Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>Maps the sliders of the joystick</summary>
        /// <param name="joystick">Joystick for which sliders are mapped</param>
        private void mapSliders(Joystick joystick)
            IList<DeviceObjectInstance> sliders = joystick.GetObjects(
              var unmappedReaders = new Queue<ISliderReader>();

              for (int index = 0; index < sliders.Count; ++index) {
            if (sliders[index].ObjectTypeGuid == ObjectGuid.Slider) {
              ExtendedSliders slider = identifySlider(
            sliders[index].Aspect, sliders[index].ObjectTypeGuid

              // If this slider could not be identified but were still missing one
              // of the two standard sliders, remember it so we can use it in case
              // no exact matches are found for sliders 1 and 2.
              if (slider == 0) {
            if (unmappedReaders.Count < 2) {
              unmappedReaders.Enqueue(createSliderReader(joystick, slider, sliders[index]));
              } else { // Slider was identified, assign it to the next free slot
            if ((this.availableSliders & slider) != 0) {
              if ((this.availableSliders & slider) != 0) {
                slider = 0;

              // If we identified this slider (exactly or by fallback), build a reader
              // for it and store it in the appropriate slot.
              if (slider != 0) {
            this.availableSliders |= slider;
            this.sliderReaders[indexFromSlider(slider)] = createSliderReader(
              joystick, slider, sliders[index]
            } // if
              } // for

              // If sliders 1 and/or 2 are still not provided, use the unidentified
              // sliders we remembered earlier as a fallback solution. These could very
              // well be null, too, in which case the sliders simply aren't there.
              if ((this.sliderReaders[0] == null) && (unmappedReaders.Count > 0)) {
            this.availableSliders |= ExtendedSliders.Slider1;
            this.sliderReaders[0] = unmappedReaders.Dequeue();
              if ((this.sliderReaders[1] == null) && (unmappedReaders.Count > 0)) {
            this.availableSliders |= ExtendedSliders.Slider2;
            this.sliderReaders[1] = unmappedReaders.Dequeue();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Maps the axes of the joystick</summary>
        /// <param name="joystick">Joystick for which axes are mapped</param>
        private void mapAxes(Joystick joystick)
            IList<DeviceObjectInstance> axes = joystick.GetObjects(
              var unmappedReaders = new Queue<IAxisReader>();

              for (int index = 0; index < axes.Count; ++index) {
            if (axes[index].ObjectTypeGuid != ObjectGuid.Slider) {
              ExtendedAxes axis = identifyAxis(
            axes[index].Aspect, axes[index].ObjectTypeGuid

              // If this axis could not be identified but we're still missing one of
              // the standard axes (X, Y, Rx, Ry), remember it so we can later map it
              // to the next unassigned standard axes in case some are left unassigned.
              if (axis == 0) {
            if (unmappedReaders.Count < 4) {
              unmappedReaders.Enqueue(createAxisReader(joystick, axis, axes[index]));
              } else { // Axis identified, build reader and store it
            this.availableAxes |= axis;
            this.axisReaders[indexFromAxis(axis)] = createAxisReader(
              joystick, axis, axes[index]
            } // if
              } // for

              // If the four standard axes are still not completely provided, use
              // the unidentified axis we remembered earlier as a fallback solution.
              if ((this.axisReaders[0] == null) && (unmappedReaders.Count > 0)) {
            this.availableAxes |= ExtendedAxes.X;
            this.axisReaders[0] = unmappedReaders.Dequeue();
              if ((this.axisReaders[1] == null) && (unmappedReaders.Count > 0)) {
            this.availableAxes |= ExtendedAxes.Y;
            this.axisReaders[1] = unmappedReaders.Dequeue();
              if ((this.axisReaders[12] == null) && (unmappedReaders.Count > 0)) {
            this.availableAxes |= ExtendedAxes.RotationX;
            this.axisReaders[12] = unmappedReaders.Dequeue();
              if ((this.axisReaders[13] == null) && (unmappedReaders.Count > 0)) {
            this.availableAxes |= ExtendedAxes.RotationY;
            this.axisReaders[13] = unmappedReaders.Dequeue();