Ejemplo n.º 1
        public MainPage()
            Title = "Moni Health";
            //BPMRecords record = new BPMRecords();
            GraphsPage gif = new GraphsPage();

            Object[] Last = gif.LastRecord();

            var Lastest = new Label
                Text     = " ",
                FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Micro, typeof(Label))

            Lastest.Text = Last[0].ToString() + "-" + Last[1].ToString()
                           + "-" + Last[2].ToString() + " " + Last[3] + " "
                           + Last[4].ToString() + " " + Last[5].ToString()
                           + " " + Last[6].ToString();

            Content = new StackLayout
                Children =
                    new Label {
                        Text = "Main Page"
                    }, Lastest
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public MainPage()
            Title = "Moni Health";
            //BPMRecords record = new BPMRecords();
            GraphsPage gif = new GraphsPage();

            Object[] Last = gif.LastRecord();

            ChartView minichart = new ChartView();

            minichart = gif.MainChart;

            string bpmStatus = (bloodpressurestatus(Double.Parse(Last[4].ToString()), Double.Parse(Last[5].ToString())));

            var Lastest = new Label
                Text     = "Your most recent blood pressure measurement taken on 3-5-2019 was 124/85 mmHG, with a heartrate of 99",
                FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Micro, typeof(Label))

            /*Lastest.Text = Last[0].ToString() + "-" + Last[1].ToString()
             + "-" + Last[2].ToString() + " " + Last[3] + " "
             + Last[4].ToString() + " " + Last[5].ToString()
             + " " + Last[6].ToString();*/

            Content = new StackLayout
                Margin          = new Thickness(20),
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Children        =
                    new Label {
                        Text = "Welcome back to MoniHleath"
                    new Label {
                        Text = ""
                    //new Label { Text = ("Your most recent blood pressure result was " + Last[4] + " / " + Last[5]) },
                    new Label {
                        Text = ("Your blood pressure is " + bpmStatus + "\n")
                    new Label {
                        Text = "Previous 10 recorded Systolic Blood Pressure Levels"

            string bloodpressurestatus(double Sys, double Dys)
                if (Sys < 120 && Dys < 80)
                    return("Normal, maintain your current lifestyle champ");
                else if (Sys > 120 && Sys < 129 && Dys < 80)
                else if ((Sys > 130 && Sys < 139) || (Dys > 80 && Dys < 89))
                    return("is in Stage 1 of high blood pressure, Hypertension");
                else if (Sys > 140 || Dys > 90)
                    return("is in Stage 2 of high blood pressure, Hypertension");
                    return("in Hypertensive Crisis, see a doctor as soon as possible");