Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static XDoc GetCommentXmlAsAtom(IList <CommentBE> comments, XUri feedUri, PageBE page)
            var       resources = DekiContext.Current.Resources;
            string    title     = resources.Localize(DekiResources.COMMENT_FOR(page.Title.AsUserFriendlyName()));
            XAtomFeed feed      = new XAtomFeed(title, feedUri, DateTime.UtcNow);

            feed.AddLink(PageBL.GetUriUi(page), XAtomBase.LinkRelation.Alternate, MimeType.XHTML, null, page.Title.AsUserFriendlyName());
            feed.Id = feedUri;

            foreach (CommentBE c in comments)
                UserBE posterUser = UserBL.GetUserById(c.PosterUserId);
                title = c.Title;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                    title = resources.Localize(DekiResources.COMMENT_BY_TO(posterUser.Name, page.Title.AsUserFriendlyName()));
                XAtomEntry entry = feed.StartEntry(title, c.CreateDate, (c.LastEditDate == null || c.LastEditDate == DateTime.MinValue) ? c.CreateDate : c.LastEditDate.Value);
                entry.Id = GetUri(c);
                entry.AddAuthor(posterUser.Name, UserBL.GetUriUiHomePage(posterUser), posterUser.Email);
                MimeType commentMimetype;
                MimeType.TryParse(c.ContentMimeType, out commentMimetype);

                XUri entryLink = PageBL.GetUriUi(page).WithFragment("comment" + c.Number);
                entry.AddLink(entryLink, XAtomBase.LinkRelation.Alternate, null, null, null);
                entry.AddLink(GetUri(c).At("content"), XAtomBase.LinkRelation.Enclosure, commentMimetype, c.Content.Length, "content");

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static XDoc AppendBanXml(XDoc doc, BanBE ban)
            UserBE createdBy = UserBL.GetUserById(ban.ByUserId);

            doc.Attr("id", ban.Id);
            doc.Attr("href", DekiContext.Current.ApiUri.At("site", "bans", ban.Id.ToString()));
            if (createdBy != null)
                doc.Add(UserBL.GetUserXml(createdBy, "createdby", Utils.ShowPrivateUserInfo(createdBy)));
            doc.Elem("date.modified", ban.LastEdit);
            doc.Elem("description", ban.Reason);
            doc.Elem("date.expires", ban.Expires);
            doc.Add(PermissionsBL.GetPermissionXml(ban.RevokeMask, "revoked"));
            if (ban.BanAddresses != null)
                foreach (string address in ban.BanAddresses)
                    doc.Elem("address", address);
            if (ban.BanUserIds != null)
                var banUsers = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Users_GetByIds(ban.BanUserIds);
                foreach (UserBE u in banUsers)
                    doc.Add(UserBL.GetUserXml(u, null, Utils.ShowPrivateUserInfo(createdBy)));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static UserBE CreateNewUser(UserBE newUser)
            if (newUser == null)

            //throw exception if licensing does not allow creation of another user

            if (newUser.RoleId == 0)
                RoleBE defaultRole = PermissionsBL.RetrieveDefaultRoleForNewAccounts();
                if (defaultRole != null)
                    newUser.RoleId = defaultRole.ID;

            newUser.CreateTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            uint userId = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Users_Insert(newUser);

            if (userId == 0)

            newUser.ID = userId;

            PageBE userHomepage = null;

            try {
                // User homepages are created upon user creation (an attempt to create user homepages may also be done upon login)
                userHomepage = PageBL.CreateUserHomePage(newUser);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                _log.WarnExceptionFormat(e, "Error creating user page for {0}", newUser);
            if (userHomepage != null)
                var rcUser = UserBL.GetUserById(userHomepage.UserID) ?? DekiContext.Current.User ?? newUser;
                RecentChangeBL.AddUserCreatedRecentChange(DekiContext.Current.Now, userHomepage, rcUser, DekiResources.USER_ADDED(newUser.Name));
            DekiContext.Current.Instance.EventSink.UserCreate(DekiContext.Current.Now, newUser);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static UserBE ValidateAuthToken(string authToken, bool impersonationOnly)
            var context  = DekiContext.Current;
            var token    = ParseToken(authToken);
            var instance = context.Instance;

            if (token == null)
            UserBE user;

            if (token.IsImpersonationToken)
                if (ValidateImpersonationToken(context, token))
                    user = string.IsNullOrEmpty(token.Username) ? UserBL.GetUserById(token.UserId) : UserBL.GetUserByName(token.Username);
                    instance.Log.InfoFormat("APIKEY impersonation token provided. Impersonating user '{0}' ({1})", user.Name, user.ID);

