Ejemplo n.º 1
         * Gets a copy of the instance, copying output data to the input slots.
         * Specifically advance() will make a copy and move the source's output
         * spatial reference to be the new object's input spatial reference.
         * @return A new FilterEnv
        public FilterEnv advance()
            FilterEnv a = clone();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override FeatureList process(FeatureList input, FilterEnv env)
            FeatureList output = new FeatureList();

            // HACER ALGO DEL ESTILO:

            if (transform == null)
                //Create zone UTM 32N projection
                IProjectedCoordinateSystem utmProj = CreateUtmProjection(32);

                //Create geographic coordinate system (lets just reuse the CS from the projection)
                IGeographicCoordinateSystem geoCS = utmProj.GeographicCoordinateSystem;

                //Create transformation
                CoordinateTransformationFactory ctFac = new CoordinateTransformationFactory();

                // TODO DANI Mirar de donde viene este source y target
                ICoordinateTransformation Coordinatetransform = null;// TODO = ctFac.CreateFromCoordinateSystems(source, target);

                string wkt = "GEOGCS[\"GCS_WGS_1984\",DATUM[\"D_WGS_1984\",SPHEROID[\"WGS_1984\",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],UNIT[\"Degree\",0.0174532925199433]]";
                //ICoordinateSystem cs = SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownText.CoordinateSystemWktReader.Parse(wkt) as ICoordinateSystem;
                ICoordinateSystem cs = ProjNet.Converters.WellKnownText.CoordinateSystemWktReader.Parse(wkt) as ICoordinateSystem;
                GeographicCoordinateSystem wgs84 = GeographicCoordinateSystem.WGS84;

                CoordinateSystemFactory cFac = new ProjNet.CoordinateSystems.CoordinateSystemFactory();
                //CoordinateSystemFactory cFac = new SharpMap.CoordinateSystems.CoordinateSystemFactory();
                //Create Bessel 1840 geographic coordinate system
                IEllipsoid                  ellipsoid = cFac.CreateFlattenedSphere("Bessel 1840", 6377397.155, 299.15281, LinearUnit.Metre);
                IHorizontalDatum            datum     = cFac.CreateHorizontalDatum("Bessel 1840", DatumType.HD_Geocentric, ellipsoid, null);
                IGeographicCoordinateSystem gcs       = cFac.CreateGeographicCoordinateSystem("Bessel 1840", AngularUnit.Degrees, datum,
                                                                                              PrimeMeridian.Greenwich, new AxisInfo("Lon", AxisOrientationEnum.East),
                                                                                              new AxisInfo("Lat", AxisOrientationEnum.North));

                //Collection<ProjectionParameter> parameters = new Collection<ProjectionParameter>(5);
                List <ProjectionParameter> parameters = new List <ProjectionParameter>();
                parameters.Add(new ProjectionParameter("latitude_of_origin", 0));
                parameters.Add(new ProjectionParameter("central_meridian", 110));
                parameters.Add(new ProjectionParameter("scale_factor", 0.997));
                parameters.Add(new ProjectionParameter("false_easting", 3900000));
                parameters.Add(new ProjectionParameter("false_northing", 900000));
                IProjection projection = cFac.CreateProjection("Mercator_1SP", "Mercator_1SP", parameters);
                IProjectedCoordinateSystem coordsys =
                    cFac.CreateProjectedCoordinateSystem("Makassar / NEIEZ", gcs, projection, LinearUnit.Metre,
                                                         new AxisInfo("East", AxisOrientationEnum.East),
                                                         new AxisInfo("North", AxisOrientationEnum.North));

                Coordinatetransform = ctFac.CreateFromCoordinateSystems(gcs, coordsys);//gcsWGS84 -> gcenCsWGS84

                //Apply transformation
                transform = Coordinatetransform.MathTransform;

            SharpMap.Geometries.Point p = new SharpMap.Geometries.Point(30.0, 20.0);

            p = GeometryTransform.TransformPoint(p, transform);

*           foreach (Feature feature in input)
*           {
*               feature.row.Geometry = GeometryTransform.TransformGeometry(feature.row.Geometry, transform);
*               //feature.row.Geometry = GeometryTransform.TransformMultiPolygon(feature.row.Geometry, transform);
*           }
            foreach (Feature f in input)
                output.Add(f);//output = input

