Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridPanel"></param>
        /// <param name="qm"></param>

        public static void DisplayData(
            MoleculeGridPanel gridPanel,
            QueryManager qm)
            if (gridPanel == null)             // if grid panel not defined assume display is in normal results panel
                gridPanel = SessionManager.Instance.QueryResultsControl.MoleculeGridPageControl.MoleculeGridPanel;
                QbUtil.SetMode(QueryMode.Browse);                 // put into browse mode

            else if (gridPanel.Parent is PopupGrid)             // display in popup grid
                PopupGrid pug = gridPanel.Parent as PopupGrid;
                pug.Initialize(qm);                 // be sure popup is initialized

            MoleculeGridControl grid = qm.MoleculeGrid;

            gridPanel.Visible = true;
            grid.Visible      = true;
            grid.DataSource   = qm.DataTable;           // set the datasource for the grid to the datatable

Ejemplo n.º 2
/// <summary>
/// Process queued command
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>

        private void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string arg;
            int    i1;


            string cmd = CommandToExecute;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd))

            else if (MoleculeGridControl.IsShowContextMenuCommand(cmd, "ShowContextMenu:TargetContextMenu", out arg))
                SelectedTarget = arg;
                Point ptCursor = Cursor.Position;
                ptCursor = PointToClient(ptCursor);
                TargetContextMenu.Show(ParentControl, ptCursor);                 // show on panel since events lost if on WebBrowser control

            else if ((i1 = Lex.IndexOf(cmd, "ClickFunction")) >= 0)
                cmd = cmd.Substring(i1 + "ClickFunction".Length + 1);                 // get function name
                ClickFunctions.Process(cmd, null);


Ejemplo n.º 3
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the Preview Query and associated QueryManager and Grid View
/// </summary>

        public void InitializeView()
            if (SwQuery != null)

            SwQuery = BuildStructureSearchQuery();
            DataTableMx dt = DataTableManager.BuildDataTable(SwQuery);

            Qm = ToolHelper.SetupQueryManager(SwQuery, dt);

            MoleculeGridPageControl mgpc = MoleculeGridPageControl;

            ToolHelper.SetupGridPanelForDisplay(Qm, mgpc.MoleculeGridPanel);

            MoleculeGridControl grid = mgpc.MoleculeGrid;

            if (grid != null && grid.GV != null)
                grid.GV.IndicatorWidth = 40;                 // narrow indicator col a bit

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Render the view by configuring the control for the current view settings
        /// </summary>

        public override void ConfigureRenderingControl()
            if (Qm == null)

            MoleculeGridControl grid = GridPanel.SelectBaseGridViewGrid(Qm);

            Qm.LinkMember(grid);           // link grid into qm

            DataTableMx dt = Qm.DataTable; // save ref to data table

            grid.DataSource = null;        // clear source for header build
            Qm.DataTable    = dt;          // restore data table in qm

            grid.ShowCheckMarkCol = BaseQuery.ShowGridCheckBoxes;
            grid.FormatGridHeaders(Qm.ResultsFormat);      // qm.MoleculeGrid.V.Columns.Count should be set for proper cols
            grid.Visible = true;                           // now visible

            Qrc.MoleculeGridPageControl = GridPageControl; // link query results to this page

            GridPanel.SetDataSource(Qm, dt);

            ResultsFormatter fmtr = Qm.ResultsFormatter;

            if (fmtr != null && fmtr.FormattingStarted && !fmtr.BrowseExistingResults)              // if already formatting need to start grid display

Ejemplo n.º 5
/// <summary>
/// Complete data retrieval
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
        DialogResult CompleteRetrieval()
            PrintingSystem         ps  = (PrintingSystem)Instance.PrintControl.PrintingSystem;
            PrintableComponentLink pcl = ps.Links[0] as PrintableComponentLink;

