Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Customize the display text of individual column and row headers and filter dropdown items
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>

        private void Grid_FieldValueDisplayText(object sender, PivotFieldDisplayTextEventArgs e)
            string txt;

            PivotGridValueType vt = e.ValueType;             // Value, Total, GrantTotal, CustomTotal

            PivotGridFieldContext fc = GetPivotGridFieldContext(e.Field);

            if (fc == null)

            if (fc.Aggregation.IsGroupingType)
                object vo = e.Value;
                txt           = GroupingMethods.FormatGroupedValue(fc.Qc, fc.Aggregation, vo);
                e.DisplayText = txt;

            else if (fc.Aggregation.Role == AggregationRole.DataSummary)             // data area header when 2 or more data fields
                txt           = PivotGridControlMx.BuildFieldCaption(fc.F);
                e.DisplayText = txt;


Ejemplo n.º 2
/// <summary>
/// Calculate group value from incoming data value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>

        private void Grid_CustomGroupInterval(object sender, PivotCustomGroupIntervalEventArgs e)
            PivotGridFieldContext fc = GetPivotGridFieldContext(e.Field);
            PivotGridFieldMx      f  = fc.F;
            AggregationDef        ad = f.Aggregation;

            if (e.Field.Area != PivotArea.ColumnArea && e.Field.Area != PivotArea.RowArea)
                return;                 // not sure why this is happening but ignore if so
            if (!ad.IsGroupingType)     // must check this since when moving a field to a grouping area in the PivotGridDialog, this event fires before the FieldAreaChanged event (true?)
                return;                 // throw new Exception("Expected Group Role");
            AggregationTypeDetail td = ad.TypeDetail;

            if (td.GroupingMethod == null)

            QueryColumn qc = fc.Qc;
            object      vo = e.Value;        // value to apply group function to

            object groupValue = td.GroupingMethod(qc, ad, vo);

            e.GroupValue = groupValue;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/// <summary>
/// GetPivotGridFieldContext
/// </summary>
/// <param name="f"></param>
/// <returns>PivotGridFieldContext</returns>

        public static PivotGridFieldContext GetPivotGridFieldContext(
            PivotGridFieldBase fb,
            bool throwException = false)
            AggregationDef a;

            PivotGridFieldContext fc = new PivotGridFieldContext();

            PivotGridFieldMx f = fb as PivotGridFieldMx;

            if (f == null)
                if (throwException)
                    throw new Exception("PivotGridFieldMx is null");

            fc.F            = f;
            fc.ResultsField = f.ResultsField as ResultsField;
            if (fc.ResultsField == null)
                if (throwException)
                    throw new Exception("ResultsField is null");

            fc.Qc = fc.ResultsField.QueryColumn;
            fc.Mc = fc.Qc.MetaColumn;

            fc.Q  = fc.Qc.QueryTable.Query;
            fc.Qm = fc.Q.QueryManager as QueryManager;
            if (fc.Qm != null)
                fc.Qe = fc.Qm.QueryEngine;

            a = fc.Aggregation = f.Aggregation;
            if (a != null && a.Role != PivotGridFieldMx.DxAreaToMxRole(f))             // be sure Mx role is in synch with Dx FieldArea which may change before FieldAreaChanged event fires
                a.Role = PivotGridFieldMx.DxAreaToMxRole(f);
                a.SetDefaultTypeIfUndefined(fc.Mc);                 // also set type if not defined yet

Ejemplo n.º 4
/// <summary>
/// Get unbound data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>

        private void PivotGridControl_CustomUnboundFieldData(object sender, DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid.CustomFieldDataEventArgs e)
            MobiusDataType  mdt = null;
            NumberMx        nex;
            StringMx        sex;
            DateTimeMx      dex;
            QualifiedNumber qn;
            double          dVal;
            string          cid;
            int             iVal, rti, dri, dri2;

            //int t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();

            if (PivotGrid.DataSource == null)

            PivotGridFieldContext fc = GetPivotGridFieldContext(e.Field);

            dri = e.ListSourceRowIndex;
            object vo = Dtm.GetColumnValueWithRowDuplication(fc.ResultsField, dri);

            if (vo != null)
                Type voType = vo.GetType();
                if (MobiusDataType.IsMobiusDataType(vo))
                    if (vo is QualifiedNumber)
                        qn = vo as QualifiedNumber;
                        if (!Lex.IsDefined(qn.Qualifier))                         // if no qualifier then just use double NumberValue
                            vo = qn.NumberValue;

                    else                     // otherwise convert to a primitive
                        vo = MobiusDataType.ConvertToPrimitiveValue(vo);

                if (vo is DateTime)
                    vo = ((DateTime)vo).ToBinary();                     // handle DateTimes as int64 (longs) to avoid performance hit in Dx code

            e.Value = vo;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// The area that a field is located in has changed.
        ///  If changed by the DX UI then the added members in PivotGridFieldMx must be updated
        ///  If changed by Mobius code (InSetup = true) then nothing needed here.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>

        private void Grid_FieldAreaChanged(object sender, PivotFieldEventArgs e)
            if (InSetup)