            // only allowing impersonation tokens?
            if (impersonationOnly)

            // check timestamp
            if (token.Timestamp < DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(instance.AuthCookieExpirationTime) && instance.AuthCookieExpirationTime.TotalSeconds > 0)

            // retrieve associated user object
            user = UserBL.GetUserById(token.UserId);
            if (user == null)

            // TODO Max: Consider logging this as an intrusion attempt.
            return(authToken == CreateAuthTokenForUser(user, token.Timestamp) ? user : null);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static XDoc GetArchivePageXml(uint pageid)
            XDoc      ret  = XDoc.Empty;
            ArchiveBE page = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Archive_GetPageHeadById(pageid);

            if (page == null)
                throw new PageArchiveLogicNotFoundException(pageid);

            //Retrieve metadata about the deletion to populate page info
            TransactionBE t         = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Transactions_GetById(page.TransactionId);
            DateTime      deleteTs  = DateTime.MinValue;
            UserBE        deletedBy = null;

            if (t != null)
                deletedBy = UserBL.GetUserById(t.UserId);
                deleteTs  = t.TimeStamp;

            return(GetArchivePageXml(ret, page, deletedBy, deleteTs));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        //--- Class Methods ---
        public static UserBE Authenticate(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, uint serviceId, bool autoCreateExternalUser, bool allowAnon, out bool altPassword)
            UserBE user = null;

            altPassword = false;

            // Case 1: username/fullname, password, provider (login window)
            //      1. Validate & retrieve fullname using credentials
            //          Failed -> return null
            //      2. Populate user object
            //          A. Populates user info
            //          B. Populates group info in user object
            //      3. Does fullname exist?
            //          Yes -> Update user (email, fullname, ...)
            //          No  -> Create user
            //      4. Update Group information
            //      5. return user object
            // Case 2: fullname, password (http, api, ...)
            //      1. Lookup full name, exist?
            //          Yes -> return user
            //          No -> return null
            // Case 3: auth-token (header auth)
            //      0. Valid auth token?
            //          No -> return null
            //      1. Lookup user by name
            //          Found -> return user
            //          Else  -> return null

            string    userName      = null;
            string    password      = null;
            UserBE    userFromToken = null;
            ServiceBE authService   = null;

            // Extract authtoken and impersonation authtoken from request.
            // AllowAnon is false when in GET/POST: users/authenticate or when ?authenticate=true.
            // Standard user authtokens are ignored when AllowAnon=false but impersonation tokens are accepted.
            bool impersonationOnly = !allowAnon;

            userFromToken = UserFromAuthTokenInRequest(context, impersonationOnly);

            if (userFromToken == null)
                HttpUtil.GetAuthentication(context.Uri.ToUri(), request.Headers, out userName, out password);

            // check if we need to retrieve authentication service information
            if (serviceId > 0)
                authService = ServiceBL.GetServiceById(serviceId);
                if (authService == null)
                    throw new AuthServiceIdInvalidArgumentException(serviceId);
                if (authService.Type != ServiceType.AUTH)
                    throw new AuthNotAnAuthServiceInvalidArgumentException(serviceId);

            // check if a username was provided
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                //Case 2: Given username + password
                if (authService == null)
                    //Assuming local user or existing external account
                    user = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Users_GetByName(userName);
                    if (user != null)
                        serviceId   = user.ServiceId;
                        authService = ServiceBL.GetServiceById(serviceId);
                        LoginAccessDenied(context, request, userName, null, password);
                if (authService == null)
                    throw new AuthServiceIdInvalidArgumentException(serviceId);
                if (authService.Type != ServiceType.AUTH)
                    throw new AuthNotAnAuthServiceInvalidArgumentException(serviceId);
                if (user == null)
                    //Performing auth on local account
                    if (ServiceBL.IsLocalAuthService(authService))
                        user = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Users_GetByName(userName);
                        //Performing external auth. Lookup by external user name
                        user = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Users_GetByExternalName(userName, authService.Id);
                    if (user != null && user.ServiceId != authService.Id)
                        ServiceBE currentUsersAuthService = ServiceBL.GetServiceById(user.ServiceId);
                        if (currentUsersAuthService != null)
                            throw new AuthLoginExternalUserConflictException(currentUsersAuthService.Description);
                        throw new LoginExternalUserUnknownConflictException();

