Inheritance: DBRecord
Ejemplo n.º 1
		protected override bool UpdateRevisionsInDBInternal (DB db, DBLane lane, string repository, Dictionary<string, DBRevision> revisions, List<DBHost> hosts, List<DBHostLane> hostlanes, string min_revision, string max_revision)
			string revision;
			bool update_steps = false;
			List<DateTime> used_dates;
			DBRevision r;
			List<GitEntry> log;

			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (max_revision))
				max_revision = "remotes/origin/master";

			GITUpdater.log.InfoFormat ("Updating lane: '{0}', repository: '{1}' min revision: '{2}' max revision: '{3}'", lane.lane, repository, min_revision, max_revision);

			log = GetGITLog (lane, repository, min_revision, max_revision);

			if (log == null || log.Count == 0) {
				GITUpdater.log.WarnFormat ("Didn't get a git log for '{0}'", repository);
				return false;

			GITUpdater.log.InfoFormat ("Got {0} log records", log.Count);

			used_dates = new List<DateTime> ();

			foreach (GitEntry entry in log) {
				string hash = entry.revision;
				string unix_timestamp_str = entry.timestamp;
				long unix_timestamp;
				string author =;
				DateTime date;

				if (!long.TryParse (unix_timestamp_str, out unix_timestamp)) {
					/* here something is wrong, this way the commit shows up as the first one so that it's easy to spot and start investigating */
					date = DateTime.Now.AddYears (20);
					GITUpdater.log.WarnFormat ("Could not parse timestamp '{0}' for revision '{1}' in lane '{2}' in repository {3}", unix_timestamp_str, entry.revision, lane.lane, repository);
				} else {
					const long EPOCH_DIFF = 0x019DB1DED53E8000; /* 116444736000000000 nsecs */
					const long RATE_DIFF = 10000000; /* 100 nsecs */
					date = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc ((unix_timestamp * RATE_DIFF) + EPOCH_DIFF);

				 * The timestamp resolution on my machine seems to be 1 second,
				 * which means that if you commit fast enough you'll get
				 * commits with the same date. This is a very bad thing since
				 * the commits are order by the commit date, and if two commits
				 * have the same date the order they're build / shown is random
				 * (the db decides whatever it feels like). Work around this by
				 * keeping a list of used dates and if the date has already
				 * used, add a millisecond to it (and try again). Note that
				 * there is still a possibility of duplicate dates: if there
				 * already is a revision in the database with this date (from
				 * a previous run of the scheduler).
				 * It may seem like there is a very small possibility of having
				 * two commits within a second, but this happens all the time
				 * for our test suite.
				while (used_dates.Contains (date)) {
					date = date.AddMilliseconds (1);
				used_dates.Add (date);

				revision = hash;

				if (revision == null)

				if (revisions.ContainsKey (revision)) {
					/* Check if we've saved the wrong date earlier and fix it */
					if (revisions [revision].date > new DateTime (2030, 1, 1)) {
						/* Hopefully this code will not stay here for 20 years */
						revisions [revision].date = date;
						revisions [revision].Save (db);
						GITUpdater.log.WarnFormat ("Detected wrong date in revision '{0}' in lane '{1}' in repository {2}, fixing it", revision, lane.lane, repository);
					// Log (2, "Already got {0}", revision);

				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (lane.commit_filter)) {
					FetchFiles (entry, repository);
					if (DoesFilterExclude (entry, lane.commit_filter))

				r = new DBRevision ();
				r.revision = revision;
				r.lane_id =; = author;
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty ( {
					GITUpdater.log.WarnFormat ("No author specified in r{0} in {1}", r.revision, repository); = "?";
				} = date;
				r.log_file_id = null;

				r.Save (db);

				update_steps = true;
				GITUpdater.log.DebugFormat ("Saved revision '{0}' for lane '{1}' author: {2}, date: {3:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.ffffff} {4} {5}", r.revision, lane.lane,,, unix_timestamp, unix_timestamp_str);

			return update_steps;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		public static void FindPeopleForCommit (DBLane lane, DBRevision revision, List<DBPerson> people)
			DBPerson person;
			try {
				foreach (string repository in lane.repository.Split (new char [] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) {
					string cache_dir = Configuration.GetSchedulerRepositoryCacheDirectory (repository);

					if (!Directory.Exists (cache_dir))

					using (Process git = new Process ()) {
						DateTime git_start = DateTime.Now;
						git.StartInfo.FileName = "git";
						git.StartInfo.Arguments = "log -1 --pretty=format:'%aE%n%aN%n%cE%n%cN' " + revision.revision;
						git.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = cache_dir;
						git.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
						git.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

						git.Start ();

						string author_email = git.StandardOutput.ReadLine ();
						string author_name = git.StandardOutput.ReadLine ();
						string committer_email = git.StandardOutput.ReadLine ();
						string committer_name = git.StandardOutput.ReadLine ();

