protected async Task <XdtsTokenResponse> FetchXdtsToken(string aadToken, string scid, IEnumerable <string> sandboxes)
            using (var tokenRequest = new XboxLiveHttpRequest())
                HttpResponseMessage response = (await tokenRequest.SendAsync(() =>
                    var requestMsg = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, this.AuthContext.XtdsEndpoint);

                    var requestContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new XdtsTokenRequest(scid, sandboxes));
                    requestMsg.Content = new StringContent(requestContent);

                    // Add the aadToken header without validation as the framework
                    // does not like the values returned for aadTokens for MSA accounts.
                    requestMsg.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("Authorization", aadToken);

                Log.WriteLog("Fetch xdts Token succeeded.");

                var token = await response.Content.DeserializeJsonAsync <XdtsTokenResponse>();

                string key = XdtsTokenCache.GetCacheKey(this.AuthContext.UserName, this.AuthContext.AccountSource, scid, sandboxes);
                this.ETokenCache.Value.UpdateToken(key, token);

        public virtual async Task <string> GetETokenAsync(string scid, IEnumerable <string> sandboxes, bool forceRefresh)
            if (this.AuthContext == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("User Info is not found.");

            if (sandboxes != null && sandboxes.Count() == 0)
                sandboxes = null;

            string eToken = null;

            if (!forceRefresh)
                // return cachaed token if we have one and didn't expire
                string cacheKey =
                    XdtsTokenCache.GetCacheKey(this.AuthContext.UserName, this.AuthContext.AccountSource, scid, sandboxes);
                this.ETokenCache.Value.TryGetCachedToken(cacheKey, out eToken);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eToken))
                var aadToken = await this.AuthContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync();

                var xtdsToken = await this.FetchXdtsToken(aadToken, scid, sandboxes);

                eToken = xtdsToken.Token;
