Ejemplo n.º 1
        *  Sets the frequency of sinus oscillator.
        *  @param mod pointer on modulator structure.
        *  @param freq frequency of the oscillator in Hz.
        *  @param sample_rate sample rate on audio output in Hz.
        *  @param phase initial phase of the oscillator in degree (0 to 360).
        *  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        void set_sinus_frequency(sinus_modulator mod, float freq, float sample_rate, float phase)
            float w = 2f * Mathf.PI * freq / sample_rate; /* initial angle */
            float a;

            mod.a1 = 2f * Mathf.Cos(w);

            a = (2f * Mathf.PI / 360f) * phase;

            mod.buffer2       = Mathf.Sin(a - w);             /* y(n-1) = sin(-intial angle) */
            mod.buffer1       = Mathf.Sin(a);                 /* y(n) = sin(initial phase) */
            mod.reset_buffer2 = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI / 2f - w); /* reset value for PI/2 */
Ejemplo n.º 2
        *  Gets current value of sinus modulator:
        *  y(n) = a1 . y(n-1)  -  y(n-2)
        *  out = a1 . buffer1  -  buffer2
        *  @param pointer on modulator structure.
        *  @return current value of the modulator sine wave.
        *  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        float get_mod_sinus(sinus_modulator mod)
            float outp;

            outp        = mod.a1 * mod.buffer1 - mod.buffer2;
            mod.buffer2 = mod.buffer1;

            if (outp >= 1.0f)       /* reset in case of instability near PI/2 */
                outp        = 1.0f; /* forces output to the right value */
                mod.buffer2 = mod.reset_buffer2;

            if (outp <= -1.0f)       /* reset in case of instability near -PI/2 */
                outp        = -1.0f; /* forces output to the right value */
                mod.buffer2 = -mod.reset_buffer2;

            mod.buffer1 = outp;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public modulator()
     sinus  = new sinus_modulator();
     triang = new triang_modulator();