						// Wait 10 minutes for git to finish, otherwise abort.
						if (!git.WaitForExit (1000 * 60 * 10)) {
							GITUpdater.log.Error ("Getting commit info took more than 10 minutes, aborting.");
							try {
								git.Kill ();
								git.WaitForExit (10000); // Give the process 10 more seconds to completely exit.
							} catch (Exception ex) {
								GITUpdater.log.ErrorFormat ("Aborting commit info retrieval failed: {0}", ex.ToString ());

						if (git.HasExited && git.ExitCode == 0) {
							GITUpdater.log.InfoFormat ("Got commit info successfully in {0} seconds", (DateTime.Now - git_start).TotalSeconds);
							person = new DBPerson ();
							person.fullname = author_name;
							person.Emails = new string [] { author_email };
							people.Add (person);
							if (author_name != committer_name && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (committer_name)) {
								person = new DBPerson ();
								person.fullname = committer_name;
								person.Emails = new string [] {committer_email};
								people.Add (person);
							GITUpdater.log.DebugFormat ("Git commit info for {0}: author_name = {1} author_email: {2} committer_name: {3} committer_email: {4}", revision.revision, author_name, author_email, committer_name, committer_email);
						} else {
							GITUpdater.log.ErrorFormat ("Didn't get commit info, HasExited: {0}, ExitCode: {1}", git.HasExited, git.HasExited ? git.ExitCode.ToString () : "N/A");
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				GITUpdater.log.ErrorFormat ("Exception while trying to get commit info: {0}", ex.ToString ());
		public static DBRevisionWork Find (DB db, DBLane lane, DBHost host, DBRevision revision)
			DBRevisionWork result;

			using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
				cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM RevisionWork WHERE lane_id = @lane_id AND revision_id = @revision_id ";
				if (host != null) {
					cmd.CommandText += " AND host_id = @host_id;";
					DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "host_id",;
				DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane_id",;
				DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "revision_id",;
				using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {
					if (!reader.Read ())
						return null;

					result = new DBRevisionWork (reader);

					if (reader.Read ())
						throw new ApplicationException (string.Format ("Found more than one revision work for the specified lane/host/revision ({0}/{1}/{2})", lane.lane, host == null ? "null" :, revision.revision));

					return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
		public static void FindPeopleForCommit (DBLane lane, DBRevision revision, List<DBPerson> people)
			if (lane.source_control == "git") {
				GITUpdater.FindPeopleForCommit (lane, revision, people);
			} else if (lane.source_control == "svn") {
				SVNUpdater.FindPeopleForCommit (lane, revision, people);
				 * */
			} else {
				log.ErrorFormat ("Unknown source control for lane {0}: {1}", lane.lane, lane.source_control);
Ejemplo n.º 5
		public DBRevision GetRevision (string lane, int revision)
			using (IDbCommand cmd = CreateCommand ()) {
				cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * from revisions where lane = @lane AND revision = @revision";
				DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane", lane);
				DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "revision", revision.ToString ());
				using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {
					if (!reader.Read ())
						return null;
					if (reader.IsDBNull (0))
						return null;

					DBRevision rev = new DBRevision ();
					rev.Load (reader);
					return rev;
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds pending steps for the current revision
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static List<DBWorkView2> GetNextWork (this DBRevisionWork rw, DB db, DBLane lane, DBHost host, DBRevision revision, bool multiple_work)
			List<DBWorkView2> result = new List<DBWorkView2> (); ;

			if (revision == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("revision");

			if (lane == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("lane");

			if (host == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("host");

			rw.FilterPendingWork (db, db.GetWork (rw), result, multiple_work);

			if (result.Count == 0 && !rw.completed) {
				rw.completed = true;
				rw.UpdateState (db);