            DataTableManager dtm = Qm.DataTableManager;

            if (!dtm.RowRetrievalComplete)
            {                           // be sure we have the complete set of rows
                MoleculeGridControl mg = Qm.MoleculeGrid;
                Qm.MoleculeGrid = null; // don't update the grid itself
                DialogResult dr = dtm.CompleteRetrieval();
                Qm.MoleculeGrid = mg;

                if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel)

            if (Qm.DataTable.Rows.Count != PreviewRowCount)
                pcl.CreateDocument();                 // recreate the document with full set of rows
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Free resources linked to this instance
        /// </summary>

        public void Dispose()

                if (Query != null)
                    Query.FreeControlReferences();                                // just free control references
                if (MoleculeGrid != null)
                if (QueryEngine != null)
                if (DataTableManager != null)

                if (ResultsFormat != null)
                    ResultsFormat.QueryManager = null;
                if (ResultsFormatter != null)
                    ResultsFormatter.QueryManager = null;
                if (StatusBarManager != null)
                    StatusBarManager.QueryManager = null;
                if (QueryExec != null)
                    QueryExec.QueryManager = null;

                QueryResultsControl = null;
                Query            = null;
                DataTableManager = null;
                DataTable        = null;
                ResultsFormat    = null;
                ResultsFormatter = null;
                StatusBarManager = null;
                MoleculeGrid     = null;
                QueryExec        = null;
                QueryEngine      = null;

            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Build the Query, QueryManager and DataTable for the matching structure display
        /// </summary>

        public void BuildStructureDisplayQuery()
            MetaTable mt = MetaTableCollection.Get("QuickSearchRelatedStructures");

            if (mt == null)
                DebugLog.Message("QuickSearchRelatedStructures MetaTable not found");
                RSC.MoleculeGridPageControl.Visible = false;

            Query      q  = ToolHelper.InitEmbeddedDataToolQuery(mt);
            QueryTable qt = q.Tables[0];

            q.UserObject.Name     = qt.MetaTable.Label;
            StructureDisplayQuery = q;

            QueryColumn qc = qt.FirstStructureQueryColumn;

            if (qc != null)             // setup dummy criteria
                ParsedStructureCriteria pssc = new ParsedStructureCriteria();
                pssc.SearchType = StructureSearchType.FullStructure;                 // just full structure search for now
                pssc.Molecule   = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Smiles, "C");        // placeholder structure

                qc.DisplayFormatString = "Highlight=true;Align=true";

            string title = "Related Structures";

            qt.Label = title;

            DataTableMx dt = q.ResultsDataTable as DataTableMx;

            Qm = ToolHelper.SetupQueryManager(q, dt);

            MoleculeGridPageControl mgpc = RSC.MoleculeGridPageControl;
            MoleculeGridPanel       gp   = mgpc.MoleculeGridPanel;

            mgpc.Width  = RSC.Width - 3;            // be sure we have page control correctly sized
            mgpc.Height = RSC.Height - mgpc.Top - 3;

            ToolHelper.SetupGridPanelForDisplay(Qm, mgpc.MoleculeGridPanel, true, true);

            MoleculeGridControl grid = mgpc.MoleculeGrid;

            if (grid != null && grid.GV != null)
                grid.GV.IndicatorWidth = 40;                 // narrow indicator a bit
            //ToolHelper.DisplayData // build and display empty grid for query with columns scaled to fit the grid
            //		(q, dt, RSC.MoleculeGridPageControl.MoleculeGridPanel, true, true);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Static method to show the grid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid"></param>

        public static void Show(MoleculeGridControl grid)
            if (Instance == null)
                Instance = new EditFind();
            Instance.Grid = grid;
            if (Instance.Visible)

            Instance.FindText.Text = "";
            Instance.Progress.Text = "";
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the proper grid, banded or layout, based on the ResultsFormat setting
        /// </summary>

        internal MoleculeGridControl SelectBaseGridViewGrid(QueryManager qm)
            MoleculeGridControl grid;

            //MoleculeGridPanel mgp = new MoleculeGridPanel(); // start with clean grids (not working for some reason)
            //LayoutViewGrid = mgp.LayoutViewGrid;
            //BandedViewGrid = mgp.BandedViewGrid;

            if (qm == null || qm.ResultsFormat == null ||
                qm.ResultsFormat.UseBandedGridView)          // select grid with desired view
                grid = BandedViewGrid;

                grid = LayoutViewGrid;              // show layout form

            if (grid == null)