            // Cosas a cambiar:
            // Primero, la construccion del transform está siguiendo el ejemplo, pero hay que tener en cuenta los datos del xml y construirlo en consecuencia
            // Segundo, el filtro debe retornar una NUEVA lista, y no modificar la inicial. Ahora modifica los valores de la lista inicial
#if TODO
            // first time through, establish a working SRS for output data.
            if (working_srs == null)
                // first try to use the terrain SRS if so directed:
                SpatialReference new_out_srs = getUseTerrainSRS() ? env.getTerrainSRS() : null;
                if (new_out_srs == null)
                    // failing that, see if we have an SRS in a resource:
                    if (getSRS() == null && getSRSScript() != null)
                        ScriptResult r = env.getScriptEngine().run(getSRSScript(), env);
                        if (r.isValid())

                    new_out_srs = srs;

                // set the "working" SRS that will be used for all features passing though this filter:
                working_srs = new_out_srs != null ? new_out_srs : env.getInputSRS();

                // LOCALIZE points around a local origin (the working extent's centroid)
                if (working_srs != null && getLocalize()) //&& env.getExtent().getArea() > 0.0 )
                    if (env.getCellExtent().getSRS().isGeographic() && env.getCellExtent().getWidth() > 179.0)
                        //NOP - no localization for big geog extent ... needs more thought perhaps
                        GeoPoint centroid0 = new_out_srs != null?
                                             new_out_srs.transform(env.getCellExtent().getCentroid()) :

                        // we do want the localizer point on the surface if possible:
                        GeoPoint centroid = clampToTerrain(centroid0, env);
                        if (centroid == null)
                            centroid = centroid0;

                        Matrixd localizer;

                        // For geocentric datasets, we need a special localizer matrix:
                        if (working_srs.isGeocentric())
                            localizer = working_srs.getEllipsoid().createGeocentricInvRefFrame(centroid);

                        // For projected datasets, just a simple translation:
                            localizer = osg.Matrixd.translate(-centroid);

                        working_srs = working_srs.cloneWithNewReferenceFrame(localizer);

            // we have to assign the output SRS on each pass
            if (working_srs != null)

            return(base.process(input, env));
            //throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (successor != null)
                if (successor is FeatureFilter)
                    FeatureFilter filter = (FeatureFilter)successor;
                    FeatureList   l      = filter.process(output, env);
                else if (successor is FragmentFilter)
                    FragmentFilter filter = (FragmentFilter)successor;
                    FragmentList   l      = filter.process(output, env);

Ejemplo n.º 3
         * Runs the graph to generate a feature store. The graph should only
         * contain FeatureFilter and CollectionFilter type filters.
         * Executes the graph by passing features to the first filter in the
         * chain. That filter will process the data, pass the results along to
         * the next filter, and so on until completion.
         * @param cursor
         *      Source cursor for features to process
         * @param env
         *      Contextual compilation environment
         * @param output_uri
         *      URI of a feature store to create and in which to store the results
         * @return
         *      A structure describing the result of the compilation.
        public FilterGraphResult computeFeatureStore(FeatureCursor cursor, FilterEnv env, string output_uri)
#if TODO
            bool ok = false;

            // first build the filter state chain, validating that there are ONLY feature filters
            // present. No other filter type is permitted when generating a feature store.
            FilterState first = null;
            foreach (Filter i in filter_prototypes)
                Filter filter = i;

                if (!(filter is FeatureFilter))
                    //TODO osgGIS.notify(osg.WARN) << "Error: illegal filter of type \"" << filter.getFilterType() << "\" in graph. Only feature features are allowed." << std.endl;
                    return(FilterGraphResult.error("Illegal first filter type in filter graph"));

                FilterState next_state = filter.newState();
                if (first == null)
                    first = next_state;

            if (first == null)
                //TODO osgGIS.notify(osg.WARN) << "Error: filter graph \"" << getName() << "\" is empty." << std.endl;
                return(FilterGraphResult.error("Illegal: empty filter graph"));

            // next, append a WriteFeatures filter that will generate the output
            // feature store.
            WriteFeaturesFilter writer = new WriteFeaturesFilter();
            //writer.setAppendMode( WriteFeaturesFilter.OVERWRITE );

            FilterState output_state = writer.newState();

            // now run the graph.
            FilterStateResult state_result;
            int         count = 0;
            osg.Timer_t start = osg.Timer.instance().tick();