                InSetup = true;
                PivotGridFieldContext fc = GetPivotGridFieldContext(e.Field);
                if (fc == null)

                PivotGridFieldMx f = fc.F;


                ResultsField rfld = fc.ResultsField;
                if (rfld == null || rfld.MetaColumn == null)

                f.Aggregation.SetDefaultTypeIfUndefined(rfld.MetaColumn);                 // may need to set default type as well


                PivotGrid.RefreshData();                 // recalc summaries

                if (UpdateViewWhenGridControlChanges)


                InSetup = false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
/// <summary>
/// Calculate summary value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>

        private void Grid_CustomSummary(object sender, PivotGridCustomSummaryEventArgs e)
            int ri, dri;
            int queryEngineInstanceId = -1;

            PivotGridFieldContext f = GetPivotGridFieldContext(e.DataField);

            if (f.Aggregation.Role != AggregationRole.DataSummary) // must check this since when moving a field to a new area in the PivotGridDialog, this event fires before the FieldAreaChanged event
                return;                                            // throw new Exception("Expected DataSummary Role");
            DataTableMx dt = f.Qm.DataTable;

            PivotDrillDownDataSource ds     = e.CreateDrillDownDataSource();
            List <object[]>          voList = new List <object[]>();

            for (ri = 0; ri < ds.RowCount; ri++)             // get list of rows containing values to summarize
                PivotDrillDownDataRow row = ds[ri];
                dri = row.ListSourceRowIndex;
                if (dri >= dt.Rows.Count)
                    throw new Exception("dri >= dt.Rows.Count");
                object[] voa = dt.Rows[dri].ItemArrayRef;

            if (f.Qe != null)
                queryEngineInstanceId = f.Qe.Id;

            Aggregator ag = new Aggregator();
            object     r  = ag.AggregateQueryColumn(queryEngineInstanceId, f.Qc, f.Aggregation, voList); // do the aggregation

            e.CustomValue = r;                                                                           // return value
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Customize the display text for the cells displayed within the Data Area.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>

        private void Grid_CustomCellDisplayText(object sender, PivotCellDisplayTextEventArgs e)
            string txt;

            QualifiedNumber qn = e.Value as QualifiedNumber;             // summary values should be QNs

            if (qn == null)

            PivotGridFieldContext f = GetPivotGridFieldContext(e.DataField);

            AggregationTypeDetail atd = f.Aggregation.TypeDetail;

            if (atd == null || !atd.FractionalSummaryResult)
                return;                                                          // just return if not numeric type
            if (qn.IsNull)
                e.DisplayText = "";

            ColumnFormatEnum displayFormat = f.Qc.ActiveDisplayFormat;
            int decimals = f.Qc.ActiveDecimals;

            if (f.Mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Integer)
                displayFormat = ColumnFormatEnum.Decimal;
                decimals      = 1;

            txt           = qn.Format(f.Qc, false, displayFormat, decimals, QnfEnum.Combined | QnfEnum.NValue, OutputDest.WinForms);
            e.DisplayText = txt;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// BuildFieldPopupMenu
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>

        void BuildFieldPopupMenu(
            PopupMenuShowingEventArgs e)
            PivotArea     area      = (PivotArea)(-1);
            string        areaName  = "";
            Image         areaImage = null;
            DXSubMenuItem smi;

            PivotGridFieldContext f = GetPivotGridFieldContext(e.Field);

            if (f == null)
            PivotGridField = f.F;             // save as current field

            ResultsField rfld = f.ResultsField;
            QueryColumn  qc   = f.Qc;

            GetFieldAreaAttributes(e, out area, out areaName, out areaImage);

            DXPopupMenu dxpMenu = e.Menu;             // clear dest menu


            AggregationDefMenus ats = new AggregationDefMenus();             // used to build menus

            // Build DataArea summary type items

            if (area == PivotArea.DataArea)
                ContextMenuStrip modelMenu = ats.SetupAggregationTypeMenu(qc, f.Aggregation, null, includeGroupingItems: false, includeSummaryItems: true);
                ConvertAndAppendContextMenuStripToDxPopupMenu(modelMenu, dxpMenu);