            Controls.Add(grid);             // add the grid to the grid panel

            grid.Dock         = DockStyle.Fill;
            grid.QueryManager = qm;
            Grid = grid;

            if (qm != null)
                qm.MoleculeGrid = grid;                 // link this grid into query manager
                qm = qm;              // debug;
Ejemplo n.º 10
/// <summary>
/// Retrieval complete. Update cache and request display of values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="r"></param>

        void DepictionRetrievalComplete(IAsyncResult r)
                QeGetAdditionalDataDelegate d = (r as AsyncResult).AsyncDelegate as QeGetAdditionalDataDelegate;

                DepictionRetrievalArgs a = r.AsyncState as DepictionRetrievalArgs;
                int i = SmallWorldData.GetSvgOptionsIndex(a.color, a.align);
                Status[i] = -Status[i];                 // set to negative to indicate complete

                string depictionsListString = d.EndInvoke(r) as string;
                SvgDict[i] = Deserialize(depictionsListString);
                int count = SvgDict[i].Count;

                if (Debug)
                    DebugLog.Message("DepictionRetrievalComplete " + a.reqId + ", Current: " + (a.reqId == CurrentRequestId) +
                                     ", Count: " + count + ", Time: " + LogFile.FormatElapsedTimeInMs(a.startTime));

                if (a.reqId == CurrentRequestId)                 // if latest request then display
                    QueryManager        qm   = a.qm;
                    MoleculeGridControl grid = qm.MoleculeGrid;

                    if (grid.InvokeRequired)                     // use invoke if not on UI thread
                        grid.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(grid.RefreshDataSourceMx));

            catch (Exception ex)
                DebugLog.Message("DepictionRetrievalComplete exception: " + DebugLog.FormatExceptionMessage(ex));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Dispose
        /// </summary>

        public new void Dispose()
            ResultsPage = null;
            PageControl = null;
            View        = null;
            Grid        = null;

            if (LayoutViewGrid != null)

            if (BandedViewGrid != null)


Ejemplo n.º 12
        public bool ProcessInternal(
            WebBrowserNavigatingEventArgs e,
            Control parentControl)
            string url, arg;

            url = e.Url.ToString();

            ParentControl = parentControl;             // panel to attach menu to

            if (!Lex.Contains(url, "mobius/command"))

            int i1 = url.IndexOf("?");

            if (i1 < 0)
            string cmd = url.Substring(i1 + 1);

            cmd = cmd.Replace("%20", " ");             // todo: more complete translation
            Lex lex = new Lex();


            if (MoleculeGridControl.IsShowContextMenuCommand(cmd, "ShowContextMenu:MetaTableLabelContextMenu", out arg))
                SetupTableHeaderPopup(cmd, menuShowDescription, out ShowDescriptionArg,
                                      menuAddToQuery, out AddToQueryArg);
                Point ptCursor = Cursor.Position;
                ptCursor = parentControl.PointToClient(ptCursor);
                MetaTableLabelContextMenu.Show(parentControl, ptCursor);                       // show on panel since events lost if on WebBrowser control

                while (MetaTableLabelContextMenu != null && MetaTableLabelContextMenu.Visible) // keep this visible as long as popup is visible

            else if (MoleculeGridControl.IsShowContextMenuCommand(cmd, "ShowContextMenu:CompoundIdContextMenu", out arg))
                SelectedCid = arg;
                Point ptCursor = Cursor.Position;
                ptCursor = parentControl.PointToClient(ptCursor);
                CidContextMenu.Show(parentControl, ptCursor);                 // show on panel since events lost if on WebBrowser control

                while (CidContextMenu != null && CidContextMenu.Visible)      // keep this visible as long as popup is visible

            else             // queue the command to execute after exiting this event
                CommandToExecute = cmd;
                Timer_Tick(null, null);                 // just call directly for now, may need to fixup later to do after exiting the event

            e.Cancel = true;             // we've taken care of it

Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Display the tool data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qm"></param>
        /// <param name="serializeContentInQuery"></param>

        public static void DisplayDataOld(         // Old version from 1/4/2017
            QueryManager qm,
            MoleculeGridPanel gridPanel,
            bool serializeContentInQuery,
            bool fitDataToGridWidth = false)
            MoleculeGridControl grid = null;

            bool displayAsNormalQueryResults = (gridPanel == null);                                  // if grid panel not defined assume display is in normal results panel
            bool displayAsPopupGrid          = (gridPanel != null && gridPanel.Parent is PopupGrid); // display in popup grid

