public override void Run()
            var prices = GetPrices("SPY").Select(t => t.Item2).ToArray();
            var inputs = prices.Take(prices.Length - 1).ToArray();
            var inputVectors = inputs.Select(i => Vector.FromArray(new[] { i })).ToArray();
            var outputs = prices.Skip(1).ToArray();

            // Set up the GP prior, which will be filled in later
            var prior = Variable.New<SparseGP>().Named("prior");

            // The sparse GP variable - a distribution over functions
            var f = Variable<IFunction>.Random(prior).Named("f");

            // The locations to evaluate the function
            var x = Variable.Observed(inputVectors).Named("x");
            var j = x.Range.Named("j");
            var y = Variable.Observed(outputs, j).Named("y");
            y[j] = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(Variable.FunctionEvaluate(f, x[j]), 0.1);
            var kf = new SquaredExponential(-0.5);

            // The basis
            var rand = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
            var basis = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => Vector.FromArray(new double[1] {i*10})).ToArray();
            //var basis = new Vector[] {
            //    Vector.FromArray(new double[1] {80}),
            //    Vector.FromArray(new double[1] {90}),
            //    Vector.FromArray(new double[1] {100})

            var gp = new GaussianProcess(new ConstantFunction(0), kf);

            prior.ObservedValue = new SparseGP(new SparseGPFixed(gp, basis));
            var engine = new InferenceEngine(new ExpectationPropagation());
            var sgp = engine.Infer<SparseGP>(f);

            var means = sgp.Mean(inputVectors).ToArray();
            var stdDevs = inputVectors.Select(iv => Math.Sqrt(sgp.Variance(iv))).ToArray();

            this.Series = new[]
                new LabelledSeries<Tuple<double,double>>(
                    .Select(i=> Tuple.Create((double)i, inputs[i]))),
                new LabelledSeries<Tuple<double,double>>(
                    "infered mean",
                    .Select(i=> Tuple.Create((double)i, means[i]))),
                new LabelledSeries<Tuple<double,double>>(
                    "infered stddev",
                    .Select(i=> Tuple.Create((double)i, stdDevs[i]))),
Ejemplo n.º 2
		public void Run()
			InferenceEngine engine = new InferenceEngine();
			if (!(engine.Algorithm is ExpectationPropagation))
				Console.WriteLine("This example only runs with Expectation Propagation");
			// The data
			Vector[] inputs = new Vector[] {
				Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {0, 0}),
				Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {0, 1}),
				Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {1, 0}),
				Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {0, 0.5}),
				Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {1.5, 0}),
				Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {0.5, 1.0})
			bool[] outputs = { true, true, false, true, false, false };

			// Open an evidence block to allow model scoring
			Variable<bool> evidence = Variable.Bernoulli(0.5).Named("evidence");
			IfBlock block = Variable.If(evidence);

			// Set up the GP prior, which will be filled in later
			Variable<SparseGP> prior = Variable.New<SparseGP>().Named("prior");

			// The sparse GP variable - a distribution over functions
			Variable<IFunction> f = Variable<IFunction>.Random(prior).Named("f");

			// The locations to evaluate the function
			VariableArray<Vector> x = Variable.Observed(inputs).Named("x");
			Range j = x.Range.Named("j");

			// The observation model
			VariableArray<bool> y = Variable.Observed(outputs, j).Named("y");
			Variable<double> score = Variable.FunctionEvaluate(f, x[j]);
			y[j] = (Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(score, 0.1) > 0);

			// Close the evidence block

			// The basis
			Vector[] basis = new Vector[] {
				Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {0.2, 0.2}),
				Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {0.2, 0.8}),
				Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {0.8, 0.2}),
				Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {0.8, 0.8})

			for (int trial = 0; trial < 3; trial++)
				// The kernel
				IKernelFunction kf;
				if (trial == 0)
					kf = new SquaredExponential(-0.0);
				else if (trial == 1)
					kf = new SquaredExponential(-0.5);
					kf = new NNKernel(new double[] { 0.0, 0.0 }, -1.0);

				// Fill in the sparse GP prior
				GaussianProcess gp = new GaussianProcess(new ConstantFunction(0), kf);
				prior.ObservedValue = new SparseGP(new SparseGPFixed(gp, basis));

				// Model score
				double NNscore = engine.Infer<Bernoulli>(evidence).LogOdds;
				Console.WriteLine("{0} evidence = {1}", kf, NNscore.ToString("g4"));

			// Infer the posterior Sparse GP
			SparseGP sgp = engine.Infer<SparseGP>(f);

			// Check that training set is classified correctly
			Console.WriteLine("Predictions on training set:");
			for (int i = 0; i < outputs.Length; i++)
				Gaussian post = sgp.Marginal(inputs[i]);
				double postMean = post.GetMean();
				string comment = (outputs[i] == (postMean > 0.0)) ? "correct" : "incorrect";
				Console.WriteLine("f({0}) = {1} ({2})", inputs[i], post, comment);