                //Local account in the db.
                if (user != null && ServiceBL.IsLocalAuthService(authService))
                    //Validate password for local account or validate the apikey
                    if (!IsValidAuthenticationForLocalUser(user, password, out altPassword))
                        // try impersonation using the ApiKey
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) && PermissionsBL.ValidateRequestApiKey())
                            DekiContext.Current.Instance.Log.InfoFormat("user '{0}' authenticated via apikey impersonation", userName);
                            LoginAccessDenied(context, request, userName, user.ID, password);

                // User was not found in the db and not being asked to create it.
                if (user == null && !autoCreateExternalUser)
                    LoginAccessDenied(context, request, userName, null, password);

                // Creating local account if apikey checks out and our authservice is local
                if (user == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) && PermissionsBL.ValidateRequestApiKey() && ServiceBL.IsLocalAuthService(authService))
                    XDoc newUserDoc = new XDoc("user")
                                      .Elem("username", userName);
                    DreamMessage newUserResponse = DekiContext.Current.ApiPlug.At("users")
                                                   .With("apikey", DreamContext.Current.GetParam("apikey", string.Empty))
                    user = UserBL.GetUserById(newUserResponse.ToDocument()["/user/@id"].AsUInt ?? 0);
                    if (user != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                        user = UserBL.SetPassword(user, password, false);

                // Got an external account
                // Passing in the user object from db if it was found.
                List <GroupBE> externalGroups = null;
                if (!ServiceBL.IsLocalAuthService(authService))
                    bool   bypassAuthentication = false;
                    string externalName;
                    if (user == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.ExternalName))
                        externalName = userName;
                        externalName = user.ExternalName;

                    // If apikey is valid, try to bypass auth with the external provider
                    // and only lookup user/group details.
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) && PermissionsBL.ValidateRequestApiKey())
                        DekiContext.Current.Instance.Log.InfoFormat("user '{0}' authenticating being bypassed via apikey impersonation", userName);
                        bypassAuthentication = true;

                    user = ExternalServiceSA.BuildUserFromAuthService(authService, user, userName, bypassAuthentication, externalName, password, out externalGroups);

                // User was not found or did not authenticate with external provider
                if (user == null)
                    LoginAccessDenied(context, request, userName, null, password);
                    //New user creation from external provider
                    if (user.ID == 0)
                        if (!autoCreateExternalUser)
                            LoginAccessDenied(context, request, userName, null, password);
                        //user exists
                        // TODO (steveb): ???
                    if (user.UserActive)
                        user = UserBL.CreateOrUpdateUser(user);
                        if (externalGroups != null)
                            UserBL.UpdateUsersGroups(user, externalGroups.ToArray());
            else if (userFromToken != null)
                // valid token exists that resolved to a user
                user = userFromToken;
            else if (allowAnon)
                // Anonymous user
                user = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Users_GetByName(DekiWikiService.ANON_USERNAME);
            if (user == null)
                //No credentials. Or token not provided or is invalid.
                LoginAccessDenied(context, request, null, null, password);
            else if (!user.UserActive && !PermissionsBL.ValidateRequestApiKey())
                //If a valid api key is provided, override the disabled account flag
                throw new AuthUserDisabledForbiddenException(user.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a user out of an authtoken from a request if it's valid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static UserBE UserFromAuthTokenInRequest(DreamContext context, bool impersonationOnly)
            DreamMessage request   = context.Request;
            string       authToken = context.Uri.GetParam(DekiWikiService.AUTHTOKEN_URIPARAM, null);
            UserBE       user      = null;

            // Check if auth token is in a cookie
            if ((authToken == null) && request.HasCookies)
                DreamCookie authCookie = DreamCookie.GetCookie(request.Cookies, DekiWikiService.AUTHTOKEN_COOKIENAME);
                if ((authCookie != null) && (!authCookie.Expired))
                    authToken = authCookie.Value;

            // Check if auth token is in a header or passed in as query parameter
            authToken = authToken ?? request.Headers[DekiWikiService.AUTHTOKEN_HEADERNAME];

            // Extract user name from auth token if it's valid
            if (authToken != null)
                user = ValidateAuthToken(authToken, impersonationOnly);

                // check whether licensestate prevents user from being authenticated
                var license = DekiContext.Current.LicenseManager;
                LicenseStateType licensestate = license.LicenseState;
                if ((licensestate == LicenseStateType.EXPIRED || licensestate == LicenseStateType.INVALID || licensestate == LicenseStateType.INACTIVE) &&
                    !PermissionsBL.IsUserAllowed(user, Permissions.ADMIN)
                    if (DekiContext.Current.Instance.Log.IsWarnEnabled)
                        switch (licensestate)
                        case LicenseStateType.EXPIRED:
                            DekiContext.Current.Instance.Log.WarnFormat("UserFromAuthTokenInRequest: Expired license {0}, reverting non-admin user to anonymous", license.LicenseExpiration);