            Query q = qm.Query;

            q.SetupQueryPagesAndViews();             // be sure we have a default view page

            if (serializeContentInQuery)
            {                                             // no database behind this table so persist within the query
                MetaTable mt = q.Tables[0].MetaTable;     // assume just one metatable
                foreach (MetaColumn mc in mt.MetaColumns) // no criteria allowed
                    mc.IsSearchable = false;

                q.SerializeMetaTablesWithQuery = true;             // if no broker then save the metatable definition
                q.SerializeResultsWithQuery    = true;             // also save results when saving the query
                q.BrowseSavedResultsUponOpen   = true;             // open the results when the query is opened
                q.ResultsDataTable             = qm.DataTable;     // point the query to this results table

            ResultsFormatFactory rff = new ResultsFormatFactory(qm, OutputDest.WinForms);

            rff.Build();                                      // build format
            ResultsFormatter fmtr = new ResultsFormatter(qm); // and formatter

            if (displayAsNormalQueryResults)
                gridPanel = SessionManager.Instance.QueryResultsControl.MoleculeGridPageControl.MoleculeGridPanel;
                QbUtil.AddQuery(qm.Query);                             // add to the list of visible queries
                QueriesControl.Instance.CurrentBrowseQuery = qm.Query; // make it current

            grid = gridPanel.SelectBaseGridViewGrid(qm);

            //if (qm.ResultsFormat.UseBandedGridView)
            //	grid = gridPanel.BandedViewGrid;

            //else grid = gridPanel.LayoutViewGrid;

            qm.MoleculeGrid   = grid;
            grid.QueryManager = qm;

            DataTableMx dt = qm.DataTable;      // save ref to data table

            grid.DataSource = null;             // clear source for header build
            if (fitDataToGridWidth && grid.BGV != null)
                grid.BGV.OptionsView.ColumnAutoWidth = true;                                                     // set view for auto width to fit within view
            qm.DataTable = dt;                                 // restore data table

            qm.DataTableManager.SetResultsKeysFromDatatable(); // set the results keys

            if (displayAsNormalQueryResults)
                QbUtil.SetMode(QueryMode.Browse);                 // put into browse mode
            else if (displayAsPopupGrid)
                PopupGrid pug = gridPanel.Parent as PopupGrid;
                pug.Initialize(qm);                 // be sure popup is initialized

            gridPanel.Visible = true;
            grid.Visible      = true;
            grid.DataSource   = qm.DataTable;           // set the datasource for the grid to the datatable


Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the match counts panel and structure view based on a set of structures and filter values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="excludeCurrentHitList"></param>
        /// <param name="rssrs"></param>

        public void DisplayRelatedStructures(
            List <StructSearchMatch> fml)
            MoleculeMx cs;

            if (fml == null || fml.Count == 0)

            if (StructureDisplayQuery == null)
                BuildStructureDisplayQuery();                                            // initial setup
            Query               q    = StructureDisplayQuery;
            QueryTable          qt   = q.Tables[0];
            DataTableMx         dt   = Qm.DataTable;
            MoleculeGridControl grid = Qm.MoleculeGrid;


            dt.Clear();             // filter table

            HashSet <string> cidSet = new HashSet <string>();

            for (int mi = 0; mi < fml.Count; mi++)             // build and add the rows to the datatable of structures
                StructSearchMatch ssm = fml[mi];
                DataRowMx         dr  = dt.NewRow();
                dr[qt.Alias + ".CompoundId"] = ssm.SrcCid;

                cs = new MoleculeMx(ssm.MolStringFormat, ssm.MolString);
                if (Lex.IsDefined(ssm.SrcCid))
                    cs.SetMolComments("CorpId=" + ssm.SrcCid);                    // Attach CorpId to Molfile so it will be rendered correctly
                if (ssm.SearchType == StructureSearchType.SmallWorld && Lex.IsDefined(ssm.GraphicsString))
                    cs.SvgString = ssm.GraphicsString;

                dr[qt.Alias + ".Structure"]  = cs;
                dr[qt.Alias + ".MatchType"]  = ssm.SearchTypeName;
                dr[qt.Alias + ".MatchScore"] = ssm.MatchScore;
                dr[qt.Alias + ".Database"]   = ssm.SrcName;



            string title = "Related Structures - Matches: " + fml.Count + ", Compound Ids: " + cidSet.Count;