			return result;
Ejemplo n.º 7
		private static void UpdateSVNDiff (object dummy)
			try {
				Logger.Log ("SVNDiff: Thread started.");
				using (DB db = new DB (true)) {
					using (DB db_save = new DB (true)) {
						using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
							cmd.CommandText = @"
SELECT Revision.*, Lane.repository, Lane.lane
FROM Revision 
INNER JOIN Lane ON = Revision.lane_id 
WHERE (Revision.diff IS NULL OR Revision.diff = '') AND Revision.diff_file_id IS NULL;";
							using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {
								while (!quit_svn_diff && reader.Read ()) {
									DBRevision revision = new DBRevision (reader);
									string repositories = reader.GetString (reader.GetOrdinal ("repository"));
									string lane = reader.GetString (reader.GetOrdinal ("lane"));
									string diff = null;

									foreach (string repository in repositories.Split (',')) {
										diff = GetSVNDiff (lane, repository, revision.revision);
										if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (diff))

									if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (diff))
										diff = "No diff";

									revision.diff_file_id = db_save.UploadString (diff, ".log", false).id;
									revision.Save (db_save);
									Logger.Log ("SVNDiff: Got diff for lane '{0}', revision '{1}'", lane, revision.revision);
				Logger.Log ("SVNDiff: Thread stopping. Done: {0}", !quit_svn_diff);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				Logger.Log ("SVNDiff: Exception: {0} \n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
Ejemplo n.º 8
		//public List<string> GetRevisions(DBLane lane)
		//    List<string> result = new List<string>();

		//    using (IDbCommand cmd = Connection.CreateCommand())
		//    {
		//        cmd.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT revision FROM revisions WHERE lane = @lane ORDER BY revision DESC";
		//        DB.CreateParameter(cmd, "lane", lane);
		//        using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
		//        {
		//            while (reader.Read())
		//                result.Add(reader.GetString(0));
		//        }
		//    }

		//    return result;

		public Dictionary<string, DBRevision> GetDBRevisions (int lane_id)
			Dictionary<string, DBRevision> result = new Dictionary<string, DBRevision> ();
			DBRevision rev;

			using (IDbCommand cmd = CreateCommand ()) {
				cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Revision WHERE lane_id = @lane_id";
				DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane_id", lane_id);
				using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {
					while (reader.Read ()) {
						rev = new DBRevision ();
						rev.Load (reader);
						result.Add (rev.revision, rev);

			return result;
Ejemplo n.º 9
	void GenerateActionLink(StringBuilder header, DBLane lane, DBHost host, DBRevision dbr, string cmd, string short_label, string long_label, bool hidden = false)
		var href = confirmViewLaneAction(lane, host, dbr, cmd, short_label);
		if (hidden)
			header.AppendFormat("- <a style='{0}' href='{1}'>{2}</a>", "display:none", href, long_label);
			header.AppendFormat("- <a href='{0}'>{1}</a>", href, long_label);
Ejemplo n.º 10
		public static void FindPeopleForCommit (DBLane lane, DBRevision revision, List<DBPerson> people)
			if (lane.source_control == "git") {
				GITUpdater.FindPeopleForCommit (lane, revision, people);
			} else if (lane.source_control == "svn") {
				SVNUpdater.FindPeopleForCommit (lane, revision, people);
				 * */
			} else {
				Logger.Log ("FindPeopleForCommit (): unknown source control: '{0}'", lane.source_control);
Ejemplo n.º 11
	string confirmViewLaneAction(DBLane lane, DBHost host, DBRevision dbr, string action, string command)
		return String.Format("javascript:confirmViewLaneAction (\"ViewLane.aspx?lane_id={0}&amp;host_id={2}&amp;revision_id={1}&amp;action={3}\", \"{4}\");",,,, action, command);
Ejemplo n.º 12
		public List<DBRevision> GetDBRevisions (int lane_id, int limit)
			List<DBRevision> result = new List<DBRevision> ();
			DBRevision rev;

			using (IDbCommand cmd = CreateCommand ()) {
				cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Revision.*, CAST (revision as int) AS r FROM Revision WHERE lane_id = @lane_id ORDER BY r DESC";
				if (limit > 0)
					cmd.CommandText += " LIMIT " + limit.ToString ();
				DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane_id", lane_id);
				using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {
					while (reader.Read ()) {
						rev = new DBRevision ();
						rev.Load (reader);
						result.Add (rev);

