Ejemplo n.º 1
        ///  <summary>
        ///  Uses a series of API calls to locate a HID-class device
        ///  by its Vendor ID and Product ID.
        ///  </summary>
        ///  <returns>
        ///   True if the device is detected, False if not detected.
        ///  </returns>
        private Boolean FindTheHid(Int32 myVendorID, Int32 myProductID)
            Boolean deviceFound = false;
            String[] devicePathName = new String[128];
            String functionName = "";
            Guid hidGuid = Guid.Empty;
            Int32 memberIndex = 0;
            Boolean success = false;

                myDeviceDetected = false;

                Tracer.Trace(string.Format("FindTheHid(0x{0:X04}, 0x{1:X04})", myVendorID, myProductID));

                //  ***
                //  API function: 'HidD_GetHidGuid

                //  Purpose: Retrieves the interface class GUID for the HID class.

                //  Accepts: 'A System.Guid object for storing the GUID.
                //  ***

                Hid.HidD_GetHidGuid(ref hidGuid);

                functionName = "GetHidGuid";
                Tracer.Trace("  GUID for system HIDs: " + hidGuid.ToString());

                //  Fill an array with the device path names of all attached HIDs.

                deviceFound = MyDeviceManagement.FindDeviceFromGuid(hidGuid, ref devicePathName);

                //  If there is at least one HID, attempt to read the Vendor ID and Product ID
                //  of each device until there is a match or all devices have been examined.

                if (deviceFound)
                    memberIndex = 0;

                        //  ***
                        //  API function:
                        //  CreateFile

                        //  Purpose:
                        //  Retrieves a handle to a device.

                        //  Accepts:
                        //  A device path name returned by SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail
                        //  The type of access requested (read/write).
                        //  FILE_SHARE attributes to allow other processes to access the device while this handle is open.
                        //  A Security structure or IntPtr.Zero.
                        //  A creation disposition value. Use OPEN_EXISTING for devices.
                        //  Flags and attributes for files. Not used for devices.
                        //  Handle to a template file. Not used.

                        //  Returns: a handle without read or write access.
                        //  This enables obtaining information about all HIDs, even system
                        //  keyboards and mice.
                        //  Separate handles are used for reading and writing.
                        //  ***

                        hidHandle = FileIO.CreateFile(devicePathName[memberIndex], 0, FileIO.FILE_SHARE_READ | FileIO.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, IntPtr.Zero, FileIO.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);

                        functionName = "CreateFile";
                        Tracer.Trace("  Returned handle: " + hidHandle.ToString());

                        if (!hidHandle.IsInvalid)
                            //  The returned handle is valid,
                            //  so find out if this is the device we're looking for.

                            //  Set the Size property of DeviceAttributes to the number of bytes in the structure.

                            MyHid.DeviceAttributes.Size = Marshal.SizeOf(MyHid.DeviceAttributes);

                            //  ***
                            //  API function:
                            //  HidD_GetAttributes

                            //  Purpose:
                            //  Retrieves a HIDD_ATTRIBUTES structure containing the Vendor ID,
                            //  Product ID, and Product Version Number for a device.

                            //  Accepts:
                            //  A handle returned by CreateFile.
                            //  A pointer to receive a HIDD_ATTRIBUTES structure.

                            //  Returns:
                            //  True on success, False on failure.
                            //  ***

                            success = Hid.HidD_GetAttributes(hidHandle, ref MyHid.DeviceAttributes);

                            if (success)
                                Tracer.Trace("  HIDD_ATTRIBUTES structure filled without error.");
                                Tracer.Trace("  Structure size: " + MyHid.DeviceAttributes.Size);
                                Tracer.Trace("  Vendor ID: " + Convert.ToString(MyHid.DeviceAttributes.VendorID, 16));
                                Tracer.Trace("  Product ID: " + Convert.ToString(MyHid.DeviceAttributes.ProductID, 16));
                                Tracer.Trace("  Version Number: " + Convert.ToString(MyHid.DeviceAttributes.VersionNumber, 16));

                                //  Find out if the device matches the one we're looking for.