            Qm.MoleculeGrid.SetTableHeaderCaption(0, title);

            if (!RSC.MoleculeGridPageControl.Visible)
                RSC.MoleculeGridPageControl.Visible = true;


Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Link in QueryManager member
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m"></param>

        public void LinkMember(MoleculeGridControl m)
            MoleculeGrid   = m;
            m.QueryManager = this;
Ejemplo n.º 16
/// <summary>
/// Setup & show the dialog
/// </summary>
/// <param name="queryManager"></param>
/// <param name="control"></param>
/// <returns></returns>

        public new static DialogResult Show(
            QueryManager queryManager,
            IPrintable control)
// When the GridView is active we can mostly the standard DevExpress printing stuff.
// We just remove the Checkmark boxes and make sure all data is read in before starting the print.
// However, when LayoutView is active (Cids & structures only) we must work around a couple of issues.
// 1. Use CardView instead of LayoutView because LayoutView cards get split between pages.
// 2. Scaling does not put the proper number of cards per row. Fix by scaling the cards rather
//    than the print Document.
// Print scaling is persisted in Query.PrintScale

            if (Instance == null)
                Instance = new PrintPreviewDialog();
            Instance.Qm = queryManager;
            Query query = queryManager.Query;

            Instance.Control = control;

            if (control is MoleculeGridControl)
                int    printScalePct = query.PrintScale;              // scale the document
                double scale         = printScalePct / 100.0;
                queryManager.ResultsFormat.PageScale = printScalePct; // do view scaling based on printScale

                MoleculeGridControl grid = control as MoleculeGridControl;
                ResultsFormat       rf   = queryManager.ResultsFormat;
                queryManager.DataTableManager.ResetFormattedBitmaps(); // for structures to be redrawn in correct size

                if (rf.UseBandedGridView)                              // hide check mark band for printing
                    BandedGridView bgv = grid.MainView as BandedGridView;
                    if (Lex.Eq(bgv.Bands[0].Name, "CheckMark"))                     // hide checkmark band
                        bgv.Bands[0].Visible = false;

                    if (printScalePct > 0)
                        grid.ScaleBandedGridView(scale);                                        // scale the BandedGridView

                else                 // switch to special card view for printing
                    CardView cv = grid.GetCardView();
                    grid.MainView = cv;
                    string keyLabel = queryManager.Query.Tables[0].MetaTable.KeyMetaColumn.Label;
                    cv.CardCaptionFormat = keyLabel + ": {2}";                     // set proper caption

                    if (printScalePct > 0)
                        grid.ScaleCardView(scale);                                        // scale the CardView

                DialogResult dr = ShowDialog(grid);

                // Reset the grid view

                queryManager.DataTableManager.ResetFormattedBitmaps();  // clear struct bitmaps so they get redrawn in correct size
                queryManager.ResultsFormat.PageScale = query.ViewScale; // switch back to doing view scaling based on viewScale

                if (rf.UseBandedGridView)                               // unhide check mark band
                    BandedGridView bgv = grid.MainView as BandedGridView;
                    bgv.Bands[0].Visible = true;
                    grid.ScaleBandedGridView(query.ViewScale / 100.0);                     // scale back for viewing

                else                 // switch back to layout view
                    grid.MainView = grid.GetLayoutView();



            else if (control is PivotGridControlMx)
                PivotGridControlMx grid = control as PivotGridControlMx;
                DialogResult       dr   = ShowDialog(grid);

            //else if (control is ChartControlMx)
            //	ChartControlMx chart = control as ChartControlMx;
            //	DialogResult dr = ShowDialog(chart);
            //	return dr;

                throw new Exception("Invalid control type: " + control.GetType());