Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override RouteSet LoadInternal(ISqlConnectionInfo connection, int id)
            IDatabase database = connection.Database;

            if (database == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("database", "Error initializing database connection.");
            string sqlCmdText = string.Empty;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT " +
                             RouteSetTable.GetColumnNames("[rs]") +
                             (this.Depth > 0 ? "," + InstanceTable.GetColumnNames("[rs_i]") : string.Empty) +
                             " FROM [core].[RouteSet] AS [rs] ";
                if (this.Depth > 0)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[Instance] AS [rs_i] ON [rs].[InstanceID] = [rs_i].[InstanceID] ";
                sqlCmdText += "WHERE [rs].[RouteSetID] = @RouteSetID;";

                SqlCommand sqlCmd = database.Add(sqlCmdText) as SqlCommand;
                sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RouteSetID", id);
                SqlDataReader sqlReader = database.Add(sqlCmd) as SqlDataReader;

                if (!sqlReader.HasRows || !sqlReader.Read())
                    IMessageBuilder builder = new DbLogMessageBuilder(new LogErrorCode("rs", "loadinternal", "notfound"), "RouteSet could not be loaded by id as it was not found.", sqlCmdText, this, connection, id);
                    if (this.Logger.IsWarnEnabled)

                SqlQuery query = new SqlQuery(sqlReader);

                RouteSetTable rsTable   = new RouteSetTable(query);
                InstanceTable rs_iTable = (this.Depth > 0) ? new InstanceTable(query) : null;

                Instance rs_iObject = (this.Depth > 0) ? rs_iTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                RouteSet rsObject   = rsTable.CreateInstance(rs_iObject);

            catch (Exception ex)
                IMessageBuilder builder = new DbLogMessageBuilder(new LogErrorCode("rs", "loadinternal", "exception"), "RouteSet could not be loaded by id. See exception for details.", sqlCmdText, ex, this, connection, id);
                if (this.Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
                    this.Logger.Error(builder.ToString(), ex);
                throw new DataOperationException(DataOperation.Load, "RouteSet", "Exception while loading RouteSet object from database. See inner exception for details.", ex);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Route Load(ISqlConnectionInfo connection, SqlQueryParameters parameters)
            IDatabase database = connection.Database;

            if (database == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("database", "Error initializing database connection.");
            if (parameters == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parameters");
            string sqlCmdText = string.Empty;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT {0} " +
                             RouteTable.GetColumnNames("[r]") +
                             (this.Depth > 0 ? "," + RouteSetTable.GetColumnNames("[r_rs]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + InstanceTable.GetColumnNames("[r_rs_i]") : string.Empty) +
                             " FROM [core].[Route] AS [r] ";
                if (this.Depth > 0)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[RouteSet] AS [r_rs] ON [r].[RouteSetID] = [r_rs].[RouteSetID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[Instance] AS [r_rs_i] ON [r_rs].[InstanceID] = [r_rs_i].[InstanceID] ";

                parameters.Top = 1;
                sqlCmdText     = parameters.BuildQuery(sqlCmdText);
                SqlCommand sqlCmd = database.Add(sqlCmdText) as SqlCommand;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> argument in parameters.Arguments)
                    sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + argument.Key, argument.Value);

                SqlDataReader sqlReader = database.Add(sqlCmd) as SqlDataReader;

                if (!sqlReader.HasRows || !sqlReader.Read())
                    IMessageBuilder builder = new DbLogMessageBuilder(new LogErrorCode("r", "customload", "notfound"), "Route could not be loaded using custom logic as it was not found.", sqlCmdText, this, connection, parameters);
                    if (this.Logger.IsDebugEnabled)

                SqlQuery query = new SqlQuery(sqlReader);

                RouteTable    rTable      = new RouteTable(query);
                RouteSetTable r_rsTable   = (this.Depth > 0) ? new RouteSetTable(query) : null;
                InstanceTable r_rs_iTable = (this.Depth > 1) ? new InstanceTable(query) : null;

