Ejemplo n.º 1
 internal static void dbg(string msg, params object[] @params)
     if (0 != @params.Length)
         msg = string.Format(msg, @params);
     ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage(msg, 1, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER, true);
     if (SettingsInterface.InGameMail())
         UnityEngine.Debug.Log("[MoarKerbals] " + msg);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 //Checks to make sure there is at least one kerbal as a DNA source and that there is room to store the new kerbal
 private bool PartHasRoom(Part part)
     if (!SettingsInterface.RequireLivingKerbal())
         //ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Kloning does not need a living kerbal", 3.5f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
         Utilities.msg("Kloning does not need a living kerbal", 3.5f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
     else if (part.protoModuleCrew.Count == 0)
         Utilities.msg("Kloning requires at least one test subject", 3.5f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
         //Log.dbg(String.Format("Kloning requires at least one test subject, no one in: {0}", part.name.ToString()));
     // Log.dbg("Crew counts {0} = {1}", part.protoModuleCrew.Count, part.CrewCapacity);
     if (part.protoModuleCrew.Count == part.CrewCapacity)
         Utilities.msg("No room left in Kloning Bay", 3.5f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
         //Log.dbg("Kloning requires at least one test subject, No room left in: ", part.name);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private bool GatherResources(Part part)
     //Steps through to gather resources
     for (int i = 0; i < resourceList.Length; i++)
         Log.dbg("GlobalScale: {1}", SettingsInterface.globalKloningCostMultiplier());
         double available = part.RequestResource(resourceList[i], resourceAmounts[i]);
         //Log.dbg("Costs: {1} : resourceAmounts: {2}", res  resList[i], resourceList[i]), available, resourceAmounts[i]);
         if (available != resourceAmounts[i])
             //Upon not having enough of a resource, returns all previously collected
             part.RequestResource(resourceList[i], -available);
             for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                 part.RequestResource(resourceList[j], -resourceAmounts[j]);
             ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Insufficient " + resourceList[i] + " to start Kloning (" + available.ToString() + "/" + resourceAmounts[i].ToString() + ")", 3.5f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);                           return(false);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void ActivateKlone()
            if (PartHasRoom(part) && GatherResources(part))
                System.Random rnd = new System.Random();
                if (accidentRate <= rnd.Next(1, 100))
                    ProtoCrewMember kerbal = HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster.GetNewKerbal();
                    //kerbal.type = ProtoCrewMember.KerbalType.Crew;
                    kerbal.rosterStatus = ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Assigned;

                    if (kerbal.seat != null)

                    Utilities.msg("Kloning Success!  " + kerbal.name + "(Lv " + kerbal.experienceLevel.ToString() + " " + kerbal.experienceTrait.Title + ") has joined your space program");
                    if (SettingsInterface.SoundOn())
                    int    opt     = rnd.Next(0, 100);
                    string culprit = part.protoModuleCrew.First().name;
                    int    count   = part.protoModuleCrew.Count;
                    while (part.protoModuleCrew.Count > 0)
                        ProtoCrewMember crewman = part.protoModuleCrew.First();
                        // crewman.rosterStatus = ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Missing;
                    if (count > 1)
                        if (opt < 30)
                            Utilities.msg("A power surge opens a portal to R'lyeh and all your test subjects vanish!");
                        else if (opt < 60)
                            Utilities.msg("Your Kerbals are lost in the Matrix!");
                        else if (opt < 85)
                            Utilities.msg("Radiation turns " + culprit + " into a monstrous creature from the deep who eats your other kerbals before shambling off!");
                            Utilities.msg("The Kloning process failed.  This is going to take some cleaning.");
                        if (opt < 30)
                            Utilities.msg(culprit + " comes out with a goatee, yelling something about a Terran Empire.");
                        else if (opt < 60)
                            Utilities.msg(culprit + " mutates into a giant fly, but goes on to have a successful movie career.");
                        else if (opt < 80)
                            Utilities.msg("You find the bay empty, a note pinned to the wall 'Gone back to the future'");
                            Utilities.msg("The Kloning process failed.  You lost " + culprit + ", but at least you have pizza now.");
                    if (SettingsInterface.SoundOn())
Ejemplo n.º 5
 //Checks to make sure there is at least one kerbal as a DNA source and that there is room to store the new kerbal
 private bool PartHasRoom(Part part)
     if ((part.protoModuleCrew.Count < part.CrewCapacity) && ((part.protoModuleCrew.Count > 0) || SettingsInterface.RequireLivingKerbal()))
         if (part.protoModuleCrew.Count == 0)
             ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Kloning requires a test subject Kerbal", 3.5f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
         else if (part.protoModuleCrew.Count == part.CrewCapacity)
             ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("No room left in Kloning Bay", 3.5f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        IEnumerator SlowUpdate()
            while (true)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds((float)SettingsInterface.slowUpdateTime()));

                if (!readyToKuddle)
                    Events["ActivateKuddling"].guiActive = false;
                if (hasMatingPair && KuddleShackEnabled)
                    if (GatherResources(part, (float)SettingsInterface.slowUpdateTime() / SettingsInterface.kuddleTimeNeeded()))
                        int t = (int)(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - startMatingTimer);
                        if (t > 1f)
                            int days    = t / SECS_IN_DAY;
                            int hours   = (t - days * SECS_IN_DAY) / SECS_IN_HOUR;
                            int minutes = (t - days * SECS_IN_DAY - hours * SECS_IN_HOUR) / SECS_IN_MINUTE;
                            int seconds = t - days * SECS_IN_DAY - hours * SECS_IN_HOUR - minutes * SECS_IN_MINUTE;

                            string time = "";
                            if (t >= SECS_IN_DAY)
                                time += days + " days";
                            if (t >= SECS_IN_HOUR)
                                if (time.Length > 0)
                                    time += ", ";
                                time += hours + " hours";
                            if (t >= SECS_IN_MINUTE)
                                if (time.Length > 0)
                                    time += ", ";
                                time += minutes + " minutes";
                            if (time.Length > 0)
                                time += ", ";
                            time += seconds + " seconds";
                            Logging.Msg(Localizer.Format("#MOAR-Kuddle-01", time.ToString()));

                            timeRemaining = $" {time}";

                        if (Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - startMatingTimer >= SettingsInterface.kuddleTimeNeeded())
                            readyToKuddle = true;
                            Events["ActivateKuddling"].guiActive = true;
                            Logging.Msg(s: Localizer.Format("#MOAR-Kuddle-02")); // "Minimum Kuddle Time Reached"
                        readyToKuddle = false;