            FeatureFilterState state = (FeatureFilterState)first;
            while (state_result.isOK() && cursor.hasNext())
                state_result = state.traverse(env);

            if (state_result.isOK())
                state_result = state.signalCheckpoint();

            osg.Timer_t end = osg.Timer.instance().tick();
            double      dur = osg.Timer.instance().delta_s(start, end);

            if (state_result.isOK())
                return(FilterGraphResult.error("Filter graph failed to compute feature store"));
            throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        override public FeatureList process(FeatureList input, FilterEnv env)
            //first time through, establish a working SRS for output data.
            if (workingSrs == null)
                //first try to use the terrain SRS if so directed:
                SpatialReference newOutSrs = UseTerrainSrs ? env.getTerrainSRS() : null;
                if (newOutSrs == null)
                    //failing that, see if we have an SRS in a resource:
                    if (Srs == null && SrsScript != null)
                        //Console.WriteLine("Borrame" + SrsScript.getCode());
                        Srs = env.getSession().Resources.getSRS(SrsScript.getCode());
                        ScriptResult r = env.getScriptEngine().run(SrsScript, env);
                        if (r.isValid())
                            Srs = (env.getSession().Resources.getSRS(r.asString()));

                            throw new NotImplementedException();
                    newOutSrs = Srs;
                //set the "working" SRS that will be used for all features passing though this filter:
                workingSrs = newOutSrs != null ? newOutSrs : env.getInputSRS();

                //LOCALIZE points arround a local origin (the working extent's centroid)
                if (workingSrs != null && Localize)
                    if (env.getCellExtent().getSRS().isGeographic() && env.getCellExtent().getWidth() > 179)
                        //NOP - no localization for big geog extent ... needs more thought perhaps
                        GeoPoint centroid0 = newOutSrs == null?
                                                 : env.getCellExtent().getCentroid();

                        //we do want the localizer point on the surface if possible:
                        GeoPoint centroid = ClampToTerrain(centroid0, env);
                        if (centroid == null)
                            centroid = centroid0;

                        Mogre.Matrix4 localizer = new Mogre.Matrix4();
                        //For geocentric datasets, we need a special localizer matrix:
                        if (workingSrs.isGeocentric())
                            localizer = workingSrs.getEllipsoid().createGeocentricInvRefFrame(centroid);
                            localizer = localizer.Inverse();
                        //For projected datasets, just a simple translation
                            localizer.SetTrans(new Mogre.Vector3((float)centroid.X, (float)centroid.Y, (float)0.0));
                        workingSrs = workingSrs.cloneWithNewReferenceFrame(localizer);
            //we have to assing the output SRS on each pass
            if (workingSrs != null)
            return(base.process(input, env));
Ejemplo n.º 5
         * Runs the graph to generate a scene graph.
         * Executes the graph by passing features to the first filter in the
         * chain. That filter will process the data, pass the results along to
         * the next filter, and so on until completion.
         * @param cursor
         *      Source cursor for features to process
         * @param env
         *      Contextual compilation environment
         * @param output
         *      Group node that, upon success, contains resulting nodes of compiled scene
         *      as its children
         * @return
         *      A structure describing the result of the compilation.
        public FilterGraphResult computeNodes(FeatureCursor cursor, FilterEnv env, osg.Group output)
            FilterStateResult state_result;

            output = null;

            NodeFilterState output_state;

            // first build a new state chain corresponding to our filter prototype chain.
            FilterState first = null;

            foreach (Filter i in filter_prototypes)
                FilterState next_state = i.newState();
                if (first == null)
                    first = next_state;

                if (next_state is NodeFilterState)
                    output_state = (NodeFilterState)next_state;

            // now traverse the states.
            if (first != null)
                int         count = 0;
                osg.Timer_t start = osg.Timer.instance().tick();


                if (first is FeatureFilterState)
                    FeatureFilterState state = (FeatureFilterState)first;
                    while (state_result.isOK() && cursor.hasNext())
                        state_result = state.traverse(env);
                    if (state_result.isOK())
                        state_result = state.signalCheckpoint();
                else if (first is FragmentFilterState)
                    FragmentFilterState state = (FragmentFilterState)first;
                    while (state_result.isOK() && cursor.hasNext())
                        state_result = state.traverse(env);
                    if (state_result.isOK())
                        state_result = state.signalCheckpoint();
                else if (first is CollectionFilterState)
                    CollectionFilterState state = (CollectionFilterState)first;
                    while (state_result.isOK() && cursor.hasNext())
                        state_result = state.traverse(env);
                    if (state_result.isOK())
                        state_result = state.signalCheckpoint();

                osg.Timer_t end = osg.Timer.instance().tick();

                double dur = osg.Timer.instance().delta_s(start, end);
                //osgGIS.notify( osg.ALWAYS ) << std.endl << "Time = " << dur << " s; Per Feature Avg = " << (dur/(double)count) << " s" << std.endl;

            if (output_state != null && state_result.hasData())
                output = new osg.Group();
                foreach (AttributedNode i in output_state.getOutput())

            if (state_result.isOK())
                return(FilterGraphResult.error("Filter graph failed to compute any nodes"));