                Instance r_rs_iObject = (this.Depth > 1) ? r_rs_iTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                RouteSet r_rsObject   = (this.Depth > 0) ? r_rsTable.CreateInstance(r_rs_iObject) : null;
                Route    rObject      = rTable.CreateInstance(r_rsObject);

            catch (Exception ex)
                IMessageBuilder builder = new DbLogMessageBuilder(new LogErrorCode("r", "customload", "exception"), "Route could not be loaded using custom logic. See exception for details.", sqlCmdText, ex, this, connection, parameters);
                if (this.Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
                    this.Logger.Error(builder.ToString(), ex);
                throw new DataOperationException(DataOperation.Load, "Route", "Exception while loading (custom/single) Route object from database. See inner exception for details.", ex);
        public List <ApplicationRouteSetMap> LoadMany(ISqlConnectionInfo connection, SqlQueryParameters parameters)
            IDatabase database = connection.Database;

            if (database == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("database", "Error initializing database connection.");
            if (parameters == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parameters");
            string sqlCmdText = string.Empty;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT {0} " +
                             ApplicationRouteSetMapTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm]") +
                             (this.Depth > 0 ? "," + ApplicationTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_a]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + InstanceTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_a_i]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + ApplicationTypeTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_a_at]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + RuntimeTypeTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_a_rt]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 0 ? "," + ServiceTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + ApplicationTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_a]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + ProductTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_p]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + MerchantTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_m]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + ServiceTypeTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_st]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + UserSessionTypeTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_ust]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + CountryTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_c]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + LanguageTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_l]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + ServiceConfigurationTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_sc]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + TemplateTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_t]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 0 ? "," + RouteSetTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_rs]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + InstanceTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_rs_i]") : string.Empty) +
                             " FROM [core].[ApplicationRouteSetMap] AS [arsm] ";
                if (this.Depth > 0)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[Application] AS [arsm_a] ON [arsm].[ApplicationID] = [arsm_a].[ApplicationID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[Instance] AS [arsm_a_i] ON [arsm_a].[InstanceID] = [arsm_a_i].[InstanceID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[ApplicationType] AS [arsm_a_at] ON [arsm_a].[ApplicationTypeID] = [arsm_a_at].[ApplicationTypeID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[RuntimeType] AS [arsm_a_rt] ON [arsm_a].[RuntimeTypeID] = [arsm_a_rt].[RuntimeTypeID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 0)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[Service] AS [arsm_s] ON [arsm].[ServiceID] = [arsm_s].[ServiceID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[Application] AS [arsm_s_a] ON [arsm_s].[ApplicationID] = [arsm_s_a].[ApplicationID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[Product] AS [arsm_s_p] ON [arsm_s].[ProductID] = [arsm_s_p].[ProductID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[Merchant] AS [arsm_s_m] ON [arsm_s].[MerchantID] = [arsm_s_m].[MerchantID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[ServiceType] AS [arsm_s_st] ON [arsm_s].[ServiceTypeID] = [arsm_s_st].[ServiceTypeID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[UserSessionType] AS [arsm_s_ust] ON [arsm_s].[UserSessionTypeID] = [arsm_s_ust].[UserSessionTypeID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[Country] AS [arsm_s_c] ON [arsm_s].[FallbackCountryID] = [arsm_s_c].[CountryID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[Language] AS [arsm_s_l] ON [arsm_s].[FallbackLanguageID] = [arsm_s_l].[LanguageID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[ServiceConfiguration] AS [arsm_s_sc] ON [arsm_s].[ServiceConfigurationID] = [arsm_s_sc].[ServiceConfigurationID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[Template] AS [arsm_s_t] ON [arsm_s].[TemplateID] = [arsm_s_t].[TemplateID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 0)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[RouteSet] AS [arsm_rs] ON [arsm].[RouteSetID] = [arsm_rs].[RouteSetID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[Instance] AS [arsm_rs_i] ON [arsm_rs].[InstanceID] = [arsm_rs_i].[InstanceID] ";

                sqlCmdText = parameters.BuildQuery(sqlCmdText);
                SqlCommand sqlCmd = database.Add(sqlCmdText) as SqlCommand;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> argument in parameters.Arguments)
                    sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + argument.Key, argument.Value);

                SqlDataReader sqlReader = database.Add(sqlCmd) as SqlDataReader;

                if (!sqlReader.HasRows || !sqlReader.Read())
                    IMessageBuilder builder = new DbLogMessageBuilder(new LogErrorCode("arsm", "customloadmany", "notfound"), "ApplicationRouteSetMap list could not be loaded using custom logic as no items were found.", sqlCmdText, this, connection, parameters);
                    if (this.Logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                    return(new List <ApplicationRouteSetMap>());

