Ejemplo n.º 1
	public static int test_0_shuffle_with_two_args_ps () {
		Vector4f a = new Vector4f (1, 2, 3, 4);
		Vector4f b = new Vector4f (5, 6, 7, 8);

		Vector4f c = a.Shuffle (b, ShuffleSel.ExpandY);
		if (c.X != 2)
			return 1;
		if (c.Y != 2)
			return 2;
		if (c.Z != 6)
			return 3;
		if (c.W != 6)
			return 4;
		return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	public static int test_0_packed_shuffle_with_reg_pressure () {
		Vector4f v = new Vector4f (1, 2, 3, 4);
		Vector4f m0 = v + v, m1 = v - v, m2 = v * v, m3 = v + v + v;
		if (ff) v = v + v -v	;

		Vector4f r0 = v.Shuffle (ShuffleSel.XFromY | ShuffleSel.YFromW | ShuffleSel.ZFromX | ShuffleSel.WFromZ);
		Vector4f r1 = v.Shuffle (ShuffleSel.XFromY | ShuffleSel.YFromW | ShuffleSel.ZFromX | ShuffleSel.WFromZ);
		Vector4f x = v.Shuffle (ShuffleSel.XFromY | ShuffleSel.YFromW | ShuffleSel.ZFromX | ShuffleSel.WFromZ);
		Vector4f r2 = v.Shuffle (ShuffleSel.XFromY | ShuffleSel.YFromW | ShuffleSel.ZFromX | ShuffleSel.WFromZ);
		Vector4f r3 = v.Shuffle (ShuffleSel.XFromY | ShuffleSel.YFromW | ShuffleSel.ZFromX | ShuffleSel.WFromZ);
		Vector4f a = x;

		r0 = r0 * m0 + x;
		r1 = r1 * m1 + x;
		x = x - v + v;
		r2 = r2 * m2 + x;
		r3 = r3 * m3 + x;
		Vector4f result = r0 + r1 + r2 + r3;

		if (a.X != 2f)
			return 1;
		if (a.Y != 4f)
			return 2;
		if (a.Z != 1f)
			return 3;
		if (a.W != 3f)
			return 4;
		if (result.Y != result.Y)
			return 0;
		return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
	public static int test_0_simple_packed_shuffle () {
		Vector4f a = new Vector4f (1, 2, 3, 4);
		a = a.Shuffle(ShuffleSel.XFromY | ShuffleSel.YFromW | ShuffleSel.ZFromX | ShuffleSel.WFromZ);
		if (a.X != 2f)
			return 1;
		if (a.Y != 4f)
			return 2;
		if (a.Z != 1f)
			return 3;
		if (a.W != 3f)
			return 4;
		return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static void Cross (ref Vector4f a, ref Vector4f b, out Vector4f result)
     result = (a * b.Shuffle ((ShuffleSel)0xc9) - b * a.Shuffle ((ShuffleSel)0xc9)).Shuffle ((ShuffleSel)0xc9);		
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void Visit(TernaryOp ins)
            Vector4f a = ctx.ReadValue (ins.Source1);
            Vector4f b = ctx.ReadValue (ins.Source2);
            Vector4f c = ctx.ReadValue (ins.Source3);
            Vector4f res = new Vector4f ();
            switch (ins.Operation) {
            case TernaryOpKind.Cmp: {// a >= 0 ? b : c
                //m = a < [0,0,0,0]
                Vector4f mask = a.CompareLessThan (new Vector4f ()); //we change to a <b
                //res = (m & C) | (~m & B) -- this could be replaced by a blendps
                res = (mask & c) | mask.AndNot (b);
            case TernaryOpKind.Mad: {// a *  b + c
                res = (a * b) + c;
            case TernaryOpKind.SinCos: { // sin(a) , cos(a)
                //XXX maybe we should use the macro expansion provided in the driver docs for HLSL
                res.X = (float)Math.Cos (a.X);
                res.Y = (float)Math.Sin (a.X);
            case TernaryOpKind.Lrp: //c + a * (b - c)
                //res = c + (a * (b - c));
                res = a * b + (Vector4f.One - a) * c;
            case TernaryOpKind.Dp2Add: //res = a.r * b.r + a.g * b.g + c.swizzle
             	res = a * b;
                //XX we could use Hadd here
                res = res + res.Shuffle (ShuffleSel.XFromY) + c;
                res = res.Shuffle (ShuffleSel.ExpandX);
                throw new Exception ("Cant handle " + ins.Operation);

            if (Tracing.Enabled) Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1} {2} {3} => {4}/{5}/{6} == {7}", ins.Source1, ins.Operation, ins.Source2, ins.Source3, a, b, c, res);
            ctx.StoreValue (ins.Dest, res);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Visit(BinaryOp ins)
            Vector4f a = ctx.ReadValue (ins.Source1);
            Vector4f b = ctx.ReadValue (ins.Source2);
            Vector4f res = new Vector4f ();
            switch (ins.Operation) {
            case BinOpKind.Add:
                res = a + b;
            case BinOpKind.Sub:
                res = a - b;
            case BinOpKind.Mul:
                res = a * b;
            case BinOpKind.Max:
                res = a.Max (b);
            case BinOpKind.Dp3: //res = dp3
             	res = a * b;
                res = res + res.Shuffle (ShuffleSel.XFromY) + res.Shuffle (ShuffleSel.XFromZ);
                res = res.Shuffle (ShuffleSel.ExpandX);
            case BinOpKind.Dp4: //res = dp4
             	res = a * b;
                res = res + res.Shuffle (ShuffleSel.XFromY | ShuffleSel.ZFromW); //[x + y, _, w + z, _
                res = res + res.Shuffle (ShuffleSel.XFromZ); //[x + y + w + z, ??]
                res = res.Shuffle (ShuffleSel.ExpandX);

            case BinOpKind.Min:
                res = a.Min (b);

            case BinOpKind.Slt:
                res = a.CompareLessThan (b) & new Vector4f (1);

            case BinOpKind.Sge:
                /*SSE doesn't have >=, so we use < and invert the operands*/
                res = b.CompareLessThan (a) & new Vector4f (1);

                throw new Exception ("Cant handle " + ins.Operation);

            if (Tracing.Enabled) Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1} {2} => {3}/{4} == {5}", ins.Source1, ins.Operation, ins.Source2, a, b, res);
            ctx.StoreValue (ins.Dest, res);