Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void BeforeAddOrUpdate(
            ITargetFramework targetFramework,
            IDependency dependency,
            IReadOnlyDictionary <string, IProjectDependenciesSubTreeProvider> subTreeProviderByProviderType,
            IImmutableSet <string>?projectItemSpecs,
            AddDependencyContext context)
            if (dependency.Flags.Contains(DependencyTreeFlags.SdkDependency))
                // This is an SDK dependency.
                // Try to find a resolved package dependency with the same name.

                string packageId = Dependency.GetID(targetFramework, PackageRuleHandler.ProviderTypeString, modelId: dependency.Name);

                if (context.TryGetDependency(packageId, out IDependency package) && package.Resolved)
                    // Set to resolved, and copy dependencies.

                                       schemaName: ResolvedSdkReference.SchemaName));
            else if (dependency.Flags.Contains(DependencyTreeFlags.PackageDependency) && dependency.Resolved)
                // This is a resolved package dependency.
                // Try to find an SDK dependency with the same name.

                string sdkId = Dependency.GetID(targetFramework, SdkRuleHandler.ProviderTypeString, modelId: dependency.Name);

                if (context.TryGetDependency(sdkId, out IDependency sdk))
                    // We have an SDK dependency for this package. Such dependencies, when implicit, are created
                    // as unresolved by SdkRuleHandler, and are only marked resolved here once we have resolved the
                    // corresponding package.
                    // Set to resolved, and copy dependencies.

                                            schemaName: ResolvedSdkReference.SchemaName));

        public override void BeforeAddOrUpdate(
            IDependency dependency,
            IReadOnlyDictionary <string, IProjectDependenciesSubTreeProvider> subTreeProviderByProviderType,
            IImmutableSet <string>?projectItemSpecs,
            AddDependencyContext context)
            if (dependency.Flags.Contains(DependencyTreeFlags.SdkDependency))
                // This is an SDK dependency.
                // Try to find a resolved package dependency with the same name.

                if (context.TryGetDependency(new DependencyId(PackageRuleHandler.ProviderTypeString, dependency.Id), out IDependency package) && package.Resolved)
                    // Set to resolved and clear any diagnostic.

                                       schemaName: ResolvedSdkReference.SchemaName,
                                       diagnosticLevel: DiagnosticLevel.None));
            else if (dependency.Flags.Contains(DependencyTreeFlags.PackageDependency) && dependency.Resolved)
                // This is a resolved package dependency.
                // Try to find an SDK dependency with the same name.

                if (context.TryGetDependency(new DependencyId(SdkRuleHandler.ProviderTypeString, dependency.Id), out IDependency sdk))
                    // We have an SDK dependency for this package. Such dependencies, when implicit, are created
                    // as unresolved by SdkRuleHandler, and are only marked resolved here once we have resolved the
                    // corresponding package.
                    // Set to resolved and clear any diagnostic.

                                            schemaName: ResolvedSdkReference.SchemaName,
                                            diagnosticLevel: DiagnosticLevel.None));

        public override void BeforeAddOrUpdate(
            ITargetFramework targetFramework,
            IDependency dependency,
            IReadOnlyDictionary <string, IProjectDependenciesSubTreeProvider> subTreeProviderByProviderType,
            IImmutableSet <string>?projectItemSpecs,
            AddDependencyContext context)
            IDependency?matchingDependency = null;
            bool        shouldApplyAlias   = false;

            foreach ((string _, IDependency other) in context)
                if (StringComparers.DependencyTreeIds.Equals(other.Id, dependency.Id) ||
                    !StringComparers.DependencyProviderTypes.Equals(other.ProviderType, dependency.ProviderType))

                if (other.Caption.StartsWith(dependency.Caption, StringComparisons.ProjectTreeCaptionIgnoreCase))
                    if (other.Caption.Length == dependency.Caption.Length)
                        // Exact match.
                        matchingDependency = other;
                        shouldApplyAlias   = true;

                    // Prefix matches.
                    // Check whether we have a match of form "Caption (ItemSpec)".

                    string itemSpec = other.OriginalItemSpec;
                    int    expectedItemSpecIndex = dependency.Caption.Length + 2;               // " (".Length
                    int    expectedLength        = expectedItemSpecIndex + itemSpec.Length + 1; // ")".Length

                    if (other.Caption.Length == expectedLength &&
                        string.Compare(other.Caption, expectedItemSpecIndex, itemSpec, 0, itemSpec.Length, StringComparisons.ProjectTreeCaptionIgnoreCase) == 0)
                        shouldApplyAlias = true;

            if (shouldApplyAlias)
                if (matchingDependency != null)
                    // Change the matching dependency's alias too
                    context.AddOrUpdate(matchingDependency.SetProperties(caption: GetAlias(matchingDependency)));

                // Use the alias for the caption
                context.Accept(dependency.SetProperties(caption: GetAlias(dependency)));
                // Accept without changes

        public override void BeforeAddOrUpdate(
            IDependency dependency,
            AddDependencyContext context)
            IDependency?matchingDependency = null;
            bool        shouldApplyAlias   = false;

            foreach ((DependencyId _, IDependency other) in context)
                if (StringComparers.DependencyTreeIds.Equals(other.Id, dependency.Id) ||
                    !StringComparers.DependencyProviderTypes.Equals(other.ProviderType, dependency.ProviderType))

                if (other.Caption.StartsWith(dependency.Caption, StringComparisons.ProjectTreeCaptionIgnoreCase))
                    if (other.Caption.Length == dependency.Caption.Length)
                        // Exact match.
                        matchingDependency = other;
                        shouldApplyAlias   = true;

                    // Prefix matches.
                    // Check whether we have a match of form "Caption (Suffix)".
                    string?suffix = GetSuffix(other);

                    if (suffix != null)
                        int expectedItemSpecIndex = dependency.Caption.Length + 2;             // " (".Length
                        int expectedLength        = expectedItemSpecIndex + suffix.Length + 1; // ")".Length

                        if (other.Caption.Length == expectedLength &&
                            string.Compare(other.Caption, expectedItemSpecIndex, suffix, 0, suffix.Length, StringComparisons.ProjectTreeCaptionIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            shouldApplyAlias = true;

            if (shouldApplyAlias)
                if (matchingDependency != null)
                    // Change the matching dependency's alias too
                    context.AddOrUpdate(matchingDependency.SetProperties(caption: GetAlias(matchingDependency)));

                // Use the alias for the caption
                context.Accept(dependency.SetProperties(caption: GetAlias(dependency)));
                // Accept without changes