                SqlQuery query = new SqlQuery(sqlReader);

                ApplicationRouteSetMapTable arsmTable     = new ApplicationRouteSetMapTable(query);
                ApplicationTable            arsm_aTable   = (this.Depth > 0) ? new ApplicationTable(query) : null;
                InstanceTable             arsm_a_iTable   = (this.Depth > 1) ? new InstanceTable(query) : null;
                ApplicationTypeTable      arsm_a_atTable  = (this.Depth > 1) ? new ApplicationTypeTable(query) : null;
                RuntimeTypeTable          arsm_a_rtTable  = (this.Depth > 1) ? new RuntimeTypeTable(query) : null;
                ServiceTable              arsm_sTable     = (this.Depth > 0) ? new ServiceTable(query) : null;
                ApplicationTable          arsm_s_aTable   = (this.Depth > 1) ? new ApplicationTable(query) : null;
                ProductTable              arsm_s_pTable   = (this.Depth > 1) ? new ProductTable(query) : null;
                MerchantTable             arsm_s_mTable   = (this.Depth > 1) ? new MerchantTable(query) : null;
                ServiceTypeTable          arsm_s_stTable  = (this.Depth > 1) ? new ServiceTypeTable(query) : null;
                UserSessionTypeTable      arsm_s_ustTable = (this.Depth > 1) ? new UserSessionTypeTable(query) : null;
                CountryTable              arsm_s_cTable   = (this.Depth > 1) ? new CountryTable(query) : null;
                LanguageTable             arsm_s_lTable   = (this.Depth > 1) ? new LanguageTable(query) : null;
                ServiceConfigurationTable arsm_s_scTable  = (this.Depth > 1) ? new ServiceConfigurationTable(query) : null;
                TemplateTable             arsm_s_tTable   = (this.Depth > 1) ? new TemplateTable(query) : null;
                RouteSetTable             arsm_rsTable    = (this.Depth > 0) ? new RouteSetTable(query) : null;
                InstanceTable             arsm_rs_iTable  = (this.Depth > 1) ? new InstanceTable(query) : null;

                List <ApplicationRouteSetMap> result = new List <ApplicationRouteSetMap>();
                    Instance               arsm_a_iObject   = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_a_iTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                    ApplicationType        arsm_a_atObject  = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_a_atTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                    RuntimeType            arsm_a_rtObject  = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_a_rtTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                    Application            arsm_aObject     = (this.Depth > 0) ? arsm_aTable.CreateInstance(arsm_a_iObject, arsm_a_atObject, arsm_a_rtObject) : null;
                    Application            arsm_s_aObject   = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_aTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                    Product                arsm_s_pObject   = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_pTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                    Merchant               arsm_s_mObject   = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_mTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                    ServiceType            arsm_s_stObject  = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_stTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                    UserSessionType        arsm_s_ustObject = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_ustTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                    Country                arsm_s_cObject   = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_cTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                    Language               arsm_s_lObject   = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_lTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                    ServiceConfiguration   arsm_s_scObject  = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_scTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                    Template               arsm_s_tObject   = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_tTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                    Service                arsm_sObject     = (this.Depth > 0) ? arsm_sTable.CreateInstance(arsm_s_aObject, arsm_s_pObject, arsm_s_mObject, arsm_s_stObject, arsm_s_ustObject, arsm_s_cObject, arsm_s_lObject, arsm_s_scObject, arsm_s_tObject) : null;
                    Instance               arsm_rs_iObject  = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_rs_iTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                    RouteSet               arsm_rsObject    = (this.Depth > 0) ? arsm_rsTable.CreateInstance(arsm_rs_iObject) : null;
                    ApplicationRouteSetMap arsmObject       = (this.Depth > -1) ? arsmTable.CreateInstance(arsm_aObject, arsm_sObject, arsm_rsObject) : null;
                } while (sqlReader.Read());