                        case LicenseStateType.INVALID:
                            DekiContext.Current.Instance.Log.WarnFormat("UserFromAuthTokenInRequest: Invalid license, reverting non-admin user to anonymous");

                        case LicenseStateType.INACTIVE:
                            DekiContext.Current.Instance.Log.WarnFormat("UserFromAuthTokenInRequest: Inactive license, reverting non-admin user to anonymous");
                    user = null;
                    DekiContext.Current.AuthToken = authToken;
            if (PermissionsBL.ValidateRequestApiKey())
                uint userIdOverride = 0;
                if (uint.TryParse(context.GetParam(DekiWikiService.IMPERSONATE_USER_QUERYNAME, null), out userIdOverride))
                    UserBE userOverride = UserBL.GetUserById(userIdOverride);
                    if (userOverride != null)
                        user = userOverride;
                        DekiContext.Current.Instance.Log.InfoFormat("APIKEY provided. Impersonating user id '{0}': {1}", user.ID, user.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private XDoc AppendFileXml(XDoc doc, ResourceBE file, string fileSuffix, bool?explicitRevisionInfo, UserBE updatedByUser, PageBE parentPage)
            bool   requiresEnd = false;
            string fileElement = string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileSuffix) ? "file" : "file." + fileSuffix;

            if (doc == null || doc.IsEmpty)
                doc = new XDoc(fileElement);
                requiresEnd = true;
            doc.Attr("id", file.MetaXml.FileId ?? 0);
            doc.Attr("revision", file.Revision);
            doc.Attr("res-id", file.ResourceId);
            if (file.IsHidden)
                doc.Attr("hidden", true);
            doc.Attr("href", GetUriInfo(file, explicitRevisionInfo));

            //Description comes from a property
            string description = string.Empty;

            if (!ArrayUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(file.ChildResources))
                ResourceBE descProp = Array.Find(file.ChildResources, p => p != null && p.ResourceType == ResourceBE.Type.PROPERTY && p.Name.EqualsInvariantIgnoreCase(PropertyBL.PROP_DESC));
                if (descProp != null)
                    description = descProp.Content.ToText();
            .Attr("type", file.MimeType == null ? null : file.MimeType.ToString())
            .Attr("size", file.Size);
            if ((file.MetaXml.ImageHeight ?? 0) > 0 && (file.MetaXml.ImageWidth ?? 0) > 0)
                doc.Attr("width", file.MetaXml.ImageWidth.Value);
                doc.Attr("height", file.MetaXml.ImageHeight.Value);
            doc.Attr("href", GetUriContent(file, explicitRevisionInfo));
            doc.End(); //contents
            if ((file.MetaXml.ImageWidth ?? 0) > 0 && (file.MetaXml.ImageHeight ?? 0) > 0)
                string previewMime = AttachmentPreviewBL.ResolvePreviewMime(file.MimeType).ToString();
                .Attr("rel", "thumb")
                .Attr("type", previewMime)
                .Attr("maxwidth", _dekiContext.Instance.ImageThumbPixels)
                .Attr("maxheight", _dekiContext.Instance.ImageThumbPixels)
                .Attr("href", GetUriContent(file, explicitRevisionInfo).With("size", "thumb"));
                if (!file.IsHeadRevision() || (explicitRevisionInfo ?? false))
                    doc.Attr("revision", file.Revision);
                doc.End(); //contents.preview: thumb
                .Attr("rel", "webview")
                .Attr("type", previewMime)
                .Attr("maxwidth", _dekiContext.Instance.ImageWebviewPixels)
                .Attr("maxheight", _dekiContext.Instance.ImageWebviewPixels)
                .Attr("href", GetUriContent(file, explicitRevisionInfo).With("size", "webview"));
                if (!file.IsHeadRevision() || (explicitRevisionInfo ?? false))
                    doc.Attr("revision", file.Revision);
                doc.End(); //contents.preview: webview
            if (updatedByUser != null)
                doc.Add(UserBL.GetUserXml(updatedByUser, "createdby", Utils.ShowPrivateUserInfo(updatedByUser)));
            if (file.ResourceIsDeleted && ((file.ChangeMask & ResourceBE.ChangeOperations.DELETEFLAG) == ResourceBE.ChangeOperations.DELETEFLAG))
                if (updatedByUser != null)
                    doc.Add(UserBL.GetUserXml(updatedByUser, "deletedby", Utils.ShowPrivateUserInfo(updatedByUser)));
            if (file.IsHeadRevision() && !(explicitRevisionInfo ?? false) && !file.ResourceIsDeleted)
                uint filteredCount = _session.Resources_GetRevisionCount(file.ResourceId, DEFAULT_REVISION_FILTER);
                doc.Attr("count", filteredCount);
                doc.Attr("totalcount", file.Revision);
                doc.Attr("href", GetUri(file).At("revisions"));
                if (file.ChangeMask != ResourceBE.ChangeOperations.UNDEFINED)
                    doc.Start("user-action").Attr("type", file.ChangeMask.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()).End();