                                if ((MyHid.DeviceAttributes.VendorID == myVendorID) && (MyHid.DeviceAttributes.ProductID == myProductID))

                                    Tracer.Trace("  My device detected");

                                    //  Display the information in form's list box.

                                    Tracer.Trace("Device detected:");
                                    Tracer.Trace("  Vendor ID= " + Convert.ToString(MyHid.DeviceAttributes.VendorID, 16));
                                    Tracer.Trace("  Product ID = " + Convert.ToString(MyHid.DeviceAttributes.ProductID, 16));

                                    myDeviceDetected = true;

                                    //  Save the DevicePathName for OnDeviceChange().

                                    myDevicePathName = devicePathName[memberIndex];
                                    //  It's not a match, so close the handle.

                                    myDeviceDetected = false;
                                //  There was a problem in retrieving the information.

                                Tracer.Trace("  Error in filling HIDD_ATTRIBUTES structure.");
                                myDeviceDetected = false;

                        //  Keep looking until we find the device or there are no devices left to examine.

                        memberIndex = memberIndex + 1;
                    while (!((myDeviceDetected || (memberIndex == devicePathName.Length))));

                if (myDeviceDetected)
                    //  The device was detected.
                    //  Register to receive notifications if the device is removed or attached.

                    success = MyDeviceManagement.RegisterForDeviceNotifications(myDevicePathName, m_mainForm.Handle, hidGuid, ref deviceNotificationHandle);

                    Tracer.Trace("RegisterForDeviceNotifications = " + success);

                    //  Learn the capabilities of the device.

                    MyHid.Capabilities = MyHid.GetDeviceCapabilities(hidHandle);

                    if (success)
                        //  Find out if the device is a system mouse or keyboard.

                        hidUsage = MyHid.GetHidUsage(MyHid.Capabilities);

                        //  Get the Input report buffer size.


                        //  Get handles to use in requesting Input and Output reports.

                        readHandle = FileIO.CreateFile(myDevicePathName, FileIO.GENERIC_READ, FileIO.FILE_SHARE_READ | FileIO.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, IntPtr.Zero, FileIO.OPEN_EXISTING, FileIO.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0);

                        functionName = "CreateFile, ReadHandle";
                        Tracer.Trace("  Returned handle: " + readHandle.ToString());

                        if (readHandle.IsInvalid)
                            exclusiveAccess = true;
                            Tracer.Error("The device is a system " + hidUsage + ". Applications can access Feature reports only.");
                            writeHandle = FileIO.CreateFile(myDevicePathName, FileIO.GENERIC_WRITE, FileIO.FILE_SHARE_READ | FileIO.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, IntPtr.Zero, FileIO.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);

                            functionName = "CreateFile, WriteHandle";
                            Tracer.Trace("  Returned handle: " + writeHandle.ToString());

                            //  Flush any waiting reports in the input buffer. (optional)

                    //  The device wasn't detected.

                    Tracer.Error("Device not found.");
                return myDeviceDetected;
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 2
            public String[] FindTheHids()
                Boolean deviceFound = false;
                String[] devicePathName = new String[128];
                String functionName = "";
                Guid hidGuid = Guid.Empty;
                Int32 memberIndex = 0;
                Int16 myProductID = 0;
                Int16 myVendorID = 0;
                //Int32 product = 0;
                //Int32 vendor = 0;

                Boolean success = false;

                    myDeviceDetected = false;

                    //TODO: WTF is going on with this formatting?
                    //vendor = 0xAFEF;
                    //product = 0x0F01;
                    myVendorID = -20497;
                    myProductID = 3841;

                    //  ***
                    //  API function: 'HidD_GetHidGuid
                    //  Purpose: Retrieves the interface class GUID for the HID class.
                    //  Accepts: 'A System.Guid object for storing the GUID.
                    //  ***
                    Hid.HidD_GetHidGuid(ref hidGuid);

                    functionName = "GetHidGuid";
                    Debug.WriteLine("  GUID for system HIDs: " + hidGuid.ToString());
                    //Console.Out.WriteLine("  GUID for system HIDs: " + hidGuid.ToString());