			return result;
Ejemplo n.º 13
		public List<DBRevision> GetDBRevisionsWithoutWork (int lane_id, int host_id)
			List<DBRevision> result = new List<DBRevision> ();
			DBRevision rev;

			using (IDbCommand cmd = CreateCommand ()) {
				//cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Revision WHERE lane_id = @lane_id AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Work WHERE lane_id = @lane_id AND host_id = @host_id AND revision_id = ORDER BY date DESC";
				cmd.CommandText = @"
SELECT Revision.*, C 
	(SELECT, RevisionWork.revision_id, Count(Work.revisionwork_id) AS C 
		FROM RevisionWork 
		LEFT JOIN work ON Work.revisionwork_id = 
		WHERE RevisionWork.lane_id = @lane_id AND RevisionWork.host_id = @host_id 
		GROUP BY, RevisionWork.revision_id) AS T 
INNER JOIN Revision ON = T.revision_id
INNER JOIN RevisionWork ON =
WHERE C = 0 OR RevisionWork.state = 9
				DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane_id", lane_id);
				DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "host_id", host_id);
				using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {
					while (reader.Read ()) {
						rev = new DBRevision ();
						rev.Load (reader);
						result.Add (rev);

			return result;
Ejemplo n.º 14
	public static string GenerateHeader (GetViewLaneDataResponse response, DBLane lane, DBHost host, DBRevision revision, string description)
		if (!Authentication.IsInRole (response, MonkeyWrench.DataClasses.Logic.Roles.Administrator)) {
			return string.Format (@"
<h2>{4} revision <a href='ViewLane.aspx?lane_id={0}&host_id={1}&revision_id={6}'>{5}</a> on lane '{2}' on '<a href='ViewHostHistory.aspx?host_id={1}'>{3}</a>' 
(<a href='ViewTable.aspx?lane_id={0}&amp;host_id={1}'>table</a>)</h2><br/>",,, lane.lane,, description, revision.revision,;
		} else {
			return string.Format (@"
<h2>{4} revision <a href='ViewLane.aspx?lane_id={0}&host_id={1}&revision_id={6}'>{5}</a> on lane '<a href='EditLane.aspx?lane_id={0}'>{2}</a>' on '<a href='ViewHostHistory.aspx?host_id={1}'>{3}</a>' 
(<a href='ViewTable.aspx?lane_id={0}&amp;host_id={1}'>table</a>)</h2><br/>",,, lane.lane,, description, revision.revision,;
Ejemplo n.º 15
		protected override bool UpdateRevisionsInDBInternal (DB db, DBLane lane, string repository,Dictionary<string, DBRevision> revisions, List<DBHost> hosts, List<DBHostLane> hostlanes, string min_revision)
			string revision;
			XmlDocument svn_log;
			bool update_steps = false;
			DBRevision r;
			int min_revision_int = string.IsNullOrEmpty (min_revision) ? 0 : int.Parse (min_revision);
			int max_revision_int = int.MaxValue;
			int current_revision;
			string log;
			XmlNode n;
			XmlAttribute attrib;

			Log ("Updating '{0}'", lane.lane);

			if (min_revision_int == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (lane.min_revision))
				min_revision_int = int.Parse (lane.min_revision);
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (lane.max_revision))
				max_revision_int = int.Parse (lane.max_revision);

			log = GetSVNLog (lane, repository, min_revision_int, max_revision_int);

			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (log)) {
				Log ("Didn't get a svn log for '{0}'", repository);
				return false;

			svn_log = new XmlDocument ();
			svn_log.PreserveWhitespace = true;
			svn_log.Load (new StringReader (log));

			foreach (XmlNode node in svn_log.SelectNodes ("/log/logentry")) {
				revision = node.Attributes ["revision"].Value;

				if (revisions.ContainsKey (revision))

				try {
					current_revision = int.Parse (revision);
					if (current_revision < min_revision_int || current_revision > max_revision_int)
				} catch {

				r = new DBRevision ();
				attrib = node.Attributes ["revision"];
				if (attrib == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty (attrib.Value)) {
					Log ("An entry without revision in {0}, skipping entry", repository);
				r.revision = attrib.Value;
				r.lane_id =;