            // Build ColumnArea or RowArea Grouping items

            if (area == PivotArea.ColumnArea || area == PivotArea.RowArea)
                ContextMenuStrip modelMenu = ats.SetupAggregationTypeMenu(qc, f.Aggregation, null, includeGroupingItems: true, includeSummaryItems: false);
                ConvertAndAppendContextMenuStripToDxPopupMenu(modelMenu, dxpMenu);

            if (dxpMenu.Items.Count == 0)             // just add to menu if nothing there so far
                smi = dxpMenu;

            else             // add to submenu
                smi            = new DXSubMenuItem("Move Field to");
                smi.BeginGroup = true;

            smi.Items.Add(new DXMenuCheckItem("Column Area", area == PivotArea.ColumnArea, Bitmaps16x16.Images[0], ColumnAreaMenuItem_Click));
            smi.Items.Add(new DXMenuCheckItem("Row Area", area == PivotArea.RowArea, Bitmaps16x16.Images[1], RowAreaMenuItem_Click));
            smi.Items.Add(new DXMenuCheckItem("Data Area", area == PivotArea.DataArea, Bitmaps16x16.Images[2], DataAreaMenuItem_Click));
            smi.Items.Add(new DXMenuCheckItem("Filter Area", area == PivotArea.FilterArea, Bitmaps16x16.Images[3], FilterAreaMenuItem_Click));
            smi.Items.Add(new DXMenuCheckItem("None", area == (PivotArea)(-1), null, UnassignedAreaMenuItem_Click));

Ejemplo n.º 9
/// <summary>
/// Display cell text as hyperlinks to allow drilldown
/// Also, set the background color if appropriate (e.g. bin that an SP/CRC value is in)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>

        private void Grid_CustomAppearance(object sender, PivotCustomAppearanceEventArgs e)
            e.Appearance.Font      = new Font(e.Appearance.Font, FontStyle.Underline);
            e.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Blue;

            PivotGridFieldContext f = GetPivotGridFieldContext(e.DataField);

            if (f == null)

            ResultsField rfld = f.ResultsField;

            if (rfld == null)
            Mobius.Data.QueryColumn qc = rfld.QueryColumn;
            MetaColumn mc = qc.MetaColumn;

            CondFormat cf = f.Qc.CondFormat;
            //if (cf == null || cf.Rules.Count == 0) return;

            object cv = e.GetCellValue(e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex);
            double d  = -1;

            if (cv is int)
                d = (int)cv;

            else if (cv is double)
                d = (double)cv;


            if (Math.Abs(1) == 2)             // for compound by target
                if (d >= 1 && d <= 10)
                {                 // todo: set proper color
                    Color c = UnpivotedAssayResult.CalculateBinColor((int)d);
                    e.Appearance.BackColor = c;

            if (DebugMx.False)             // color by count
                d = d / 45;
                if (d > 10)
                    d = 10;
                if (d < 1)
                    d = 1;
                if (d >= 1 && d <= 10)
                {                 // todo: set proper color
                    Color c = UnpivotedAssayResult.CalculateBinColor((int)d);
                    e.Appearance.BackColor = c;

            if (DebugMx.False)             // for bin by target
                PivotGridField[] rowFields = e.GetRowFields();
                if (d > 0 && rowFields.Length > 0)
                    object rfv = e.GetFieldValue(rowFields[0]);
                    if (rfv == null)

                    else if (rfv is int)
                        Color c = UnpivotedAssayResult.CalculateBinColor((int)rfv);
                        e.Appearance.BackColor = c;
Ejemplo n.º 10
/// <summary>
/// Draw conditional formatting field value headers with appropriate background color
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>

        private void Grid_CustomDrawFieldValue(object sender, PivotCustomDrawFieldValueEventArgs e)
            string txt;
            PivotGridFieldContext fc = GetPivotGridFieldContext(e.Field);

            if (fc == null)
            ResultsField rfld = fc.ResultsField;

            if (rfld == null)


            //if (rfld.QueryColumn.MetaColumn.Name == "ACTIVITY_BIN") rfld = rfld; // debug
            //if (e.DisplayText == "0") e = e; // debug

            CondFormat cf = rfld.QueryColumn.CondFormat;

            if (cf == null || cf.Rules.Count == 0)

            foreach (CondFormatRule rule in cf.Rules)
            {             // look for rule name that matches field value text
                if (Lex.Eq(rule.Name, e.DisplayText) || Lex.Eq(rule.Value, e.DisplayText))
                    if (!Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(rule.Name))
                        txt = rule.Name;                                                    // display rule name if defined
                        txt = e.DisplayText;                      // otherwise display field value
                    Rectangle rect = e.Bounds;
                    ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(e.Graphics, e.Bounds);
                    Brush brush =
                    rect.Inflate(-1, -1);
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, rect);
                    e.Appearance.DrawString(e.GraphicsCache, txt, e.Info.CaptionRect);
                    //e.Appearance.DrawString(e.GraphicsCache, e.Info.Caption, e.Info.CaptionRect);
                    foreach (DevExpress.Utils.Drawing.DrawElementInfo info in e.Info.InnerElements)
                        DevExpress.Utils.Drawing.ObjectPainter.DrawObject(e.GraphicsCache, info.ElementPainter,
                    e.Handled = true;

                    //e.Painter.DrawObject(e.Info); // change tone of skin
                    //e.Graphics.FillRectangle(e.GraphicsCache.GetSolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, 0, 0, 200)), e.Bounds);
                    //e.Handled = true;