            //parent page is passed in for verbose output only
            if (parentPage != null)
                doc.Add(PageBL.GetPageXml(parentPage, "parent"));
            if (file.ChildResources != null)
                List <ResourceBE> properties = new List <ResourceBE>();
                foreach (ResourceBE p in file.ChildResources)
                doc = PropertyBL.Instance.GetPropertyXml(properties.ToArray(), GetUri(file), null, null, doc);
            if (file.IsHidden)
                uint?userIdHiddenBy = file.MetaXml.RevisionHiddenUserId;
                if (userIdHiddenBy != null)
                    UserBE userHiddenBy = UserBL.GetUserById(userIdHiddenBy.Value);
                    if (userHiddenBy != null)
                        doc.Add(UserBL.GetUserXml(userHiddenBy, "hiddenby", Utils.ShowPrivateUserInfo(userHiddenBy)));
                doc.Elem("date.hidden", file.MetaXml.RevisionHiddenTimestamp ?? DateTime.MinValue);
                doc.Elem("description.hidden", file.MetaXml.RevisionHiddenComment ?? string.Empty);
            if (requiresEnd)
                doc.End(); //file
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private static XDoc AppendCommentXml(XDoc doc, CommentBE comment, string suffix, bool?includeParentInfo)
            bool   requiresEnd    = false;
            string commentElement = string.IsNullOrEmpty(suffix) ? "comment" : "comment." + suffix;

            if (doc == null || doc.IsEmpty)
                doc = new XDoc(commentElement);
                requiresEnd = true;

            doc.Attr("id", comment.Id).Attr("href", CommentBL.GetUri(comment));

            //include parentinfo by default if the parent page is populated
            PageBE page = PageBL.GetPageById(comment.PageId);

            if (page != null && (includeParentInfo ?? true))
                doc.Add(PageBL.GetPageXml(page, "parent"));

            UserBE posterUser = UserBL.GetUserById(comment.PosterUserId);

            if (posterUser != null)
                doc.Add(UserBL.GetUserXml(posterUser, "createdby", Utils.ShowPrivateUserInfo(posterUser)));

            //Note (MaxM): Replytoid/replies not yet exposed
            //if (ReplyToId.HasValue) {
            //    doc.Start("comment.replyto")
            //        .Attr("number", ReplyToId.Value.ToString())
            //        .Attr("href", DekiContext.Current.ApiUri.At("pages", PageId.ToString(), "comments", ReplyToId.Value.ToString())).End();

            bool displayContent = true;

            //Only display content for nondeleted comments or for admins
            if (comment.IsCommentMarkedAsDeleted)
                displayContent = PermissionsBL.IsUserAllowed(DekiContext.Current.User, Permissions.ADMIN);

            if (displayContent)
                .Attr("type", comment.ContentMimeType)
                .Attr("href", CommentBL.GetUri(comment).At("content"))

            if (comment.LastEditUserId.HasValue)
                UserBE lastEditUser = UserBL.GetUserById(comment.LastEditUserId.Value);
                if (null != lastEditUser)
                    doc.Add(UserBL.GetUserXml(lastEditUser, "editedby", Utils.ShowPrivateUserInfo(lastEditUser)));

            if (comment.IsCommentMarkedAsDeleted && comment.DeleterUserId.HasValue)
                UserBE deleteUser = UserBL.GetUserById(comment.DeleterUserId.Value);
                if (null != deleteUser)
                    doc.Add(UserBL.GetUserXml(deleteUser, "deletedby", Utils.ShowPrivateUserInfo(deleteUser)));

            if (requiresEnd)
                doc.End(); //comment

Ejemplo n.º 10
 //--- Class Methods ---
 public static bool IsSafeMode(PageBE page)
     return(!PermissionsBL.IsUserAllowed(UserBL.GetUserById(page.UserID), page, Permissions.UNSAFECONTENT));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public UserBE GetUserById(uint userId)