Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ProviderDelegate(ActiveCallManager callManager)
            // Save connection to call manager
            CallManager = callManager;

            // Define handle types
            var handleTypes = new[] { (NSNumber)(int)CXHandleType.PhoneNumber };

            // Get Image Mask
            var maskImage = UIImage.FromFile("telephone_receiver.png");

            // Setup the initial configurations
            Configuration = new CXProviderConfiguration("MonkeyCall")
                MaximumCallsPerCallGroup = 1,
                SupportedHandleTypes     = new NSSet <NSNumber>(handleTypes),
                IconTemplateImageData    = maskImage.AsPNG(),
                // IconMaskImageData = maskImage.AsPNG(),
                RingtoneSound = "musicloop01.wav"

            // Create a new provider
            Provider = new CXProvider(Configuration);

            // Attach this delegate
            Provider.SetDelegate(this, null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
            // Override point for customization after application launch.
            // If not required for your application you can safely delete this method

            // Code to start the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent

            // Initialize the call handlers
            CallManager          = new ActiveCallManager();
            CallProviderDelegate = new ProviderDelegate(CallManager);