            catch (Exception ex)
                IMessageBuilder builder = new DbLogMessageBuilder(new LogErrorCode("arsm", "customloadmany", "exception"), "ApplicationRouteSetMap list could not be loaded using custom logic. See exception for details.", sqlCmdText, ex, this, connection, parameters);
                if (this.Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
                    this.Logger.Error(builder.ToString(), ex);
                throw new DataOperationException(DataOperation.Load, "ApplicationRouteSetMap", "Exception while loading (custom/many) ApplicationRouteSetMap object from database. See inner exception for details.", ex);
        protected override ApplicationRouteSetMap LoadInternal(ISqlConnectionInfo connection, int id)
            IDatabase database = connection.Database;

            if (database == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("database", "Error initializing database connection.");
            string sqlCmdText = string.Empty;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT " +
                             ApplicationRouteSetMapTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm]") +
                             (this.Depth > 0 ? "," + ApplicationTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_a]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + InstanceTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_a_i]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + ApplicationTypeTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_a_at]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + RuntimeTypeTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_a_rt]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 0 ? "," + ServiceTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + ApplicationTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_a]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + ProductTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_p]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + MerchantTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_m]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + ServiceTypeTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_st]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + UserSessionTypeTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_ust]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + CountryTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_c]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + LanguageTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_l]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + ServiceConfigurationTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_sc]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + TemplateTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_s_t]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 0 ? "," + RouteSetTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_rs]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + InstanceTable.GetColumnNames("[arsm_rs_i]") : string.Empty) +
                             " FROM [core].[ApplicationRouteSetMap] AS [arsm] ";
                if (this.Depth > 0)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[Application] AS [arsm_a] ON [arsm].[ApplicationID] = [arsm_a].[ApplicationID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[Instance] AS [arsm_a_i] ON [arsm_a].[InstanceID] = [arsm_a_i].[InstanceID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[ApplicationType] AS [arsm_a_at] ON [arsm_a].[ApplicationTypeID] = [arsm_a_at].[ApplicationTypeID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[RuntimeType] AS [arsm_a_rt] ON [arsm_a].[RuntimeTypeID] = [arsm_a_rt].[RuntimeTypeID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 0)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[Service] AS [arsm_s] ON [arsm].[ServiceID] = [arsm_s].[ServiceID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[Application] AS [arsm_s_a] ON [arsm_s].[ApplicationID] = [arsm_s_a].[ApplicationID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[Product] AS [arsm_s_p] ON [arsm_s].[ProductID] = [arsm_s_p].[ProductID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[Merchant] AS [arsm_s_m] ON [arsm_s].[MerchantID] = [arsm_s_m].[MerchantID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[ServiceType] AS [arsm_s_st] ON [arsm_s].[ServiceTypeID] = [arsm_s_st].[ServiceTypeID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[UserSessionType] AS [arsm_s_ust] ON [arsm_s].[UserSessionTypeID] = [arsm_s_ust].[UserSessionTypeID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[Country] AS [arsm_s_c] ON [arsm_s].[FallbackCountryID] = [arsm_s_c].[CountryID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[Language] AS [arsm_s_l] ON [arsm_s].[FallbackLanguageID] = [arsm_s_l].[LanguageID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[ServiceConfiguration] AS [arsm_s_sc] ON [arsm_s].[ServiceConfigurationID] = [arsm_s_sc].[ServiceConfigurationID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "LEFT OUTER  JOIN [core].[Template] AS [arsm_s_t] ON [arsm_s].[TemplateID] = [arsm_s_t].[TemplateID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 0)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[RouteSet] AS [arsm_rs] ON [arsm].[RouteSetID] = [arsm_rs].[RouteSetID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[Instance] AS [arsm_rs_i] ON [arsm_rs].[InstanceID] = [arsm_rs_i].[InstanceID] ";
                sqlCmdText += "WHERE [arsm].[ApplicationRouteSetMapID] = @ApplicationRouteSetMapID;";

                SqlCommand sqlCmd = database.Add(sqlCmdText) as SqlCommand;
                sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ApplicationRouteSetMapID", id);
                SqlDataReader sqlReader = database.Add(sqlCmd) as SqlDataReader;

                if (!sqlReader.HasRows || !sqlReader.Read())
                    IMessageBuilder builder = new DbLogMessageBuilder(new LogErrorCode("arsm", "loadinternal", "notfound"), "ApplicationRouteSetMap could not be loaded by id as it was not found.", sqlCmdText, this, connection, id);
                    if (this.Logger.IsWarnEnabled)