				n = node.SelectSingleNode ("author");
				if (n != null) { = n.InnerText;
				} else {
					Log ("No author specified in r{0} in {1}", r.revision, repository); = "?";
				n = node.SelectSingleNode ("date");
				if (n != null) {
					DateTime dt;
					if (DateTime.TryParse (n.InnerText, out dt)) { = dt;
					} else {
						Log ("Could not parse the date '{0}' in r{1} in {2}", n.InnerText, r.revision, repository); = DateTime.MinValue;
				} else {
					Log ("No date specified in r{0} in {1}", r.revision, repository); = DateTime.MinValue;
				n = node.SelectSingleNode ("msg");
				if (n != null) {
					r.log_file_id = db.UploadString (n.InnerText, ".log", false).id;
				} else {
					Log ("No msg specified in r{0} in {1}", r.revision, repository);
					r.log_file_id = null;

				r.Save (db);

				update_steps = true;
				Log ("Saved revision '{0}' for lane '{1}'", r.revision, lane.lane);

			return update_steps;
Ejemplo n.º 16
		public static int MoveFilesToFileSystem ()
			long moved_bytes = 0;

			Manager.log.Info ("MoveFilesToFileSystem: [START]");

			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				using (DB download_db = new DB ()) {
					while (true) {
						using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
							// execute this in chunks to avoid huge data transfers and slowdowns.
							cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM File WHERE NOT file_id IS NULL LIMIT 100";
							using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {
								if (!reader.Read ())

								do {
									DBFile file = new DBFile (reader);
									byte [] buffer = new byte [1024];
									int oid = file.file_id.Value;
									int read;
									string fn = FileUtilities.CreateFilename (file.md5, file.compressed_mime == MimeTypes.GZ, true);
									using (FileStream writer = new FileStream (fn, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)) {
										using (Stream str = download_db.Download (file)) {
											while ((read = str.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
												writer.Write (buffer, 0, read);

									IDbTransaction transaction = download_db.BeginTransaction ();
									download_db.Manager.Delete (oid);
									file.file_id = null;
									file.Save (download_db);
									transaction.Commit ();

									moved_bytes += file.size;
									log.InfoFormat ("MoveFilesToFileSystem: Moved oid {0} to {1} ({2} bytes, {3} total bytes moved)", oid, fn, file.size, moved_bytes);
								} while (reader.Read ());

					while (true) {
						using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
							// execute this in chunks to avoid huge data transfers and slowdowns.
							cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Revision WHERE (diff_file_id IS NULL AND NOT diff = '') OR (log_file_id IS NULL AND NOT log = '') LIMIT 100";
							using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {
								if (!reader.Read ())

								do {
									DBRevision revision = new DBRevision (reader);
									string tmpfile = null;

									if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (revision.diff)) {
										int length = 0;
										if (revision.diff_file_id == null) {
											try {
												length = revision.diff.Length;
												tmpfile = Path.GetTempFileName ();
												File.WriteAllText (tmpfile, revision.diff);
												DBFile diff = download_db.Upload (tmpfile, ".log", false, null);
												revision.diff_file_id =;
												revision.diff = null;
											} finally {
												try {
													if (File.Exists (tmpfile))
														File.Delete (tmpfile);
												} catch (Exception ex) {
													log.ErrorFormat ("error deleting temp file: {0}", ex);
											moved_bytes += length;
											log.InfoFormat ("MoveFilesToFileSystem: Moved revision {0}'s diff to db/filesystem ({1} bytes, {2} total bytes moved)",, length, moved_bytes);

									if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (revision.log)) {
										int length = 0;
										if (revision.log_file_id == null) {
											try {
												length = revision.log.Length;
												tmpfile = Path.GetTempFileName ();
												File.WriteAllText (tmpfile, revision.log);
												DBFile log = download_db.Upload (tmpfile, ".log", false, null);
												revision.log_file_id =;
												revision.log = null;
											} finally {
												try {
													if (File.Exists (tmpfile))
														File.Delete (tmpfile);
												} catch (Exception ex) {
													log.ErrorFormat ("error deleting temp file: {0}", ex);
											moved_bytes += length;
											Manager.log.InfoFormat ("MoveFilesToFileSystem: Moved revision {0}'s log to db/filesystem ({1} bytes, {2} total bytes moved)",, length, moved_bytes);
										revision.log = null;

									revision.Save (download_db);
								} while (reader.Read ());

			Manager.log.Info ("MoveFilesToFileSystem: [Done]");

			return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 17
		public static void FindPeopleForCommit (DBLane lane, DBRevision revision, List<DBPerson> people)
			DBPerson person = new DBPerson ();
			person.fullname =;
			people.Add (person);