static int IndexOfVersion (UserDataMigrationNode node, string version)
			for (int i=0; i < UserProfile.ProfileVersions.Length; i++) {
				if (string.Equals (UserProfile.ProfileVersions[i], version)) {
					return i;
			if (node != null) {
				LoggingService.LogWarning ("Migration in addin '{0}' refers to unknown version '{1}'",
					node.Addin.Id, version);
			return -1;
		static bool CheckVersion (UserDataMigrationNode node, string version)
			var sourceVersion = node.SourceVersion;
			//exact match
			if (string.Equals (sourceVersion, version)) {
				return true;
			//open range of form "X+"
			if (sourceVersion[sourceVersion.Length-1] ==  '+') {
				var idx = IndexOfVersion (null, version);
				var lower = IndexOfVersion (node, sourceVersion.Substring (0, sourceVersion.Length-1));
				return lower >= 0 && idx >= lower;
			//closed range of form "X-Y"
			if (sourceVersion.IndexOf ('-') > 0) {
				var split = sourceVersion.Split ('-');
				if (split.Length != 2) {
					throw new Exception ("Invalid migration sourceVersion range in " + node.Addin.Id);
				var idx = IndexOfVersion (null, version);
				var lower = IndexOfVersion (node, split[0]);
				var upper = IndexOfVersion (node, split[1]);
				return lower >= 0 && upper >=0 && idx >= lower && idx >= upper;
			return false;