                SqlQuery query = new SqlQuery(sqlReader);

                ApplicationRouteSetMapTable arsmTable     = new ApplicationRouteSetMapTable(query);
                ApplicationTable            arsm_aTable   = (this.Depth > 0) ? new ApplicationTable(query) : null;
                InstanceTable             arsm_a_iTable   = (this.Depth > 1) ? new InstanceTable(query) : null;
                ApplicationTypeTable      arsm_a_atTable  = (this.Depth > 1) ? new ApplicationTypeTable(query) : null;
                RuntimeTypeTable          arsm_a_rtTable  = (this.Depth > 1) ? new RuntimeTypeTable(query) : null;
                ServiceTable              arsm_sTable     = (this.Depth > 0) ? new ServiceTable(query) : null;
                ApplicationTable          arsm_s_aTable   = (this.Depth > 1) ? new ApplicationTable(query) : null;
                ProductTable              arsm_s_pTable   = (this.Depth > 1) ? new ProductTable(query) : null;
                MerchantTable             arsm_s_mTable   = (this.Depth > 1) ? new MerchantTable(query) : null;
                ServiceTypeTable          arsm_s_stTable  = (this.Depth > 1) ? new ServiceTypeTable(query) : null;
                UserSessionTypeTable      arsm_s_ustTable = (this.Depth > 1) ? new UserSessionTypeTable(query) : null;
                CountryTable              arsm_s_cTable   = (this.Depth > 1) ? new CountryTable(query) : null;
                LanguageTable             arsm_s_lTable   = (this.Depth > 1) ? new LanguageTable(query) : null;
                ServiceConfigurationTable arsm_s_scTable  = (this.Depth > 1) ? new ServiceConfigurationTable(query) : null;
                TemplateTable             arsm_s_tTable   = (this.Depth > 1) ? new TemplateTable(query) : null;
                RouteSetTable             arsm_rsTable    = (this.Depth > 0) ? new RouteSetTable(query) : null;
                InstanceTable             arsm_rs_iTable  = (this.Depth > 1) ? new InstanceTable(query) : null;

                Instance               arsm_a_iObject   = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_a_iTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                ApplicationType        arsm_a_atObject  = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_a_atTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                RuntimeType            arsm_a_rtObject  = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_a_rtTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                Application            arsm_aObject     = (this.Depth > 0) ? arsm_aTable.CreateInstance(arsm_a_iObject, arsm_a_atObject, arsm_a_rtObject) : null;
                Application            arsm_s_aObject   = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_aTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                Product                arsm_s_pObject   = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_pTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                Merchant               arsm_s_mObject   = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_mTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                ServiceType            arsm_s_stObject  = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_stTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                UserSessionType        arsm_s_ustObject = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_ustTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                Country                arsm_s_cObject   = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_cTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                Language               arsm_s_lObject   = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_lTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                ServiceConfiguration   arsm_s_scObject  = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_scTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                Template               arsm_s_tObject   = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_s_tTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                Service                arsm_sObject     = (this.Depth > 0) ? arsm_sTable.CreateInstance(arsm_s_aObject, arsm_s_pObject, arsm_s_mObject, arsm_s_stObject, arsm_s_ustObject, arsm_s_cObject, arsm_s_lObject, arsm_s_scObject, arsm_s_tObject) : null;
                Instance               arsm_rs_iObject  = (this.Depth > 1) ? arsm_rs_iTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                RouteSet               arsm_rsObject    = (this.Depth > 0) ? arsm_rsTable.CreateInstance(arsm_rs_iObject) : null;
                ApplicationRouteSetMap arsmObject       = arsmTable.CreateInstance(arsm_aObject, arsm_sObject, arsm_rsObject);

            catch (Exception ex)
                IMessageBuilder builder = new DbLogMessageBuilder(new LogErrorCode("arsm", "loadinternal", "exception"), "ApplicationRouteSetMap could not be loaded by id. See exception for details.", sqlCmdText, ex, this, connection, id);
                if (this.Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
                    this.Logger.Error(builder.ToString(), ex);
                throw new DataOperationException(DataOperation.Load, "ApplicationRouteSetMap", "Exception while loading ApplicationRouteSetMap object from database. See inner exception for details.", ex);