                    //  Fill an array with the device path names of all attached HIDs.
                    deviceFound = MyDeviceManagement.FindDeviceFromGuid(hidGuid, ref devicePathName);

                    for (int p = 0; p < devicePathName.Length; p++)

                    if (deviceFound)
                        for (int m = 0; m < devicePathName.Length; m++)
                            hidHandle = FileIO.CreateFile(devicePathName[memberIndex], 0, FileIO.FILE_SHARE_READ | FileIO.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, IntPtr.Zero, FileIO.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
                            functionName = "CreateFile";

                            if (!hidHandle.IsInvalid)
                                MyHid.DeviceAttributes.Size = Marshal.SizeOf(MyHid.DeviceAttributes);
                                success = Hid.HidD_GetAttributes(hidHandle, ref MyHid.DeviceAttributes);

                                if (success)
                                    if ((MyHid.DeviceAttributes.VendorID == myVendorID) & (MyHid.DeviceAttributes.ProductID == myProductID))
                                        Debug.WriteLine("  My device detected");
                                        //Console.Out.WriteLine("  My device detected");
                                        myDeviceDetected = true;
                                        //  Save the DevicePathName for OnDeviceChange().
                                        myDevicePathName = devicePathName[memberIndex];
                                        //  It's not a match, so close the handle.
                                        myDeviceDetected = false;
                                    //  There was a problem in retrieving the information.
                                    Debug.WriteLine("  Error in filling HIDD_ATTRIBUTES structure.");
                                    //Console.Out.WriteLine("  Error in filling HIDD_ATTRIBUTES structure.");
                                    myDeviceDetected = false;
                        if (myDeviceDetected)
                            MyHid.Capabilities = MyHid.GetDeviceCapabilities(hidHandle);
                            if (success)
                                //  Find out if the device is a system mouse or keyboard.
                                hidUsage = MyHid.GetHidUsage(MyHid.Capabilities);

                                //  Get the Input report buffer size.
                                //cmdInputReportBufferSize.Enabled = true;

                                //  Get handles to use in requesting Input and Output reports.
                                readHandle = FileIO.CreateFile(myDevicePathName, FileIO.GENERIC_READ, FileIO.FILE_SHARE_READ | FileIO.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, IntPtr.Zero, FileIO.OPEN_EXISTING, FileIO.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0);

                                functionName = "CreateFile, ReadHandle";
                                Debug.WriteLine("  Returned handle: " + readHandle.ToString());
                                //Console.Out.WriteLine("  Returned handle: " + readHandle.ToString());
                                if (readHandle.IsInvalid)
                                    exclusiveAccess = true;
                                    //lstResults.Items.Add("The device is a system " + hidUsage + ".");
                                    //lstResults.Items.Add("Windows 2000 and Windows XP obtain exclusive access to Input and Output reports for this devices.");
                                    //lstResults.Items.Add("Applications can access Feature reports only.");
                                    writeHandle = FileIO.CreateFile(myDevicePathName, FileIO.GENERIC_WRITE, FileIO.FILE_SHARE_READ | FileIO.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, IntPtr.Zero, FileIO.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);

                                    functionName = "CreateFile, WriteHandle";
                                    Debug.WriteLine("  Returned handle: " + writeHandle.ToString());
                                    //Console.Out.WriteLine("  Returned handle: " + writeHandle.ToString());

                                    //  Flush any waiting reports in the input buffer. (optional)

                                //  The device wasn't detected.

                                //lstResults.Items.Add("Device not found.");
                                //cmdInputReportBufferSize.Enabled = false;
                                //cmdOnce.Enabled = true;

                                Debug.WriteLine(" Device not found.");
                                //Console.Out.WriteLine(" Device not found.");
                            //return myDeviceDetected;
                    return devicePathName;
                catch (Exception ex)