonStop);
			toolbar.Add (buttonClear);
			toolbar.Add (new SeparatorToolItem ());
			toolbar.Add (comboItem);
			pane = new VPaned ();

			ScrolledWindow windowStatus = new ScrolledWindow ();
			status = new TextView ();
			windowStatus.Add (status);
			notebook = new Notebook ();
			notebook.AppendPage (windowStatus, new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Status")));
			pane.Pack1 (sqlEditor, true, true);
			pane.Pack2 (notebook, true, true);
			vbox.PackStart (toolbar, false, true, 0);
			vbox.PackStart (pane, true, true, 0);
			vbox.ShowAll ();
			notebook.Hide ();
Ejemplo n.º 3
		public ViewEditorDialog (ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, ViewSchema view, bool create)
			if (schemaProvider == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("schemaProvider");
			if (view == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("view");
			this.schemaProvider = schemaProvider;
			this.view = view;
			this.action = create ? SchemaActions.Create : SchemaActions.Alter;
			if (create)
				Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Create View");
				Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Alter View");
			notebook = new Notebook ();

			sqlEditor = new SqlEditorWidget ();
			sqlEditor.TextChanged += new EventHandler (SqlChanged);
			notebook.AppendPage (sqlEditor, new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Definition")));
			IDbFactory fac = schemaProvider.ConnectionPool.DbFactory;
			if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("View", action, ViewCapabilities.Comment)) {
				commentEditor = new CommentEditorWidget ();
				notebook.AppendPage (commentEditor, new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Comment")));

			notebook.Page = 0;

			entryName.Text = view.Name;
			if (!create) {
				sqlEditor.Text = schemaProvider.GetViewAlterStatement (view);
				commentEditor.Comment = view.Comment;

			vboxContent.PackStart (notebook, true, true, 0);
			vboxContent.ShowAll ();
			SetWarning (null);
		public SqlQueryView ()
			stoppedQueries = new List<object> ();
			MonoDevelop.SourceEditor.Extension.TemplateExtensionNodeLoader.Init ();
			this.UntitledName = string.Concat (AddinCatalog.GetString ("Untitled Sql Script"), ".sql");
			vbox = new VBox (false, 6);
			vbox.BorderWidth = 6;
			Toolbar toolbar = new Toolbar ();
			toolbar.ToolbarStyle = ToolbarStyle.BothHoriz;
			buttonExecute = new ToolButton (ImageService.GetImage ("md-db-execute", IconSize.SmallToolbar),
			                                AddinCatalog.GetString ("_Execute"));
			buttonExecute.Label = AddinCatalog.GetString ("Execute");
			buttonExecute.Sensitive = false;
			buttonExecute.TooltipMarkup = AddinCatalog.GetString ("Execute Query");
			buttonExecute.IsImportant = true;
			buttonExecute.Clicked += new EventHandler (ExecuteClicked);

			buttonStop = new ToolButton ("gtk-stop");
			buttonStop.TooltipText = AddinCatalog.GetString ("Stop Query Execution");
			buttonStop.Sensitive = false;
			buttonStop.Clicked += new EventHandler (StopClicked);
			buttonClear = new ToolButton (ImageService.GetImage ("gtk-clear", IconSize.Button), 
			                              AddinCatalog.GetString ("Clear Results"));
			buttonClear.TooltipText = AddinCatalog.GetString ("Clear Results");
			buttonClear.Clicked += new EventHandler (ClearClicked);
			comboConnections = new DatabaseConnectionContextComboBox ();
			selectedConnection = comboConnections.DatabaseConnection;
			comboConnections.Changed += new EventHandler (ConnectionChanged);
			ToolItem comboItem = new ToolItem ();
			comboItem.Child = comboConnections;
			toolbar.Add (buttonExecute);
			toolbar.Add (buttonStop);
			toolbar.Add (buttonClear);
			toolbar.Add (new SeparatorToolItem ());
			toolbar.Add (comboItem);
			pane = new VPaned ();

			// Sql History Window
			ScrolledWindow windowHistory = new ScrolledWindow ();
			history = new SqlEditorWidget ();
			history.Editable = false;
			windowHistory.AddWithViewport (history);
			// Status of the Last Query
			ScrolledWindow windowStatus = new ScrolledWindow ();
			status = new TextView ();
			windowStatus.Add (status);
			notebook = new Notebook ();
			notebook.AppendPage (windowStatus, new Label (AddinCatalog.GetString ("Status")));
			notebook.AppendPage (windowHistory, new Label (AddinCatalog.GetString ("Query History")));
			pane.Pack2 (notebook, true, true);
			vbox.PackStart (toolbar, false, true, 0);
			vbox.PackStart (pane, true, true, 0);
			this.Document.TextReplaced += SqlChanged;
			vbox.ShowAll ();
			Document.DocumentUpdated += delegate (object sender, EventArgs args) {
				// Default mime type or a provider defined.
				if (selectedConnection == null)
					Document.MimeType = "text/x-sql";
					Document.MimeType = GetMimeType ();
			notebook.Hide ();